

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY


                                     January 6, 2021

        Introduced by M. of A. ABINANTI -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Real Property Taxation

        AN  ACT  to amend a chapter of the laws of 2020 relating to establishing
          the real property tax exemption task  force,  and  providing  for  its
          powers  and duties, as proposed in legislative bills numbers S. 3679-A
          and A. 3330-A, in relation to the establishment thereof

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The opening paragraph of section 1 of a chapter of the laws
     2  of  2020  relating  to establishing the real property tax exemption task
     3  force, and providing for its powers and duties, as proposed in  legisla-
     4  tive  bills  numbers  S.  3679-A  and  A.  3330-A, is amended to read as
     5  follows:
     6    There is hereby established [within the  department  of  taxation  and
     7  finance]  a  real  property tax exemption task force. The purpose of the
     8  task force shall be to study and prepare a report which  shall  include,
     9  but not be limited to the following:
    10    § 2. Section 2 of a chapter of the laws of 2020 relating to establish-
    11  ing  the  real  property tax exemption task force, and providing for its
    12  powers and duties, as proposed in legislative bills  numbers  S.  3679-A
    13  and A. 3330-A, is amended to read as follows:
    14    §  2.  The  real  property tax exemption task force shall consist of a
    15  total of [seven] nine members and shall include:  [the  commissioner  of
    16  taxation  and finance or his or her designee;] the comptroller or his or
    17  her designee; the attorney general or his or her designee; [one  person]
    18  two  persons  appointed  by  the  temporary president of the senate; one
    19  person appointed by the minority leader of the senate; [one person]  two
    20  persons  appointed  by  the  speaker  of  the assembly; [and] one person
    21  appointed by the minority leader of the assembly; and the  president  of
    22  the  New  York  State Assessors Association or his or her designee.  All

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 971                              2

     1  appointees to the real property tax exemption task force shall  be  made
     2  no  later  than  thirty  days  after the effective date of this act. Any
     3  vacancy shall be filled by the appointing authority.
     4    § 3. Section 4 of a chapter of the laws of 2020 relating to establish-
     5  ing  the  real  property tax exemption task force, and providing for its
     6  powers and duties, as proposed in legislative bills  numbers  S.  3679-A
     7  and A. 3330-A, is amended to read as follows:
     8    §  4.  The  department  of taxation and finance shall provide the real
     9  property tax exemption task force with such [facilities, assistance, and
    10  data as will enable such] data obtained by the department  from  assess-
    11  ment rolls and assessors' reports as the task force may require to carry
    12  out its powers and duties. To the extent practicable, such data shall be
    13  provided  in  a  format in accordance with the standards outlined in the
    14  New York State Open Data Handbook pursuant to  Executive  Order  ninety-
    15  five of two thousand thirteen.
    16    §  4.  This  act  shall  take  effect on the same date and in the same
    17  manner as a chapter of the laws of 2020  relating  to  establishing  the
    18  real property tax exemption task force, and providing for its powers and
    19  duties,  as  proposed  in  legislative  bills  numbers  S. 3679-A and A.
    20  3330-A, takes effect.