S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                    January 9, 2013
       Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  KELLNER, RAIA, McDONOUGH, ROBINSON, RABBITT,
         sored  by  --  M. of A. DUPREY, FINCH -- read once and referred to the
         Committee on Education
       AN ACT to amend the education law,  in  relation  to  eliminating  state
         review officers; and to repeal certain provisions of the education law
         and the civil practice law and rules relating thereto
    1    Section 1. Paragraph c of subdivision 1 of section 4404 of the  educa-
    2  tion law, as amended by section 1 of chapter 583 of the laws of 2007, is
    3  amended to read as follows:
    4    c.  Individuals so appointed by a board of education or a state agency
    5  shall be selected from a list of available  impartial  hearing  officers
    6  who  have  successfully  completed an impartial hearing officer training
    7  program conducted by the department according to  a  rotation  selection
    8  process  prescribed  in  regulations  of the commissioner; except that a
    9  city school district of a city having a  population  of  more  than  one
   10  million  inhabitants shall be exempt from such regulations to the extent
   11  it maintains its rotational selection process in effect  prior  to  July
   12  first, nineteen hundred ninety-three. A record of proceedings before the
   13  impartial  hearing officer shall be maintained and made available to the
   14  parties, and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the regu-
   15  lations of the commissioner. The board of education or trustees  of  the
   16  school  district or the state agency responsible for providing education
   17  to students with disabilities shall have the burden of proof,  including
   18  the burden of persuasion and burden of production, in any such impartial
   19  hearing,  except  that  a  parent or person in parental relation seeking
   20  tuition reimbursement for a unilateral parental placement shall have the
   21  burden of persuasion and burden of production on the appropriateness  of
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 969                              2
    1  such  placement.  The decision of the impartial hearing officer shall be
    2  binding upon both parties unless appealed to the [state review  officer]
    3  UNITED  STATES  DISTRICT  COURT.    The  commissioner  shall establish a
    4  department training program which shall be completed to the satisfaction
    5  of  the  commissioner as a condition of certification. Impartial hearing
    6  officers shall have the qualifications specified in  subsection  (f)  of
    7  section  fourteen  hundred  fifteen of title twenty of the United States
    8  code, the implementing federal regulations and the  regulations  of  the
    9  commissioner.  The  commissioner  shall promulgate regulations to ensure
   10  that no individual employed by a  school  district,  school  or  program
   11  serving students with disabilities placed by a school district committee
   12  on  special  education  acts as an impartial hearing officer and that no
   13  individual employed by such schools or programs serves as  an  impartial
   14  hearing  officer for two years following the termination of such employ-
   15  ment. The commissioner shall promulgate regulations establishing  proce-
   16  dures  for  the  suspension  or  revocation of impartial hearing officer
   17  certification for good cause. The commissioner shall  establish  maximum
   18  rates  for the compensation of impartial hearing officers subject to the
   19  approval of the director of the division of the budget.
   20    S 2. Subdivision 1 of section 4404 of the education law, as amended by
   21  section 2 of chapter 583 of the laws of 2007,  is  amended  to  read  as
   22  follows:
   23    1.  If the recommendation of the committee on special education is not
   24  acceptable to the  parent  or  person  in  parental  relationship  of  a
   25  student,  or if the committee or board of education or trustees fails to
   26  make or effectuate such a recommendation within such periods of time  as
   27  may  be  required  by  regulations  of the commissioner, such parents or
   28  persons in parental relationship shall notify the board of education  of
   29  this  situation and the board shall appoint an impartial hearing officer
   30  to hear the appeal and make a determination within such period  of  time
   31  as  the  commissioner  by  regulation shall determine, provided that the
   32  board of education or trustees shall  offer  the  parent  or  person  in
   33  parental  relationship  the  option  of  mediation  pursuant  to section
   34  forty-four hundred four-a of this article as an alternative to an impar-
   35  tial hearing. Individuals so appointed by a board of education shall  be
   36  selected from a list of available hearing officers who have successfully
   37  completed a hearing officer training program conducted by the department
   38  according  to  a rotation selection process prescribed in regulations of
   39  the commissioner; except that a city school district of a city having  a
   40  population  of  more  than  one million inhabitants shall be exempt from
   41  such regulations to the extent it  maintains  its  rotational  selection
   42  process  in effect prior to July first, nineteen hundred ninety-three. A
   43  record of proceedings before the hearing officer shall be maintained and
   44  made available to the parties. The board of education or trustees of the
   45  school district or the state agency responsible for providing  education
   46  to  students with disabilities shall have the burden of proof, including
   47  the burden of persuasion and burden of production, in any such impartial
   48  hearing, except that a parent or person  in  parental  relation  seeking
   49  tuition reimbursement for a unilateral parental placement shall have the
   50  burden  of persuasion and burden of production on the appropriateness of
   51  such placement. The decision of the hearing  officer  shall  be  binding
   52  upon  both  parties unless appealed to the [state review officer] UNITED
   53  STATES DISTRICT COURT.  The commissioner shall  establish  a  department
   54  training  program  which  shall  be completed to the satisfaction of the
   55  commissioner as a condition of  certification.  The  commissioner  shall
   56  develop  and implement a plan to ensure that no individual employed by a
       A. 969                              3
    1  school district, school or program serving  students  with  disabilities
    2  placed  by  a  school district committee on special education acts as an
    3  impartial hearing officer  and  that  no  individual  employed  by  such
    4  schools or programs serves as an impartial hearing officer for two years
    5  following  the  termination of such employment. Such plan shall be fully
    6  implemented no later than July first, nineteen hundred  ninety-six.  The
    7  commissioner  shall  promulgate  regulations establishing procedures for
    8  the suspension or revocation of impartial hearing officer  certification
    9  for  good  cause. The commissioner shall establish maximum rates for the
   10  compensation of impartial hearing officers subject to  the  approval  of
   11  the  director  of  the  division  of  the budget. The commissioner shall
   12  promulgate regulations establishing procedures and timelines  for  expe-
   13  dited  hearings  in  cases  involving:  (a)  review of a decision that a
   14  student with a disability's behavior was not  a  manifestation  of  such
   15  student's  disability,  or  (b)  review of an interim alternative educa-
   16  tional setting or other placement to the extent required  under  federal
   17  law,  or  (c)  a request by the school district for a determination that
   18  maintaining the current educational placement of the student is substan-
   19  tially likely to result in injury to the student or to others.
   20    S 3.  Subdivisions 2 and 3 of section 4404 of the  education  law  are
   21  REPEALED.
   22    S  4.    Paragraph d of subdivision 7 of section 4410 of the education
   23  law is REPEALED.
   24    S 5. Subdivision 5 of section 7803 of the civil practice law and rules
   25  is REPEALED.
   26    S 6. This act shall take effect immediately, provided that the  amend-
   27  ments  to  paragraph c of subdivision 1 of section 4404 of the education
   28  law made by section one of this act shall be subject to  the  expiration
   29  and  reversion of such subdivision pursuant to section 22 of chapter 352
   30  of the laws of 2005, as amended, when upon such date the  provisions  of
   31  section two of this act shall take effect.