

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    January 11, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  BRAUNSTEIN  -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Real Property Taxation

        AN ACT to amend the real property tax law, in relation to authorizing  a
          tax  exemption and a tax abatement for alterations and improvements to
          multiple dwellings for purposes of preserving habitability in afforda-
          ble housing

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Section  489  of  the real property tax law is amended by
     2  adding a new subdivision 21 to read as follows:
     3    21. Affordable housing rehabilitation program.   (a) Definitions.  For
     4  the purposes of this subdivision:
     5    (1) "Affordable rent" shall mean the maximum rent within the marketing
     6  band  that  is  allowed  for  an  affordable rental unit as such rent is
     7  established by the local housing agency.
     8    (2) "Affordable rental unit" shall mean a dwelling unit in an eligible
     9  rental building that:
    10    (A) is affordable to individuals or families  whose  household  income
    11  does  not  exceed eighty percent of the area median income, adjusted for
    12  family size; and
    13    (B) upon  each  subsequent  rental  following  a  vacancy  during  the
    14  restriction period, is rented at or below the applicable affordable rent
    15  and  occupied by an individual or family whose household income does not
    16  exceed eighty percent of the area median  income,  adjusted  for  family
    17  size,  at  the time that such household initially occupies such dwelling
    18  unit, provided that nothing in this subdivision shall prohibit occupancy
    19  by individuals or families whose household income is  less  than  eighty
    20  percent of the area median income, adjusted for family size, nor prohib-
    21  it  the  owner  from requiring occupancy by individuals or families with
    22  such lower household income.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 911                              2

     1    (3) "Certificate of eligibility and  reasonable  cost"  shall  mean  a
     2  document  issued  by  the  local  housing agency that establishes that a
     3  property is eligible for rehabilitation program benefits and sets  forth
     4  the  certified  reasonable  cost  of the eligible construction for which
     5  such benefits shall be received.
     6    (4)  "Certified reasonable cost schedule" shall mean a table providing
     7  maximum dollar limits for specified alterations and improvements, estab-
     8  lished, and updated as necessary, by the local housing agency.
     9    (5) "Checklist" shall mean a document that the  local  housing  agency
    10  issues requesting additional information or documentation that is neces-
    11  sary  for  further  assessment  of  an  application for a certificate of
    12  eligibility and reasonable cost where  such  application  contained  all
    13  information and documentation required at the initial filing.
    14    (6)   "Commencement   date"  shall  mean,  with  respect  to  eligible
    15  construction, the date on which any physical  operation  undertaken  for
    16  the purpose of performing such eligible construction lawfully begins.
    17    (7)   "Completion   date"   shall   mean,  with  respect  to  eligible
    18  construction, the date on which:
    19    (A) every physical operation undertaken for the purpose of all  eligi-
    20  ble construction has concluded; and
    21    (B)  all such eligible construction has been completed to a reasonable
    22  and customary standard that renders such eligible  construction  capable
    23  of  use  for  the  purpose  for  which  such  eligible  construction was
    24  intended.
    25    (8) "Dwelling unit" shall mean  any  residential  accommodation  in  a
    26  class A multiple dwelling that:
    27    (A)  is  arranged,  designed,  used or intended for use by one or more
    28  persons living together and maintaining a common household;
    29    (B) contains at least one room; and
    30    (C) contains within such accommodation  lawful  sanitary  and  kitchen
    31  facilities reserved for its occupants.
    32    (9)  "Eligible  building"  shall  mean an eligible rental building, an
    33  eligible homeownership building, or an eligible regulated  homeownership
    34  building,  provided  that  such building contains three or more dwelling
    35  units.
    36    (10) "Eligible construction" shall mean alterations or improvements to
    37  an eligible building that:
    38    (A) are specifically identified on the certified reasonable cost sche-
    39  dule;
    40    (B) meet the minimum scope of work threshold;
    41    (C) have a completion date that is after June twenty-ninth, two  thou-
    42  sand twenty-three and prior to June thirtieth, two thousand twenty-seven
    43  and  that  is not more than thirty months after their commencement date;
    44  and
    45    (D) are not attributable to any increased cubic content in such eligi-
    46  ble building.
    47    (11) "Eligible homeownership building" shall mean an existing building
    48  that:
    49    (A) is a class A multiple dwelling operated as condominium or  cooper-
    50  ative housing;
    51    (B) is not operating in whole or in part as a hotel; and
    52    (C)  has an average assessed valuation, including the valuation of the
    53  land, that as of the commencement date does not exceed the homeownership
    54  average assessed valuation limitation.

        A. 911                              3

     1    (12) "Eligible regulated homeownership building" shall mean an  exist-
     2  ing  building  that is a class A multiple dwelling owned and operated by
     3  either:
     4    (A)  a mutual company that continues to be organized and operated as a
     5  mutual company and that has entered into and recorded a  mutual  company
     6  regulatory agreement; or
     7    (B)  a mutual redevelopment company that continues to be organized and
     8  operated as a mutual redevelopment company and that has entered into and
     9  recorded a mutual redevelopment company regulatory agreement.
    10    (13) "Eligible rental building" shall mean an existing building that:
    11    (A) is a class A multiple dwelling in which all of the dwelling  units
    12  are operated as rental housing;
    13    (B) is not operating in whole or in part as a hotel; and
    14    (C) satisfies one of the following conditions:
    15    (i) not less than fifty percent of the dwelling units in such building
    16  are affordable rental units;
    17    (ii)  such  building is owned and operated by a limited-profit housing
    18  company; or
    19    (iii) such building  is  the  recipient  of  substantial  governmental
    20  assistance.
    21    (14) "Existing building" shall mean an enclosed structure which:
    22    (A) is permanently affixed to the land;
    23    (B) has one or more floors and a roof;
    24    (C) is bounded by walls;
    25    (D) has at least one principal entrance utilized for day-to-day pedes-
    26  trian ingress and egress;
    27    (E)  has  a certificate of occupancy or equivalent document that is in
    28  effect prior to the commencement date; and
    29    (F) exclusive of the land, has an assessed valuation of more than  one
    30  thousand dollars for the fiscal year immediately preceding the commence-
    31  ment date.
    32    (15)  "Homeownership average assessed valuation limitation" shall mean
    33  an average assessed valuation of forty-five thousand dollars per  dwell-
    34  ing unit.
    35    (16)  "Limited-profit  housing company" shall have the same meaning as
    36  "company" set forth in section twelve of  the  private  housing  finance
    37  law.
    38    (17)  "Market  rental  unit" shall mean a dwelling unit in an eligible
    39  rental building other than an affordable rental unit.
    40    (18) "Marketing band" shall mean maximum  rent  amounts  ranging  from
    41  twenty percent of eighty percent of the area median income, adjusted for
    42  family  size,  to  thirty  percent  of eighty percent of the area median
    43  income, adjusted for family size.
    44    (19) "Minimum scope of work threshold" shall mean a  total  amount  of
    45  certified  reasonable  cost  established by rules and regulations of the
    46  local housing agency, provided that such amount shall be  no  less  than
    47  one thousand five hundred dollars for each dwelling unit in existence on
    48  the completion date.
    49    (20)  "Multiple  dwelling" shall have the meaning set forth in section
    50  four of the multiple dwelling law.
    51    (21) "Mutual company" shall have the  meaning  set  forth  in  section
    52  twelve of the private housing finance law.
    53    (22)  "Mutual  company  regulatory agreement" shall mean a binding and
    54  irrevocable agreement between a mutual company and the  commissioner  of
    55  housing,  the mutual company supervising agency, the New York city hous-
    56  ing development corporation, or the New York state housing finance agen-

        A. 911                              4

     1  cy prohibiting the dissolution or reconstitution of such mutual  company
     2  pursuant  to  section thirty-five of the private housing finance law for
     3  not less than fifteen years  from  the  commencement  of  rehabilitation
     4  program  benefits  for  the existing building owned and operated by such
     5  mutual company.
     6    (23) "Mutual company supervising agency" shall have the same  meaning,
     7  with respect to any mutual company, as "supervising agency" set forth in
     8  section two of the private housing finance law.
     9    (24)  "Mutual  redevelopment  company"  shall have the same meaning as
    10  "mutual" when applied to a redevelopment company as set forth in section
    11  one hundred two of the private housing finance law.
    12    (25) "Mutual redevelopment company regulatory agreement" shall mean  a
    13  binding and irrevocable agreement between a mutual redevelopment company
    14  and  the  commissioner of housing, the redevelopment company supervising
    15  agency, the New York city housing development corporation,  or  the  New
    16  York  state housing finance agency prohibiting the dissolution or recon-
    17  stitution of such mutual redevelopment company pursuant to  section  one
    18  hundred twenty-three of the private housing finance law until the earli-
    19  er of: (A) fifteen years from the commencement of rehabilitation program
    20  benefits  for  the  existing  building owned and operated by such mutual
    21  redevelopment company; or (B) the expiration of any tax exemption grant-
    22  ed to such mutual redevelopment company pursuant to section one  hundred
    23  twenty-five of the private housing finance law.
    24    (26)  "Redevelopment  company"  shall  have  the  meaning set forth in
    25  section one hundred two of the private housing finance law.
    26    (27) "Redevelopment company supervising agency" shall  have  the  same
    27  meaning,  with  respect  to  any  redevelopment company, as "supervising
    28  agency" set forth in section one hundred  two  of  the  private  housing
    29  finance law.
    30    (28)  "Rehabilitation  program  benefits" shall mean exemption from or
    31  abatement of real property taxes pursuant to this subdivision.
    32    (29) "Rent regulation" shall mean, collectively, the emergency housing
    33  rent control law, any local law enacted pursuant to the local  emergency
    34  housing rent control act, the rent stabilization law of nineteen hundred
    35  sixty-nine,  the  rent  stabilization  code,  and  the  emergency tenant
    36  protection act of nineteen seventy-four, all as  in  effect  as  of  the
    37  effective  date  of  the  chapter of the laws of two thousand twenty-two
    38  that added this subdivision, or as any such statute is amended thereaft-
    39  er, together with  any  successor  statutes  or  regulations  addressing
    40  substantially the same subject matter.
    41    (30)  "Restriction period" shall mean, notwithstanding any termination
    42  or revocation of rehabilitation program benefits  prior  to  the  period
    43  described in clause (A) or (B), the following:
    44    (A)  the  period  commencing  on  the restrictive declaration date and
    45  expiring on the fifteenth anniversary thereof, or such additional period
    46  of time as may be imposed pursuant to clause (A) of subparagraph six  of
    47  paragraph (f) of this subdivision; or
    48    (B)  for  an  exemption granted pursuant to clause (B) of subparagraph
    49  one of paragraph (b) of this subdivision, the period commencing upon the
    50  restrictive declaration date and expiring on the date of the  expiration
    51  of  such  exemption, or such additional period of time as may be imposed
    52  pursuant to clause (A) of subparagraph six  of  paragraph  (f)  of  this
    53  subdivision.
    54    (31) "Restrictive declaration" shall mean the document executed by all
    55  parties in interest to an eligible rental building, other than one owned
    56  and  operated  by  a limited-profit housing company, which provides that

        A. 911                              5

     1  such eligible rental building shall comply with the applicable  require-
     2  ments  of  this subdivision, any local law or ordinance enacted pursuant
     3  to this subdivision, and any rules and regulations of the local  housing
     4  agency.
     5    (32)  "Restrictive  declaration date" shall mean the date upon which a
     6  restrictive declaration is recorded and effective  against  an  eligible
     7  rental  building,  other than one owned and operated by a limited-profit
     8  housing company.
     9    (33) "Substantial governmental assistance" shall mean  grants,  loans,
    10  or  subsidies  from  any  federal, state or local governmental agency or
    11  instrumentality in furtherance of  a  program  for  the  development  of
    12  affordable  housing  approved by the local housing agency, provided that
    13  such grants, loans, or subsidies are provided in accordance with a regu-
    14  latory agreement entered into with such agency or  instrumentality  that
    15  is  in effect as of the filing date of the application for a certificate
    16  of eligibility and reasonable cost.
    17    (34) "Substantial interest" shall mean an ownership  interest  of  ten
    18  percent or more.
    19    (b)  Exemption. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other subdi-
    20  vision of this section or of any general, special or local  law  to  the
    21  contrary,  any  city  to  which the multiple dwelling law is applicable,
    22  acting through its local legislative body or other governing agency,  is
    23  hereby  authorized  and  empowered, to and including June thirtieth, two
    24  thousand twenty-six, to adopt and amend local laws or ordinances provid-
    25  ing that:
    26    (A) an eligible rental building in  which  eligible  construction  has
    27  been  completed,  and  which is not the recipient of substantial govern-
    28  mental assistance, shall be exempt from real property taxation for local
    29  purposes as provided herein equal to five percent of the assessed  valu-
    30  ation of such building as of the commencement date;
    31    (B)  an  eligible  rental  building in which eligible construction has
    32  been completed and which is the recipient  of  substantial  governmental
    33  assistance  shall  be  exempt  from  real  property  taxation  for local
    34  purposes as provided herein equal to fifteen  percent  of  the  assessed
    35  valuation of such building as of the commencement date; and
    36    (C)  an  eligible  rental  building  owned by a limited-profit housing
    37  company or redevelopment company, shall not be eligible for an exemption
    38  from real property taxation for local purposes pursuant to this subdivi-
    39  sion.
    40    (2) Such exemption shall begin with the first quarterly tax bill imme-
    41  diately following the restrictive declaration date  and  shall  continue
    42  for a period not to exceed fifteen years in the aggregate, as follows:
    43    (A) except as otherwise provided herein, for ten years, such exemption
    44  shall  be  equal  to the amount of assessed valuation that is subject to
    45  exemption under this paragraph as of the commencement date;
    46    (B) followed by one year of exemption from eighty-three and  one-third
    47  percent of such amount;
    48    (C)  followed  by  one year of exemption from sixty-six and two-thirds
    49  percent of such amount;
    50    (D) followed by one year of  exemption  from  fifty  percent  of  such
    51  amount;
    52    (E)  followed by one year of exemption from thirty-three and one-third
    53  percent of such amount;
    54    (F) followed by one year of  exemption  from  sixteen  and  two-thirds
    55  percent of such amount;

        A. 911                              6

     1    (G)  after which the amount of assessed valuation that had been exempt
     2  is fully taxable.
     3    (3) Notwithstanding subparagraphs one and two of this paragraph:
     4    (A) the owner of any such eligible rental building, shall pay, in each
     5  year  in which rehabilitation program benefits are in effect, real prop-
     6  erty taxes on any amount of the assessed valuation of such building that
     7  is not exempted from real property taxation pursuant to subparagraph two
     8  of this paragraph and for which there is no abatement thereof in accord-
     9  ance with paragraph (c) of this subdivision, as well as  any  such  real
    10  property taxes related to the land portion of such real property; and
    11    (B) if eligible construction is completed on an eligible rental build-
    12  ing  that  is  the recipient of substantial governmental assistance, the
    13  exemption under this paragraph  shall  continue  for  a  period  not  to
    14  exceed,  in the aggregate, the greater of fifteen years or the remaining
    15  term, up to forty years, of the relevant regulatory agreement  with  the
    16  local  housing agency in effect as of the filing date of the application
    17  for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable  cost,  with  the  final
    18  five years of such exemption to be implemented in accordance with claus-
    19  es  (B)  through  (F) of subparagraph two of this paragraph, after which
    20  the assessed value is fully taxable.
    21    (4) Notwithstanding any other provision of this paragraph, no eligible
    22  rental building shall receive concurrent  exemptions  under  this  para-
    23  graph,  and  upon  the commencement of an exemption under this paragraph
    24  for an eligible rental building, any prior exemption  under  this  para-
    25  graph for such eligible rental building still in effect shall immediate-
    26  ly terminate.
    27    (c)  Abatement.  Any  such  local law or ordinance may also provide an
    28  abatement of real property taxes on an eligible building in which eligi-
    29  ble construction has been completed, provided that:
    30    (1) such abatement shall not exceed seventy percent of  the  certified
    31  reasonable  cost of the eligible construction, as determined under rules
    32  and regulations of the local housing agency;
    33    (2) such abatement shall not be effective for more than twenty years;
    34    (3) the annual abatement of  real  property  taxes  on  such  eligible
    35  building  shall  not  exceed  eight  and  one-third percent of the total
    36  certified reasonable cost of such eligible construction;
    37    (4) the annual abatement of  real  property  taxes  on  such  eligible
    38  building in any consecutive twelve-month period shall in no event exceed
    39  the  amount  of  real property taxes payable in such twelve-month period
    40  for such building, provided, however,  that  such  abatement  shall  not
    41  exceed  fifty  percent  of  the amount of real property taxes payable in
    42  such twelve-month period for any of the following:
    43    (A) an eligible rental building  owned  by  a  limited-profit  housing
    44  company or a redevelopment company;
    45    (B) an eligible homeownership building; and
    46    (C) an eligible regulated homeownership building; and
    47    (5) such abatement shall become effective:
    48    (A)  for eligible rental buildings other than those owned and operated
    49  by limited-profit housing companies, beginning with the first  quarterly
    50  tax bill immediately following the restrictive declaration date;
    51    (B) for all other eligible buildings, including eligible rental build-
    52  ings  owned  and operated by limited-profit housing companies, beginning
    53  with the first quarterly tax bill  immediately  following  the  date  of
    54  issuance of the certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost.
    55    (d)  Authority  of city to adopt rules and regulations. Any such local
    56  law or ordinance shall authorize the adoption of rules and  regulations,

        A. 911                              7

     1  not  inconsistent with this subdivision, by the local housing agency and
     2  any other local agency necessary for the implementation of this subdivi-
     3  sion.
     4    (e)  Applications.   (1) Any such local law or ordinance shall require
     5  that an application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost
     6  pursuant to this subdivision be made after the completion  date  and  no
     7  later than four months from such completion date.
     8    (2)  Such  application shall include evidence of eligibility for reha-
     9  bilitation program benefits and evidence of reasonable cost as shall  be
    10  satisfactory  to the local housing agency including, but not limited to,
    11  evidence showing the cost of eligible construction.
    12    (3) The local housing agency shall require a non-refundable filing fee
    13  that shall be paid by a certified check  or  cashier's  check  upon  the
    14  filing of an application for a certificate of eligibility and reasonable
    15  cost.  Such fee shall be (A) one thousand dollars, plus (B) seventy-five
    16  dollars for each dwelling unit in excess of six dwelling  units  in  the
    17  eligible building that is the subject of such application.
    18    (4)  Any  application that is filed pursuant to this paragraph that is
    19  missing any of the information and  documentation  required  at  initial
    20  filing  by  such local law or ordinance and any rules and regulations of
    21  the local housing agency shall be denied, provided that a  new  applica-
    22  tion for the same eligible construction, together with a new non-refund-
    23  able  filing  fee, may be filed within fifteen days of the date of issu-
    24  ance of such denial. If such second application is also missing any such
    25  required information and  documentation,  it  shall  be  denied  and  no
    26  further applications for the same eligible construction shall be permit-
    27  ted.
    28    (5)  The  failure  of  an applicant to respond to any checklist within
    29  thirty days of the date of its issuance  by  the  local  housing  agency
    30  shall  result in denial of such application, and no further applications
    31  for the same eligible construction shall be permitted. The local housing
    32  agency shall issue not more than three checklists  per  application.  An
    33  application  for  a certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost shall
    34  be denied when the local housing agency does not have a sufficient basis
    35  to issue a certificate of eligibility  and  reasonable  cost  after  the
    36  timely  response  of an applicant to the third checklist concerning such
    37  application.  After the local housing agency has denied  an  application
    38  for  the  reason  described in the preceding sentence, such agency shall
    39  permit no further applications for the same eligible construction.
    40    (6) An application for a certificate  of  eligibility  and  reasonable
    41  cost shall also include an affidavit of no harassment.
    42    (A) Such affidavit shall set forth the following information:
    43    (i)  the  name  of  every  owner  of record and owner of a substantial
    44  interest in the eligible building or entity owning the eligible building
    45  or sponsoring the eligible construction; and
    46    (ii) a statement that none of such persons had, within the five  years
    47  prior  to the completion date, been found to have harassed or unlawfully
    48  evicted tenants by judgment or  determination  of  a  court  or  agency,
    49  including  a  non-governmental agency having appropriate legal jurisdic-
    50  tion, under the penal law, any state or local law  regulating  rents  or
    51  any  state  or  local  law relating to harassment of tenants or unlawful
    52  eviction.
    53    (B) No eligible building shall be eligible for an  exemption  pursuant
    54  to  paragraph  (b) of this subdivision or an abatement pursuant to para-
    55  graph (c) of this subdivision where:

        A. 911                              8

     1    (i) any affidavit required under this subparagraph has not been filed;
     2  or
     3    (ii)  any such affidavit contains a willful misrepresentation or omis-
     4  sion of any material fact; or
     5    (iii) any owner of record or owner of a substantial  interest  in  the
     6  eligible  building  or entity owning the eligible building or sponsoring
     7  the eligible construction has been found, by judgment  or  determination
     8  of  a court or agency, including a non-governmental agency having appro-
     9  priate legal jurisdiction, under the penal law, any state or  local  law
    10  regulating  rents  or  any  state or local law relating to harassment of
    11  tenants or unlawful eviction, to have, within the five  years  prior  to
    12  the  completion  date, harassed or unlawfully evicted tenants, until and
    13  unless the finding is reversed on appeal.
    14    (C) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general,  special  or  local
    15  law  to  the  contrary, the corporation counsel or other legal represen-
    16  tative of a city having a population of  one  million  or  more  or  the
    17  district  attorney  of any county, may institute an action or proceeding
    18  in any court of competent jurisdiction that may be appropriate or neces-
    19  sary to determine whether any owner of record or owner of a  substantial
    20  interest in the eligible building or entity owning the eligible building
    21  or  sponsoring  the  eligible  construction  has  harassed or unlawfully
    22  evicted tenants as described in this subparagraph.
    23    (7) Notwithstanding the provisions of any general,  special  or  local
    24  law  to  the contrary, the local housing agency may require by rules and
    25  regulations that an application for a  certificate  of  eligibility  and
    26  reasonable cost be filed electronically.
    27    (f) Additional requirements for an eligible rental building other than
    28  one  owned  and  operated  by a limited-profit housing company. Any such
    29  local law or ordinance shall, in addition to  all  other  conditions  of
    30  eligibility for rehabilitation program benefits set forth in this subdi-
    31  vision,  require  that an eligible rental building, other than one owned
    32  and operated by a limited-profit housing company, also comply  with  all
    33  provisions of this paragraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an eligible
    34  rental  building  that  is  the  recipient  of  substantial governmental
    35  assistance shall not be  required  to  comply  with  the  provisions  of
    36  subparagraph three of this paragraph.
    37    (1)  Notwithstanding any provision of rent regulation to the contrary,
    38  any market rental unit within such eligible rental building  subject  to
    39  rent  regulation  as of the filing date of the application for a certif-
    40  icate of eligibility and reasonable cost and any affordable rental  unit
    41  within such eligible rental building shall be subject to rent regulation
    42  until  such  unit  first  becomes  vacant  after  the  expiration of the
    43  restriction period at which time such unit, unless it would  be  subject
    44  to  rent regulation for reasons other than the provisions of this subdi-
    45  vision,  shall  be  deregulated,  provided,  however,  that  during  the
    46  restriction  period,  no  exemption or exclusion from any requirement of
    47  rent regulation shall apply to such dwelling units.
    48    (2) The owner of an eligible rental building shall execute and  record
    49  a  restrictive  declaration, in a form satisfactory to the local housing
    50  agency, that requires compliance with the provisions  of  this  subdivi-
    51  sion,  such local law or ordinance, and the rules and regulations of the
    52  local housing agency. Such restrictive declaration shall bind the  owner
    53  of such eligible rental building and its successors and assigns, and may
    54  include  such  other  terms  and  conditions as the local housing agency
    55  shall determine.

        A. 911                              9

     1    (3) Additional requirements for an eligible rental  building  that  is
     2  not a recipient of substantial governmental assistance.
     3    (A) Not less than fifty percent of the dwelling units in such eligible
     4  rental  building  shall  be  designated  as affordable rental units. The
     5  restrictive declaration for any such eligible rental building shall  not
     6  be  executed and recorded until leases in accordance with the applicable
     7  provisions of rent regulation have been executed  with  respect  to  all
     8  affordable  rental  units  within  such eligible rental building and all
     9  affordable rental units have been registered  in  accordance  with  such
    10  rent regulation provisions.
    11    (B)  The  owner  of such eligible rental building shall ensure that no
    12  affordable rental unit is held off the market for a period that is long-
    13  er than reasonably necessary. To that end, such owner shall  notify  the
    14  local  housing  agency  of a vacancy of an affordable rental unit within
    15  such rental building during the restriction period no later  than  four-
    16  teen  days  following  such  vacancy, after which such affordable rental
    17  unit shall be marketed in accordance with the rules and  regulations  of
    18  the  local  housing  agency and shall be rented by the owner in a prompt
    19  and timely manner. The local housing agency may impose requirements upon
    20  such owner to facilitate such prompt and timely rental, as set forth  in
    21  rules and regulations of the local housing agency.
    22    (C)  The  owner  of  such  eligible  rental building shall, during the
    23  restriction period, waive the collection of any major  capital  improve-
    24  ment rent increase granted by the New York state division of housing and
    25  community  renewal  pursuant  to rent regulation that is attributable to
    26  eligible construction for which such eligible rental  building  receives
    27  rehabilitation  program  benefits, and shall file a declaration with the
    28  New York state division of housing and community renewal providing  such
    29  waiver.
    30    (D)  An  affordable  rental  unit  shall not be rented on a temporary,
    31  transient or short-term basis.  Every lease and renewal thereof  for  an
    32  affordable  rental  unit shall be for a term of one or two years, at the
    33  option of the tenant, and shall include a  notice  in  at  least  twelve
    34  point type informing such tenant of their rights pursuant to this subdi-
    35  vision,  including  an explanation of the restrictions on rent increases
    36  that may be imposed on such affordable rental unit.
    37    (E) The local housing agency may establish by  rules  and  regulations
    38  such  requirements as the local housing agency deems necessary or appro-
    39  priate for the following:
    40    (i) designating affordable rental units, including,  but  not  limited
    41  to,  designating  the  unit  mix  and  distribution requirements of such
    42  affordable rental units in an eligible building;
    43    (ii) marketing affordable rental units upon any vacancy; and
    44    (iii) monitoring compliance with the provisions of  this  subdivision.
    45  Such  requirements  may include, but need not be limited to, retaining a
    46  monitor approved by the local housing agency and paid for by  the  owner
    47  of the eligible rental building.
    48    (4)  The owner of such eligible rental building shall not engage in or
    49  cause any harassment of the tenants of such eligible rental building  or
    50  unlawfully evict any such tenants during the restriction period.
    51    (5)  No  dwelling  units within such eligible rental building shall be
    52  converted to cooperative or condominium ownership during the restriction
    53  period.
    54    (6) Any  non-compliance  of  an  eligible  rental  building  with  the
    55  provisions  of  this  paragraph shall permit the local housing agency to
    56  take the following action:

        A. 911                             10

     1    (A) extend the restriction period;
     2    (B)  increase  the  number of affordable rental units in such eligible
     3  rental building;
     4    (C) impose a penalty of not more than  the  product  of  one  thousand
     5  dollars  per instance of non-compliance and the number of dwelling units
     6  contained in such eligible rental building; and
     7    (D) terminate or revoke any rehabilitation program benefits in accord-
     8  ance with paragraph (n) of this subdivision.
     9    (g) Compliance with applicable law. Any such local  law  or  ordinance
    10  may  also  provide  that  rehabilitation  program  benefits shall not be
    11  allowed for any eligible building unless and until such eligible  build-
    12  ing complies with all applicable provisions of law.
    13    (h)  Implementation  of rehabilitation program benefits. Upon issuance
    14  of a certificate of eligibility  and  reasonable  cost  and  payment  of
    15  outstanding fees, the local housing agency shall be authorized to trans-
    16  mit  such  certificate  of  eligibility and reasonable cost to the local
    17  agency responsible for real property tax assessment.  Upon receipt of  a
    18  certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost, the local agency respon-
    19  sible for real property tax assessment shall certify the amount of value
    20  to be exempt from taxation and the amount of taxes to be abated pursuant
    21  to  paragraphs (b) and (c) of this subdivision, respectively, and pursu-
    22  ant to such certificate of eligibility and reasonable cost  provided  by
    23  the local housing agency.
    24    (i)  Outstanding  taxes  and  charges. Any such local law or ordinance
    25  shall also provide that rehabilitation program  benefits  shall  not  be
    26  allowed for an eligible building in either of the following cases:
    27    (1) there are outstanding real estate taxes or water and sewer charges
    28  or  payments  in lieu of taxes that are due and owing as of the last day
    29  of the tax period preceding the date of the receipt of  the  certificate
    30  of  eligibility  and reasonable cost by the local agency responsible for
    31  real property tax assessment; or
    32    (2) real estate taxes or water and  sewer  charges  due  at  any  time
    33  during  the  authorized term of such benefits remain unpaid for one year
    34  after the same are due and payable.
    35    (j) Additional limitations on eligibility. Any such local law or ordi-
    36  nance shall also provide that:
    37    (1) rehabilitation program benefits  shall  not  be  allowed  for  any
    38  eligible  building receiving tax exemption or abatement concurrently for
    39  rehabilitation or new construction under any other provision of state or
    40  local law or ordinance with the exception of any  eligible  construction
    41  to an eligible building receiving a tax exemption or abatement under the
    42  provisions of the private housing finance law;
    43    (2)  rehabilitation program benefits shall not be allowed for any item
    44  of eligible construction in an eligible building if such eligible build-
    45  ing is receiving tax exemption or abatement for the same  or  a  similar
    46  item  of eligible construction as of the December thirty-first preceding
    47  the date of application for a certificate of eligibility and  reasonable
    48  cost for such rehabilitation program benefits;
    49    (3)  where the eligible construction includes or benefits a portion of
    50  an eligible building that is not occupied  for  dwelling  purposes,  the
    51  assessed  valuation of such eligible building and the cost of the eligi-
    52  ble construction shall be apportioned  so  that  rehabilitation  program
    53  benefits  shall not be provided for eligible construction made for other
    54  than dwelling purposes; and
    55    (4) rehabilitation program benefits shall not be applied to  abate  or
    56  reduce  the  taxes  upon  the land portion of real property, which shall

        A. 911                             11

     1  continue to be taxed based upon the assessed valuation of the  land  and
     2  the applicable tax rate at the time such taxes are levied.
     3    (k)  Re-inspection penalty. Any such local law or ordinance shall also
     4  provide that if the local housing  agency  cannot  verify  the  eligible
     5  construction  claimed  by  an applicant upon the first inspection by the
     6  local housing agency of the eligible building, such applicant  shall  be
     7  required  to  pay ten times the actual cost of any additional inspection
     8  needed to verify such eligible construction.
     9    (l) Strict liability for inaccurate applications. Any such  local  law
    10  or  ordinance shall also provide that if the local housing agency deter-
    11  mines that an application for a certificate of eligibility  and  reason-
    12  able  cost  contains  a material misstatement of fact, the local housing
    13  agency may reject such application and bar the submission of  any  other
    14  application  pursuant  to this subdivision with respect to such eligible
    15  building for a period not to exceed three years. An applicant shall  not
    16  be relieved from liability under this paragraph because it submitted its
    17  application under a mistaken belief of fact.  Furthermore, any person or
    18  entity  that files more than six applications containing such a material
    19  misstatement of fact within any twelve month period shall be barred from
    20  submitting any new application for rehabilitation  program  benefits  on
    21  behalf of any eligible building for a period not to exceed five years.
    22    (m)  Investigatory  authority.  Any  such local law or ordinance shall
    23  also allow the local housing agency to require such  certifications  and
    24  consents  necessary  to  access records, including other tax records, as
    25  may be deemed appropriate to enforce  the  eligibility  requirements  of
    26  this  subdivision. Any such local law or ordinance shall further provide
    27  that, for purposes of determining and certifying eligibility  for  reha-
    28  bilitation  program  benefits  and  the  reasonable cost of any eligible
    29  construction, the local housing agency shall be authorized to:
    30    (1) administer oaths to and take the testimony of any person,  includ-
    31  ing, but not limited to, the owner of such eligible building;
    32    (2)  issue  subpoenas requiring the attendance of such persons and the
    33  production of any bills, books, papers or other documents as it may deem
    34  necessary;
    35    (3) make preliminary estimates of the maximum reasonable cost of  such
    36  eligible construction;
    37    (4)  establish maximum allowable costs of specified units, fixtures or
    38  work in such eligible construction;
    39    (5) require the submission of plans and specifications of such  eligi-
    40  ble construction before the commencement thereof;
    41    (6) require physical access to inspect the eligible building; and
    42    (7)  on  an  annual  basis,  require  the submission of leases for any
    43  dwelling unit in a building granted a  certificate  of  eligibility  and
    44  reasonable cost.
    45    (n)  Termination  or revocation. Any such local law or ordinance shall
    46  provide that failure to comply with the provisions of this  subdivision,
    47  any  such  local law or ordinance, any rules and regulations promulgated
    48  thereunder, or any restrictive declaration,  mutual  company  regulatory
    49  agreement,  or mutual redevelopment company regulatory agreement entered
    50  into thereunder, may result in revocation of any rehabilitation  program
    51  benefits  retroactive  to  the commencement thereof. Such termination or
    52  revocation shall  not  exempt  such  eligible  building  from  continued
    53  compliance  with the requirements of this subdivision, such local law or
    54  ordinance, such rules and regulations, and such restrictive declaration,
    55  mutual company regulatory agreement,  or  mutual  redevelopment  company
    56  regulatory agreement.

        A. 911                             12

     1    (o)  Criminal  liability  for unauthorized uses. Any such local law or
     2  ordinance shall also provide that in the event  that  any  recipient  of
     3  rehabilitation  program benefits uses any dwelling unit in such eligible
     4  building in violation of the requirements of such local law or ordinance
     5  as  adopted  pursuant  to this subdivision and any rules and regulations
     6  promulgated pursuant thereto, such  recipient  shall  be  guilty  of  an
     7  unclassified misdemeanor punishable by a fine in an amount equivalent to
     8  double the value of the gain of such recipient from such unlawful use or
     9  imprisonment for not more than ninety days, or both.
    10    (p)  Private  right  of  action.  Any  prospective, present, or former
    11  tenant of an eligible rental building may sue to  enforce  the  require-
    12  ments  and prohibitions of this subdivision, any such local law or ordi-
    13  nance, any rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, or any restric-
    14  tive declaration entered into thereunder, in the supreme  court  of  New
    15  York.  Any  such  individual  harmed  by  reason  of a violation of such
    16  requirements and prohibitions may sue therefor in the supreme  court  of
    17  New  York  on  behalf of himself or herself, and shall recover threefold
    18  the damages sustained and the cost of the suit, including  a  reasonable
    19  attorney's  fee.  The  local  housing  agency may use any court decision
    20  under this paragraph that is adverse to the owner of an eligible  build-
    21  ing  as  the  basis  for further enforcement action. Notwithstanding any
    22  other provision of law, an action by a  tenant  of  an  eligible  rental
    23  building  under  this  paragraph must be commenced within six years from
    24  the date of the latest violation.
    25    (q) Appointment of receiver. In addition to the remedies for  non-com-
    26  pliance provided for in subparagraph six of paragraph (f) of this subdi-
    27  vision,  any such local law or ordinance may also provide that the local
    28  housing agency may make application for the appointment of a receiver in
    29  accordance with the procedures contained in such local law or ordinance.
    30  Any receiver appointed pursuant to this paragraph shall  be  authorized,
    31  in  addition  to any other powers conferred by law, to effect compliance
    32  with the provisions of this subdivision, such local  law  or  ordinance,
    33  and  rules and regulations of the local housing agency. Any expenditures
    34  incurred by the receiver to affect such compliance  shall  constitute  a
    35  debt  of  the owner and a lien upon the property, and upon the rents and
    36  income thereof, in accordance with  the  procedures  contained  in  such
    37  local  law  or ordinance. The local housing agency in its discretion may
    38  provide funds to be expended by  the  receiver,  and  such  funds  shall
    39  constitute a debt recoverable from the owner in accordance with applica-
    40  ble local laws or ordinances.
    41    (r)  Authority  of  city  to  limit  local law. Where a city enacts or
    42  amends a local law or ordinance under this subdivision, such  local  law
    43  or  ordinance may restrict, limit or condition the eligibility, scope or
    44  amount of rehabilitation program benefits under the local law  or  ordi-
    45  nance  in  any  manner, provided that the local law or ordinance may not
    46  grant rehabilitation program benefits  beyond  those  provided  in  this
    47  subdivision.
    48    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.