

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY


                                     January 6, 2021

          COLTON, ABINANTI -- read once and referred to the Committee on Health

        AN ACT to amend the public health law and the insurance law, in relation
          to the definition of clinical peer reviewer

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 4900 of the public health law,  as
     2  amended  by  chapter  586  of the laws of 1998, item (B) of subparagraph
     3  (ii) of paragraph (a) as amended by chapter 41 of the laws of  2014  and
     4  subparagraph  (iii) as amended and subparagraph (iv) of paragraph (a) as
     5  added by section 42 of subpart A of part BB of chapter 57 of the laws of
     6  2019, is amended to read as follows:
     7    2. "Clinical peer reviewer" means:
     8    (a) [for purposes of title one of this article:
     9    (i) a physician who  possesses  a  current  and  valid  non-restricted
    10  license to practice medicine; or
    11    (ii) a health care professional other than a licensed physician who:
    12    (A)  where  applicable,  possesses  a current and valid non-restricted
    13  license, certificate or  registration  or,  where  no  provision  for  a
    14  license,  certificate  or  registration  exists,  is credentialed by the
    15  national accrediting body appropriate to the profession; and
    16    (B) is in the same profession and same or  similar  specialty  as  the
    17  health  care  provider  who  typically  manages the medical condition or
    18  disease or provides the health care service or treatment  under  review;
    19  or
    20    (iii) for purposes of a determination involving substance use disorder
    21  treatment:
    22    (A)  a  physician  who  possesses  a  current and valid non-restricted
    23  license to practice medicine and who specializes  in  behavioral  health

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 879                              2

     1  and  has experience in the delivery of substance use disorder courses of
     2  treatment; or
     3    (B)  a  health  care  professional other than a licensed physician who
     4  specializes in behavioral health and has experience in the  delivery  of
     5  substance  use  disorder  courses  of  treatment  and, where applicable,
     6  possesses a current and valid  non-restricted  license,  certificate  or
     7  registration or, where no provision for a license, certificate or regis-
     8  tration  exists, is credentialed by the national accrediting body appro-
     9  priate to the profession; or
    10    (iv) for purposes of a determination involving treatment for a  mental
    11  health condition:
    12    (A)  a  physician  who  possesses  a  current and valid non-restricted
    13  license to practice medicine and who specializes  in  behavioral  health
    14  and  has  experience  in the delivery of mental health courses of treat-
    15  ment; or
    16    (B) a health care professional other than  a  licensed  physician  who
    17  specializes in behavioral health and has experience in the delivery of a
    18  mental  health  courses  of treatment and, where applicable, possesses a
    19  current and valid non-restricted license, certificate,  or  registration
    20  or,  where  no  provision  for  a  license,  certificate or registration
    21  exists, is credentialed by the national accrediting body appropriate  to
    22  the profession; and
    23    (b) for purposes of title two of this article:
    24    (i)] a physician who:
    25    [(A)]  (i)  possesses  a  current  and valid non-restricted license to
    26  practice medicine under article one hundred thirty-one of the  education
    27  law;
    28    [(B)]  (ii)  where applicable, is board certified or board eligible in
    29  the same or similar specialty as the health care provider who  typically
    30  manages  the  medical  condition  or disease or provides the health care
    31  service or treatment under review or appeal;
    32    [(C)] (iii) has been practicing in such area of specialty for a period
    33  of at least five years; [and]
    34    (iv) for purposes of a determination involving substance use  disorder
    35  treatment, possesses a current and valid non-restricted license to prac-
    36  tice medicine and specializes in behavioral health and has experience in
    37  the delivery of substance use disorder courses of treatment;
    38    (v)  for  purposes of a determination involving treatment for a mental
    39  health condition, possesses a current and valid  non-restricted  license
    40  to  practice  medicine  and who specializes in behavioral health and has
    41  experience in the delivery of mental health courses of treatment; and
    42    [(D)] (vi) is knowledgeable about the health care service or treatment
    43  under review or appeal; or
    44    [(ii)] (b) a health care professional other than a licensed  physician
    45  who  possesses  a  current  and  valid non-restricted license or certif-
    46  ication under title eight of the education law:
    47    [(A)] (i) where applicable, possesses a  current  and  valid  non-res-
    48  tricted license, certificate or registration;
    49    [(B)] (ii) where applicable, is credentialed by the national accredit-
    50  ing  body  appropriate to the profession in the same profession and same
    51  or similar specialty as the health care provider who  typically  manages
    52  the  medical condition or disease or provides the health care service or
    53  treatment under review or appeal;
    54    [(C)] (iii) has been practicing in such area of specialty for a period
    55  of at least five years;

        A. 879                              3

     1    [(D)] (iv) is knowledgeable about the health care service or treatment
     2  under review or appeal; [and]
     3    (v)  for purposes of a determination involving substance use disorder,
     4  specializes in behavioral health and has experience in the  delivery  of
     5  substance  use  disorder  courses  of  treatment  and, where applicable,
     6  possesses a current and valid  non-restricted  license,  certificate  or
     7  registration or, where no provision for a license, certificate or regis-
     8  tration  exists, is credentialed by the national accrediting body appro-
     9  priate to the profession;
    10    (vi) for purposes of a determination involving treatment for a  mental
    11  health condition, specializes in behavioral health and has experience in
    12  the  delivery  of mental health courses of treatment and, where applica-
    13  ble, possesses a current and valid non-restricted license,  certificate,
    14  or  registration  or,  where  no provision for a license, certificate or
    15  registration exists, is credentialed by the  national  accrediting  body
    16  appropriate to the profession; and
    17    [(E)]  (vii) where applicable to such health care professional's scope
    18  of practice, is clinically supported by  a  physician  who  possesses  a
    19  current and valid non-restricted license to practice medicine.
    20    [(c)]  Nothing  [herein]  in  this  subdivision  shall be construed to
    21  change any statutorily-defined scope of practice.
    22    § 2. Subsection (b) of section 4900 of the insurance law,  as  amended
    23  by  chapter  586  of  the laws of 1998, item (ii) of subparagraph (B) of
    24  paragraph 1 as amended by chapter 41 of the laws of  2014,  subparagraph
    25  (C)  as  amended and subparagraph (D) of paragraph 1 as added by section
    26  36 of subpart A of part BB of chapter 57 of the laws of 2019, is amended
    27  to read as follows:
    28    (b) "Clinical peer reviewer" means:
    29    (1) [for purposes of title one of this article:
    30    (A) a physician who  possesses  a  current  and  valid  non-restricted
    31  license to practice medicine; or
    32    (B) a health care professional other than a licensed physician who:
    33    (i)  where  applicable,  possesses  a current and valid non-restricted
    34  license, certificate or  registration  or,  where  no  provision  for  a
    35  license,  certificate  or  registration  exists,  is credentialed by the
    36  national accrediting body appropriate to the profession; and
    37    (ii) is in the same profession and same or similar  specialty  as  the
    38  health  care  provider  who  typically  manages the medical condition or
    39  disease or provides the health care service or treatment  under  review;
    40  or
    41    (C)  for  purposes of a determination involving substance use disorder
    42  treatment:
    43    (i) a physician who  possesses  a  current  and  valid  non-restricted
    44  license  to  practice  medicine and who specializes in behavioral health
    45  and has experience in the delivery of substance use disorder courses  of
    46  treatment; or
    47    (ii)  a  health  care professional other than a licensed physician who
    48  specializes in behavioral health and has experience in the  delivery  of
    49  substance  use  disorder  courses  of  treatment  and, where applicable,
    50  possesses a current and valid  non-restricted  license,  certificate  or
    51  registration or, where no provision for a license, certificate or regis-
    52  tration  exists, is credentialed by the national accrediting body appro-
    53  priate to the profession; or
    54    (D) for purposes of a determination involving treatment for  a  mental
    55  health condition:

        A. 879                              4

     1    (i)  a  physician  who  possesses  a  current and valid non-restricted
     2  license to practice medicine and who specializes  in  behavioral  health
     3  and  has  experience  in the delivery of mental health courses of treat-
     4  ment; or
     5    (ii)  a  health  care professional other than a licensed physician who
     6  specializes in behavioral health and has experience in the  delivery  of
     7  mental  health  courses  of treatment and, where applicable, possesses a
     8  current and valid non-restricted license, certificate,  or  registration
     9  or,  where  no  provision  for  a  license,  certificate or registration
    10  exists, is credentialed by the national accrediting body appropriate  to
    11  the profession; and
    12    (2) for purposes of title two of this article:
    13    (A)] a physician who:
    14    [(i)]  (A)  possesses  a  current  and valid non-restricted license to
    15  practice medicine under article one hundred thirty-one of the  education
    16  law;
    17    [(ii)]  (B)  where applicable, is board certified or board eligible in
    18  the same or similar specialty as the health care provider who  typically
    19  manages  the  medical  condition  or disease or provides the health care
    20  service or treatment under review or appeal;
    21    [(iii)] (C) has been practicing in such area of specialty for a period
    22  of at least five years; [and]
    23    (D) for purposes of a determination involving substance  use  disorder
    24  treatment, possesses a current and valid non-restricted license to prac-
    25  tice  medicine  and who specializes in behavioral health and has experi-
    26  ence in the delivery of substance use disorder courses of treatment;
    27    (E) for purposes of a determination involving treatment for  a  mental
    28  health  condition,  possesses a current and valid non-restricted license
    29  to practice medicine and who specializes in behavioral  health  and  has
    30  experience in the delivery of mental health courses of treatment; and
    31    [(iv)] (F) is knowledgeable about the health care service or treatment
    32  under review or appeal; or
    33    [(B)]  (2)  a health care professional other than a licensed physician
    34  who possesses a current and  valid  non-restricted  license  or  certif-
    35  ication under title eight of the education law:
    36    [(i)]  (A)  where  applicable,  possesses a current and valid non-res-
    37  tricted license, certificate or registration;
    38    [(ii)] (B) where applicable, is credentialed by the national accredit-
    39  ing body appropriate to the profession in the same profession  and  same
    40  or  similar  specialty as the health care provider who typically manages
    41  the medical condition or disease or provides the health care service  or
    42  treatment under review or appeal;
    43    [(iii)] (C) has been practicing in such area of specialty for a period
    44  of at least five years;
    45    [(iv)]  (D)  for  purposes  of a determination involving substance use
    46  disorder treatment, specializes in behavioral health and has  experience
    47  in  the  delivery  of  substance  use disorder courses of treatment and,
    48  where applicable, possesses a current and valid non-restricted  license,
    49  certificate  or  registration  or,  where  no  provision  for a license,
    50  certificate or registration exists,  is  credentialed  by  the  national
    51  accrediting body appropriate to the profession;
    52    (E)  for  purposes of a determination involving treatment for a mental
    53  health condition, specializes in behavioral health and has experience in
    54  the delivery of mental health courses of treatment and,  where  applica-
    55  ble,  possesses a current and valid non-restricted license, certificate,
    56  or registration or, where no provision for  a  license,  certificate  or

        A. 879                              5

     1  registration  exists,  is  credentialed by the national accrediting body
     2  appropriate to the profession;
     3    (F)  is knowledgeable about the health care service or treatment under
     4  review or appeal; and
     5    [(v)] (G) where applicable to such health care professional's scope of
     6  practice, is clinically supported by a physician who possesses a current
     7  and valid non-restricted license to practice medicine.
     8    [(3)] Nothing [herein] in  this  subdivision  shall  be  construed  to
     9  change any statutorily-defined scope of practice.
    10    §  3.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    11  have become a law.