

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY


                                     January 6, 2021

        Introduced  by M. of A. CAHILL -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. COLTON,
          DINOWITZ -- read once and referred to the  Committee  on  Governmental

        AN  ACT  to amend the legislative law, in relation to establishing a New
          York state legislative research service

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1. The legislative law is amended by adding a new section 7-h
     2  to read as follows:
     3    § 7-h. Legislative research service.  1. There shall hereby be  estab-
     4  lished  a  New  York state legislative research service. It shall be the
     5  duty of the legislative research service, without partisan bias to:
     6    (a) upon request, advise and assist any committee of  the  legislature
     7  in  the  analysis,  appraisal,  and  evaluation of legislative proposals
     8  within such committee's jurisdiction, or of any recommendations  submit-
     9  ted to the legislature by the governor or any executive agency, so as to
    10  assist the committee in:
    11    (i) determining the advisability of enacting such proposals;
    12    (ii)  estimating  the  probable results of such proposals and alterna-
    13  tives thereto; and
    14    (iii) evaluating alternative methods for accomplishing those  results;
    15  and,  by  providing  such  other research and analytical services as the
    16  committee considers appropriate for these purposes, otherwise to  assist
    17  in  furnishing  a  basis  for the proper evaluation and determination of
    18  legislative proposals and recommendations generally; and in the perform-
    19  ance of this duty the service shall have authority, when  so  authorized
    20  by  a committee and acting as the agent of that committee, to request of
    21  any department or agency of the state  the  production  of  such  books,
    22  records,  correspondence, memoranda, papers and documents as the service
    23  considers necessary, and such department or agency of  the  state  shall

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 709                              2

     1  comply with such request; and further in the performance of this and any
     2  other  relevant duty, the service shall maintain continuous liaison with
     3  all committees;
     4    (b) make available to each committee of the legislature at the opening
     5  of  a  new session, a list of programs and activities under existing law
     6  scheduled to terminate during the current session, which are within  the
     7  jurisdiction of the committee;
     8    (c)  to  make  available  to  each committee of the legislature at the
     9  opening of a new session, a list of subjects and policy areas which  the
    10  committee might profitably analyze in depth;
    11    (d)  upon  request,  or  upon  its  own  initiative in anticipation of
    12  requests, prepare and provide information, research, and reference mate-
    13  rials and services to committees  and  members  of  the  legislature  to
    14  assist them in legislative functions;
    15    (e)  upon  request,  or  upon  its  own  initiative in anticipation of
    16  requests, collect, classify and analyze in the form of studies, reports,
    17  compilations, digests, bulletins, indexes, translations, and  otherwise,
    18  data  having  a  bearing on legislation, and to make such data available
    19  and serviceable to committees and members of the legislature;
    20    (f) prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of  public,
    21  general nature introduced in the legislature;
    22    (g)  upon  request made by any committee or member of the legislature,
    23  prepare and transmit to such committee or member  a  concise  memorandum
    24  with  respect to one or more legislative measures upon which hearings by
    25  any committee of the legislature have been announced,  which  memorandum
    26  shall  contain  a statement of the purpose and effect of each such meas-
    27  ure, a description of other relevant  measures  of  similar  purpose  or
    28  effect previously introduced in the legislature, and a recitation of all
    29  action  taken  theretofore  by or within the legislature with respect to
    30  each such other measures; and
    31    (h) develop and maintain an information  and  research  capability  to
    32  include  senior  specialists,  specialists, other employees and consult-
    33  ants, as necessary, to perform the functions provided for in this subdi-
    34  vision.
    35    2. The librarian of the legislative library shall appoint the director
    36  of the legislative research service. The director shall receive a salary
    37  equal to that of a member of the legislature as set forth in subdivision
    38  one of section five of this article.
    39    3. The director is authorized to appoint in the  legislative  research
    40  service,  specialists  and  senior  specialists  in  the following broad
    41  fields:
    42    (a) aging;
    43    (b) agriculture;
    44    (c) alcoholism and drug abuse;
    45    (d) consumer affairs and protection;
    46    (e) crime victims and corrections;
    47    (f) economic development and job creation;
    48    (g) education;
    49    (h) engineering and public works;
    50    (i) environmental conservation and sustainability;
    51    (j) governmental operations;
    52    (k) health;
    53    (l) housing and community development;
    54    (m) insurance;
    55    (n) labor and employment;
    56    (o) money and banking;

        A. 709                              3

     1    (p) science and technology;
     2    (q) social welfare;
     3    (r) taxation and fiscal policy;
     4    (s) transportation;
     5    (t) urban affairs;
     6    (u) veterans affairs; and
     7    (v) such other fields, as the director may consider appropriate.
     8    Such  specialists  and  senior  specialists,  together with such other
     9  employees of the legislative research service as may be necessary, shall
    10  be available for special work with the committees  and  members  of  the
    11  legislature for the purposes stated in this section.
    12    4. The director is authorized:
    13    (a)  to  classify,  organize,  arrange, group and divide, from time to
    14  time, as the director considers  advisable,  the  requests  for  advice,
    15  assistance,  and  other  services  submitted to the legislative research
    16  service by committees and members of the legislature into  such  classes
    17  and categories as the director considers necessary to:
    18    (i)  expedite  and  facilitate the handling of the individual requests
    19  submitted by members of the legislature;
    20    (ii) promote efficiency in the performance of services for the commit-
    21  tees of the legislature; and
    22    (iii) provide a basis for the efficient performance by the legislative
    23  research service of  its  legislative  research  and  related  functions
    24  generally;
    25    (b)  to  establish  and  change,  from  time  to time, as the director
    26  considers advisable,  within  the  legislative  research  service,  such
    27  research and reference divisions or other organizational units, or both,
    28  as  such director considers necessary to accomplish the purposes of this
    29  section; and
    30    (c) to procure by contract, without regard to  any  provision  of  law
    31  requiring  advertising  for contract bids, the temporary (for respective
    32  periods not in excess of one year) or intermittent assistance of  educa-
    33  tional,  research,  or  other  organizations  of experts and consultants
    34  (including stenographic reporters) and  of  educational,  research,  and
    35  other  organizations  of  persons  learned  in particular or specialized
    36  fields of knowledge.
    37    § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    38  it shall have become a law.