

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                     January 9, 2023

        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  MAGNARELLI  -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Transportation

        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to the creation
          of an electric vehicle clean energy website

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The  vehicle  and  traffic law is amended by adding a new
     2  section 114-f to read as follows:
     3    § 114-f. Electric vehicle. The term "electric vehicle" shall mean  and
     4  include a motor vehicle that:
     5    1.  was  manufactured  for  use primarily on public streets, roads and
     6  highways;
     7    2. the powertrain of which has not been  modified  from  the  original
     8  manufacturer's specifications;
     9    3.  has  a  maximum  speed capability of at least fifty-five miles per
    10  hour; and
    11    4. is propelled at least in part by an electric motor  and  associated
    12  power  electronics which provide acceleration torque to the drive wheels
    13  sometime during normal vehicle operations, and  that  draws  electricity
    14  from a hydrogen fuel cell or from a battery that:
    15    (a) has a capacity of not less than four kilowatt hours; and
    16    (b) is capable of being recharged from an external source of electric-
    17  ity.
    18    §  2.  The  vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a new section
    19  224-b to read as follows:
    20    § 224-b. Electric vehicle clean energy website. 1.  The  commissioner,
    21  in  cooperation  with the New York state energy research and development
    22  authority, shall collect and analyze information  on  electric  vehicles
    23  relating  to  such  electric  vehicles'  carbon footprints, energy costs
    24  related to use of electric vehicles,  and  other  information  that  the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 558                              2

     1  commissioner  shall  identify  as useful for the creation of the website
     2  pursuant to subdivision two of this section.
     3    2.  The  commissioner,  in  cooperation with the New York state energy
     4  research and development authority, shall develop and maintain a website
     5  based on information collected and analyzed pursuant to subdivision  one
     6  of this section which shall include, at a minimum:
     7    (a)  a  carbon  footprint calculator that can be used to calculate the
     8  carbon footprint of electric vehicles, searchable by such electric vehi-
     9  cles' make, model, and year, and to compare such carbon footprint to the
    10  carbon footprint of similar non-electric motor vehicles;
    11    (b) a cost-and-mileage calculator that can be used  to  calculate  the
    12  cost-per-mile  of  fueling an electric vehicle, searchable by such elec-
    13  tric vehicles' make, model, and year, and to compare such  cost-per-mile
    14  to the cost-per-mile of fueling similar non-electric motor vehicles;
    15    (c)  a  list  of locations of all electric vehicle fueling stations in
    16  the state;
    17    (d) information and links on tax credits, rebates, or other  financial
    18  incentives available to owners or purchasers of electric vehicles;
    19    (e)  information on how to install electric vehicle charging equipment
    20  on a residential house or other residential property, including informa-
    21  tion on installing a separate meter for electric vehicle charging equip-
    22  ment;
    23     (f) rate options for electric vehicle owners charging  at  home,  and
    24  tips and tools for lowering one's energy bill; and
    25     (g)  any  other  general information that the commissioner shall deem
    26  useful for individuals considering purchasing an  electric  vehicle  for
    27  the first time.
    28    3. The commissioner shall cause a link to the website developed pursu-
    29  ant to subdivision two of this section to be:
    30    (a) posted on the department's website;
    31    (b)  included  in  any  electronic  or mail communications sent by the
    32  department to drivers licensed pursuant to title five of  this  chapter;
    33  and
    34    (c)  included  in any preparation materials created and distributed by
    35  the department for the pre-licensing examination under subdivision  four
    36  of section five hundred two of this chapter.
    37    4.  A dealer, as defined in section four hundred fifteen of this chap-
    38  ter, shall adhere a removeable sticker containing a link to the  website
    39  developed  pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of  this section to the front
    40  windshield of all motor vehicles offered for sale by such dealer.
    41    5. The department and the New York state energy research and  develop-
    42  ment  authority  may  consult with any state or local office, agency, or
    43  department and request information from any such entity that is relevant
    44  and material to the collection and analyzation of  information  relating
    45  to electric vehicles as required under subdivision one of this section.
    46    6. For the purposes of this section, the term "carbon footprint" shall
    47  mean the measure of a vehicle's greenhouse gas emissions.
    48    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.