S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                    January 5, 2011
       Introduced  by M. of A. ORTIZ -- read once and referred to the Committee
         on Governmental Operations
       AN ACT creating a task force on information services technology develop-
         ment to develop policies that will benefit residents of New York state
         by fostering  the  free  market  development  and  beneficial  use  of
         advanced  communications  networks  and  information technologies, and
         providing for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof
    1    Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that the devel-
    2  opment  of  policies that foster the free market development and benefi-
    3  cial use of advanced communications networks and  information  technolo-
    4  gies  is  of  great  importance to the residents of New York state.  The
    5  legislature further finds that this can  best  be  accomplished  by  the
    6  creation of a task force on information services technology development.
    7    S  2.  Task  force on information services technology development. The
    8  secretary of state is hereby directed to create a task force on informa-
    9  tion services technology development. The objectives of such task  force
   10  shall be to:
   11    (a)  promote  the development of a framework that will ensure that New
   12  York state has an aggressive information technology (IT) economic devel-
   13  opment process that focuses on creating, retaining,  and  recruiting  IT
   14  companies  under circumstances which foster technological and knowledge-
   15  based innovations, entrepreneurship, and investment  in  a  trained  and
   16  skilled  workforce;  to  increase  national,  international,  and global
   17  awareness of New York as an environment ideally suited for the  success-
   18  ful advancement of the information technology business sector;
   19    (b)  promote  the development of strategies to ensure that K-12 educa-
   20  tional institutions develop policies and programs that  promote  techno-
   21  logical innovation and improve education in order to enhance the state's
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 215                              2
    1  innovative  capacity  and  create  a  more productive citizenry that can
    2  navigate, adapt, and prosper in the information economy;
    3    (c) promote the development of strategies to assist educational insti-
    4  tutions in establishing policies and programs that will produce a highly
    5  skilled  IT  workforce, and encourage public/private partnerships in the
    6  development of IT curriculum, research, funding, and training;
    7    (d) promote the development of policy recommendations to  ensure  that
    8  New  York's  public  and  private sectors will focus on bridging the gap
    9  between the information-rich and the information-poor in order to foster
   10  equal access to IT for all New Yorkers;
   11    (e) promote the development of strategies to  ensure  that  government
   12  institutions  use technology to increase the quality and cost-effective-
   13  ness of their services, while also fostering broader use of  information
   14  technologies  among  and  between  residents  and businesses.   Also, to
   15  promote the development of policies which ensure that government  serves
   16  as a catalyst for advancing the digital economy by refocusing government
   17  procurement power, and provide a critical mass of digital services;
   18    (f)  evaluate  laws, rules, and procedures to ensure that they facili-
   19  tate, or at least do not  hinder,  the  growth  of  electronic  commerce
   20  (eCommerce);
   21    (g)  evaluate  whether  laws, rules, and procedures should be created,
   22  amended or repealed to reflect the impact of eCommerce on our state  and
   23  to foster the growth of eCommerce while protecting consumer rights; and
   24    (h)  promote  the  development of policies to ensure that New York has
   25  sufficient communications infrastructure and high bandwidth capacity  to
   26  support  our growing information economy; to evaluate the sufficiency of
   27  New York IT research and development centers to ensure that New York  is
   28  creating  an environment that continuously develops new technologies and
   29  applications.
   30    S 3. Composition. The task force shall consist of thirty-one  members.
   31  The  task  force  shall  include:  the  secretary of state, the attorney
   32  general, the commissioner of education,  the  chancellor  of  the  state
   33  university  of  New  York, the commissioner of economic development, the
   34  commissioner of general services, the director of the  division  of  the
   35  budget,  the executive director of the New York state office of science,
   36  technology and academic research; seven members shall  be  appointed  by
   37  the  governor,  one of whom the governor shall name as chair of the task
   38  force; seven members to be appointed by the temporary president  of  the
   39  senate; one member to be appointed by the minority leader of the senate;
   40  seven  members  to  be appointed by the speaker of the assembly; and one
   41  member to be appointed by the minority leader of the assembly. The seven
   42  members appointed by the governor shall include: a college  student  who
   43  relies on the Internet for personal or academic use; a representative of
   44  a  local  government  that is an alternative local exchange telecommuni-
   45  cations company or an Internet service provider;  and  four  persons  as
   46  determined by the governor to appropriately represent technology provid-
   47  ers, manufacturers, retailers, and users. The seven members appointed by
   48  the  temporary  president  of  the  senate  shall  represent each of the
   49  following categories:  a  facilities-based  inter-exchange  telecommuni-
   50  cations  company;  a wireless telecommunications company; an alternative
   51  local exchange telecommunications company; an Internet service  provider
   52  with  more  than  one  million  customers; the entertainment industry; a
   53  computer or telecommunications manufacturing company; and one member  of
   54  the  senate.  The seven members appointed by the speaker of the assembly
   55  shall represent each of the following  categories:  a  cable  television
   56  provider; a computer software company; the banking industry; an Internet
       A. 215                              3
    1  search  engine company; a local exchange telecommunications company; the
    2  tourist industry; and one member of the assembly. Vacancies on the  task
    3  force shall be filled in the manner provided for original appointments.
    4    S 4. Report. The task force shall report its findings, conclusions and
    5  recommendations  to  the governor, temporary president of the senate and
    6  the speaker of the assembly by July 1 of calendar years 2012  and  2013.
    7  The  task  force  may develop and publish other documents throughout the
    8  year as it deems necessary and/or appropriate.
    9    S 5. This act shall take effect immediately and shall expire  July  1,
   10  2013  when  upon  such  date  the provisions of this act shall be deemed
   11  repealed.