S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2015-2016 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                    January 7, 2015
       Introduced  by M. of A. GANTT -- read once and referred to the Committee
         on Transportation
       AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation  to  increasing
         the  criminal penalties for driving while ability impaired and driving
         while intoxicated or while ability impaired by  drugs  and  increasing
         the  penalties for aggravated unlicensed operation of a vehicle in the
         first and second degrees
    1    Section  1.  Subdivision  1 of section 1193 of the vehicle and traffic
    2  law, as added by chapter 47 of  the  laws  of  1988,  paragraph  (a)  as
    3  amended  by  chapter  75  of the laws of 1994, paragraphs (b) and (c) as
    4  amended by chapter 169 of the laws of 2013, subparagraph (ii-a) of para-
    5  graph (c) as added by chapter 191 of the laws of 2014, paragraph (d)  as
    6  amended  by  chapter  732 of the laws of 2006, paragraph (f) as added by
    7  chapter 714 of the laws of 1990 and paragraph (g) as amended by  section
    8  57  of  part  A of chapter 56 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read as
    9  follows:
   10    1. Criminal penalties. (a) Driving while ability impaired. A violation
   11  of subdivision one of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this  article
   12  shall  be  a traffic infraction and shall be punishable by a fine of not
   13  less than [three] FIVE  hundred  dollars  nor  more  than  [five]  SEVEN
   14  hundred  FIFTY  dollars  or  by imprisonment in a penitentiary or county
   15  jail for not more than fifteen days, or by both such fine and  imprison-
   16  ment.  A  person who operates a vehicle in violation of such subdivision
   17  after having been convicted of a violation of any subdivision of section
   18  eleven hundred ninety-two of this  article  within  the  preceding  five
   19  years  shall be punished by a fine of not less than [five] SEVEN hundred
   20  FIFTY dollars nor more than [seven hundred fifty] ONE THOUSAND  dollars,
   21  or  by  imprisonment  of  not more than thirty days in a penitentiary or
   22  county jail or by both such fine and imprisonment. A person who operates
   23  a vehicle in violation of such subdivision after having  been  convicted
   24  two  or  more  times of a violation of any subdivision of section eleven
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 196                              2
    1  hundred ninety-two of this article within the preceding ten years  shall
    2  be  guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not less
    3  than [seven hundred fifty] ONE THOUSAND dollars nor  more  than  fifteen
    4  hundred  dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than one hundred eighty
    5  days in a penitentiary or county jail or by both such fine and imprison-
    6  ment.
    7    (b) Driving while intoxicated or while ability impaired  by  drugs  or
    8  while  ability impaired by the combined influence of drugs or of alcohol
    9  and any drug or drugs; aggravated driving while intoxicated; misdemeanor
   10  offenses. (i) A violation of subdivision two, three, four or  four-a  of
   11  section eleven hundred ninety-two of this article shall be a misdemeanor
   12  and  shall be punishable by a fine of not less than [five] SEVEN hundred
   13  FIFTY dollars nor more than one thousand FIVE  HUNDRED  dollars,  or  by
   14  imprisonment  in  a  penitentiary  or  county jail for not more than one
   15  year, or by both such fine and imprisonment. A  violation  of  paragraph
   16  (a)  of  subdivision  two-a of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this
   17  article shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine of  not
   18  less  than  one thousand dollars nor more than two thousand five hundred
   19  dollars or by imprisonment in a penitentiary or county jail for not more
   20  than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
   21    (ii) In addition to the imposition of any fine or period of  imprison-
   22  ment  set  forth  in  this paragraph, the court shall also sentence such
   23  person convicted of, or adjudicated a youthful offender for, a violation
   24  of subdivision two, two-a or three of section eleven hundred  ninety-two
   25  of  this  article  to a term of probation or conditional discharge, as a
   26  condition of which it shall order such person to install  and  maintain,
   27  in accordance with the provisions of section eleven hundred ninety-eight
   28  of this article, an ignition interlock device in any motor vehicle owned
   29  or  operated  by such person during the term of such probation or condi-
   30  tional discharge imposed for such violation of  section  eleven  hundred
   31  ninety-two  of  this  article  and in no event for a period of less than
   32  twelve  months;  provided,  however,  that  such  period  of   interlock
   33  restriction  shall  terminate  upon submission of proof that such person
   34  installed and maintained an ignition interlock device for at  least  six
   35  months,  unless the court ordered such person to install and maintain an
   36  ignition interlock device for a longer  period  as  authorized  by  this
   37  subparagraph  and  specified  in  such  order.  The  period of interlock
   38  restriction shall commence from the earlier of the date  of  sentencing,
   39  or  the  date that an ignition interlock device was installed in advance
   40  of sentencing. Provided, however, the court may not authorize the opera-
   41  tion of a motor vehicle by any person  whose  license  or  privilege  to
   42  operate  a  motor vehicle has been revoked pursuant to the provisions of
   43  this section.
   44    (c) Felony offenses. (i) A  person  who  operates  a  vehicle  (A)  in
   45  violation  of  subdivision  two, two-a, three, four or four-a of section
   46  eleven hundred ninety-two of this article after having been convicted of
   47  a violation of subdivision two, two-a, three, four  or  four-a  of  such
   48  section  or  of  vehicular  assault  in  the  second or first degree, as
   49  defined, respectively, in sections  120.03  and  120.04  and  aggravated
   50  vehicular  assault as defined in section 120.04-a of the penal law or of
   51  vehicular manslaughter in  the  second  or  first  degree,  as  defined,
   52  respectively,  in  sections  125.12  and 125.13 and aggravated vehicular
   53  homicide as defined in section 125.14 of such law, within the  preceding
   54  ten  years, or (B) in violation of paragraph (b) of subdivision two-a of
   55  section eleven hundred ninety-two of this article shall be guilty  of  a
   56  class  E  felony,  and  shall be punished by a fine of not less than one
       A. 196                              3
    1  thousand FIVE HUNDRED dollars nor more than five thousand dollars or  by
    2  a  period  of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or by both such
    3  fine and imprisonment.
    4    (ii)  A person who operates a vehicle in violation of subdivision two,
    5  two-a, three, four or four-a of section  eleven  hundred  ninety-two  of
    6  this  article  after having been convicted of a violation of subdivision
    7  two, two-a, three, four or  four-a  of  such  section  or  of  vehicular
    8  assault  in  the  second  or  first degree, as defined, respectively, in
    9  sections 120.03 and 120.04 and aggravated vehicular assault  as  defined
   10  in section 120.04-a of the penal law or of vehicular manslaughter in the
   11  second or first degree, as defined, respectively, in sections 125.12 and
   12  125.13 and aggravated vehicular homicide as defined in section 125.14 of
   13  such  law,  twice  within  the preceding ten years, shall be guilty of a
   14  class D felony, and shall be punished by a fine of  not  less  than  two
   15  thousand FIVE HUNDRED dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars or by a
   16  period  of  imprisonment  as  provided in the penal law, or by both such
   17  fine and imprisonment.
   18    (ii-a) A person who operates a vehicle  in  violation  of  subdivision
   19  two,  two-a,  three, four or four-a of section eleven hundred ninety-two
   20  of this article after having been convicted of a violation  of  subdivi-
   21  sion  two,  two-a, three, four or four-a of such section or of vehicular
   22  assault in the second or first  degree,  as  defined,  respectively,  in
   23  sections  120.03  and 120.04 and aggravated vehicular assault as defined
   24  in section 120.04-a of the penal law or of vehicular manslaughter in the
   25  second or first degree, as defined, respectively, in sections 125.12 and
   26  125.13 and aggravated vehicular homicide as defined in section 125.14 of
   27  such law, three or more times within the preceding fifteen years,  shall
   28  be  guilty  of  a class D felony, and shall be punished by a fine of not
   29  less than two thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars or  by
   30  a  period  of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or by both such
   31  fine and imprisonment.
   32    (iii) In addition to the imposition of any fine or period of imprison-
   33  ment set forth in this paragraph, the court  shall  also  sentence  such
   34  person convicted of, or adjudicated a youthful offender for, a violation
   35  of  subdivision two, two-a or three of section eleven hundred ninety-two
   36  of this article to a period of probation or conditional discharge, as  a
   37  condition  of  which it shall order such person to install and maintain,
   38  in accordance with the provisions of section eleven hundred ninety-eight
   39  of this article, an ignition interlock device in any motor vehicle owned
   40  or operated by such person during the term of such probation  or  condi-
   41  tional  discharge  imposed  for such violation of section eleven hundred
   42  ninety-two of this article and in no event for a  period  of  less  than
   43  twelve   months;  provided,  however,  that  such  period  of  interlock
   44  restriction shall terminate upon submission of proof  that  such  person
   45  installed  and  maintained an ignition interlock device for at least six
   46  months, unless the court ordered such person to install and  maintain  a
   47  ignition  interlock  device  for  a  longer period as authorized by this
   48  subparagraph and specified  in  such  order.  The  period  of  interlock
   49  restriction  shall  commence from the earlier of the date of sentencing,
   50  or the date that an ignition interlock device was installed  in  advance
   51  of sentencing. Provided, however, the court may not authorize the opera-
   52  tion  of  a  motor  vehicle  by any person whose license or privilege to
   53  operate a motor vehicle has been revoked pursuant to the  provisions  of
   54  this section.
   55    (d)  Alcohol or drug related offenses; special vehicles. (1) Except as
   56  provided in subparagraph four of this paragraph, a violation of subdivi-
       A. 196                              4
    1  sion one, two, three, four or four-a of section eleven  hundred  ninety-
    2  two  of  this  article  wherein  the  violator is operating a taxicab as
    3  defined in section one hundred forty-eight-a of this chapter, or  livery
    4  as defined in section one hundred twenty-one-e of this chapter, and such
    5  taxicab  or  livery is carrying a passenger for compensation, or a truck
    6  with a GVWR of more than eighteen thousand  pounds  but  not  more  than
    7  twenty-six  thousand  pounds and which is not a commercial motor vehicle
    8  shall be a misdemeanor punishable by a  fine  of  not  less  than  [five
    9  hundred]  ONE THOUSAND dollars nor more than [fifteen] TWO THOUSAND FIVE
   10  hundred dollars or by a period of imprisonment as provided in the  penal
   11  law,  or  by both such fine and imprisonment. A violation of subdivision
   12  two-a of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this article  wherein  the
   13  violator  is  operating  a  taxicab  as  defined  in section one hundred
   14  forty-eight-a of this chapter, or  livery  as  defined  in  section  one
   15  hundred  twenty-one-e  of  this  chapter,  and such taxicab or livery is
   16  carrying a passenger for compensation, or a truck with a  GVWR  of  more
   17  than  eighteen  thousand  pounds  but  not more than twenty-six thousand
   18  pounds and which is not a commercial motor vehicle shall be  a  class  E
   19  felony  punishable  by  a fine of not less than one thousand dollars nor
   20  more than five thousand dollars  or  by  a  period  of  imprisonment  as
   21  provided in the penal law, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
   22    (1-a)  A  violation of subdivision one of section eleven hundred nine-
   23  ty-two of this article wherein the violator is operating a school bus as
   24  defined in section one hundred forty-two of this chapter and such school
   25  bus is carrying at least one student passenger shall  be  a  misdemeanor
   26  punishable  by  a  fine  of  not  less  than [five hundred] ONE THOUSAND
   27  dollars nor more than [fifteen] TWO THOUSAND FIVE hundred dollars or  by
   28  a  period  of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or by both such
   29  fine and imprisonment.
   30    (2) A violation of subdivision five of section eleven hundred  ninety-
   31  two of this article shall be a traffic infraction punishable as provided
   32  in paragraph (a) of this subdivision. Except as provided in subparagraph
   33  three  or  five  of this paragraph, a violation of subdivision one, two,
   34  three, four, four-a or six of section eleven hundred ninety-two of  this
   35  article wherein the violator is operating a commercial motor vehicle, or
   36  any  motor vehicle registered or registerable under schedule F of subdi-
   37  vision seven of section four hundred one of  this  chapter  shall  be  a
   38  misdemeanor.  A violation of subdivision one, two, three, four or four-a
   39  of section eleven hundred ninety-two of this article shall be punishable
   40  by a fine of not less than [five hundred] ONE THOUSAND dollars nor  more
   41  than  [fifteen]  TWO  THOUSAND  FIVE  hundred  dollars or by a period of
   42  imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or  by  both  such  fine  and
   43  imprisonment.  A  violation of subdivision six of section eleven hundred
   44  ninety-two of this article shall be punishable by a  fine  of  not  less
   45  than  [five  hundred]  ONE  THOUSAND dollars nor more than [fifteen] TWO
   46  THOUSAND FIVE hundred dollars or by a  period  of  imprisonment  not  to
   47  exceed one hundred eighty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. A
   48  person  who  operates  any such vehicle in violation of such subdivision
   49  six after having been convicted of a violation of subdivision one,  two,
   50  two-a,  three,  four, four-a or six of section eleven hundred ninety-two
   51  of this article within the preceding five years shall be punishable by a
   52  fine of not less than TWO THOUSAND five hundred dollars  nor  more  than
   53  [fifteen  hundred]  FIVE THOUSAND dollars or by a period of imprisonment
   54  as provided in the penal law, or by both such fine and  imprisonment.  A
   55  violation  of  subdivision two-a of section eleven hundred ninety-two of
   56  this article wherein the violator is operating a commercial motor  vehi-
       A. 196                              5
    1  cle, or any motor vehicle registered or registerable under schedule F of
    2  subdivision seven of section four hundred one of this chapter shall be a
    3  class  E  felony  punishable  by  a  fine  of not less than one thousand
    4  dollars  nor more than five thousand dollars or by a period of imprison-
    5  ment as provided in the penal law, or by both such  fine  and  imprison-
    6  ment.
    7    (3)  A  violation of subdivision one of section eleven hundred ninety-
    8  two of this article wherein the violator is operating  a  motor  vehicle
    9  with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than eighteen thousand pounds
   10  which  contains flammable gas, radioactive materials or explosives shall
   11  be a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than TWO THOUSAND five
   12  hundred dollars nor more than [fifteen hundred] FIVE THOUSAND dollars or
   13  by a period of imprisonment as provided in the penal  law,  or  by  both
   14  such fine and imprisonment.
   15    (4)  (i)  A  person who operates a vehicle in violation of subdivision
   16  one, two, two-a, three, four or four-a of section eleven  hundred  nine-
   17  ty-two  of  this article and which is punishable as provided in subpara-
   18  graph one, one-a, two or three  of  this  paragraph  after  having  been
   19  convicted  of  a  violation  of  any  such subdivision of section eleven
   20  hundred ninety-two of this article and penalized under subparagraph one,
   21  one-a, two or three of this paragraph within the  preceding  ten  years,
   22  shall be guilty of a class E felony, which shall be punishable by a fine
   23  of  not  less than [one] TWO thousand FIVE HUNDRED dollars nor more than
   24  [five] TEN thousand dollars, or by a period of imprisonment as  provided
   25  in  the  penal  law, or by both such fine and imprisonment. A person who
   26  operates a vehicle in violation of subdivision  six  of  section  eleven
   27  hundred ninety-two of this article after having been convicted of two or
   28  more  violations of subdivisions one, two, two-a, three, four, four-a or
   29  six of section eleven hundred ninety-two  of  this  article  within  the
   30  preceding five years, any one of which was a misdemeanor, shall be guil-
   31  ty  of a class E felony, which shall be punishable by a fine of not less
   32  than [one] THREE thousand FIVE HUNDRED dollars nor more than [five]  TEN
   33  thousand  dollars,  or  by  a  period of imprisonment as provided in the
   34  penal law, or by both such  fine  and  imprisonment.  In  addition,  any
   35  person  sentenced  pursuant to this subparagraph shall be subject to the
   36  disqualification provided in subparagraph  three  of  paragraph  (e)  of
   37  subdivision two of this section.
   38    (ii)  A person who operates a vehicle in violation of subdivision one,
   39  two, two-a, three, four or four-a of section eleven  hundred  ninety-two
   40  of this article and which is punishable as provided in subparagraph one,
   41  one-a,  two  or three of this paragraph after having been convicted of a
   42  violation of any such subdivision of section eleven  hundred  ninety-two
   43  of  this  article  and  penalized  under subparagraph one, one-a, two or
   44  three of this paragraph twice within the preceding ten years,  shall  be
   45  guilty  of  a class D felony, which shall be punishable by a fine of not
   46  less than [two]  FIVE  thousand  dollars  nor  more  than  ten  thousand
   47  dollars, or by a period of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or
   48  by  both  such fine and imprisonment. A person who operates a vehicle in
   49  violation of subdivision six of section  eleven  hundred  ninety-two  of
   50  this  article after having been convicted of three or more violations of
   51  subdivisions one, two, two-a, three, four,  four-a  or  six  of  section
   52  eleven  hundred  ninety-two  of  this  article within the preceding five
   53  years, any one of which was a misdemeanor, shall be guilty of a class  D
   54  felony,  which shall be punishable by a fine of not less than [two] FIVE
   55  thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars, or by a  period  of
   56  imprisonment  as  provided  in  the  penal law, or by both such fine and
       A. 196                              6
    1  imprisonment. In addition, any person sentenced pursuant to this subpar-
    2  agraph shall be subject to the disqualification provided in subparagraph
    3  three of paragraph (e) of subdivision two of this section.
    4    (4-a) A violation of subdivision two, three, four or four-a of section
    5  eleven  hundred ninety-two of this article wherein the violator is oper-
    6  ating a school bus as defined in section one hundred forty-two  of  this
    7  chapter  and  such school bus is carrying at least one student passenger
    8  shall be a class E felony punishable by a fine of not  less  than  [one]
    9  TWO  thousand  FIVE  HUNDRED  dollars  nor more than [five] TEN thousand
   10  dollars, or by a period of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or
   11  by both such fine and imprisonment. A violation of subdivision two-a  of
   12  section  eleven  hundred ninety-two of this article wherein the violator
   13  is operating a school bus as defined in section one hundred forty-two of
   14  this chapter and such school  bus  is  carrying  at  least  one  student
   15  passenger  shall  be  a  class D felony punishable by a fine of not less
   16  than two thousand dollars nor more than ten thousand dollars,  or  by  a
   17  period  of  imprisonment  as  provided in the penal law, or by both such
   18  fine and imprisonment.
   19    (5) A violation of subdivision two, three, four or four-a  of  section
   20  eleven  hundred ninety-two of this article wherein the violator is oper-
   21  ating a motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating  of  more  than
   22  eighteen thousand pounds which contains flammable gas, radioactive mate-
   23  rials  or  explosives, shall be a class E felony punishable by a fine of
   24  not less than [one] TWO thousand FIVE HUNDRED dollars NOR MORE THAN  TEN
   25  THOUSAND  DOLLARS  and such other penalties as provided for in the penal
   26  law; provided, however, that a conviction for such violation  shall  not
   27  be  considered a predicate felony pursuant to section 70.06 of such law,
   28  or a previous felony conviction pursuant to section 70.10 of such law. A
   29  violation of subdivision two-a of section eleven hundred  ninety-two  of
   30  this  article  wherein  the violator is operating a motor vehicle with a
   31  gross vehicle weight rating of more than eighteen thousand pounds  which
   32  contains  flammable gas, radioactive materials or explosives, shall be a
   33  class D felony punishable by a fine of not less than  two  thousand  nor
   34  more  than ten thousand dollars and such other penalties as provided for
   35  in the  penal  law;  provided,  however,  that  a  conviction  for  such
   36  violation shall not be considered a predicate felony pursuant to section
   37  70.06  of  such law, or a previous felony conviction pursuant to section
   38  70.10 of such law.
   39    (6) The sentences required to be imposed by subparagraph  one,  one-a,
   40  two,  three,  four,  four-a  or  five of this paragraph shall be imposed
   41  notwithstanding any contrary provision of this chapter or the penal law.
   42    (7) Nothing contained in this paragraph shall prohibit the  imposition
   43  of a charge of any other felony set forth in this or any other provision
   44  of law for any acts arising out of the same incident.
   45    (e)  Certain  sentences  prohibited. Notwithstanding any provisions of
   46  the penal law, no judge or magistrate shall impose a sentence of  uncon-
   47  ditional  discharge for a violation of any subdivision of section eleven
   48  hundred ninety-two of this article  nor  shall  a  judge  or  magistrate
   49  impose  a  sentence  of conditional discharge, IMPRISONMENT or probation
   50  unless such conditional discharge, IMPRISONMENT or probation is accompa-
   51  nied by a sentence of a fine as provided in this subdivision.
   52    (f) Where the court imposes a sentence  for  a  violation  of  section
   53  eleven  hundred  ninety-two  of  this article, the court may require the
   54  defendant, as a part of or as a condition of such sentence, to attend  a
   55  single  session  conducted  by a victims impact program. For purposes of
   56  this section, "victims impact program" means a  program  operated  by  a
       A. 196                              7
    1  county,  a  city with a population of one million or more, by a not-for-
    2  profit organization authorized by any such county or city, or a combina-
    3  tion thereof, in which presentations are made concerning the  impact  of
    4  operating  a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
    5  to one or more persons who have  been  convicted  of  such  offenses.  A
    6  description of any such program shall be filed with the commissioner and
    7  with  the coordinator of the special traffic options program for driving
    8  while intoxicated established pursuant to section eleven  hundred  nine-
    9  ty-seven  of this article, and shall be made available to the court upon
   10  request. Nothing contained herein shall  be  construed  to  require  any
   11  governmental entity to create such a victim impact program.
   12    (g) The office of probation and correctional alternatives shall recom-
   13  mend  to  the  commissioner of the division of criminal justice services
   14  regulations governing the monitoring of compliance by persons ordered to
   15  install and maintain ignition interlock devices to provide standards for
   16  monitoring by departments of probation, and options  for  monitoring  of
   17  compliance by such persons, that counties may adopt as an alternative to
   18  monitoring by a department of probation.
   19    S  2. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 of section 511 of the vehicle and
   20  traffic law, as amended by chapter 607 of the laws of 1993,  is  amended
   21  to read as follows:
   22    (b)  Aggravated  unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle in the second
   23  degree is a misdemeanor. When a person is convicted of this crime  under
   24  subparagraph  (i)  of paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the sentence of
   25  the court must be: (i) a fine of not less than five hundred dollars; and
   26  (ii) a term of imprisonment not to exceed one hundred  eighty  days;  or
   27  (iii)  where appropriate a sentence of probation as provided in subdivi-
   28  sion six of this section; or (iv) a term of imprisonment as a  condition
   29  of  a  sentence of probation as provided in the penal law and consistent
   30  with this section. When a  person  is  convicted  of  this  crime  under
   31  subparagraph  (ii),  (iii) or (iv) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision,
   32  the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine of  not  less  than  [five
   33  hundred]  ONE  THOUSAND  dollars  nor  more than [one] TWO thousand FIVE
   34  HUNDRED dollars; and (ii) a term of imprisonment of not less than  seven
   35  days nor more than one hundred eighty days, or (iii) where appropriate a
   36  sentence of probation as provided in subdivision six of this section; or
   37  (iv) a term of imprisonment as a condition of a sentence of probation as
   38  provided in the penal law and consistent with this section.
   39    S  3. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 3 of section 511 of the vehicle and
   40  traffic law, as separately amended by chapters 786 and 892 of  the  laws
   41  of 1990, is amended to read as follows:
   42    (b)  Aggravated  unlicensed  operation of a motor vehicle in the first
   43  degree is a class E felony. When a person is convicted  of  this  crime,
   44  the sentence of the court must be: (i) a fine in an amount not less than
   45  [five hundred] TWO THOUSAND dollars nor more than five thousand dollars;
   46  and  (ii)  a term of imprisonment as provided in the penal law, or (iii)
   47  where appropriate and a term of imprisonment  is  not  required  by  the
   48  penal  law,  a  sentence  of probation as provided in subdivision six of
   49  this section, or (iv) a  term  of  imprisonment  as  a  condition  of  a
   50  sentence of probation as provided in the penal law.
   51    S 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred twentieth day after
   52  it shall have become a law.