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District 1 (Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland)






     Honors series of children's books by designating fictional characters as "Official Junior Ambassadors" and encourages schools to incorporate series into curricula.



     As introduced.


A Senate Resolution honoring the Nicky Fifth series of children's books by designating the characters Nicky Fifth and T-Bone as "Official Junior Ambassadors" and encouraging schools to incorporate the series into their curricula.


Whereas, The widely popular children's books known as the Nicky Fifth series are set in real locations throughout New Jersey and feature characters based on real life New Jersey residents; and

Whereas, The Nicky Fifth series has served to raise awareness among thousands of New Jersey children about the often overlooked places of historical, cultural, and recreational significance in their home state; and

Whereas, Trenton native, former teacher, and award-winning author of the Nicky Fifth series, Lisa Funari-Willever, has independently created a new and exciting approach for students to learn about New Jersey and is now working with the Division of Travel and Tourism to continue featuring New Jersey locations in upcoming books; and

Whereas, Books of the Nicky Fifth series have been named three times to the prestigious New Jersey Battle of the Books list; and

Whereas, The Nicky Fifth series remains dedicated in its ongoing support of charities, including Ryan's Quest, Inc., a charitable organization aimed at helping children afflicted with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and the Sunshine Foundation, a wish-granting organization for chronically ill and terminally ill children ; and

Whereas, The Nicky Fifth series has been adopted by schools throughout this State as part of their New Jersey studies and literature programs; and

Whereas, More schools throughout the State should incorporate the Nicky Fifth series into their curricula so that the books' positive impact on tourism and education might continue to grow even greater; and

Whereas, In the most recent volume of the Nicky Fifth series, the primary characters , Nicky Fifth and T-Bone , serve at the request of the Governor as "Unofficial Junior Ambassadors" to New Jersey by visiting and reporting on places of interest throughout the State; and

Whereas, It is fitting and proper that the State of New Jersey honor the Nicky Fifth series for its contributions to this State, as a source of both charity and education, by elevating Nicky Fifth and T-Bone to the more befitting status of "Official Junior Ambassadors" to New Jersey; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:


     1.  The characters of the Nicky Fifth series, Nicky Fifth and T-Bone, are hereby designated "Official Junior Ambassadors" to New Jersey, and schools throughout the State are hereby encouraged to incorporate the Nicky Fifth series into their curricula.


     2.  A duly authenticated copy of this resolution, signed by the President of the Senate and the Secretary thereof, shall be transmitted to Lisa Funari-Willever, Ryan's Quest, Inc., the Sunshine Foundation, and the Director of the Division of Travel and Tourism. 





     This resolution honors the children's books known as the Nicky Fifth series by designating the books' primary characters, Nicky Fifth and T-Bone, as "Official Junior Ambassadors" to New Jersey.  Books of the Nicky Fifth series feature real life New Jersey residents and take their young readers on a literary tour to places of interest throughout the State, exploring the cultural and historical geography of New Jersey.  Furthermore, an ongoing donation of a portion of the proceeds has been dedicated to Ryan's Quest, Inc., a charitable organization for children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and the Sunshine Foundation, a wish-granting organization benefitting chronically ill and terminally ill children. 

     In the latest volume of the series, at the request of the Governor, Nicky Fifth and T-Bone travel to places of interest throughout New Jersey as "Unofficial Junior Ambassadors."  By elevating the fictional status of Nicky Fifth and T-Bone to that of "Official Junior Ambassadors," this resolution would symbolically honor the educational and charitable benefits provided to this State by the Nicky Fifth series.  This resolution also encourages more schools to incorporate the series into their curricula so that the books' positive impact on tourism and education might continue to grow even greater.