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     Memorializes Congress to enact the "Keep Our Educators Working Act of 2010."



     As introduced.


A SENATE RESOLUTION memorializing Congress to enact the "Keep Our Educators Working Act of 2010."


Whereas, The nation is still struggling to recover from the worst recession since the Great Depression; and

Whereas, The Council of State Governments (CSG) estimates that in fiscal years 2010 and 2011 state budget shortfalls totaled more than $350 billion, and that despite unprecedented cuts, states face an additional shortfall of $120 billion in fiscal year 2012; and

Whereas, An especially troubling consequence of the widespread state budget cuts is that, according to CSG, there will be an estimated loss of 100,000 to 300,000 public education jobs in 2012; and

Whereas, These education sector layoffs will hamper the  fragile economic recovery, threaten the nation's economic competitiveness, and result in serious consequences for the education of our nation's students; and

Whereas, Major reductions in state support for higher education are driving up tuition rates at the same time as need-based financial aid is being reduced, putting a college education out of the reach of many students; and

Whereas, The United States Senate is currently considering the "Keep our Educators Working Act of 2010," S.3206, that would create a $23 billion education jobs fund to support jobs in both the kindergarten through grade 12 education system and in higher education and which would be distributed to states based on their relative student-age population, the same method used to distribute stabilization funds under the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009;" and

Whereas, The National Education Association estimates that the $23 billion education jobs fund would support 250,550 education jobs across the nation, including 13,400 education jobs in New Jersey through the allocation of $630 million to the State; and

Whereas, It is altogether fitting and proper and in the public interest for this House to memorialize the United States Congress to enact the "Keep Our Educators Working Act of 2010," S.3206, so that our nation's education system, and our children's futures, are best protected; now, therefore;


     Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    The United States Congress is memorialized to enact the "Keep Our Educators Working Act of 2010," S.3206, introduced by Senator Tom Harkin on April 14, 2010.


     2.    Duly authenticated copies of this resolution, signed by the President of the Senate and attested to by the Secretary of the Senate, shall be transmitted to the President and Vice-President of the United States, the Majority and Minority Leaders of  the United States Senate, the Speaker and Majority and Minority Leaders of the United States House of Representatives, and each member of the United States Congress elected from this State.





     This Senate resolution memorializes Congress to enact the "Keep Our Educators Working Act of 2010," S.3206, introduced by Senator Tom Harkin on April 14, 2010.

     S.3206 would create a $23 billion education jobs fund to support jobs in both the kindergarten through grade 12 education system and in higher education and which would be distributed to states based on their relative student-age population, the same method used to distribute stabilization funds under the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009."  It is estimated by the National Education Association that this funding will support 250,550 education jobs across the nation, including 13,400 education jobs in New Jersey through the allocation of $630 million to the State.

     It is in the public interest for Congress to enact legislation that will ensure that our nation's education system, and our children's futures, are best protected.