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     Condemns Arizona's adoption of legislation concerning enforcement of immigration policies and urges President and Congress to reform immigration laws.



     As introduced.


A Senate Resolution condemning Arizona's recent adoption of Senate Bill 1070 concerning the enforcement of immigration policies and urging the President and United States Congress to reform the nation's immigration laws.


Whereas, On Friday, April 23, 2010, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law Senate Bill 1070, which requires local and state law enforcement officers in Arizona to investigate a person's immigration status when there is a suspicion that the person is in the United States without proper documentation, regardless of whether that person is suspected of committing a crime; and

Whereas, Arizona's Senate Bill 1070 also requires immigrants in the United States to keep in their possession at all times documents verifying their immigration status and permits law enforcement officers to arrest, without first obtaining a warrant, any person believed to have committed a public offense; and

Whereas, Arizona's Senate Bill 1070 encourages racial profiling and violates the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees of due process and equal protection for all people in the United States, and furthermore seriously undermines the Constitution of the United States which grants the federal government the exclusive power to regulate immigration; and

Whereas, Arizona's policy is contrary to the comprehensive, uniform immigration and naturalization reform that is needed to enhance the security of the United States, help build healthy families and communities, and recognize the crucial contributions immigrants make to our nation and its economy; and

Whereas, This issue is of special concern to the citizens of New Jersey, a culturally and ethnically diverse state which has a long history of respecting the rights of every individual residing within its borders and which has historically supported policies that prohibit discrimination based on race, ethnicity, and national origin; and

Whereas, It is, therefore, altogether fitting and proper and in the public interest for this House to condemn the recent passage of Arizona Senate Bill 1070, and to call upon the Congress and President of the United States to swiftly enact comprehensive, uniform immigration and naturalization reform; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    This House condemns the passage of Arizona Senate Bill 1070 and urges the immediate repeal of the law.


     2.    This House respectfully urges Congress to pass and the President to enact comprehensive, uniform immigration and naturalization reform legislation which recognizes the crucial contributions immigrants make to our nation and restores civil rights and civil liberties to all persons residing within the nation's borders.


     3.    Duly authenticated copies of this Senate resolution, signed by the President of the Senate and attested by the Secretary thereof, shall be transmitted to the President and Vice President of the United States, the Majority and Minority Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker and Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, and every member of Congress elected from this State.





     In April 2010, Arizona enacted Senate Bill 1070 requiring, among other things, local and state law enforcement officers to investigate a person's immigration status if there is a suspicion that the person is in the country without proper documentation, regardless of whether that person is suspected of committing a crime.

     Arizona's law encourages racial profiling and violates the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees of due process and equal protection for all people in the United States, and seriously undermines the Constitution which grants the federal government the exclusive power to regulate immigration.

     This Senate resolution condemns the passage of Arizona Senate Bill 1070, urges its immediate repeal, and calls upon the Congress and President to enact comprehensive, uniform immigration and naturalization reform legislation which recognizes the crucial contributions immigrants make to our nation and restores civil rights and civil liberties to all persons residing within the nation's borders.