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District 18 (Middlesex)






     Urges President and Congress to enact legislation requiring Department of Veterans Affairs provide dental care for eligible veterans.



     As introduced.


A Senate Resolution urging the President of the United States and Congress to enact legislation requiring that the Department of Veterans Affairs provide dental care for eligible veterans.


Whereas, Veterans of the United States Armed Forces deserve high-quality health care services for all they have done to safeguard the freedom and security of this nation; and

Whereas, President Lincoln stated in his second inaugural address that it was this nation's duty "to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan"; and

Whereas, Today, the United States has the most comprehensive system of veteran's assistance in the world with the Department of Veterans Affairs providing health care, financial assistance, and burial benefits to nearly nine million eligible veterans; and

Whereas, Those enrolled with the department have access to preventative and emergency care as well as inpatient hospital services; and

Whereas, Although a number of health services are widely available, dental care is limited to those veterans with service connected dental conditions, service connected disabilities that meet specific criteria, or service connected disabilities that are one-hundred percent or greater as well as those veterans who are former prisoners of war, participating in vocational rehabilitation programs, or experiencing homelessness; and

Whereas, Veterans who fall outside of these designated groups are left to finance their own dental care; and

Whereas, The department currently offers discounted dental coverage through a private insurer which provides diagnostic, preventative, surgical, and restorative services, but paying for this insurance can pose a challenge for low income veterans; and

Whereas, Studies have shown that poor oral hygiene can lead to a number of serious health problems such as heart disease, dementia, pneumonia, and diabetes; and

Whereas, Federal legislation has been introduced to require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to furnish dental care in the same manner as any other medical service offered by the department and eliminate the current limits on dental care provided by the Veterans Affairs health system; and

Whereas, This legislation will improve the overall health and well-being of our veterans and it is another way for this nation to express its appreciation for their service; and

Whereas, Veterans should not have to forgo dental treatment because of their ability to pay; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    This House urges the President of the United States and Congress to enact legislation requiring that the Secretary of Veterans Affairs furnish dental care in the same manner as any other medical service offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.


     2.    Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the President of the United States, Majority and Minority Leaders of the United States Senate, Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, and each member of Congress elected from this State.





     This resolution urges the President of the United States and Congress to enact legislation requiring that the Secretary of Veterans Affairs furnish dental care in the same manner as any other medical service offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs.  The Department of Veterans Affairs currently administers one of the most complex and comprehensive healthcare systems in the world.  It serves more than nine million veterans across the country and is one of the many ways in which this nation expresses its gratitude to the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

     The United States has long recognized the obligation it has to care for its veterans.  President Lincoln famously stated in his second inaugural address that it was this nation's responsibility "to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow, and his orphan."  Today, these words guide the work of the department and serve as its official motto.  Veterans who served in all branches of the armed forces and did not receive a dishonorable discharge are eligible for health care, financial assistance, and burial benefits. 

     Despite the large number of services available through the Veterans Affairs healthcare system, dental care is only provided to certain groups of veterans.  Current law limits eligibility for dental care to those to those veterans with service connected dental conditions, service connected disabilities that meet specific criteria, or service connected disabilities that are one-hundred percent or greater as well as those veterans who are former prisoners of war, participating in vocational rehabilitation programs, or experiencing homelessness.  Veterans who fall outside of these designated groups are left to finance their own dental care.  While the Department of Veterans Affairs does offer discounted dental insurance through a private insurer, this can pose a challenge for low-income veterans.  Rather than incur the added expense of dental care, many veterans forgo it altogether.  This decision can put them at risk for a number of health problems such as heart disease, dementia, pneumonia, and diabetes.

     Federal legislation has been introduced which will require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to furnish dental care in the same manner as any other medical service offered by the department thereby eliminating the current limits imposed on dental care.  This House urges the President of the United States and Congress to enact this legislation so we can continue to ensure that these brave Americans receive the care they need.  Every veteran, regardless of ability to pay, deserves high-quality healthcare for all they have done to safeguard the freedoms we cherish.