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District 20 (Union)






     Supports 32BJ Service Employees International Union members seeking new contract.



     As introduced.


A Senate Resolution supporting the commercial office cleaner members of 32BJ Service Employees International Union in their effort toward a new contract.


Whereas,  Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union has existed since 1934, and has represented custodians, window cleaners, security guards, doormen, superintendents, airport workers, porters, and theater and stadium workers in New Jersey and ten other East coast states and Washington, D.C.; and

Whereas,   Local 32BJ works on community affairs, grievances, research, legal aid, and field services on behalf of its 175,000 members, in addition to negotiating their contracts; and

Whereas,  Local 32BJ was instrumental in the passage of the $15 per hour minimum wage, the enactment of paid family leave, and other legislative efforts that have improved the livelihoods of its membership and other workers in the State; and

Whereas, The contract for 7,000 building cleaners in New Jersey expires at the end of 2019, and Local 32BJ is launching a campaign for an improved contract; and

Whereas,  These office cleaners work in over 500 offices for some of the State's largest employers, and in some of the State's largest and busiest office buildings; and

Whereas,  Despite the booming economy, these office cleaners work for only $31,000 per year, an amount that is often not sufficient to sustain a family in New Jersey; and

Whereas, In addition to an increase in wages, these 7,000 office cleaners are seeking improved healthcare benefits in their contract, and improvements in their protection from sexual harassment; and

Whereas,  The Senate of the State of New Jersey is in support of the goals that are being pursued by Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union, and calls on the commercial real estate owners and contractors to respect the workers' efforts to win fairer wages and maintain quality affordable healthcare and protection from sexual harassment; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    This House stands in solidarity with the commercial office cleaner members of 32BJ Service Employees International Union and in support of their contract campaign.


     2.    Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Secretary of the Senate to the Governor and the New Jersey State Director of Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union.



     This resolution expresses solidarity for the commercial office cleaners represented by Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union in their campaign for a new contract. The union represents 7,000 office cleaners in New Jersey who have a contract expiring at the end of 2019, and they are pursuing higher wages, more healthcare benefits, and better protection from sexual harassment in a new contact.

     SEIU Local 32BJ has existed since 1977, and has played a key role in the effort to obtain a $15 per hour minimum wage, and the campaign for paid family leave. It represents over 120,000 office workers across seven states on the East Coast, including New Jersey. Its office cleaner members currently are paid only $31,000 per year, despite New Jersey's strong economy. They clean more than 500 offices for some of the State's largest employers and busiest buildings.

     The Senate further calls on the commercial real estate owners and contractors to respect the workers' efforts to win fairer wages and maintain quality affordable healthcare and protection from sexual harassment.