No. 58







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District 30 (Monmouth and Ocean)






     Designates month of April of each year as "Military Child Appreciation Month" in NJ; designates last full week of April of each year as "Military Child Appreciation Week" in NJ.



     As introduced.


A Joint Resolution Designating the month of April of each year as "Military Child Appreciation Month" in New Jersey and designating the last full week of April of each year as "Military Child Appreciation Week" in New Jersey.


Whereas, According to the Military Child Education Coalition, there are approximately two million United States military children under the age of eighteen, 1.1 million of whom are school-aged; and

Whereas, Many military children have known only war since September 11, 2001, including some military children whose parent made the ultimate sacrifice; and

Whereas, Military children often have to adapt their lives to the requirements of their parent's military obligations, and shoulder responsibilities beyond their years and burdens outside of their control; and

Whereas, Military children face an average of six to nine relocations and school transitions during their school years, creating disruptions due to separation from family and friends, as well as the necessity of adjusting to new schools and environments; and

Whereas, The average military family moves three times more often than their civilian counterpart, and those moves are often to areas not chosen by the military family; and

Whereas, In 1986, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger established the month of April as the United States Department of Defense's "Month of the Military Child" in an effort to increase public knowledge and understanding of the issues surrounding children who have a parent in the military; and

Whereas, Since 1986, there have been an increasing number of awareness campaigns aimed at recognizing the needs of military children in all areas, such as coping with the deployment of a parent to war zones; and

Whereas, Every April, the United States military services and communities around the world recognize military children for their daily sacrifices and the challenges they must overcome; and

Whereas, In 2009, New Jersey joined the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children to remove barriers to educational success imposed on the children of military families due to the frequent moves and deployment of a parent; and

Whereas, New Jersey will further its commitment to the brave men and women who serve their country and State by supporting and recognizing these children and young American heroes, and by pledging its gratitude for their sacrifices; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    In order to recognize the sacrifice and bravery of military
children and to encourage the State of New Jersey's continued commitment and support for military children living in this State:

     a.     The month of April of each year is designated as "Military Child Appreciation Month" in New Jersey.

     b.    The last full week of April of each year is designated as "Military Child Appreciation Week" in New Jersey.


     2.    The Governor is respectfully requested to annually issue a proclamation calling upon public officials and the citizens of the State to observe "Military Child Appreciation Month" and "Military Child Appreciation Week" with appropriate activities and programs.


     3.    This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.





     This resolution designates the month of April of each year as "Military Appreciation Month" and the last full week of April of each year as "Military Appreciation Week" in New Jersey.

     In 1986, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger established the month of April as the "Month of the Military Child."  Secretary Weinberger wanted to highlight the trials and tribulations that military children endure from having a parent who serves in the Armed Forces.  Military families move three times more often than civilian families and military children are often asked to shoulder responsibilities and burdens well beyond their years.

     Since 1986, the Department of Defense has commemorated April as the "Month of the Military Child," and implemented various programs to aid military children and families.  There has also been an increasing number of awareness campaigns aimed at recognizing the needs of military children.  It is therefore proper and fitting for the State of New Jersey to commemorate military children by designating the month of April of each year as "Military Child Appreciation Month" and the last full week of April of each year as "Military Child Appreciation Week" in New Jersey.