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     Creates a joint committee of the Legislature to be known as the Joint Committee on Economic Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity.



     As introduced.


A Concurrent Resolution creating a joint committee of the Legislature to study issues concerning economic justice and equal employment opportunity.


     Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey (the General Assembly concurring):


     1.    There is created a joint body of the Legislature to be known as the "Joint Committee on Economic Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity." The joint committee shall consist of 10 members of the Legislature, from either House, regardless of political party affiliation, who shall be appointed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the General Assembly, as appropriate, and nominated as follows: one member nominated by the President of the Senate; one member nominated by the Senate Minority Leader; one member nominated by the Speaker of the General Assembly; one member nominated by the Assembly Minority Leader; two members nominated by the Chair of the Legislative Black Caucus; two members nominated by the Chair of the Legislative Latino Caucus; and two members nominated by the Chair of the Women's Legislative Caucus. All members shall serve without compensation and vacancies in the membership of the joint committee shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments are made.


     2.    The joint committee shall adopt rules for the operation and the conduct of its business, including the election of a chair or co-chairs as it may determine from among its members, and select a secretary who need not be a member of the joint committee.


     3.    The joint committee is authorized, empowered, and directed to conduct a continuing study of issues concerning economic justice and equal employment opportunity in this State. The joint committee, in its endeavor to study these issues, shall meet and hold hearings at places, throughout the State, as it shall designate during the sessions or recesses of the Legislature.


     4.    The joint committee shall be entitled to call to its assistance and avail itself of the services of the employees of the Legislative Services Commission. The joint committee shall also be entitled to employ such stenographic and clerical assistants and incur such traveling and other miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized by the presiding officers of the Houses, in order to perform its duties, and as may be within the limits of funds appropriated or otherwise made available to it for its purposes.

     5.    The joint committee shall report its findings to the Legislature on a routine basis, and may make other reports as it deems necessary or desirable.





     This concurrent resolution creates a joint committee of the Legislature to be known as the Joint Committee on Economic Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity. The committee will consist of 10 members of the Legislature, from either House, regardless of political party affiliation, and will be nominated and appointed by the President of the Senate and Speaker of the General Assembly as follows: one member who will be nominated by the President of the Senate, one member who will be nominated by the Senate Minority Leader, one member who will be nominated by the Speaker of the General Assembly, one member who will be nominated by the Assembly Minority Leader, two members who will be nominated by the Chair of the Legislative Black Caucus; two members who will be nominated by the Chair of the Legislative Latino Caucus; and two members who will be nominated by the Chair of the Women's Legislative Caucus.

     The joint committee is authorized, empowered, and directed to conduct a continuing study of issues concerning economic justice and equal employment opportunity in this State. The joint committee, in its endeavor to study these issues, will meet and hold hearings at places, throughout the State, as it shall designate during the sessions or recesses of the Legislature.

     Under the resolution, the joint committee is entitled to call to its assistance and avail itself of the services of the employees of the Legislative Services Commission. The joint committee will also be entitled to employ such stenographic and clerical assistants and incur such traveling and other miscellaneous expenses as may be authorized by the presiding officers of the Houses, in order to perform its duties, and as may be within the limits of funds appropriated or otherwise made available to it for its purposes.

     Finally, the joint committee will report its findings to the Legislature on a routine basis, and may make other reports as it deems necessary or desirable.