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District 37 (Bergen)






     Urges Governor and Lieutenant Governor to establish foreign trade office in Taiwan.



     As introduced.


A Concurrent Resolution urging the Governor and Lieutenant Governor to establish a foreign trade office in Taiwan.


Whereas, The United States and the Republic of China, commonly known as Taiwan, share common ideals and a clear vision for the 21st century, where freedom and democracy are the foundations of peaceful progress and prosperity, making Taiwan one of the strongest democratic allies of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region; and

Whereas, The United States has been assisting Taiwan in its bid to gain meaningful participation in the World Health Assembly as an observer since 2009, and has supported Taiwan's meaningful participation in other United Nations-affiliated organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization; and

Whereas, Taiwan's inclusion in the United States Visa Waiver Program on November 1, 2012, allows Taiwan and the United States, including the State of New Jersey, to witness a rapid growth in all areas of bilateral development; and

Whereas, New Jersey and Taiwan have maintained a friendly and fruitful relationship for nearly 25 years since entering into a Sister State agreement in 1989; and

Whereas, In the catastrophic wake of Hurricane Sandy in October, 2012, Taiwan's government, as an expression of its deep concerns for the people of New Jersey, came to their immediate aid and offered $100,000 towards the Hurricane Sandy relief fund; and

Whereas, The United States and Taiwan have recently resumed talks regarding the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement, providing a strategic framework and principles for dialogue on trade and investment issues between the United States and Taiwan.

Whereas, The United States and Taiwan maintain an important trade relationship, with Taiwan being among the largest trading partners of the United States and the United States being one of the largest exporters to Taiwan; and

Whereas, The United States and Taiwan share a long-term and close economic relationship, with $63 billion in bilateral trade in 2012, making Taiwan the 11th largest trading partner with the United States and its 16th largest foreign market; and

Whereas, Taiwan, one of the largest trading nations in the world, is a center for international trade which is vital to the economic prosperity of this State and the United States in general; and

Whereas, In 2012, Taiwan was New Jersey's 19th largest export market with $537 million worth of products exported, including aircraft, spacecraft, and related parts, precious stones and metals, and electric and industrial machinery; and

Whereas, While 20 of the United States' top 500 companies are headquartered in New Jersey, 11 of those 20 companies have operations or research and development centers in Taiwan, including Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Honeywell International, Allied Signal, Noveda Technologies, and Telcordia; and

Whereas, More than 100 Taiwan companies have invested in this State, including Formosa Plastics Corporation, EVA Air, Evergreen Marine, Yang Ming Marine Transport, and AAEON Electronics, Inc.; and

Whereas, This State should promote and support greater economic cooperation with Taiwan, as the United States and Taiwan enjoy one of the most important economic and strategic international relationships that exist today; and

Whereas, The Governor, and the Lieutenant Governor, the chief advocate for economic vitality, should take an especially keen interest in the further development and enhancement of that relationship; and

Whereas, It is altogether fitting and proper that this State establish a foreign trade office in Taiwan in order to maintain and further the prosperity created by years of economic trade and cooperation with that nation; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of New Jersey (the General Assembly concurring):


     1.    This Legislature urges the Governor and Lieutenant Governor to establish a foreign trade office in Taiwan in order to strengthen trade relations with Taiwan, as well as to promote and support greater investment and economic cooperation between this State and Taiwan.


     2.    Duly authenticated copies of this resolution, signed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the General Assembly, and attested by the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the General Assembly, shall be transmitted to the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor of the State of New Jersey, and President Ma Ying-jeou of the Republic of China via the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office located in New York.





     This concurrent resolution urges the Governor and Lieutenant Governor to establish a foreign trade office in Taiwan in order to strengthen trade relations with that nation and to promote and support greater investment and economic cooperation between this State and Taiwan.

     Taiwan is a key trading partner of the United States and New Jersey, as well as a global economic power. Increasing trade with Taiwan will create greater economic opportunities and should be a goal of this State. That effort would be bolstered by establishing a foreign trade office in Taiwan.