
T & E and

Note to



P.L. 2023, CHAPTER 169, approved October 20, 2023

Senate, No. 3903



An Act designating the portion of State Highway Route No. 47 in Deptford Township in honor of Officer Robert J. Shisler.


Whereas, Officer Robert J. Shisler lost his life in the line of duty on May 7, 2023; and

Whereas, Officer Shisler served as a police officer for the Deptford Township Police Department for four years; and

Whereas, Officer Shisler was an avid hunter and outdoorsman who graduated from Deptford High School in 2014 and played baseball and football for the school; and 

Whereas, Officer Shisler then attended Presbyterian College in South Carolina, where he played Division 1 baseball before fulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming a police officer in the town he was born and raised; and

Whereas, On May 7, 2023, Officer Shisler tragically lost his life, nearly two months after sustaining gunshot wounds during a pedestrian stop on Delsea Drive in Deptford Township; and

Whereas, Officer Shisler was a beloved officer who will be remembered for his dedication and commitment to his community; and

Whereas, As a true example of service to his State and fellow officers, it is fitting and proper for the Legislature of the State of New Jersey to honor the life and service of Officer Robert J. Shisler by designating a portion of State Highway Route No. 47, otherwise known as Delsea Drive, in Deptford Township as the "Officer Robert J. Shisler Memorial Highway"; now, therefore,


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.  Notwithstanding the provisions of P.L.1940, J.R.2, which designated State Highway Route No. 47 as Delsea Drive, the Commissioner of Transportation shall designate the portion of State Highway  Route No. 47 extending from milepost 68.18 to milepost 73.93 in Deptford Township as the "Officer Robert J. Shisler Memorial Highway" and erect appropriate signs bearing this designation and dedication.


     2.  State or other public funds shall not be used for producing, purchasing, or erecting signs bearing the designation established pursuant to section 1 of this act.  The Commissioner of Transportation is authorized to receive gifts, grants, or other financial assistance from private sources for the purpose of funding or reimbursing the Department of Transportation for the costs associated with producing, purchasing, erecting, and maintaining signs bearing the designation established pursuant to section 1 of this act and entering into agreements related thereto, with private sources, including but not limited to non-governmental non-profit, educational, or charitable entities or institutions.  Work shall not proceed and funding shall not be accepted by the Department of Transportation until an agreement has been reached with a responsible party for paying the costs associated with producing, purchasing, erecting, and maintaining the signs. 


     3.  This act shall take effect immediately.





     This bill designates the portion of State Highway Route No. 47 in Deptford Township as the "Officer Robert J. Shisler Memorial Highway" to honor the life and service of Robert J. Shisler, who was tragically killed in the line of duty.  The Legislature honors Officer Shisler for his service to the State of New Jersey.

     Consistent with Department of Transportation policy and other road designations, the bill provides that State or other public funds are not to be used for producing, purchasing, or erecting signs bearing the designation for the "Officer Robert J. Shisler Memorial Highway." The Commissioner of Transportation is authorized to receive financial assistance from private sources for the costs associated with producing, purchasing, erecting, and maintaining signs bearing the designation.





     Designates portion of State Highway Route No. 47 in Deptford Township as "Officer Robert J. Shisler Memorial Highway."