SENATE, No. 3705







Sponsored by:


District 33 (Hudson)






     Requires Administrative Law Judges to be enrolled in Workers Compensation Judges Part of PERS.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning enrollment of Administrative Law Judges in the Workers Compensation Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System and amending P.L.2007, c.92, P.L. 2001, c.259, and P.L.1954, c.84.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    Section 2 of P.L. 2007, c.92 (C.43:15C-2) is amended to read as follows:

     2.    a.  The following persons shall be eligible and shall participate in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program:

     (1)   A person who commences service on or after the effective date of this section of P.L.2007, c.92 (C.43:15C-1 et al.) in an elective public office of this State or of a political subdivision thereof, except that it shall not include a person who holds elective public office on the effective date of this section and is enrolled in the Public Employees' Retirement System while that person continues to hold that elective public office or, for an elected official specified in section 5 of P.L.2017, c.344 (C.43:15A-7.5), another elective public office, without a break in service.  Service in the Legislature shall be considered a single elective public office.

     (2)   A person who commences service on or after the effective date of this section in an employment, office or position of the State or of a political subdivision thereof, or an agency, board, commission, authority or instrumentality of the State or of a subdivision, pursuant to an appointment by the Governor that requires the advice and consent of the Senate, or pursuant to an appointment by the Governor to serve at the pleasure of the Governor only during his or her term of office.  This paragraph shall not be deemed to include a person otherwise eligible for membership in the State Police Retirement System or the Judicial Retirement System.  This paragraph shall not include Workers' Compensation Judges of the Division of Workers' Compensation in the Department of Labor and Workforce Development or Administrative Law Judges of the Office of Administrative Law within the Department of State.  This paragraph shall not include a commissioner appointed to the New Jersey Maritime Pilot and Docking Pilot Commission pursuant to R.S.12:8-1.

     (3)   A person who commences service on or after the effective date of this section in an employment, office or position in a political subdivision of the State, or an agency, board, commission, authority or instrumentality of a subdivision, pursuant to an appointment by an elected public official or elected governing body, that requires the specific consent or approval of the elected governing body of the political subdivision that is substantially similar in nature to the advice and consent of the Senate for appointments by the Governor of the State as that similarity is determined by the elected governing body and set forth in an adopted ordinance or resolution, pursuant to guidelines or policy that shall be established by the Local Finance Board in the Department of Community Affairs or the Department of Education, as appropriate to the elected governing body.  This paragraph shall not be deemed to include a person otherwise eligible for membership in the Teachers' Pension and Annuity Fund or the Police and Firemen's Retirement System, or a person who is employed or appointed in the regular or normal course of employment or appointment procedures and consented to or approved in a general or routine manner appropriate for and followed by the political subdivision, or the agency, board, commission, authority or instrumentality of a subdivision, or a person who holds a professional license or certificate to perform and is performing as a certified health officer, tax assessor, tax collector, municipal planner, chief financial officer, registered municipal clerk, construction code official, licensed uniform subcode inspector, qualified purchasing agent, or certified public works manager.

     (4)   A person who is granted a pension or retirement allowance under any pension fund or retirement system established under the laws of this State and elects to participate pursuant to section 1 of P.L.1977, c.171 (C.43:3C-3) upon being elected to public office.

     (5)   A member of the Teachers' Pension and Annuity Fund, Police and Firemen's Retirement System, State Police Retirement System, or the Public Employees' Retirement System for whom compensation is defined as the amount of base or contractual salary equivalent to the annual maximum wage contribution base for Social Security, pursuant to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, for contribution and benefit purposes of those retirement systems, for whom participation in this retirement program shall be with regard to any excess over the maximum compensation only.

     (6)   A person in employment, office or position for which the annual salary or remuneration is less, or the hours of work per week are fewer, than that which is required to become a member of the Teachers' Pension and Annuity Fund or the Public Employees' Retirement System, or to make contributions to those systems as a member on the basis of any such employment, office or position, after November 1, 2008.

     b.    No person shall be eligible to participate in the retirement program with respect to any public employment, office, or position if:

     (1)   the base salary for that employment, office, or position is less than $5,000 per year;

     (2)   the person is, on the basis of service in that employment, office, or position, eligible for membership or enrolled as a member of another State or locally-administered pension fund or retirement system established under the laws of this State including the Alternate Benefit Program, except as otherwise specifically provided in subsection a. of this section;

     (3)   the person is receiving a benefit as a retiree from any other State or locally-administered pension fund or retirement system established under the laws of this State, except as provided in section 1 of P.L.1977, c.171 (C.43:3C-3); or

     (4)   the person is an officer or employee of a political subdivision of this State or of a board of education, or of any agency, authority or instrumentality thereof, who is ineligible for membership in the Public Employees' Retirement System pursuant to section 20 of P.L.2007, c.92 (C.43:15A-7.2).

     c.     A person eligible and required to participate in the retirement program pursuant to paragraph (5) of subsection a. of this section may elect to waive participation with regard to that employment, office, or position by filing, when first eligible, on a form required by the division, a written waiver with the Division of Pensions and Benefits that waives all rights and benefits that would otherwise be provided by the retirement program.  Such a person may thereafter elect to participate in the retirement program by filing, on a form required by the division, a written election to participate in the retirement program and participation in the retirement program pursuant to such election shall commence on the January 1 next following the filing of the election to participate.

     d.    Service credited to a participant in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program shall not be recognized as service credit to determine eligibility for employer-paid health care benefits in retirement pursuant to P.L.1961, c.49 (C.52:14-17.25 et seq.), N.J.S.40A:10-16 et seq., P.L.1979, c.391 (C.18A:16-12 et al.) or any other law, rule or regulation.

(cf: P.L.2021, c.418, s.3)


     2.    Section 7 of P.L.1954, c.84 (C.43:15A-7) is amended to read as follows:

     7.    There is hereby established the Public Employees' Retirement System of New Jersey in the Division of Pensions and Benefits of the Department of the Treasury.  The membership of the retirement system shall include:

     a.     The members of the former "State Employees' Retirement System of New Jersey" enrolled as such as of December 30, 1954, who shall not have claimed for refund their accumulated deductions in said system as provided in this section;

     b.    Any person becoming an employee of the State or other employer after January 2, 1955 and every veteran, other than a retired member who returns to service pursuant to subsection b. of section 27 of P.L.1966, c.217 (C.43:15A-57.2) and other than those whose appointments are seasonal, becoming an employee of the State or other employer after such date, including a temporary employee with at least one year's continuous service.  The membership of the retirement system shall not include those persons appointed to serve as described in paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection a. of section 2 of P.L.2007, c.92 (C.43:15C-2), except a person who was a member of the retirement system prior to the effective date of sections 1 through 19 of P.L.2007, c.92 (C.43:15C-1 through C.43:15C-15, C.43:3C-9, C.43:15A-7, C.43:15A-75 and C.43:15A-135) and continuously thereafter.  The membership of the retirement system shall include Workers' Compensation Judges of the Division of Workers' Compensation in the Department of Labor and Workforce Development and Administrative Law Judges of the Office of Administrative Law within the Department of State; and

     c.     Every employee veteran in the employ of the State or other employer on January 2, 1955, who is not a member of any retirement system supported wholly or partly by the State.

     d.    Membership in the retirement system shall be optional for elected officials other than veterans, and for school crossing guards, who having become eligible for benefits under other pension systems are so employed on a part-time basis.  Elected officials commencing service on or after the effective date of sections 1 through 19 of P.L.2007, c.92 (C.43:15C-1 through C.43:15C-15, C.43:3C-9, C.43:15A-7 , C.43:15A-75 and C.43:15A-135) shall not be eligible for membership in the retirement system based on service in the elective public office, except that an elected official enrolled in the retirement system as of that effective date who continues to hold that elective public office or, for an elected official specified in section 5 of P.L.2017, c.344 (C.43:15A-7.5), another elective public office, without a break in service shall be eligible to continue membership in the retirement system under the terms and conditions of enrollment.  Service in the Legislature shall be considered a single elective public office.  Any part-time school crossing guard who is eligible for benefits under any other pension system and who was hired as a part-time school crossing guard prior to March 4, 1976, may at any time terminate his membership in the retirement system by making an application in writing to the board of trustees of the retirement system.  Upon receiving such application, the board of trustees shall terminate his enrollment in the system and direct the employer to cease accepting contributions from the member or deducting from the compensation paid to the member.  State employees who become members of any other retirement system supported wholly or partly by the State as a condition of employment shall not be eligible for membership in this retirement system.  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, all other persons accepting employment in the service of the State shall be required to enroll in the retirement system as a condition of their employment, regardless of age.

     (1)   Before or on November 1, 2008, no person in employment, office or position, for which the annual salary or remuneration is fixed at less than $1,500.00, shall be eligible to become a member of the retirement system.

     (2)   After November 1, 2008, a person who was a member of the retirement system on that date and continuously thereafter shall be eligible to be a member of the retirement system in employment, office or position, for which the annual salary or remuneration is fixed at $1,500 or more.

     (3)   After November 1, 2008 and before or on the effective date of P.L.2010, c.1, a person who was not a member of the retirement system on November 1, 2008, or who was a member of the retirement system on that date but not continuously thereafter, and who is in employment, office or position, for which the annual salary or remuneration is certified by the applicable public entity at $7,500 or more, shall be eligible to become a member of the retirement system. The $7,500 minimum annual salary or remuneration amount shall be adjusted annually by the Director of the Division of Pensions and Benefits, by regulation, in accordance with changes in the Consumer Price Index but by no more than 4 percent.  "Consumer Price Index" means the average of the annual increase, expressed as a percentage, in the consumer price index for all urban consumers in the New York City and Philadelphia metropolitan statistical areas during the preceding calendar year as reported by the United States Department of Labor.

     (4)   After the effective date of P.L.2010, c.1, no person in an employment, office or position of the State, or an agency, board, commission, authority or instrumentality of the State, for which the hours of work are fixed at fewer than 35 per week shall be eligible to become a member of the retirement system; and no person in employment, office or position with a political subdivision of the State, or an agency, board, commission, authority or instrumentality of a political subdivision of the State, for which the hours of work are fixed by an ordinance or resolution of the political subdivision, or agency, board, commission, authority or instrumentality thereof, at fewer than 32 per week shall be eligible to become a member of the retirement system.  Any hour or part thereof, during which the person does not work due to the person's participation in a voluntary or mandatory furlough program shall not be deducted in determining if a person's hours of work are fixed at fewer than 35 or 32 per week, as appropriate, for the purpose of eligibility and the person's service credit as a member of the system or fund shall include the period of mandatory or voluntary furlough provided the person continues to make contributions based on the person's base salary or compensation.  If the pay of a furloughed person is insufficient to withhold the entirety of the person's regular contributions, then the person shall remit the entirety of the regular contribution which was not withheld from the person's pay to the Division of Pensions and Benefits in the Department of the Treasury in a manner determined by the division, except that no deduction for the payment of such contributions shall be made from the unemployment compensation benefits of the employee.

     e.     Membership of any person in the retirement system shall cease if he shall discontinue his service for more than two consecutive years.

     f.     The accumulated deductions of the members of the former "State Employees' Retirement System" which have been set aside in a trust fund designated as Fund A as provided in section 5 of this act and which have not been claimed for refund prior to February 1, 1955 shall be transferred from said Fund A to the Annuity Savings Fund of the Retirement System, provided for in section 25 of this act.  Each member whose accumulated deductions are so transferred shall receive the same prior service credit, pension credit, and membership credit in the retirement system as he previously had in the former "State Employees' Retirement System" and shall have such accumulated deductions credited to his individual account in the Annuity Savings Fund.  Any outstanding obligations of such member shall be continued.

     g.    Any school crossing guard electing to terminate his membership in the retirement system pursuant to subsection d. of this section shall, upon his request, receive a refund of his accumulated deductions as of the date of his appointment to the position of school crossing guard.  Such refund of contributions shall serve as a waiver of all benefits payable to the employee, to his dependent or dependents, or to any of his beneficiaries under the retirement system.

     h.    A temporary employee who is employed under the federal Workforce Investment Act shall not be eligible for membership in the system.  Membership for temporary employees employed under the federal Job Training Partnership Act, Pub.L.97-300 (29 U.S.C.s.1501) who are in the system on September 19, 1986 shall be terminated, and affected employees shall receive a refund of their accumulated deductions as of the date of commencement of employment in a federal Job Training Partnership Act program.  Such refund of contributions shall serve as a waiver of all benefits payable to the employee, to his dependent or dependents, or to any of his beneficiaries under the retirement system.

     i.     Membership in the retirement system shall be optional for a special service employee who is employed under the federal Older American Community Service Employment Act, Pub.L.94-135 (42 U.S.C.s.3056).  Any special service employee employed under the federal Older American Community Service Employment Act, Pub.L.94-135 (42 U.S.C.s.3056), who is in the retirement system on the effective date of P.L.1996, c.139 may terminate membership in the retirement system by making an application in writing to the board of trustees of the retirement system.  Upon receiving the application, the board shall terminate enrollment in the system and the member shall receive a refund of accumulated deductions as of the date of commencement of employment in a federal Older American Community Service Employment Act program.  This refund of contributions shall serve as a waiver of all benefits payable to the employee, to any dependent or dependents, or to any beneficiary under the retirement system.

     j.     An employee of the South Jersey Port Corporation who was employed by the South Jersey Port Corporation as of the effective date of P.L.1997, c.150 (C.34:1B-144 et al.) and who shall be re-employed within 365 days of such effective date by a subsidiary corporation or other corporation, which has been established by the Delaware River Port Authority pursuant to subdivision (m) of Article I of the compact creating the Delaware River Port Authority (R.S.32:3-2), as defined in section 3 of P.L.1997, c.150 (C.34:1B-146), shall be eligible to continue membership while an employee of such subsidiary or other corporation.

     k.    An employee of a renaissance school project established pursuant to P.L.2011, c.176 (C.18A:36C-1 et seq.) upon commencement of employment.

     l.     Every commissioner appointed to the New Jersey Maritime Pilot and Docking Pilot Commission pursuant to R.S.12:8-1.

(cf: P.L.2021, c.418, s.2)


     3.    Section 1 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-142) is amended to read as follows:

     1.    As used in this act, P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-142 et seq.):

     "Administrative law judges" means the Director and Chief administrative law judge, assignment judges, supervisory judges, and administrative law judges of the Office of Administrative Law within the Department of State.

     "Aggregate public service" includes service as a workers compensation or administrative law judge and in an office, position, or employment of this State or of a county, municipality, board of education, or public agency of this State.

     "Beneficiary" means any person entitled to receive any benefit pursuant to the provisions of this act by reason of the death of a member or retirant.

     "Child" means a deceased member's or retirant's unmarried child who is (a) under the age of 18; (b) of any age who, at the time of the member's or retirant's death, is disabled because of an intellectual disability or physical incapacity, is unable to do any substantial, gainful work because of the impairment, and the impairment has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months, as affirmed by the medical board; or (c) under the age of 21 and is attending school full time.

     "Final salary" means the annual salary received by the member at the time of retirement or death.

     "Retirant" means any former member receiving a pension or retirement allowance as provided by this act.

     "Widow" means the woman to whom a member was married at least four years before the date of his death and to whom he continued to be married until the date of his death.  The eligibility of a widow to receive a survivor's benefit shall be considered terminated by the marriage of the widow subsequent to the member's or the retirant's death.  In the event of accidental death, the four-year qualification shall be waived.  When used in this act, the term "widow" shall mean and include "widower" as may be necessary and appropriate to the particular situation.

     "Widower" means the man to whom a member was married at least four years before the date of her death and to whom she continued to be married until the date of her death.  The eligibility of a widower to receive a survivor's benefit shall be considered terminated by the marriage of the widower subsequent to the member's or the retirant's death.  In the event of accidental death, the four-year qualification shall be waived.

     "Workers compensation judges" means the Chief Judges, administrative supervisory judges, supervisory judges and judges of compensation of the Division of Workers' Compensation of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.

(cf: P.L.2010, c.50, s.72)


     4.    Section 2 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-143) is amended to read as follows:

     2.  a.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, workers compensation judges and administrative law judges shall be members of the Workers Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part, established pursuant to this act, P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-142 et seq.), as amended by P.L. , c. (pending before the Legislature as this bill), of the Public Employees' Retirement System, established pursuant to P.L.1954, c.84 (C.43:15A-1 et seq.), and shall be subject to the same membership and benefit provisions as State employees, except as provided by P.L.2001, c.259.  Membership in the retirement system shall be a condition of employment for service as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge.

     b.    A Workers' Compensation Judge of the Division of Workers' Compensation in the Department of Labor and Workforce Development who is a participant in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program, established pursuant to P.L.2007, c.92 (C.43:15C-1 et seq.), on the effective date of P.L.2021, c.140 shall be transferred and enrolled in the Workers' Compensation Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System within 90 days following that effective date.  An Administrative Law Judge of the Office of Administrative Law within the Department of State who is a participant in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program, established pursuant to P.L.2007, c.92 (C.43:15C-1 et seq.), on the effective date of P.L. , c. (now pending before the Legislature as this bill) shall be transferred and enrolled in the Workers' Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System within 90 days following the effective date of P.L. , c. (pending before the Legislature as this bill).  An Administrative Law Judge of the Office of Administrative Law within the Department of State who is a participant in the Public Employees' Retirement System, established pursuant to P.L.1954, c. 84 (C.43:15A-1 et seq.) shall be transferred and enrolled in the Workers' Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System within 90 days following the effective date of P.L. , c. (pending before the Legislature as this bill).  The account in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program or the Public Employees' Retirement Program for each judge transferred and enrolled shall be transferred to the Workers' Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System and each judge shall be given service credit in the Workers' Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System for service starting on the judge's date of appointment.  The unfunded liability for the benefits provided by the transfer and enrollment of such judges of compensation shall be paid by transfers from the Second Injury Fund as provided by section 13 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-154) to the Workers' Compensation Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System.  The unfunded liability for the benefits provided by the transfer and enrollment of such administrative law judges shall be paid by appropriations from the State General Fund.

     Service credit transferred from a participant in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program under this subsection shall be recognized as service credit to determine eligibility for employer-paid health care benefits in retirement pursuant to P.L.1961, c.49 (C.52:14-17.25 et seq.), or any other law, rule or regulation.

     The actuary for the Public Employees' Retirement System shall determine the unfunded accrued liability resulting from the transfer and coverage of judges under this subsection [a. of this section] in the same manner provided for the determination of the unfunded accrued liability of the retirement system by section 24 of P.L.1954, c.84 (C.43:15A-24).  This unfunded accrued liability shall be amortized in the manner provided by section 24 over an amortization period of 20 years.  Accrued liability and normal contributions for workers compensation judges shall be paid by transfers from the Second Injury Fund as provided by subsection j. of R.S.34:15-94.  The Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development may, with the authorization of and appropriation by the Legislature, pay the unfunded accrued liability for workers compensation judges in a lump sum or over a period of time shorter than 20 years. Accrued liability and normal contributions for administrative law judges shall be paid by appropriations from the State General Fund.

     c.     The value of the account of a workers' compensation judge or administrative law judge who is transferred out of the program shall be transferred from the Defined Contribution Retirement Program to the Public Employees' Retirement System in accordance with the relevant provisions of the federal Internal Revenue Code and Internal Revenue Service guidance as a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer.  The transfer shall be in accordance with a rule, method, or process that shall not result in the transfer being deemed a distribution includible in federal gross income for the workers' compensation judge or administrative law judge.

     d.    A workers compensation judge who retired on or after May 20, 2021 and an administrative law judge who retired on or after the first day of the month preceding the effective date of P.L. , c. (pending before the Legislature as this bill) and who was not transferred and enrolled pursuant to this subsection shall be retroactively transferred and enrolled in the Workers Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System pursuant to this section and the retirement allowance calculated and paid from the date of retirement based on that enrollment in Workers Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System, provided the retiree complies with any terms and conditions for that transfer, enrollment, and calculation as required by the Division of Pensions and Benefits and the board of trustees of the Public Employees' Retirement System.  The retroactive provision in this subsection shall only apply to those workers compensation and administrative law judges who have not received a distribution from the judge's Defined Contribution Retirement Program account.

(cf: P.L.2021, c.140, s.3)


     5.    Section 3 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-144) is amended to read as follows:

     3. a. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 25 of P.L.1954, c.84 (C.43:15A-25) to the contrary, a separate account shall be established in the annuity savings fund for each workers compensation and administrative law judge and all contributions based on the judge's salary shall be credited to this account.  This account shall be separate from any other account that the member may have as a result of other public service covered by the retirement system.

     b.    A workers compensation judge and administrative law judge shall contribute at a rate equal to 5% of the judge's salary, which contribution shall be deducted from the salary at the time or times it is paid, and which shall be exclusive of any other contribution required of the member for Social Security, contributory death benefits or deductions for any other purpose.  The contribution rate shall be 5.5% of the judge's salary effective with the payroll period for which the beginning date is closest to July 1, 2007.  The contribution rate shall be 6.5% of the judge's salary on and after the effective date of P.L.2011, c.78, with an additional contribution of 1% to be phased in in equal increments over a period of seven years commencing with the first year following that effective date.

     c.     A workers compensation judge or administrative law judge who is enrolled on the basis of other public service before, during, or after service as a judge [of compensation] shall contribute for such other service at the rate of contribution required of other members as provided by section 25.

(cf: P.L.2011, c.78, s.13)


     6.    Section 4 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-145) is amended to read as follows:

     4.  a.  Any workers compensation judge or administrative law judge who has reached the age of 70 years shall be retired forthwith on the first day of the next calendar month.  Any other eligible workers compensation or administrative law judge may be retired on the first day of the next calendar month subsequent to the filing of a written and duly executed application with the retirement system.  [Such] In the case of a workers compensation judge, such application shall be accompanied by a copy of the member's resignation which has been filed in the office of the Director of the Division of Workers' Compensation.  In the case of an administrative law judge, such application shall be accompanied by a copy of the member's resignation which has been filed in the office of the Director of the Office of Administrative Law.

     b.    Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection a. of this section or any other law to the contrary, a workers compensation judge who is 60 years of age or older on the effective date of P.L.1999, c.380 shall be permitted to continue service as a judge until attaining 10 years of service credit under the Workers Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of the retirement system. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection a. of this section, or any other law to the contrary, an administrative law judge who is 60 years of age or older on the effective date of P.L. , c. (pending before the Legislature as this bill) shall be permitted to continue service as a judge until attaining 10 years of service credit under the Workers Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of the retirement system.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.4)


     7.    Section 5 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-146) is amended to read as follows:

     5.    Any workers compensation or administrative law judge who has served at least 10 years as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge and attained the age of 70 years shall be retired and shall receive the retirement allowance prescribed by this section.

     Any workers compensation judge or administrative law judge who has served at least 15 years as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge and attained the age of 65 years, or served at least 20 years as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge and attained the age of 60 years, may retire and receive the retirement allowance prescribed by this section.  The retirement allowance shall consist of an annuity that shall be the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated deductions together with regular interest, and a pension that, when added to the member's annuity, shall provide a retirement allowance during the remainder of the member's life in the amount equal to three-quarters of the member's final salary.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.5)


     8.    Section 6 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-147) is amended to read as follows:

     6.    Any workers compensation judge or administrative law judge who has:

     a.     served at least five years successively as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge and attained the age of 65 years or more while serving in such office and has served at least 15 years of aggregate public service, or

     b.    served at least five years successively as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge and attained the age of 60 years or more while serving in such office and has served at least 20 years of aggregate public service, may retire and receive the retirement allowance prescribed by this section.  The retirement allowance shall consist of an annuity that shall be the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated deductions together with regular interest, and a pension that, when added to the member's annuity, shall provide a retirement allowance during the remainder of the member's life in an amount equal to one-half of the member's final salary.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.6)


     9.    Section 7 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-148) is amended to read as follows:

     7.    Any workers compensation judge or administrative law judge who has served at least five years successively as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge and at least 25 years of aggregate public service, and who resigns or is not reappointed before reaching age 60, may elect "early" retirement, provided, that such election is communicated by the member to the retirement system by filing a written application, duly attested, stating at what time subsequent to the execution and filing thereof the member desires to be retired.  Any member of the retirement system, eligible to retire under the provisions of this section, shall receive a retirement allowance consisting of an annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated deductions together with regular interest, and a pension which, when added to the member's annuity, shall provide a retirement allowance during the remainder of the member's life in the amount of 2% of the member's final salary multiplied by the number of years of service up to 25 plus 1% of the member's final salary multiplied by the number of years of service over 25.  Such retirement allowance shall be reduced in accordance with a table of actuarial equivalents recommended by the actuary and adopted by the retirement system reflecting all months that the member lacks of being age 60.  The board of trustees shall retire the member at the time specified or at such other time within one month after the date so specified as the board finds advisable.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.7)


     10.  Section 8 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-149) is amended to read as follows:

     8.    Any workers compensation judge or administrative law judge who has served at least five years successively as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge and at least 10 years of aggregate public service, and who resigns or is not reappointed before reaching age 60, and not by removal for cause on charges of misconduct or delinquency, may elect to receive:

     a.     all of the member's accumulated deductions standing to the credit of the member's individual account in the annuity savings fund as provided under subsection a. of section 41 of P.L.1954, c.84 (C.43:15A-41), or

     b.    a deferred retirement allowance, beginning on the first day of the month following the member's attainment of age 60 and the filing of an application therefor, which shall consist of an annuity derived from the accumulated deductions standing to the credit of the member's account in the annuity savings fund at the time of severance from service together with regular interest, and a pension which, when added to the annuity, shall produce a retirement allowance in the amount of 2% of the member's final salary multiplied by the number of years of service up to 25 plus 1% of the member's final salary multiplied by the number of years of service over 25, provided that such inactive member may elect to receive payments provided under  section 7 of this act, P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-148), if the member had qualified under that section at the time of leaving service, except that in order to avail the member of the option, the member shall exercise such option at least one month before the effective date of retirement.

     If such inactive member shall die after attaining age 60 but before filing an application for retirement benefits pursuant to this section or section 7 of this act and for which benefits the member would have qualified, or in the event of death after retirement, there shall be paid to such member's beneficiary the death benefits prescribed by section 10 of this act.

     No beneficiary shall be eligible for a pension or survivor's benefit if the member who elected to receive a deferred pension shall die before attaining age 60.  Upon receipt of the proper proofs of death, the beneficiary of a member who elects to receive a deferred retirement allowance shall be paid the member's accumulated deductions at the time of death together with regular interest.

     Any member who, having elected to receive a deferred pension or deferred retirement allowance, again becomes a member while under the age of 60, shall thereupon be reenrolled.  The member shall be credited with all service as a member standing to the member's credit at the time of the member's election to receive a deferred pension or deferred retirement allowance.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.8)


     11.  Section 9 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-150) is amended to read as follows:

     9.  a.  Upon the receipt of proper proofs of the death in active service of a workers compensation or administrative law judge member of the retirement system, there shall be paid to the member's widow a survivor's benefit of 25% of final salary for the use of the widow, to continue during widowhood, plus 10% of final salary payable to one surviving child or plus 15% of final salary to two or more surviving children; if there is no surviving widow or in case the widow dies or remarries, 15% of final salary shall be payable to one surviving child, 20% of final salary to two surviving children in equal shares and if there are three or more children, 30% of final salary shall be payable to such children in equal shares.  If there is no surviving widow or child, 20% of final salary shall be payable to one surviving parent or 30% of final salary shall be payable to two surviving parents in equal shares.

     b.    In addition to the benefits payable under subsection a. of this section, there shall also be paid in one sum to the member's beneficiary an amount equal to one and one-half times the final salary received by the member.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.9)


     12.  Section 10 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-151) is amended to read as follows:

     10.  a.  Upon the receipt of proper proofs of the death of a workers compensation judge or administrative law judge who has retired on a pension or retirement allowance based on age and service, or pursuant to section 7 of this act, P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-148), there shall be paid to the member's beneficiary, an amount equal to one-fourth of the final salary received by the member.

     b.    Upon the receipt of proper proofs of the death of a member who has retired on a disability pension or retirement allowance, there shall be paid to the member's beneficiary, an amount equal to one and one-half times the final salary received by the member if such death occurs before the member shall have attained 60 years of age but if such death occurs thereafter, an amount equal to one-fourth of the final salary received by the member.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.10)


     13.  Section 11 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-152) is amended to read as follows:

     11.  a.  Any workers compensation judge or administrative law judge who wishes to receive credit for previous service as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge or in an office, position, or employment of this State or of a county, municipality, board of education, or public agency of this State, shall file an application therefor with the board of trustees and pay into the annuity savings fund the amount required by applying the factor, supplied by the actuary, as being applicable to the judge's age at  the time of purchase and the type of service to be purchased, to the member's salary at that time.  Such purchase may be made in regular installments, equal to at least one-half the full normal contribution to the retirement system over a maximum period to be determined by the board of trustees.

     In the case of any judge coming under the provisions of this section, full pension credit for the period of employment for which arrears are being paid shall be given upon the payment of at least one-half the total arrearage obligation and the completion of one year of membership and the making of such arrears payments, except that in the case of retirement, the total membership credit for such service shall be in direct proportion as the amount paid bears to the total amount of arrearage obligation.

     b.    The State shall pay to the retirement system the employer's accrued liability obligation on behalf of such judge purchasing prior service credit.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.11)


     14.  Section 12 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-153) is amended to read as follows:

     12.  a.  A workers compensation judge or administrative law judge  making contributions pursuant to the provisions of this act,  P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-142 et seq.), and who is not eligible for any benefits under the Workers Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part, may, upon termination of such service as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge, elect to receive the return of the judge's accumulated contributions in accordance with the provisions of subsection a. of section 41 of P.L.1954, c.84 (C. 43:15A-41).  If a workers compensation judge or administrative law judge is a member of the retirement system on the basis of other public service, no application for a return of contributions shall be approved until the judge has terminated all service covered by the system and makes application for a return of all contributions made to the retirement system. If all or any part of a member's service as a workers compensation judge or administrative law judge is applied toward qualifying for benefits under any other provision of P.L.1954, c.84 to which this act, P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-142 et seq.), is a supplement, no return of contributions made on the basis of the workers compensation judge or administrative law judge salary shall be approved, and in that event, service established as a workers compensation judge or administrative law judge and salary pertaining thereto shall be credited in the same manner as all other service and salary covered by the retirement system.

     b.    At the time of retirement, a member enrolled on the basis of service as a judge of compensation or administrative law judge as well as other public service shall be permitted to elect the largest possible retirement allowance, if the member qualifies for benefits under both the provisions of this act and the act to which this is a supplement.  An application for a return of contributions made on the basis of such other public service not used for the calculation of a retirement allowance or to qualify for State payment for health care benefits in retirement may be approved.

     c.     A workers compensation judge or administrative law judge electing to receive a retirement allowance under the Workers Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part shall be ineligible to receive a retirement allowance or pension for the same service under any other law of the State.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.12)


     15.  Section 13 of P.L.2001, c.259 (C.43:15A-154) is amended to read as follows:

     13.  The actuary for the Public Employees' Retirement System shall determine the unfunded accrued liability for the Workers Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of the retirement system and the benefits provided for workers compensation and administrative law judges under that part in the same manner provided for the determination of the unfunded accrued liability of the retirement system by section 24 of P.L.1954, c.84 (C.43:15A-24).  This unfunded accrued liability shall be amortized in the manner provided by section 24 over an amortization period of 30 years.  Accrued liability and normal contributions for workers compensation judges shall be paid by transfers from the Second Injury Fund as provided by subsection j. of R.S.34:15-94.  The Commissioner of Labor may, with the authorization of and appropriation by the Legislature, pay this unfunded accrued liability in a lump sum or over a period of time shorter than 30 years. Accrued liability and normal contributions for administrative law judges shall be paid by appropriations from the State General Fund.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.259, s.13)


     16.  This act shall take effect immediately





     This bill requires the enrollment in the Workers Compensation Judges Part of the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) of Administrative Law Judges of the Office of Administrative Law, as a condition of employment for service as an administrative law judge for each judge enrolled after the effective date of the bill.

     Currently, administrative law judges are enrolled in the Defined Contribution Retirement Program (DCRP).  Administrative law judges will be subject to and governed by the laws and regulations of the Workers' Compensation Judges Part which was established in 2001 and reopened in 2021.

     An administrative law judge who is currently a participant in the DCRP will be transferred out of the program to the Workers' Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of PERS within 90 days following the bill's effective date.  An administrative law judge who is currently a participant in PERS will be transferred into the Workers' Compensation and Administrative Law Judges Part of PERS within 90 days following the bill's effective date.

     The account in the DCRP for each judge will be transferred and each judge will be given service credit for service during participation in the program of administrative law judges.  The unfunded liability for the benefits provided by the transfer will be paid by appropriations from the State General Fund.