SENATE, No. 314







Sponsored by:


District 27 (Essex)


District 29 (Essex and Union)






     Authorizes Commissioner of Education to increase the State share of certain county vocational school district school facilities projects.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel


An Act concerning funding for certain county vocational school district school facilities projects and amending P.L.2000, c.72.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    Section 5 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-5) is amended to read as follows:

     5.    a.  The authority shall construct and finance the school facilities projects of Abbott districts, districts in level II monitoring pursuant to section 14 of P.L.1975, c.212 (C.18A:7A-14) as of the effective date of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-1 et al.), and districts with a district aid percentage equal to or greater than 55%.

     b.    Any district whose district aid percentage is less than 55% may elect to have the authority undertake the construction of a school facilities project in the district and the State share shall be determined pursuant to this section.  In the event that the district elects not to have the authority undertake the construction of the project, State support for the project shall be determined pursuant to section 9 or section 15 of this act, as applicable.

     c.  Notwithstanding any provision of N.J.S.18A:18A-16 to the contrary, the procedures for obtaining approval of a school facilities project shall be as set forth in this act; provided that any district whose district aid percentage is less than 55%, which elects not to have the  authority or a redevelopment entity undertake the construction of the project, shall also be required to comply with the provisions of N.J.S.18A:18A-16.

     d.  Any district seeking to initiate a school facilities project shall apply to the commissioner for approval of the project. The application shall, at a minimum, contain the following information: a description of the school facilities project; a schematic drawing of the project or, at the option of the district, preliminary plans and specifications; a delineation and description of each of the functional components of the project; the number of unhoused students to be housed in the project; the area allowances per FTE student as calculated pursuant to section 8 of this act; and the estimated cost to complete the project as determined by the district.

     e. The commissioner shall review each proposed school facilities project to determine whether it is consistent with the district's long-range facilities plan and whether it complies with the facilities efficiency standards and the area allowances per FTE student derived from those standards.  The commissioner shall make a decision on a district's application within 90 days from the date he determines that the application is fully and accurately completed
and that all information necessary for a decision has been filed by the district, or from the date of the last revision made by the district.  If the commissioner is not able to make a decision within 90 days, he shall notify the district in writing explaining the reason for the delay and indicating the date on which a decision on the project will be made, provided that the date shall not be later than 60 days from the expiration of the original 90 days set forth in this subsection.  If the decision is not made by the subsequent date indicated by the commissioner, then the project shall be deemed approved and the preliminary eligible costs for new construction shall be calculated by using the proposed square footage of the building as the approved area for unhoused students.

     f.     If the commissioner determines that the school facilities project complies with the facilities efficiency standards and the district's long-range facilities plan and does not exceed the area allowance per FTE student derived from those standards, the commissioner shall calculate the preliminary eligible costs of the project pursuant to the formulas set forth in section 7 of this act; except that in the case of a county special services school district or a county vocational school district, the commissioner shall calculate the preliminary eligible costs to equal the amount determined by the board of school estimate and approved by the board of chosen freeholders pursuant to section 14 of P.L.1971, c.271 (C.18A:46-42) or N.J.S.18A:54-31 as appropriate.

     g.     If the commissioner determines that the school facilities project is inconsistent with the facilities efficiency standards or exceeds the area allowances per FTE student derived from those standards, the commissioner shall notify the district.

     (1)  The commissioner shall approve area allowances in excess of the area allowances per FTE student derived from the facilities efficiency standards if the board of education or State district superintendent, as appropriate, demonstrates that school facilities needs related to required programs cannot be addressed within the facilities efficiency standards and that all other proposed spaces are consistent with those standards.  The commissioner shall approve area allowances in excess of the area allowances per FTE student derived from the facilities efficiency standards if the additional area allowances are necessary to accommodate centralized facilities to be shared among two or more school buildings within the district and the centralized facilities represent a more cost effective alternative.

     (2)  The commissioner may waive a facilities efficiency standard if the board of education or State district superintendent, as appropriate, demonstrates to the commissioner's satisfaction that the waiver will not adversely affect the educational adequacy of the school facility, including the ability to deliver the programs and services necessary to enable all students to achieve the core curriculum content standards.

     (3)  To house the district's central administration, a district may request an adjustment to the approved areas for unhoused students of 2.17 square feet for each FTE student in the projected total district school enrollment if the proposed administrative offices will be housed in a school facility and the district demonstrates either that the existing central administrative offices are obsolete or that it is more practical to convert those offices to instructional space.  To the extent that existing administrative space will continue to be used for administrative purposes, the space shall be included in the formulas set forth in section 7 of this act.

     If the commissioner approves excess facilities efficiency standards or additional area allowances pursuant to paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of this subsection, the commissioner shall calculate the preliminary eligible costs based upon the additional area allowances or excess facilities efficiency standards pursuant to the formulas set forth in section 7 of this act.  In the event that the commissioner does not approve the excess facilities efficiency standards or additional area allowances, the district may either: modify its submission so that the school facilities project meets the facilities efficiency standards; or pay for the excess costs.

     (4)  The commissioner shall approve spaces in excess of, or inconsistent with, the facilities efficiency standards, hereinafter referred to as nonconforming spaces, upon a determination by the district that the spaces are necessary to comply with State or federal law concerning individuals with disabilities.  A district may apply for additional State aid for nonconforming spaces that will permit pupils with disabilities to be educated to the greatest extent possible in the same buildings or classes with their nondisabled peers.  The nonconforming spaces may: (a) allow for the return of pupils with disabilities from private facilities; (b) permit the retention of pupils with disabilities who would otherwise be placed in private facilities; (c) provide space for regional programs in a host school building that houses both disabled and nondisabled pupils; and (d) provide space for the coordination of regional programs by a county special services school district, educational services commission, jointure commission, or other agency authorized by law to provide regional educational services in a school building that houses both disabled and nondisabled pupils.  A district's State support ratio shall be adjusted to equal the lesser of the sum of its district aid percentage as defined in section 3 of this act plus 0.25, or 100% for any nonconforming spaces approved by the commissioner pursuant to this paragraph.

     h.  Upon approval of a school facilities project and determination of the preliminary eligible costs:

     (1)  In the case of a district whose district aid percentage is less than 55% and which has  elected not to have the authority undertake the construction of the school facilities project, the commissioner shall notify the district whether the school facilities project is approved and, if so approved, the preliminary eligible costs and the excess costs, if any. Following the determination of preliminary eligible costs and the notification of project approval, the district may appeal to the commissioner for an increase in those costs if the detailed plans and specifications completed by a design professional for the school facilities project indicate that the cost of constructing that portion of the project which is consistent with the facilities efficiency standards and does not exceed the area allowances per FTE student exceeds the preliminary eligible costs as determined by the commissioner for the project by 10% or more.  The district shall file its appeal within 30 days of the preparation of the plans and specifications.  If the district chooses not to file an appeal, then the final eligible costs shall equal the preliminary eligible costs.

     The appeal shall outline the reasons why the preliminary eligible costs calculated for the project are inadequate and estimate the amount of the adjustment which needs to be made to the preliminary eligible costs.  The commissioner shall forward the appeal information to the authority for its review and recommendation.  If the additional costs are the result of factors that are within the control of the district or are the result of design factors that are not required to meet the facilities efficiency standards, the authority shall recommend to the commissioner that the preliminary eligible costs be accepted as the final eligible costs.  If the authority determines the additional costs are not within the control of the district or are the result of design factors required to meet the facilities efficiency standards, the authority shall recommend to the commissioner a final eligible cost based on its experience for districts with similar characteristics, provided that, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the commissioner shall not approve an adjustment to the preliminary eligible costs which exceeds 10% of the preliminary eligible costs.  The commissioner shall make a determination on the appeal within 30 days of its receipt. If the commissioner does not approve an adjustment to the school facilities project's preliminary eligible costs, the commissioner shall issue his findings in writing on the reasons for the denial and on why the preliminary eligible costs as originally calculated are sufficient.

     (2)  In all other cases, the commissioner shall promptly prepare and submit to the authority a preliminary project report which shall consist, at a minimum, of the following information:  a complete description of the school facilities project; the actual location of the project; the total square footage of the project together with a breakdown of total square footage by functional component; the preliminary eligible costs of the project; the project's priority ranking determined pursuant to subsection m. of this section; any other factors to be considered by the authority in undertaking the project; and the name and address of the person from the district to contact in regard to the project.

     i.      Upon receipt by the authority of the preliminary project report, the authority, upon consultation with the district, shall prepare detailed plans and specifications and schedules which contain the authority's estimated cost and schedule to complete the school facilities project.  The authority shall transmit to the commissioner the authority's recommendations in regard to the project which shall, at a minimum, contain the detailed plans and specifications; whether the school facilities project can be completed within the preliminary eligible costs; and any other factors which the authority determines should be considered by the commissioner.

     (1)   In the event that the authority determines that the school facilities project can be completed within the preliminary eligible costs: the final eligible costs shall be deemed to equal the preliminary eligible costs; the commissioner shall be deemed to have given final approval to the project; and the preliminary project report shall be deemed to be the final project report delivered to the authority pursuant to subsection j. of this section.

     (2)   In the event that the authority determines that the school facilities project cannot be completed within the preliminary eligible costs, prior to the submission of the authority's recommendations to the commissioner, the authority shall, in consultation with the district and the commissioner, determine whether changes can be made in the project which will result in a reduction in costs while at the same time meeting the facilities efficiency standards approved by the commissioner.

     (a) If the authority determines that changes in the school facilities project are possible so that the project can be accomplished within the scope of the preliminary eligible costs while still meeting the facilities efficiency standards, the authority shall so advise the commissioner, whereupon the commissioner shall: calculate the final eligible costs to equal the preliminary eligible costs; give final approval to the project with the changes noted; and issue a final project report to the authority pursuant to subsection j. of this section.

     (b) If the authority determines that it is not possible to make changes in the school facilities project so that it can be completed within the preliminary eligible costs either because the additional costs are the result of factors outside the control of the district or the additional costs are required to meet the facilities efficiency standards, the authority shall recommend to the commissioner that the preliminary eligible costs be increased accordingly, whereupon the commissioner shall: calculate the final eligible costs to equal the sum of the preliminary eligible costs plus the increase recommended by the authority; give final approval to the project; and issue a final project report to the authority pursuant to subsection j. of this section.

     (c)  If the additional costs are the result of factors that are within the control of the district or are the result of design factors that are not required to meet the facilities efficiency standards or approved pursuant to paragraph (1) of subsection g. of this section, the authority shall recommend to the commissioner that the preliminary eligible costs be accepted, whereupon the commissioner shall: calculate the final eligible costs to equal the preliminary eligible costs and specify the excess costs which are to be borne by the district; give final approval to the school facilities project; and issue a final project report to the authority pursuant to subsection j. of this section; provided that the commissioner may approve final eligible costs which are in excess of the preliminary eligible costs if, in his judgment, the action is necessary to meet the educational needs of the district.

     (d)   For a school facilities project constructed by the authority, the authority shall be responsible for any costs of construction, but only from the proceeds of bonds issued by the authority pursuant to this act, which exceed the amount originally projected by the authority and approved for financing by the authority, provided that the excess is the result of an underestimate of labor or materials costs by the authority.  After receipt by the authority of the final project report, the district shall be responsible only for the costs associated with changes, if any, made at the request of the district to the scope of the school facilities project.

     j.     The authority shall not commence the acquisition or construction of a school facilities project unless the commissioner transmits to the authority a final project report and the district complies with the approval requirements for the local share, if any, pursuant to section 11 of this act.  The final project report shall contain all of the information contained in the preliminary project report and, in addition, shall contain: the final eligible costs; the excess costs, if any; the total costs which equals the final eligible costs plus excess costs, if any; the State share; and the local share.

     k.    (1)  For the Abbott districts, the State share shall be 100% of the final eligible costs.  For all other districts, the State share shall be an amount equal to 115% of the district aid percentage; except that the State share shall not be less than 40% of the final eligible costs.

     (2)  If any district which is included in district factor group A or B, other than an Abbott district, is having difficulty financing the local share of a school facilities project, the district may apply to the commissioner to receive 100% State support for the project and the commissioner may request the approval of the Legislature to increase the State share of the project to 100%.

     (3)  In the case of a county vocational school district which has a resident enrollment composed of at least 51% of students who reside in Abbott districts or a school within the county vocational school district which has a school enrollment composed of at least 51% of students who reside in Abbott districts, the county vocational school district may apply to the commissioner to receive a State share of up to 100% of the final eligible costs of a school facilities projects.  The commissioner shall review the application and make a determination on increasing the State share for the project above that required pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection based on an assessment of the benefit the project will provide to the county vocational school district students who reside in Abbott districts.  Notwithstanding any provision of subsection a. of this section to the contrary, in the event that the commissioner increases the State share of a county vocational school district school facilities project to more than 63% of final eligible costs, the school facilities project shall be constructed and financed by the authority.  If the school facilities project is constructed by the county vocational school district, State debt service aid received by a county vocational school district pursuant to section 9 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-9) or a State grant received by a county vocational school district pursuant to section 15 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-15) shall be adjusted to reflect the State share approved by the commissioner pursuant this paragraph.

     l.  The local share for school facilities projects constructed by the authority or a redevelopment entity shall equal the final eligible costs plus any excess costs less the State share.

     m.  The commissioner shall establish, in consultation with the Abbott districts, a priority ranking of all school facilities projects in the Abbott districts based upon his determination of critical need, and shall establish priority categories for all school facilities projects in non-Abbott districts.  The commissioner shall rank projects from Tier I to Tier IV in terms of critical need according to the following prioritization:

     Tier I: health and safety, including electrical system upgrades;

required early childhood education programs; unhoused students/class size reduction as required to meet the standards of the "Comprehensive Educational Improvement and Financing Act of 1996," P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-1 et seq.);

     Tier II: educational adequacy - specialized instructional spaces, media centers, cafetoriums, and other non-general classroom spaces contained in the facilities efficiency standards; special education spaces to achieve the least restrictive environment;

     Tier III: technology projects; regionalization or consolidation projects;

     Tier IV: other local objectives.

     n.     The provisions of the "Public School Contracts Law," N.J.S.18A:18A-1 et seq., shall be applicable to any school facilities project constructed by a district but shall not be applicable to projects constructed by the authority or a redevelopment entity pursuant to the provisions of this act.

     o.  In the event that a district whose district aid percentage is less than 55% elects not to have the authority undertake construction of a school facilities project, any proceeds of school bonds issued by the district for the purpose of funding the project which remain unspent upon completion of the project shall be used by the district to reduce the outstanding principal amount of the school bonds.

     p.  Upon completion by the authority of a school facilities project, if the cost of construction and completion of the project is less than the total costs, the district shall be entitled to receive a portion of the local share based on a pro rata share of the difference based on the ratio of the State share to the local share.

     q.  The authority shall determine the cause of any costs of construction which exceed the amount originally projected by the authority and approved for financing by the authority.

     r.  In the event that a district has engaged architectural services to prepare the documents required for initial proposal of a school facilities project, the district shall, if permitted by the terms of the district's contract for architectural services, and at the option of the authority assign the contract for architectural services to the authority if the authority determines that the assignment would be in the best interest of the school facilities project.

     s.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-1 et al.), an ECPA district, at its option, may provide in its long-range facilities plan submitted pursuant to section 4 of this act, for one or more community early childhood education facilities projects.  If the district has requested designation of a demonstration project pursuant to section 6 of this act and is eligible to submit a plan for a community early childhood education facilities project pursuant to this section, the district shall be permitted to include the community early childhood education facilities project as part of the demonstration project.

     (1)  An ECPA district seeking to initiate a community early childhood education facilities project shall apply to the commissioner for approval of the project.  The application shall, at a minimum, contain the following information:  the name of the community provider; evidence that the community provider is licensed by the Department of Human Services pursuant to P.L.1983, c.492 (C.30:5B-1 et seq.) and is a tax exempt nonprofit organization; evidence that the community provider is or shall provide early childhood education programs for the district;  a description of the community early childhood education facilities project; a schematic drawing of the project, or at the option of the district, preliminary plans and specifications; a delineation and description of each of the functional components of the project; identification of those portions of the proposed project which shall be devoted in whole or in part to the provision of early childhood education programs to 3 or 4-year old children from the ECPA district; the estimated cost to complete the project as determined by the district in consultation with the community provider; and whether the facility provides services other than early childhood education programs for 3 and 4-year old children, pursuant to a contract with the ECPA district.

     (2)  The commissioner shall review the proposed early childhood education facilities project to determine whether it is consistent with the district's long-range facilities plan, whether it will provide a facility which is structurally adequate and safe and capable of providing a program which will enable preschool children being served pursuant to the ECPA district's approved early childhood education operational plan to meet the standards for early childhood education programs established by the department and whether there is a need for increased capacity or to rehabilitate existing space to meet these standards.  Only those facilities which are used for 3 or 4-year old children pursuant to a contract with the ECPA district shall be eligible for approval, provided that facilities which are jointly used by 3 or 4-year old children from the ECPA district and from other districts shall also be eligible for approval.

     (3)  If the commissioner approves the project, the commissioner shall determine, in consultation with the authority, the cost to complete the approved project, which shall be the reasonable, estimated cost of the renovation or new construction necessary to provide a facility which is structurally adequate and safe and capable of providing a program which will enable preschool children being served pursuant to the ECPA district's approved early childhood education operation plan to meet the standards for early childhood education programs established by the department.  For projects initiated by an Abbott district, the State support shall be 100% of such reasonable, estimated cost.  For projects initiated by an ECPA district that is not an Abbott district, the State support shall be an amount equal to 115% of the district aid percentage of that ECPA district, of such reasonable, estimated cost, except that the State support shall not be less than 40% of such reasonable, estimated cost.  The commissioner shall issue a final project report to the authority which shall contain a complete description of the project, the actual location of the project, the total square footage of the project together with a breakdown of total square footage by functional component; any other factors to be considered by the authority in undertaking the project; the names and addresses of the people to contact from the district and the community provider; the amount of State support for the project; and the amount of local support required from the community provider to pay for costs, if any, of the project which have not been approved by the commissioner for State support.

     (4)  Upon submission to the authority of a final project report, the authority shall undertake the financing, acquisition, construction and all other appropriate actions necessary to complete the community early childhood education facilities project, provided, that if there is local support required for the project, such actions shall not commence until the authority receives the local support from the community provider.  The authority may, in its discretion, and upon consultation with the commissioner, authorize a community provider to undertake the acquisition, construction and all other appropriate action necessary to complete the project, in which case the authority shall not provide State support until the community provider provides the local support, if any.

     (5)  In order to implement the arrangements established for community early childhood education facilities projects, the authority shall enter into an agreement with the district, the commissioner and the community provider containing the terms and conditions determined by the parties to be necessary to effectuate the project.

     (6)  The authority shall require as a condition of providing State support for any community early childhood education facilities project that the State support must be repaid by the community provider in the event that (a) the commissioner determines that the project is no longer being used for the purposes for which it was intended; or (b) the project is sold, leased or otherwise conveyed to an individual or organization that does not have tax exempt nonprofit or government status.

(cf: P.L 2005, c.235, s.32)


     2.  Section 14 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-14) is amended to read as follows:

     14.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary:

     a.  The authority shall have the power, pursuant to the provisions of this act and P.L.1974, c.80 (C.34:1B-1 et seq.), to issue bonds and refunding bonds, incur indebtedness and borrow money secured, in whole or in part, by moneys received pursuant to sections 17, 18 and 19 of this act for the purposes of:  financing all or a portion of the costs of school facilities projects and any costs related to the issuance thereof, including, but not limited to, the administrative, insurance, operating and other expenses of the authority to undertake the financing, design, construction and maintenance of school facilities projects; lending moneys to local units to pay the costs of all or a portion of school facilities projects and any costs related to the issuance thereof; funding the grants to be made pursuant to section 15 of this act; and financing the acquisition of school facilities projects to permit the refinancing of debt by the district pursuant to section 16 of this act. The aggregate principal amount of the bonds, notes or other obligations issued by the [facilities] authority shall not exceed: $100,000,000 for the State share of costs for county vocational school district school facilities projects other than any increase in State shares approved by the commissioner pursuant to paragraph (3) of subsection k. of section 5 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-5); $6,000,000,000 for the State share of costs for Abbott district school facilities projects and any increase in State shares of county vocational school district school facilities projects approved by the commissioner pursuant to paragraph (3) of subsection k. of section 5 of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-5); and $2,500,000,000 for the State share of  costs for school facilities projects in all other districts.  This limitation shall not include any bonds, notes or other obligations issued for refunding purposes.

     The authority may establish reserve funds to further secure bonds and refunding bonds issued pursuant to this section and may issue bonds to pay for the administrative, insurance and operating costs of the authority in carrying out the provisions of this act.  In addition to its bonds and refunding bonds, the authority shall have the power to issue subordinated indebtedness, which shall be subordinate in lien to the lien of any or all of its bonds or refunding bonds as the authority may determine.

     b.    The authority shall issue the bonds or refunding bonds in such manner as it shall determine in accordance with the provisions of this act and P.L.1974, c.80 (C.34:1B-1 et seq.); provided that notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, no resolution adopted by the authority authorizing the issuance of bonds or refunding bonds pursuant to this section shall be adopted or otherwise made effective without the approval in writing of the State Treasurer; and  refunding bonds issued to refund bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be issued on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the authority and the State Treasurer.  The  authority may, in any resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds or refunding bonds issued pursuant to this section, pledge the contract with the State Treasurer provided for pursuant to section 18 of this act, or any part thereof, or may pledge all or any part of the repayments of loans made to local units pursuant to section 19 of this act for the payment or redemption of the bonds or refunding bonds, and covenant as to the use and disposition of money available to the authority for payment of the bonds and refunding bonds.  All costs associated with the issuance of bonds and refunding bonds by the authority for the purposes set forth in this act may be paid by the authority from amounts it receives from the proceeds of the bonds or refunding bonds, and from amounts it receives pursuant to sections 17, 18, and 19 of this act.  The costs may include, but shall not be limited to, any costs relating to the issuance of the bonds or refunding bonds, administrative costs of the authority attributable to the making and administering of loans and grants to fund school facilities projects, and costs attributable to the agreements entered into pursuant to subsection d. of this section.

     c.  Each issue of bonds or refunding bonds of the authority shall be special obligations of the authority payable out of particular revenues, receipts or funds, subject only to any agreements with the holders of bonds or refunding bonds, and may be secured by other sources of revenue, including, but not limited to, one or more of the following:

     (1)  Pledge of the revenues and other receipts to be derived from the payment of local unit obligations and any other payment made to the authority pursuant to agreements with any local unit, or a pledge or assignment of any local unit obligations, and the rights and interest of the authority therein;

     (2)  Pledge of rentals, receipts and other revenues to be derived from leases or other contractual arrangements with any person or entity, public or private, including one or more local units, or a pledge or assignment of those leases or other contractual arrangements and the rights and interests of the authority therein;

     (3)  Pledge of all moneys, funds, accounts, securities and other funds, including the proceeds of the bonds;

     (4)  Pledge of the receipts to be derived from payments of State aid to the authority pursuant to section 21 of this act;

     (5)  Pledge of the contract or contracts with the State Treasurer pursuant to section 18 of this act;

     (6)  Pledge of any sums remitted to the local unit by donation from any person or entity, public or private, subject to the approval of the State Treasurer;

     (7)  A mortgage on all or any part of the property, real or personal, comprising a school facilities project then owned or thereafter to be acquired, or a pledge or assignment of mortgages made to the authority by any person or entity, public or private, including one or more local units and rights and interests of the authority therein; and

     (8)  The receipt of any grants, reimbursements or other payments from the federal government.

     d.  The resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds or refunding bonds pursuant to this section may also provide for the authority to enter into any revolving credit agreement, agreement establishing a line of credit or letter of credit, reimbursement agreement, interest rate exchange agreement, currency exchange agreement, interest rate floor or cap, options, puts or calls to hedge payment, currency, rate, spread or similar exposure or similar agreements, float agreements, forward agreements, insurance contracts, surety bonds, commitments to purchase or sell bonds, purchase or sale agreements, or commitments or other contracts or agreements and other security agreements approved by the authority in connection with the issuance of the bonds or refunding bonds pursuant to this section.  In addition, the authority may, in anticipation of the issuance of the bonds or the receipt of appropriations, grants, reimbursements or other funds, including, without limitation, grants from the federal government for school facilities projects, issue notes, the principal of or interest on which, or both, shall be payable out of the proceeds of notes, bonds or other obligations of the authority or appropriations, grants, reimbursements or other funds or revenues of the authority.

     e.  The authority is authorized to engage, subject to the approval of the State Treasurer and  in such manner as the State Treasurer shall determine, the services of financial advisors and experts, placement agents, underwriters, appraisers, and other advisors, consultants and agents as may be necessary to effectuate the financing of school facilities projects.

     f.  Bonds and refunding bonds issued by the authority pursuant to this section shall be special and limited obligations of the authority payable from, and secured by, funds and moneys determined by the authority in accordance with this section.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law or agreement to the contrary, any bonds and refunding bonds issued by the authority pursuant to this section shall not be secured by the same property as bonds and refunding bonds issued by the authority to finance projects other than school facilities projects.  Neither the members of the authority nor any other person executing the bonds or refunding bonds shall be personally liable with respect to payment of interest and principal on these bonds or refunding bonds.  Bonds or refunding bonds issued pursuant to this section shall not be a debt or liability of the State or any agency or instrumentality thereof, except as otherwise provided by this subsection, either legal, moral or otherwise, and nothing contained in this act shall be construed to authorize the authority to incur any indebtedness on behalf of or in any way to obligate the State or any political subdivision thereof, and all bonds and refunding bonds issued by the authority shall contain a statement to that effect on their face.

     g.  The State hereby pledges and covenants with the holders of any bonds or refunding bonds issued pursuant to this act that it will not limit or alter the rights or powers vested in the authority by this act, nor limit or alter the rights or powers of the State Treasurer in any manner which would jeopardize the interest of the holders or any trustee of the holders, or inhibit or prevent performance or fulfillment by the authority or the State Treasurer with respect to the terms of any agreement made with the holders of the bonds or refunding bonds or agreements made pursuant to subsection d. of this section; except that the failure of the Legislature to appropriate moneys for any purpose of this act shall not be deemed a violation of this section.

     h. The authority may charge to and collect from local units, districts, the State and any other person, any fees and charges in connection with the authority's actions undertaken with respect to school facilities projects, including, but not limited to, fees and charges for the authority's administrative, organization, insurance, operating and other expenses incident to the financing, planning, design, construction management, acquisition, construction, completion and placing into service and maintenance of school facilities projects. Notwithstanding any provision of this act to the contrary, no district in Level II monitoring pursuant to section 14 of P.L.1975, c.212 (C.18A:7A-14) as of the effective date of P.L.2000, c.72 (C.18A:7G-1 et al.), or a district whose district aid percentage is greater than or equal to 55% but less than 100% shall be responsible for the payment of any fees and charges related to the authority's operating expenses.

(cf: P.L.2005, c.235, s.33)


     3.  This act shall take effect immediately and shall first apply to county vocational school district school facilities projects approved by the commissioner after the effective date of this act.





     This bill provides that a county vocational school district which has a student body composed of at least 51% of students who reside in Abbott districts, or has a school within the district with a student enrollment of at least 51% of students who reside in Abbott districts, may apply to the Commissioner of Education to receive a State share of up to 100% of the final eligible costs of a school facilities project.  The commissioner will make a determination on an application for  increased State support of a school facilities project based on an assessment of the benefit the project will provide to the county vocational school district students who reside in Abbott districts.  In the event that the commissioner increases the State share of a county vocational school district school facilities project to more than 63% of final eligible costs, the school facilities project would be constructed and financed by the New Jersey Economic Development Authority.  This requirement is in conformance with the current provision of  the school construction law which requires that the authority construct the school facilities projects of any district with a district aid percentage of 55% or greater. Also under current law, a district's State share is calculated by multiplying its district aid percentage by 1.15, and 55% multiplied by 1.15 is approximately 63%.

     Any increase in the State support ratio approved by the commissioner would not be charged against the $100 million authorized to be issued by the authority for the State share of  county vocational school district projects, but rather would be charged against the $6 billion in authority bonds authorized to be issued for the State share of Abbott district school facilities projects.