SENATE, No. 2183







Sponsored by:


District 19 (Middlesex)






     Permits incarcerated person to renew driver's license using existing digitized picture on file with MVC.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning the renewal of driver's licenses for certain persons and amending P.L.1979, c.261 and P.L.2009, c.329.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    Section 2 of P.L.2009, c.329 (C.30:1B-6.2) is amended to read as follows:

     2.    The Commissioner of Corrections shall provide to each inmate at least ten days prior to release from a State correctional facility:

     a.     A copy of the inmate's criminal history record and written information on the inmate's right to have his criminal records expunged under chapter 52 of Title 2C of the New Jersey Statutes;

     b.    General written information on the inmate's right to vote under R.S.19:4-1;

     c.     General written information on the availability of programs, including faith-based and secular programs, that would assist in removing barriers to the inmate's employment or participation in vocational or educational rehabilitative programs, including, but not limited to information concerning the "Rehabilitated Convicted Offenders Act," P.L.1968, c.282 (C.2A:168A-1 et seq.) and the certificate of rehabilitation under P.L.2007, c.327 (C.2A:168A-7 et seq.);

     d.    A detailed written record of the inmate's participation in educational, training, employment, and medical or other treatment programs while the inmate was incarcerated;

     e.     A written accounting of the fines, assessments, surcharges, restitution, penalties, child support arrearages, and any other obligations due and payable by the inmate upon release;

     f.     A non-driver identification card, which shall be issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1980, c.47 (C.39:3-29.3) and for which the Motor Vehicle Commission shall accept a former inmate's Department of Corrections identification card to have a two-point value in applying for the non-driver identification card;

     g.    A copy of the inmate's birth certificate if the inmate was born in New Jersey;

     h.    Assistance in obtaining a Social Security card;

     i.     A one-day New Jersey bus or rail pass;

     j.     A two-week supply of prescription medication;

     k.    General written information concerning child support, including child support payments owed by the inmate, information on how to seek child support payments and information on where to seek services regarding child support, child custody, and establishing parentage; and

     l.     (1)  A medical discharge summary, which shall include instructions on how to obtain from the commissioner a copy of the inmate's full medical record.  Upon request from the inmate, the commissioner shall provide a copy of the inmate's full medical record in a safe and secure manner, at no charge to the inmate.

     (2)   Within 90 days of the effective date of this act, the commissioner, in consultation with the State Board of Medical Examiners, shall adopt rules and regulations, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), to ensure that these records are expeditiously and securely provided, in a manner consistent with the provision of medical records by other providers.

(cf: P.L.2011, c.191, s.1)


     2.    Section 1 of P.L.1979, c.261 (C.39:3-10f) is amended to read as follows:

     1.    In addition to the requirements for the form and content of a motor vehicle driver's license under R.S.39:3-10 and a probationary license issued under section 4 of P.L.1950, c.127 (C.39:3-13.4), on and after the operative date of P.L.2001, c.391 (C.39:3-10f4 et al.), each initial New Jersey license, each renewal of a New Jersey driver's license, and each probationary license shall have a digitized photograph of the licensee. All licenses issued on and after January 1, 2000 shall be valid for a period of 48 calendar months. However, the chief administrator may, at the chief administrator's discretion, issue licenses and endorsements that shall expire on a date fixed by the chief administrator.  The fee for those licenses or endorsements shall be fixed in amounts proportionately less or greater than the fee otherwise established. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section to the contrary, a person 70 years of age or older may elect to have a license issued for a period of two or four years, which election shall not be altered by the chief administrator.  The fee for the two-year standard license shall be $9, in addition to the fee for a digitized photograph established in section 4 of P.L.2001, c.391 (C.39:3-10f4).  The fee for a two-year REAL ID license shall be $14.50, in addition to the fee for a digitized photograph established in section 4 of P.L.2001, c.391 (C.39:3-10f4).  The chief administrator may, for good cause, extend a license and any endorsement thereon beyond their expiration dates for periods not to exceed 12 additional months.  The chief administrator may extend the expiration date of a license and any endorsement thereon without payment of a proportionate fee [when the chief administrator determines that the extension is necessary] for good cause.  If any license and endorsements thereon are so extended, the licensee shall pay upon renewal the full license fee for the period fixed by the chief administrator as if no extension had been granted.

     Each initial driver's license issued to a person under the age of 21 after the effective date of P.L.1999, c.28 (C.39:3-10f1 et al.) shall be conspicuously distinct, through the use of color and design, from the driver's licenses issued to persons 21 years of age or older. The chief administrator, in consultation with the Superintendent of State Police, shall determine the color and the manner in which the license is designed to achieve this result.  The license shall bear the words "UNDER 21" in a conspicuous manner.  The chief administrator shall provide that, upon attaining the age of 21, a licensee shall be issued a replacement driver's license or a new license, as appropriate.  The fee for a replacement license shall be $5 in addition to the digitized photograph fee.

     As [conditions] a condition for the renewal of a driver's license, the chief administrator shall provide that the photograph of a licensee be updated except that the chief administrator may elect to use a stored photograph to renew a license for a period not exceeding four additional years for $18 for a standard license and $29 for a REAL ID license, in addition to the digitized photograph fee.

     In addition to any other extension, the chief administrator shall allow a person to use a stored photograph to renew a license for a period not exceeding one year if the person presents documentation by a licensed physician that the person is undergoing medical treatment for an illness and the treatment results in temporary changes to the person's physical characteristics.  The fee for this extension shall be $18 for a standard license and $29 for a REAL ID license and the person shall not be required to pay the digitized photograph fee pursuant to section 4 of P.L.2001, c.391 (C.39:3-10f4).

     Whenever a person has reconstructive or cosmetic surgery which significantly alters the person's facial features, the person shall notify the chief administrator who may require the photograph of the licensee to be updated for $5 in addition to the digitized photograph fee.

     In addition to any other extension, the chief administrator shall allow a person who was a prisoner in any correctional institution in the State to use a stored picture to renew a license for a period not exceeding one year from the date that the person has been released from imprisonment if the person presents to the chief administrator a Department of Corrections identification card or non-driver identification card issued pursuant to subsection f. of section 2 of P.L.2009, c.329 (C.30:1B-6.2).   The fee for this extension shall be $18 and the person shall not be required to pay the digitized picture fee pursuant to section 4 of P.L.2001, c.391 (C.39:3-10f4).

     Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter or change any expiration date on any New Jersey driver's license issued prior to the operative date of P.L.2001, c.391 (C.39:3-10f4 et al.) and, unless a licensee's driving privileges are otherwise suspended or revoked, except as provided in R.S.39:3-10, that license shall remain valid until that expiration date.

     Specific use of the driver's license and any information stored or encoded, electronically or otherwise, in relation thereto shall be in accordance with P.L.1997, c.188 (C.39:2-3.3 et seq.) and the federal "Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994," Pub.L.103-322.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, the digitized photograph or any access thereto or any use thereof shall not be sold, leased, or exchanged for value.

(cf: P.L.2019, c.271, s.10)


     3.    This act shall take effect on the first day of the 13th month following enactment and shall apply to any driver's license issued on or after the effective date.  The Chief Administration of the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, in consultation with the Commissioner for the Department of Corrections, may take such anticipatory actions, in advance of the effective date, as may be necessary for the timely implementation of this act.





     This bill permits a person who was incarcerated to renew the person's driver's license for a period not exceeding one year from the date that the person was released from imprisonment using a picture on file with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC). 

     The bill permits a person who was incarcerated to renew a driver's license if the person presents a New Jersey Department of Corrections (DOC) identification card or non-driver identification card issued by the MVC.  Under the bill, the fee for this extension is $18 but the person is not be required to pay the digitized picture fee required for the renewal of driver's licenses.  The bill also amends the "Fair Release and Reentry Act of 2009" to clarify that the Commissioner for the DOC is required to provide to each inmate at least ten days prior to release from a State correctional facility, among other documents and information, a non-driver identification card issued pursuant to State law by the MVC.