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Assemblywoman  ANGELA V. MCKNIGHT

District 31 (Hudson)






     Urges Congress and President to designate second week of June of each year as "Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week."



     As introduced.


An Assembly Resolution urging Congress and the President to designate the second week of June of each year as "Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week."


Whereas, Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to develop, organize, and manage a business venture, along with any of its risks, in order to make a profit; and

Whereas, Through the power of ownership, entrepreneurs are their own bosses, free to design jobs that are the most fulfilling, flexible, and meaningful for them; and

Whereas, Entrepreneurship holds great potential in establishing an individual's pathway to wealth and prosperity, particularly for people in low income communities; and

Whereas, As small business owners, entrepreneurs also play a significant role in driving America's economy and building its workforce; and

Whereas, According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, the nation's 25.8 million small businesses employ more than 50 percent of the private workforce, generate more than half of the gross domestic product, and are the principal source of new jobs; and

Whereas, Despite the many benefits of entrepreneurship, young people rarely receive any information about business ownership as a career option or any formal education on how to achieve such a goal; and

Whereas, Many experts believe, however, that the skills of entrepreneurship must be developed over time through experience and instruction; therefore, it is vital for parents, teachers, and community leaders across the nation to work together to prepare the country's youth to be responsible, enterprising individuals, immersing them in real life learning environments where they can take risks, manage the results, and learn from the outcomes; and

Whereas, The lessons of entrepreneurship also include highly transferable skills sought by all employers, such as time management, leadership development and interpersonal competency, so those lessons are meaningful to all children, not just future entrepreneurs; and

Whereas, Congress and the President are uniquely positioned to lead the national effort to educate America's youth about the possibilities of a career in entrepreneurship and the skills needed to run a thriving business; and

Whereas, In doing so, they can help ensure that the future of entrepreneurship in the United States is defined by innovative and confident business leaders who are capable of advancing successful careers that contribute to the nation's economic growth; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:

1.         This House respectfully urges Congress and the President of the United States to designate the second week of June of each year as "Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week."


2.         Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly to the President and Vice President of the United States, the Majority Leader and Minority Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker and Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, and each member of the United States Congress elected from the State of New Jersey.





     This resolution urges Congress and the President of the United States to designate the second week of June of each year as "Kids Entrepreneurship Awareness Week."

     Entrepreneurship is the capacity and willingness to develop, organize, and manage a business venture, along with any of its risks, in order to make a profitThrough the power of ownership, entrepreneurs are their own bosses, free to design jobs that are the most fulfilling, flexible, and meaningful for them.  Entrepreneurship holds great potential in establishing an individual's pathway to wealth and prosperity, particularly for people in low income communities.

     As small business owners, entrepreneurs also play a significant role in driving America's economy and building its workforce.  According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, the nation's 25.8 million small businesses employ more than 50 percent of the private workforce, generate more than half of the gross domestic product, and are the principal source of new jobs.

     Despite the many benefits of entrepreneurship, young people rarely receive any information about business ownership as a career option or any formal education on how to achieve such a goal. Many experts, however, believe that the skills of entrepreneurship must be developed over time through experience and instruction.  Therefore, it is vital for parents, teachers, and community leaders across the nation to work together to prepare the country's youth to be responsible, enterprising individuals, immersing them in real life learning environments where they can take risks, manage the results, and learn from the outcomes.  The lessons of entrepreneurship also include highly transferable skills sought by all employers, such as time management, leadership development and interpersonal competency, so those lessons are meaningful to all children, not just future entrepreneurs.

     Congress and the President are uniquely positioned to lead the national effort to educate America's youth about the possibilities of a career in entrepreneurship and the skills needed to run a thriving business.  In doing so, they can help ensure that the future of entrepreneurship in the United States is defined by innovative and confident business leaders who are capable of advancing successful careers that contribute to the nation's economic growth.