[First Reprint]








Sponsored by:


District 2 (Atlantic)


District 1 (Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland)

Assemblyman  RAJ MUKHERJI

District 33 (Hudson)

Assemblyman  CARMELO G. GARCIA

District 33 (Hudson)


Co-Sponsored by:

Assemblymen Coughlin and Wisniewski






     Urges FEMA to waive recoupment of overpaid Superstorm Sandy funds from disaster victims.



     As reported by the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee on June 22, 2015, with amendments.


An Assembly Resolution urging the Federal Emergency Management Agency to waive recoupment of overpaid Superstorm Sandy funds from disaster victims.


Whereas, In October 2012, Hurricane Sandy, also known as "Superstorm Sandy," devastated the northeastern coast of the United States, particularly New Jersey, causing over $65 billion of damage; and

Whereas, Superstorm Sandy damaged or destroyed approximately 346,000 homes in New Jersey, including 15,600 rental properties, causing many residents to become 1[dependant] dependent1 upon federal natural disaster assistance; and

Whereas, The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been partnering with New Jersey residents to provide needed assistance, including projects to support the restoration of vital infrastructure, public facilities and services, and rehabilitation and reconstruction of private and commercial properties; and

Whereas, In the aftermath of the storm, FEMA mistakenly dispersed some disaster relief funds to well-intentioned applicants who did not meet FEMA's eligibility requirements; and

Whereas, FEMA has taken recent action attempting to "claw back" disaster relief funds from Superstorm Sandy victims who received these monies through no fault of their own; and

Whereas, This policy contravenes good conscience, encumbering honest Americans with a financial burden they cannot afford and threatening to hinder ongoing recovery efforts in this State; and

Whereas, While FEMA's efforts to retrieve funds fraudulently gained are commendable, many cases of overpaid disaster assistance funds involve an individual who was overpaid due to error on the part of FEMA; and

Whereas, Given that these grants were already approved and awarded by FEMA, many spent this money on their recovery effort and had no way of knowing they might be required to repay the funds over a year later; and

Whereas, Though these disaster victims are already stretched to their financial limits and still struggling to recover over two years after Superstorm Sandy destroyed their homes, they are being bombarded with debt notice letters demanding repayment and threatening legal action for non-compliance; and

Whereas, By clarifying the appeal guidelines for individuals receiving recoupment letters and waiving the debts owed in situations where recoupment would create financial hardship, FEMA can protect taxpayer dollars while not impeding this State's recovery; and

Whereas, In the alternative, individuals who sought to defraud the government of desperately needed disaster relief funds for actual victims should not be spared recoupment; and

Whereas, This House, concerned with the well-being and fair treatment of its citizens, urges FEMA to give every consideration possible to the unique circumstances facing recipients of accidental, improper payment; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    This House urges the Federal Emergency Management Agency to waive recoupment of overpaid Superstorm Sandy funds from disaster victims.


     2.    Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly to the Governor of the State of New Jersey, the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Region II Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.