Sponsored by:

Assemblywoman  ELLEN J. PARK

District 37 (Bergen)






     Respectfully urges Congress and President to increase funding for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.



     As introduced.


An Assembly Resolution urging the Congress and the President to increase funding for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the federal budget.


Whereas, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), established in 1958 to expand "human knowledge of phenomena in the atmosphere and space," is a federal agency that invests in innovative activities that create jobs, jumpstart businesses, and grow the economy; and

Whereas, As part of its overall mission, NASA seeks to improve aeronautical and space vehicles capable of carrying living organisms, equipment, supplies, and instruments by studying and recognizing the interconnectedness of varied sciences; and

Whereas, The onset of the Space Race underscored the significance of NASA, as the agency's initial space and lunar expeditions captivated the psyche of the nation and catapulted the United States to the forefront of the scientific-technological revolution; and

Whereas, Another NASA innovation, known as the James Webb Space Telescope, has enabled humanity to see deep into the outer limits of space, reigniting the nation's hunger for exploration; and

Whereas, Today, NASA research and development projects tend to result in spinoff technologies in common use, including solar panels, medical imaging and dental x-ray devices, cell phone cameras, cordless vacuums, memory foam, and stronger tire material; and

Whereas, It is clear that there is an increased interest and demand in space craft, space flight, and satellite technology from the private sector, and increased funding for public-private partnerships could lead to further innovations that bring economic growth to New Jersey and the country as a whole; and

Whereas, New Jersey seeks to foster the next generation's expertise in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) by capitalizing on awe-inspiring NASA missions to demonstrate real-life applications of what is taught in the classroom; and

Whereas, The COVID-19 pandemic heightened the urgency for funding STEM education and career training as an investment in future health and prosperity, both short-term and long-term; and

Whereas, Climate uncertainty and extreme weather events heighten the necessity for investing in endeavors that lead to pioneering solutions to help humanity adapt with the planet we live on; and

Whereas, Despite the value that NASA continues to present to the American people and the economy, NASA's annual funding adjusted for inflation peaked in 1966 at $49 billion, in 2021 dollars, and has stagnated since 2000 at roughly $22 billion, in 2021 dollars; and

Whereas, President Biden's proposed federal fiscal year (FY) 2023 funding for NASA will raise the agency's budget to $26 billion, an eight percent increase over FY2022's $24 billion budget; and

Whereas, Increasing the administration's budget will lead to scientific and technological innovations that will create jobs, jumpstart businesses, grow the economy, and expand human understanding of our planet and universe; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    This House respectfully urges the Congress and the President to increase funding for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the federal budget.


     2.    Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly to the President and Vice President of the United States, the Majority and Minority Leaders of the United States Senate, the Speaker and Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives, each member of the United States Congress elected from this State, and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.





     This resolution respectfully urges the Congress and the President to increase funding for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the federal budget. 

     The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was established in 1958 ahead of the international Space Race with the edict of expanding human knowledge of space and the atmosphere.  Beyond the early, successful satellite launches and lunar missions, NASA funded projects routinely proved fruitful in the form of worthwhile spinoff technologies, innovative public-private cooperative ventures, and advancement of human understanding of our universe and the sciences that govern it.  The COVID-19 pandemic and recent extreme weather events highlight the need for continued funding in the sciences and technology to train the next generation's STEM workers to solve the problems of today and tomorrow.  Shuttle launches and deep space telescopes draw the public's attention well, but NASA's return on investment continues to be the important scientific leaps that federal funding enables.

     Increasing funding for NASA in the federal budget will allow the administration to invest in grander and more sweeping initiatives and missions, returning New Jersey and the United States to the forefront of the scientific, technological, and digital revolutions.