Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  PARKER SPACE

District 24 (Morris, Sussex and Warren)






     Urges Division of Travel and Tourism to produce map of scenic motorcycle routes.



     As introduced.


An Assembly Resolution urging the Division of Travel and Tourism in the Department of State to produce a map of scenic motorcycle routes.


Whereas, New Jersey is replete with scenic and varied landscapes, trails and roads, many of which are unknown to both residents of the State and out-of-State travelers; and

Whereas, Motorcyclists, who represent a substantial portion of travelers through the State, enjoy riding motorcycles because of the immersive experience with their surroundings that cannot be rivaled, including the ability to traverse routes not accessible by car; and

Whereas, In addition to utilizing motorcycles as a mode of functional transportation, motorcyclists often patronize establishments and tourist attractions along their routes, thereby contributing to the local economy; and

Whereas, The state of Wyoming has produced a map detailing various scenic motorcycle routes for tourists to explore, which includes advertisements for businesses along such routes and travel- and motorcycle-related businesses that may be of interest to motorcyclists; and

Whereas, New Jersey could produce a map, printed or online, at little to no cost, detailing the State's own scenic routes, and any cost of production of the map could be covered by the use of comparable advertisements; and

Whereas, New Jersey should be promoting all of the unique travel routes and attractions to encourage motorcyclists to visit and spend more time in the State; and

Whereas, It is therefore fitting and proper, and in the State's interest, for this House to urge the Division of Travel and Tourism in the Department of State to produce a map, in a manner as is most reasonably cost effective, detailing New Jersey's scenic motorcycle routes; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    This House respectfully urges the Division of Travel and Tourism in the Department of State to produce a map, online, printed, or both, in a manner as is most reasonably cost effective, detailing New Jersey's scenic motorcycle routes and attractions.  If possible, any cost of production of the map should be defrayed through the use of advertisements.


     2.    Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly to the Director of the Division of Travel and Tourism within the Department of State, and to the Governor of New Jersey.



     This resolution urges the Division of Travel and Tourism in the Department of State to produce a map of scenic routes and attractions for motorcyclists.  The map could be available online, printed, or both, and should be produced in a manner that is as reasonably cost effective as possible.  The division should consider the use of advertisements to defray any cost associated with the production of the map. 

     New Jersey has many scenic routes and landscapes which would be of interest to motorcyclists, many of whom enjoy the immersive experience with their surroundings while riding.  Moreover, motorcyclists riding for pleasure seek out unique and interesting attractions and routes to ride their motorcycles.

     As part of the riding experience, motorcyclists often patronize local establishments along and near their routes, promoting local tourism and contributing to the local economy.

     New Jersey should promote its various unique experiences, and it is the sponsor's belief that a map providing for scenic motorcycle routes would benefit the State.  Therefore, this resolution urges the Division of Travel and Tourism to create such a map.