No. 117







Sponsored by:

Assemblywoman  CAROL A. MURPHY

District 7 (Burlington)






     Designates September as "Neighborhood Month" and September 28th as "Neighborhood Day" in New Jersey.



     As introduced.


A Joint Resolution designating September as "Neighborhood Month" and September 28th as "Neighborhood Day" in New Jersey.


Whereas, Bringing neighbors and neighborhoods together builds an unparalleled personal connectedness amongst New Jersey residents; and

Whereas, Personal connectedness between neighbors builds more satisfying, self-sufficient, and effective communities that strengthen the State as a whole; and

Whereas, Student performance increases, crime rates decrease, children are safer, individuals are healthier, and communities as a whole function optimally when neighbors know one another better; and

Whereas, Established in other localities across the country, "Neighborhood Month" and "Neighborhood Day" reinforce the relationships forming the fabric of communities through simple celebrations; and

Whereas, Celebrations consist of gatherings to share food, fellowship, and fun while rekindling friendships, welcoming new neighbors, and catching up on one another's families, interests, and needs; and

Whereas, An annual "Neighborhood Month" and "Neighborhood Day" in this State would help inspire, build, and sustain the neighborhood relationships that provide the foundation for civic action and the building of stronger, more caring, and more effective communities; now, therefore,


     Be It Resolved by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    The month of September of each year is designated as "Neighborhood Month" and September 28th of each year is designated as "Neighborhood Day" in New Jersey to promote the neighborhood relationships that are fundamental to the State's communities.


     2.    The Governor is respectfully requested to annually issue a proclamation calling upon public officials and citizens of this State to observe "Neighborhood Month" and "Neighborhood Day" with appropriate activities and programs.


     3.    This joint resolution shall take effect immediately.





     This joint resolution designates the month of September of each year as "Neighborhood Month" and September 28th of each year as "Neighborhood Day" in New Jersey to promote the neighborhood relationships that are fundamental to the State's communities.  An annual "Neighborhood Month" and "Neighborhood Day" in this State would help inspire, build, and sustain the neighborhood relationships that provide the foundation for civic action and the building of stronger, more caring, and more effective communities.  The joint resolution also respectfully requests the Governor to issue an annual proclamation calling upon public officials and citizens of this State to observe the month and day with appropriate activities and programs.