Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  ERIK PETERSON

District 23 (Hunterdon, Somerset and Warren)






     Changes date for election of fire district commissioners from third Saturday in February to day of general election.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel


An Act concerning fire district elections, amending various sections of the statutory law and repealing N.J.S.40A:14-73 and N.J.S.40A:14-75 through N.J.S.40A:14-77, inclusive.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    R.S.19:14-4 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-4.  In the center of the ballot immediately below the perforated line shall be printed in bold-faced type the words "Official general election ballot."  Below these words and extending across the ballot shall appear the words:  "Name of (municipality), ...................... ward, .................... fire district, .............. election district, ...................... date of election, .................. John Doe, county clerk."  The blank spaces shall be filled in with the name of the proper municipality, the ward and district numbers and the date of the election.  For school elections the name of the school district and of the municipality or municipalities comprising the district shall also be indicated thereon.  The name of the county clerk shall be a facsimile of his signature.  Below the last stated words extending across the ballot and at the extreme left shall be printed the words "Instructions to the voter," and immediately to the right there shall be a bracket embracing the following instructions numbered consecutively:

     (1)  The only kind of a mark to be made on this ballot in voting shall be a cross x, plus + or check.

     (2)  To mark a cross x , plus +, check or when writing a name on this ballot use only ink or pencil.

     (3)  To vote for any candidates whose names are printed in any column, mark a cross x , plus + or check in the square at the left of the names of such candidates not in excess of the number to be elected to the office.

     (4)  To vote for any person whose name is not printed on this ballot, write or paste the name of such person under the proper title of office in the column designated personal choice and mark a cross x , plus + or check in the square to the left of the name so written or pasted.

     (5)  To vote upon any public question printed on this ballot if in favor thereof, mark a cross x , plus + or check   in the square at the left of the word "Yes," and if opposed thereto, mark a cross x , plus + or check   in the square at the left of the word "No."

     (6)  Do not mark this ballot in any other manner than above provided for and make no erasures.  Should this ballot be wrongly marked, defaced, torn or any erasure made thereon or otherwise rendered unfit for use return it and obtain another.  In presidential years, the following instructions shall be printed upon the general election ballot:

     (7)  To vote for all the electors of any party, mark a cross x , plus + or check in ink or pencil in the square at the left of the surnames of the candidates for president and vice-president for whom you desire to vote.

     Below the above-stated instructions and information and, except when compliance with section [19:14-15] R.S.19:14-13 of this Title as to Statewide propositions otherwise requires, three inches below the perforated line and parallel to it, there shall be printed a six-point diagram rule extending across the ballot to within not less than a half inch to the right and left edges of the paper.

(cf:  P.L.1995, c.278, s.17)


     2.    R.S.19:14-8 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-8.  In the columns of each of the political parties which made nominations at the next preceding primary election to the general election and in the personal choice column, within the space between the two-point hair line rules, there shall be printed the title of each office to be filled at such election, except as hereinafter provided.

     Such titles of office shall be arranged in the following order: member of the United States Senate; Governor; member of the House of Representatives; member of the State Senate; members of the General Assembly; county executive, in counties that have adopted the county executive plan of the "Optional County Charter Law," P.L.1972, c.154 (C.40:41A-1 et seq.); sheriff; county clerk; surrogate; register of deeds and mortgages; county supervisor; members of the board of chosen freeholders; coroners; mayor and members of municipal governing bodies[,]; members of the board of fire commissioners, and any other titles of office.  Above each of such titles of office, except the one at the top, shall be printed a two-point diagram rule in place of the two-point hair line rule. Below the titles of such offices shall be printed the names of the candidates for the offices.

     In the columns of each of the political parties which made nominations at the next preceding presidential primary election and in the personal choice column, within the space between the two-point hair line rules, there shall be printed the title of office for electors of President and Vice President of the United States.

     The arrangement of the names of candidates for any office for which more than one are to be elected shall be determined in the manner hereinafter provided, as in the case of candidates nominated by petition.

     When no nomination for an office has been made the words "No Nomination Made" in type large enough to fill the entire space or spaces below the title of office shall be printed upon the ballot.

     Immediately to the left of the name of each candidate, at the extreme left of each column, including the personal choice column, shall be printed a square, one-quarter of an inch in size, formed by two-point diagram rules.  In the personal choice column no names of candidates shall be printed.

     To the right of the title of each office in the party columns and the personal choice column shall be printed the words "Vote for," inserting in words the number of persons to be elected to such office.

(cf:  P.L.2005, c.136, s.23)


     3.    R.S.19:14-10 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-10. In the column or columns designated as nominations by petition, within the space between the two-point hair line rules, there shall be printed the title of each office for which nominations by petition have been made.

     Such titles of office shall be arranged in the following order: electors of President and Vice-President of the United States; member of the United States Senate; Governor; member of the House of Representatives; member of the State Senate; members of the General Assembly; county executive, in counties that have adopted the county executive plan of the "Optional County Charter Law," P.L.1972, c.154 (C.40:41A-1 et seq.); sheriff; county clerk; surrogate; register of deeds and mortgages; county supervisor; members of the board of chosen freeholders; coroners; mayor and members of municipal governing bodies[,]; members of the board of fire commissioners, and any other titles of office.

     Above each of the titles of office, except the one on the top, shall be printed a two-point diagram rule in place of the two-point hair line rule. Below the titles of each of the offices shall be printed the names of each of the candidates for each of such offices followed by the designation or designations mentioned in the petitions filed.

     Immediately to the left of the name of each candidate, at the extreme left of the column, shall be printed a square, one-quarter of an inch in size formed by two-point diagram rules.

     The names of candidates for any office for which more than one are to be elected shall be arranged in groups as presented in the several certificates of nominations or petitions, which groups shall be separated from other groups and candidates by two two-point hair line rules.

     To the right of the title of each office shall be printed the words "Vote for  " inserting in words the number of candidates to be elected to such office.

(cf:  P.L.1995, c.191, s.2)


     4.    R.S.19:14-16 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-16.  The words to be printed on the perforated coupon shall be printed in twelve-point bold-faced capital letters and the figures in eighteen and twenty-two-point bold-faced type.  At the head of the ballot the words "Official General Election Ballot" shall be printed in at least thirty-point bold-faced capital letters.  The name of municipality, ward, fire district, election district, and date shall be printed in twelve-point bold-faced capital letters.  The words "Instructions to the voter" shall be printed in twelve-point bold-faced capitals and small letters, while the instructions embraced within the brackets shall be printed in eight-point bold-faced capital and small letters.  The column designations shall be printed in eighteen-point bold-faced capital letters and the accompanying instructions shall be printed in eight-point capitals and small letters. The titles of office and accompanying instructions shall be printed in ten-point bold-faced capital and small letters. When there is no nomination made at the primary for an office, the title shall be printed in the space where such title should appear, and the words "No Nomination Made" in type large enough to fill the entire space or spaces shall be printed therein.  The names of all candidates shall be printed in ten-point capital letters.  The designations following the candidates' names in the nomination by petition column or columns shall be printed in ten-point capitals and small letters, except that where they overrun the space within the column the designations may be abbreviated, and all spaces between the two-point hair line rules not occupied by the titles of office and names of candidates shall be printed in with scroll or filling to guide the voter against wrongly marking the ballot.  On the foot of the ballot the words "Public Questions to be Voted Upon" shall be printed in eighteen-point bold-faced capital letters. The accompanying instructions shall be printed in eight-point capital and small letters.  The public questions to be voted upon shall be printed in ten-point capital and small letters, and the words "Yes" and "No" shall be printed in twelve-point bold-faced capital letters.

(cf:  R.S.19:14-16)


     5.    R.S.19:14-22 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-22.  The official general election sample ballots shall be as nearly as possible facsimiles of the official general election ballot to be voted at such election and shall have printed thereon, after the words which indicate the number of the election district for which such sample ballots are printed, the name or number of the fire district, the street address or location of the polling place in the election district, the hours between which the polls shall be open, and shall be printed on paper different in color from the official general election ballot, and have the following words printed in large type at the top:

     "This ballot cannot be voted.  It is a sample copy of the official general election ballot used on election day."

(cf:  P.L.1959, c.139, s.1)

     6.    N.J.S.40A:14-70 is amended to read as follows:

     40A:14-70.  In any municipality not having a paid or part-paid fire department and force, the governing body, upon application of at least 5% of the registered voters or 20 legal voters, whichever is the greater, shall consider the designation of a fire district.  Upon receipt of the application, the governing body shall fix a time and place for a hearing thereon.  The municipal clerk shall advertise the notice of the hearing in a newspaper circulating in the county wherein the municipality is located at least once and not less than 10 days prior to the hearing.  After the hearing the governing body shall determine the question of designation of a fire district.  If the governing body decides that the designation of a fire district is appropriate, it, by ordinance, shall designate a territorial location or locations for use as a fire district or fire districts and, by resolution, provide for the election of a board of fire commissioners for the district or each district, to consist of five persons, residents therein, and specify the date[,] and time [and place] for the election of the first board.

     The district or each district shall be assigned a number and the commissioners thereof and their successors shall be a body corporate, to be known as "the commissioners of fire district No.  .. . . . . . .  in . . . . . .  (name of municipality), county of . . . . . . . . . . (name of county)." The said body corporate shall have the power to acquire, hold, lease, sell or otherwise convey in its corporate name such real and personal property as the purposes of the corporation shall require.  All sales and leases of real and personal property shall be in accordance with the provisions of section 13 or 14, as appropriate, of the "Local Lands and Buildings Law," P.L.1971, c.199 (C.40A:12-13 or 40A:12-14).  Said body corporate may adopt and use a corporate seal, sue or be sued and shall have such powers, duties and functions as are usual and necessary for said purposes.

     [On the date and at the time and place specified for the election of the first board the clerk of the municipality shall conduct the election and shall preside at the meeting until the board shall have been elected.]

     At the first meeting of a newly elected board of fire commissioners of a district the board shall choose a chairman [and fix the place for the annual election].  The members of the board shall divide themselves by lot into three classes: the first to consist of two members whose terms shall expire at 12 o'clock noon on the first Tuesday in [March] December of the year following the year in which the first board is elected; the second, two members whose terms shall expire at 12 o'clock noon on the first Tuesday in [March] December of the second year following that year; and the third, one member whose term shall expire at 12 o'clock noon on the first Tuesday in [March] December of the third year following that year.  The terms of fire commissioners in each class, other than members of the first board, shall expire at 12 o'clock noon on the first Tuesday in [March] December of the third year following the year in which they were elected.

     Any vacancy in the membership shall be filled by the remaining members until the next succeeding annual election, at which time a resident of the district shall be elected for the unexpired term.

(cf:  P.L.1991, c.223, s.1)


     7.    N.J.S.40A:14-71 is amended to read as follows:

     40A:14-71.  Candidates for membership on the board shall be nominated by verified petitions.  Any such petition shall be in writing, addressed to the municipal clerk [or the clerk of the board, as the case may be], stating that the signers thereof are qualified voters and residents in the district and requesting that the name of the candidate be placed on the official ballot.  Each petition shall be arranged to contain double spacing between the signature lines of the petition, so that each signer thereof is afforded sufficient space to provide his or her printed name, address and signature.  The petition shall state the residence of the candidate and certify his qualification for membership.  The candidate's consent to his nomination shall be annexed to the petition and shall constitute his agreement to serve in the event of his election.  The petition shall contain the name of only one candidate, but several petitions may nominate the same person.  Each petition shall be signed by not less than 10 qualified voters and shall be filed at least [28] 51 days before the date of the election.

     Any form of a petition of nomination which is provided to candidates by the Secretary of State, the county clerk, or the municipal clerk shall contain the following notice:  "Notice:  All candidates are required by law to comply with the provisions of ["] 'The New Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act,' P.L. 1973, c. 83 (C.19:44A-1 et seq.).  For further information please call (insert telephone number of the Election Law Enforcement Commission)."

     If a petition is found to be defective, either in form or substance, the municipal clerk [or the clerk of the board, as the case may be,] shall forthwith notify the candidate to cause it to be corrected before the petition is given consideration.

(cf:  P.L.1985, c.288, s.2)


     8.    N.J.S.40A:14-72 is amended to read as follows:

     40A:14-72.  An election shall be held annually on the [third Saturday in February] Tuesday next after the first Monday in November in each established fire district for the election of members of the board according to the expiration of terms using the same registration and on the same official ballot required by law for the election of State and county officers. The initial election for a newly created fire district [may] shall take place on [another] that same date [as a governing body may specify under N.J.S.40A:14-70, but the annual election thereafter shall be held on the third Saturday in February].  The place of the election shall be [determined by the board] at the place where the general election is held and a notice thereof, and of the closing date for the filing with the clerk of the board of petitions of nomination for membership on the board, shall be published at least once in a newspaper circulating in the district, at least six weeks prior to the date [fixed for] of the election.  Fire districts located in the same municipality may combine the publication of their notices of election. For the purpose of this section, "notices of election" shall include the notices required to be published under section 7 of P.L.1953, c.211 (C.19:57-7).

     The legal voters thereat shall determine the amount of money to be raised for the ensuing year and determine such other matters as may be required.

(cf:  P.L.1994, c.181, s.1)


     9.    N.J.S.40A:14-74 is amended to read as follows:

     40A:14-74.  The municipal clerk [or the clerk of the board of fire commissioners, as the case may be,] shall cause a further notice of the holding of such election to be published at least once not later than 1 week prior thereto in a newspaper circulating in said fire district.

     [At least 7 days prior to the election the municipal clerk or the clerk of the board, as the case may be, shall obtain the registry list for the municipality or municipalities and election districts comprised within such fire district for the preceding general election.  No person shall be permitted to vote at the election unless his name appears on the registry list or he shall have become of legal age and is otherwise qualified and shall file an application to vote with the clerk at least 2 days prior thereto.]

(cf:  P.L.1973, c.25, s.2)


     10.  N.J.S.40A:14-78 is amended to read as follows:

     40A:14-78.  Any appropriation or other matter to be voted upon at such election shall be in the form of a question, placed upon the ballot [immediately following the names of the candidates for members of the board of fire commissioners,] in substantially the following form:

     YES.  (Question to be voted on)


     The voter shall indicate his approval or opposition by making a cross (X), plus (+) or check (/) mark in ink or pencil in the
appropriate square.

(cf:  P.L.1994, c.77, s.21)


     11.  (New section)  The term of office of any fire district commissioner that expires at 12 o'clock noon on the first Tuesday in March of the year in which P.L.     , c.     (C.     ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) takes effect shall be extended until the first Tuesday in December of that same year.  Any candidate to fill the office of commissioner that year shall be voted for at the general election held that year and shall take office on the first Tuesday in December next occurring.


     12.  N.J.S.40A:14-73 and N.J.S.40A:14-75 through N.J.S.40A:14-77, inclusive, are repealed.


     13.  This act shall take effect on January 1 next following the date of enactment.





     The purpose of this bill is to change the date for the election of fire district commissioners, in those municipalities with such officials, from the third Saturday in February to the day of the general election.

     The bill repeals N.J.S.40A:14-73 and N.J.S.40A-14-75 through N.J.S.40A:14-77, inclusive, because these sections concern the form of the ballot for fire district elections, use of voting machines, polling hours and the manner of conducting such elections.  These sections will no longer be needed if this bill is enacted since the election of fire district commissioners will occur simultaneously with other elections conducted on the day of the general election.