ASSEMBLY, No. 5097







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  GORDON M. JOHNSON

District 37 (Bergen)






     Concerns sale of zero emission motor vehicles.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning the sale of zero emission motor vehicles and amending P.L.2015, c.24.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    Section 6 of P.L.2015, c.24 (C.56:10-27.1) is amended to read as follows:

     6.    a.   Notwithstanding the provisions of any law, rule or regulation to the contrary, a motor vehicle franchisor licensed pursuant to R.S.39:10-19 on or prior to January 1, 2014 [and] that is exclusively manufacturing zero emission vehicles may buy from and sell, offer to sell, or deal to a consumer a zero emission vehicle, provided that the franchisor owns or operates, directly or indirectly:

     (1)   no more than [four] fourteen places of business in the State; and

     (2)   at least [one] seven retail [facility] facilities for the servicing, including warranty servicing, of zero emission vehicles sold, offered for sale, or otherwise distributed in this State.  [This facility] These facilities shall be furnished with all the equipment required to service a zero emission vehicle.

     b.    A motor vehicle franchisor licensed pursuant to R.S.39:10-19 on or prior to January 1, 2014 that is exclusively manufacturing zero emission vehicles shall be permitted to install and operate places of business on the established schedule as follows:

     (1)  no more than six in calendar year ending December 31, 2019;

     (2)  no more than eight in calendar year ending December 31, 2020;

     (3)  no more than 10 in calendar year ending December 31, 2021;

     (4)  no more than 12 in calendar year ending December 31, 2022; and

     (5)  no more than 14 in calendar year ending December 31, 2023.

     c.     A motor vehicle franchisor licensed pursuant to R.S.39:10-19 on or prior to January 1, 2014  that is exclusively manufacturing zero emission vehicles is subject to all State licensing, dealing, and servicing laws and regulations applicable to franchisee motor vehicle dealers not exempt under the administrative code.

     A franchisor shall not be required to establish or operate a place of business at a retail facility for the servicing of zero emission vehicles

(cf: P.L.2015, c.24, s.6)


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately.



     This bill expands the current law allowing certain motor vehicle manufacturers to directly buy from or sell to consumers zero emission vehicles.  The bill amends current law to allow each manufacturer to operate up to 14 locations in New Jersey.  Under current law, a manufacturer may only operate up to four locations.  The bill also amends current law to require each manufacturer to own or operate at least seven retail facilities in New Jersey for the servicing of its vehicles.  The bill provides that the facilities can be installed and operated on a limited, phase-in schedule over a period of five years.  Currently, a manufacturer is only required to operate one service facility in New Jersey.  The bill also clarifies that franchisors are subject to compliance with all State licensing, dealing, and servicing laws and regulations.