ASSEMBLY, No. 4422







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  DECLAN J. O'SCANLON, JR.

District 13 (Monmouth)






     Removes licensing requirement for persons sampling and weighing milk and cream.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning the sampling and weighing of milk and cream and amending P.L.1943, c.100. 


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    Section 5 of P.L.1943, c.100 (C.4:12-41.5) is amended to read as follows:

     5.    [No sample of milk or cream taken for the purpose of making a butter fat test, and no weight or measure of milk or cream to be used as a basis of payment under the provisions of this act shall be taken by any person nor any employee of such person who has not first been approved by the director to be competent to weigh and sample milk and cream.]  No license or other approval shall be required by the director for a person sampling and weighing milk or cream under the provisions of P.L.1943, c.100 (C.4:12-41.1 et seq.).  

     Immediately after the milk or cream has been measured a record shall be made showing the date, the producer's  name or number, and the weight or volume of milk or cream received, and such  record shall be available to the director at all reasonable times and each  producer of said milk or cream shall upon request within twenty-four hours  following each daily delivery be furnished a duplicate statement giving the  date and the weight or volume of milk or cream delivered, and in addition the  person receiving the milk shall furnish to each producer a record of the daily  weight or volume of milk or cream received and the test thereof for each period  of delivery.  Such period of delivery shall not exceed sixteen days and the statement required to be furnished to producers shall be furnished within six days after the end of such period of delivery.  If in the opinion of the director it will effectuate the purpose of this act he may require an individual licensee to furnish each producer with a duplicate record of the weight or volume of milk or cream received immediately following each delivery of such milk or cream.

(cf:  P.L.1943, c.100, s.5)


     2.    Section 6 of P.L.1943, c.100 (C.4:12-41.6) is amended to read as follows:

     6.    Any person purchasing milk or cream and paying for the same on the basis of the percentage of butter fat therein shall take and retain on his premises a representative part of each lot of milk purchased.  The representative parts taken from the several lots of milk purchased from any one producer shall be combined into a composite sample.  The composite sample together with a preservative approved by the director shall be placed in clean dry bottles of approved design.  Such composite sample shall be plainly marked with the name or number of the producer represented and shall be of such size that the residue for check testing shall be sufficient to make two additional Babcock tests.  Protection shall be provided against extremes of temperature and the  entrance or loss of moisture, and at all times, except the interval during which milk or cream to be sampled is being received, said composite samples  must be stored below fifty-five degrees Fahrenheit.  The [licensed] sampler shall be responsible for the preparation and storage of such composite samples at all times except when they are being tested by the licensed tester.

     Before a portion of a composite sample shall be taken for testing the contents of the container from which it is drawn shall be so treated that the butter fat is dispersed uniformly throughout the sample.  Said composite sample  shall cover a period of not over sixteen days and shall be tested within two  days following the close of the period covered by such sample, and the producer  represented by said composite sample shall be furnished a written or printed  statement of the result thereof within four days after the day upon which the test was performed; said statement shall specify the period covered by the  composite sample, and the record of daily deliveries specified in section five may be made a portion of the statement.

     After such composite samples have been tested they shall be held intact, properly refrigerated and in a condition suitable for check testing, until the close of the second subsequent test period, and the director shall have the authority to examine and analyze such composite samples for the purpose of determining whether the percentages of butter fat have been correctly reported.

(cf:  P.L.1943, c.100, s.6)


     3.    Section 7 of P.L.1943, c.100 (C.4:12-41.7) is amended to read as follows:

     7.    Any person licensed under this act to purchase milk on a butter fat basis may make joint application with the producers from whom the milk is purchased for permission to use fresh samples as a basis of payment, which permission may be granted at the discretion of the director.  When fresh samples are used, a representative sample shall be taken from at least two daily deliveries each half month of the several lots of milk delivered by each producer; such fresh samples shall be taken on scattered days during the testing period, the days to be selected by the [licensed] sampler who draws the samples, each sample to be of such size that the residue for check tests will be sufficient to make duplicate Babcock tests.  Before a portion of such fresh sample shall be taken for testing, the contents of the container from which it is drawn shall be so treated that the butter fat therein is evenly dispersed.

     Fresh samples shall be tested within a period of twenty-four hours after being drawn, and shall be properly refrigerated at all times prior to testing. Within six days after the close of each testing period a written or printed statement of the average of the several tests for the period, and specifying the period covered, shall be furnished to the producers of the milk represented by such fresh samples.  After such fresh samples have been tested their residues shall be stabilized with a preservative approved by the director, stored in bottles of approved design, plainly marked with the name or number of the producer represented, and shall be properly refrigerated and available for check testing for a period of not less than ten days after the original test.

(cf:  P.L.1943, c.100, s.7)


     4. This act shall take effect immediately. 





     This bill would remove the licensing requirement for persons sampling and weighing milk and cream.

     Under current law, a person who samples milk or cream for the purpose of making a butter fat test, or who weighs or measures milk or cream to be used as a basis of payment under the law, must obtain a license from the Department of Agriculture.  Regulations (N.J.A.C.2:50-3.1) further require any person seeking this license to satisfactorily complete an examination before the department.  This bill would provide that no license or other approval would be required for a person sampling and weighing milk or cream.