ASSEMBLY, No. 4360







Sponsored by:


District 6 (Camden)






     Establishes procedures for districts to opt to move the annual school election to November and eliminates vote on school budgets for such districts, except for separate proposals to spend above cap.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning the operation of school districts, revising various parts of the statutory law, and supplementing chapter 7F of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes and chapter 60 of Title 19 of the Revised Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.  (New section)  a.  (1)  The question of moving the date of a school district's annual school election to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, to be held simultaneously with the general election, shall be submitted to the legal voters of the district whenever the board of education of a Type II district without a board of school estimate or the governing body of the municipality constituting the district, shall by resolution so direct, or whenever a petition signed by not less than 15% of the legally qualified voters who voted in the district at the last preceding general election held for the election of all of the members of the General Assembly is filed with the board of education.  The question shall be submitted to the voters of the district at the next annual school election, special school election, or general election as determined by the board of education, provided that at least 60 days have lapsed since the date of the adoption of the resolution or the filing of the petition.  In the event that the question is not approved by the voters, no resolution may be adopted and no petition may be filed to submit the question to the voters within one year after an election shall have been held pursuant to any resolution adopted or petition filed pursuant to this subsection.

     The date of the annual school election may be moved to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November without voter approval, upon the adoption of a resolution by the board of education of a Type II school district without a board of school estimate or the governing body of the municipality constituting the district.

     (2)  In the event that the date of a school district's annual school election is moved to the day of the general election, the annual school election in November shall be held for the purpose of submitting a proposal to the voters for approval of additional funds pursuant to paragraph (9) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), for the purpose of electing members of the board of education, and for any other purpose authorized by law. A vote shall not be required on the district's general fund tax levy for the budget year, other than the general fund tax levy required to support a proposal for additional funds.

     (3)  In the case of local school districts which are constituent districts of a limited purpose regional school district, each of those local school districts shall approve moving the date of the election to November, by any of the procedures established pursuant to this subsection, for any of those local school districts to move the date of the annual school election to the day of the general election.  In the event that all the constituent districts approve moving the date of the election, then the date of the annual school election for the limited purpose regional school district shall also be conducted simultaneously with the general election.

     (4)  In the event that the date of a school district's annual school election is moved to the day of the general election pursuant to this subsection, the board of education and the county board of elections shall enter into an agreement, pursuant to guidelines established by the Secretary of State, under which the board of education shall pay any agreed upon increase in the costs, charges, and expenses that may be associated with holding the school election simultaneously with the general election.

     b.  (1)  In the case of a school district that has moved the date of its annual school election to November pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the question of moving the date of the school district's annual school election to the third Tuesday in April shall be submitted to the legal voters of the district whenever the board of education or the governing body of the municipality constituting the district, shall by resolution so direct, or whenever a petition signed by not less than 15% of the legally qualified voters who voted in the district at the last preceding general election held for the election of all of the members of the General Assembly is filed with the board of education.  The question shall be submitted to the voters of the district at the next annual school election, special school election, or general election as determined by the board of education, provided that at least 60 days have lapsed since the date of the adoption of the resolution or the filing of the petition.

     The date of the annual school election may be moved to the third Tuesday in April without voter approval, upon the adoption of a resolution by the board of education of a Type II school district without a board of school estimate or the governing body of the municipality constituting the district.

     No resolution may be adopted and no petition may be filed pursuant to this subsection until at least four annual school elections have been held in November.

     (2)  In the event that the date of the annual school election is moved to the third Tuesday in April, a vote shall be held on the district's general fund tax levy for the budget year including any proposal for additional funds pursuant to paragraph (9) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), the election of members of the board of education, and for any other purpose authorized by law.

     (3)  In the case of local school districts which are constituent districts of a limited purpose regional school district, each of those local school districts shall approve moving the date of the election to April, by any of the procedures established pursuant to this subsection, for any of those local school districts to move the date of the annual school election to the third Tuesday in April.  In the event that all the constituent districts approve moving the date of the election, then the date of the annual school election for the limited purpose regional school district shall also be conducted on the third Tuesday in April.


     2.  Section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) is amended to read as follows:

     5.    As used in this section, "cost of living" means the CPI as defined in section 3 of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-45).

     a.     Within 30 days following the approval of the Educational Adequacy Report, the commissioner shall notify each district of the base per pupil amount, the per pupil amounts for full-day preschool, the weights for grade level, county vocational school districts, at-risk pupils, bilingual pupils, and combination pupils, the cost coefficients for security aid and for transportation aid, the State average classification rate and the excess cost for general special education services pupils, the State average classification rate and the excess cost for speech-only pupils, and the geographic cost adjustment for each of the school years to which the report is applicable.

     Annually, within two days following the transmittal of the State budget message to the Legislature by the Governor pursuant to section 11 of P.L.1944, c.112 (C.52:27B-20), the commissioner shall notify each district of the maximum amount of aid payable to the district in the succeeding school year pursuant to the provisions of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-43 et al.), and shall notify each district of the district's adequacy budget for the succeeding school year.

     For the 2008-2009 school year and thereafter, unless otherwise specified within P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-43 et al.), aid amounts payable for the budget year shall be based on budget year pupil counts, which shall be projected by the commissioner using data from prior years.  Adjustments for the actual pupil counts of the budget year shall be made to State aid amounts payable during the school year succeeding the budget year.  Additional amounts payable shall be reflected as revenue and an account receivable for the budget year.

     Notwithstanding any other provision of this act to the contrary, each district's State aid payable for the 2008-2009 school year, with the exception of aid for school facilities projects, shall be based on simulations employing the various formulas and State aid amounts contained in P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-43 et al.).  The commissioner shall prepare a report dated December 12, 2007 reflecting the State aid amounts payable by category for each district and shall submit the report to the Legislature prior to the adoption of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-43 et al.).  Except as otherwise provided pursuant to this subsection and paragraph (3) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-47), the amounts contained in the commissioner's report shall be the final amounts payable and shall not be subsequently adjusted other than to reflect the phase-in of the required general fund local levy pursuant to paragraph (4) of subsection b. of section 16 of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-58) and to reflect school choice aid to which a district may be entitled pursuant to section 20 of that act. The projected pupil counts and equalized valuations used for the calculation of State aid shall also be used for the calculation of adequacy budget, local share, and required local share.  For 2008-2009, extraordinary special education State aid shall be included as a projected amount in the commissioner's report dated December 12, 2007 pending the final approval of applications for the aid.  If the actual award of extraordinary special education State aid is greater than the projected amount, the district shall receive the increase in the aid payable in the subsequent school year pursuant to the provisions of subsection c. of section 13 of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-55).  If the actual award of extraordinary special education State aid is less than the projected amount, other State aid categories shall be adjusted accordingly so that the district shall not receive less State aid than as provided in accordance with the provisions of sections 5 and 16 of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-47 and C.18A:7F-58).

     In the event that the commissioner determines, following the enactment of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-43 et al.) but prior to the issuance of State aid notices for the 2008-2009 school year, that a significant district-specific change in data warrants an increase in State aid for that district, the commissioner may adjust the State aid amount provided for the district in the December 12, 2007 report to reflect the increase.

     b.    Each district shall have a required local share.  For districts that receive educational adequacy aid pursuant to subsection b. of section 16 of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-58), the required local share shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of that subsection.

     For all other districts, the required local share shall equal the lesser of the local share calculated at the district's adequacy budget pursuant to section 9 of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-51), or the district's budgeted local share for the prebudget year.

     In order to meet this requirement, each district shall raise a general fund tax levy which equals its required local share.

     No municipal governing body or bodies or board of school estimate, as appropriate, shall certify a general fund tax levy which does not meet the required local share provisions of this section.

     c.     Annually, on or before March 4, each district board of education shall adopt, and submit to the commissioner for approval, together with such supporting documentation as the commissioner may prescribe, a budget that provides for a thorough and efficient education. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection to the contrary, the commissioner may adjust the date for the submission of district budgets if the commissioner determines that the availability of preliminary aid numbers for the subsequent school year warrants such adjustment.

     Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, for the 2005-2006 school year each district board of education shall submit a proposed budget in which the advertised per pupil administrative costs do not exceed the lower of the following:

     (1)   the district's advertised per pupil administrative costs for the 2004-2005 school year  inflated by the cost of living or 2.5 percent, whichever is greater; or

     (2)   the per pupil administrative cost limits for the district's region as determined by the commissioner based on audited expenditures for the 2003-2004 school year.

     The executive county superintendent of schools may disapprove the school district's 2005-2006 proposed budget if he determines that the district has not implemented all potential efficiencies in the administrative operations of the district.  The executive county superintendent shall work with each school district in the county during the 2004-2005 school year to identify administrative inefficiencies in the operations of the district that might cause the superintendent to reject the district's proposed 2005-2006 school year budget.

     For the 2006-2007 school year and each school year thereafter, each district board of education shall submit a proposed budget in which the advertised per pupil administrative costs do not exceed the lower of the following:

     (1)   the district's prior year per pupil administrative costs; except that the district may submit a request to the commissioner for approval to exceed the district's prior year per pupil administrative costs due to increases in enrollment, administrative positions necessary as a result of mandated programs, administrative vacancies, nondiscretionary fixed costs, and such other items as defined in accordance with regulations adopted pursuant to section 7 of P.L.2004, c.73.  In the event that the commissioner approves a district's request to exceed its prior year per pupil administrative costs, the increase authorized by the commissioner shall not exceed the cost of living or 2.5 percent, whichever is greater; or

     (2)   the prior year per pupil administrative cost limits for the district's region inflated by the cost of living or 2.5 percent, whichever is greater.

     d.    (1) A [district shall submit, as appropriate, to the board of school estimate or to the voters of the district at the annual school budget election conducted pursuant to the provisions of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et al.), a] district's general fund tax levy [which does] shall not exceed the district's adjusted tax levy as calculated pursuant to sections 3 and 4 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.18A:7F-38 and 18A:7F-39).

     (2)   (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2007, c.260).

     (3)   (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2007, c.260).

     (4)   Any debt service payment made by a school district during the budget year shall not be included in the calculation of the district's adjusted tax levy.

     (5)   (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2007, c.260).

     (6)   (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2007, c.260).

     (7)   (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2004, c.73).

     (8)   (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2010, c.44)

     (9)   Any district may submit at the annual school budget election, in accordance with subsection c. of section 4 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.18A:7F-39), a separate proposal or proposals for additional funds, including interpretive statements, specifically identifying the program purposes for which the proposed funds shall be used, to the voters, who may, by voter approval, authorize the raising of an additional general fund tax levy for such purposes.  In the case of a district with a board of school estimate, one proposal for the additional spending shall be submitted to the board of school estimate. Any proposal or proposals submitted to the voters or the board of school estimate shall not: include any programs and services that were included in the district's prebudget year net budget unless the proposal is approved by the commissioner upon submission by the district of sufficient reason for an exemption to this requirement; or include any new programs and services necessary for students to achieve the thoroughness standards established pursuant to subsection a. of section 4 of P.L.2007, c.260 (C.18A:7F-46).

     The executive county superintendent of schools may prohibit the submission of a separate proposal or proposals to the voters or board of school estimate if he determines that the district has not implemented all potential efficiencies in the administrative operations of the district, which efficiencies would eliminate the need for the raising of an additional general fund tax levy.

     (10) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, if a district proposes a budget with a general fund tax levy and equalization aid which exceed the adequacy budget, the following statement shall be published in the legal notice of public hearing on the budget pursuant to N.J.S.18A:22-28, posted at the public hearing held on the budget pursuant to N.J.S.18A:22-29, and printed on the sample ballot required pursuant to section 10 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-10):

     "Your school district has proposed programs and services in addition to the core curriculum content standards adopted by the State Board of Education.  Information on this budget and the programs and services it provides is available from your local school district."

     (11) Any reduction that may be required to be made to programs and services included in a district's prebudget year net budget in order for the district to limit the growth in its budget between the prebudget and budget years by its tax levy growth limitation as calculated pursuant to sections 3 and 4 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.18A:7F-38 and 18A:7F-39), shall only include reductions to excessive administration or programs and services that are inefficient or ineffective.

     e. (1) Any general fund tax levy rejected by the voters for a proposed budget that includes a general fund tax levy and equalization aid in excess of the adequacy budget shall be submitted to the governing body of each of the municipalities included within the district for determination of the amount that should be expended notwithstanding voter rejection.  In the case of a district having a board of school estimate, the general fund tax levy shall be submitted to the board for determination of the amount that should be expended.  If the governing body or bodies or board of school estimate, as appropriate, reduce the district's proposed budget, the district may appeal any of the reductions to the commissioner on the grounds that the reductions will negatively impact on the stability of the district given the need for long term planning and budgeting.  In considering the appeal, the commissioner shall consider enrollment increases or decreases within the district; the history of voter approval or rejection of district budgets; the impact on the local levy; and whether the reductions will impact on the ability of the district to fulfill its contractual obligations.  A district may not appeal any reductions on the grounds that the amount is necessary for a thorough and efficient education.

     (2)   Any general fund tax levy rejected by the voters for a proposed budget that includes a general fund tax levy and equalization aid at or below the adequacy budget shall be submitted to the governing body of each of the municipalities included within the district for determination of the amount that should be expended notwithstanding voter rejection.  In the case of a district having a board of school estimate, the general fund tax levy shall be submitted to the board for determination.  Any reductions may be appealed to the commissioner on the grounds that the amount is necessary for a thorough and efficient education or that the reductions will negatively impact on the stability of the district given the need for long term planning and budgeting.  In considering the appeal, the commissioner shall also consider the factors outlined in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

     In addition, the municipal governing body or board of school estimate shall be required to demonstrate clearly to the commissioner that the proposed budget reductions shall not adversely affect the ability of the school district to provide a thorough and efficient education or the stability of the district given the need for long term planning and budgeting.

     (3)   In lieu of any budget reduction appeal provided for pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, the State board may establish pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), an expedited budget review process based on a district's application to the commissioner for an order to restore a budget reduction.

     (4)   When the voters, municipal governing body or bodies, board of education in the case of a school district in which the annual school election has been moved to November pursuant to subsection a. of section 1 of P.L.   , c.    (C.    ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), or the board of school estimate authorize the general fund tax levy, the district shall submit the resulting budget to the commissioner within 15 days of the [action of the voters or municipal governing body or bodies, whichever is later, or of the board of school estimate as the case may be] authorization.

     f.     (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2007, c.260).

     g.     (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2007, c.260).

(cf: P.L.2010, c.44, s.2)


     3.  Section 4 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.18A:7F-39) is amended to read as follows:

     4. a. (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2010, c.44)

     b.    (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2010, c.44)

     c.     A school district may submit to the voters at the [April] annual school election, or on such other date as is set by regulation of the commissioner, a proposal or proposals to increase the adjusted tax levy by more than the allowable amount authorized pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2007, c.62 (C.18A:7F-38).  The proposal or proposals to increase the adjusted tax levy shall be approved if a majority of people voting shall vote in the affirmative.  In the case of a school district with a board of school estimate, the additional adjusted tax levy shall be authorized only if a quorum is present for the vote and a majority of those board members who are present vote in the affirmative to authorize the additional adjusted tax levy.

     (1)   A proposal or proposals submitted to the voters or the board of school estimate to increase the tax levy pursuant to this subsection shall not include any programs or services necessary for students to achieve the core curriculum content standards.

     (2)   All proposals to increase the tax levy submitted pursuant to this subsection shall include interpretive statements specifically identifying the program purposes for which the proposed funds shall be used and a clear statement on whether approval will affect only the current year or result in a permanent increase in the levy.  The proposals shall be submitted and approved pursuant to sections 5 and 6 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5 and 18A:7F-6).

     d.    (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2010, c.44)

     e.     A school district that has not been granted approval to exceed the cap pursuant to subsection c. of this section, may add to its adjusted tax levy in any one of the next three succeeding budget years, the amount of the difference between the maximum allowable amount to be raised by taxation for the current school budget year and the actual amount to be raised by taxation for the current school budget year.

(cf: P.L.2010, c.44, s.5)


     4.    N.J.S.18A:8-20 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:8-20.  The first board of education of the new district and the first board of education of the remaining district shall each prepare and submit, if applicable, to the voters of the district, as required by law, the first budgets for said district and they shall make proper provision for an election to be conducted, in accordance with the provisions of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et al.), for the members of the board of education of the district to replace the appointed members of the board, for such terms that three members of the board of the district, as thereafter constituted, will be elected each year, at an annual election to be held in the district at the same time as that on which the next annual election for the original district would have been held.

(cf: P.L.1995, c.278, s.26)


     5.    N.J.S.18A:8-36 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:8-36.  At [all elections] any election in which an appropriation must be authorized [by], a majority of the total votes cast thereon in all of the territory of the consolidated school district shall be necessary for the authorization.

(cf: P.L.1995, c.278, s.27)


     6.    N.J.S.18A:9-10 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:9-10.  If the membership of the board in any such district so becoming a type II district is less than nine, it shall be increased to nine by the election of added members at the next annual school election, unless the adopting election shall have been held more than 130 days or less than 60 days before the date fixed for such annual school election, in which case they shall be elected at a special school election which shall be called by the members of the board so holding over[, if the adopting election was held more than 130 days before the annual school election, then not less than 60 or more than 70 days after the adopting election, or if the adopting election was held less than 60 days before the annual school election, then not less than 60 or more than 70 days after such annual school election, excluding in each instance from the calculation of the period which will elapse between such 60 and 70 days any period which would elapse between the twenty-first day before and the twenty-first day after any day fixed according to law for the holding of any primary election for the general election or general election or municipal election held within the district].

(cf: P.L.1995, c.278, s.28)


     7.    N.J.S.18A:10-3 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:10-3.  Each board of education shall organize annually at a regular meeting held not later than at 8 p.m. at which time new members shall take office:

     a.     In type I districts on May 16, or on the following day if that day be Sunday;

     b.    In all type II districts with an April school election on any day of the first or second week following the [annual] April school election.

     c.  In all type II districts with a November school election on any day of the first week in January at which time new members shall take office.

     If the organization meeting cannot take place on that day by reason of lack of a quorum or for any other reason, said meeting shall be held within three days thereafter.

(cf: P.L.1987, c. 289, s. 2)


     8.    N.J.S.18A:13-8 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:13-8.  The board of education of a regional district shall consist of nine members unless it consists of more than nine constituent districts, in which case the membership shall be the same as the number of constituent districts, plus one.  If there are nine or less constituent districts, the members of the board of education of the regional district shall be apportioned by the executive county superintendent or executive county superintendents of the county or counties in which the constituent districts are situate, among said districts as nearly as may be according to the number of their inhabitants except that each constituent district shall have at least one member.

     In making the apportionment of the membership of a regional board of education among the several school districts uniting to create a regional school district having nine or less constituent districts, as required by section 18A:13-36, there shall be subtracted from the number of inhabitants of a constituent school district, as shown by the last federal census officially promulgated in this State, the number of such inhabitants who according to the records of the Federal Bureau of the Census were patients in, or inmates of, any State or federal hospital or prison, or who are military personnel stationed at, or civilians residing within the limits of, any United States Army, Navy or Air Force installation, located in such constituent school district.

     If there are more than nine constituent districts, the members on the board shall be apportioned among the constituent districts and the weight of their votes in all proceedings of the board shall be determined by the appropriate executive county superintendent or superintendents through the following procedure:

     a.     The number of inhabitants of each constituent district shall be determined as shown by the last federal census officially promulgated in this State.

     b.    A representative ratio shall be calculated by adding the number of inhabitants of all constituent districts and dividing the sum by the board size.

     c.     All constituent districts shall be listed in ascending order of their number of inhabitants.  If the first constituent district in said list has a number of inhabitants which is less than the representative ratio, it shall be combined with the constituent district contiguous to it having the smallest number of inhabitants. This process shall be repeated for each successively larger constituent district or combination of constituent districts until all remaining constituent districts or combinations of constituent districts shall have a number of inhabitants equal to, or exceeding the representative ratio.  The districts formed in this manner shall be known as representative districts.

     d.    There shall be established a priority list according to the method of equal proportions for the apportionment of the members of the regional district board of education among the representative districts.

     e.     The members of the regional district board of education shall be apportioned among the representative districts according to the method of equal proportions, and where a representative district is composed of more than one constituent district, members shall be elected at large from within the representative district.

     f.     The number of inhabitants of each representative district shall be divided by the number of members assigned to that district to find the number of inhabitants per members.

     g.     The vote to be cast by each member of the regional district board of education in all proceedings of the board shall be determined by dividing the number of inhabitants per member in the representative district from which the member is elected by the representative ratio for the regional district, and rounding off the quotient to the nearest tenth of a full vote.

     Wherever any statute or bylaw of the board requires decision in any matter by vote of a majority of the board members, or of the members present, this shall be interpreted as meaning a majority of the weighted votes of all members, or of the members present, as the case may be.

     h.     Whenever the above reapportionment procedure is used for a regional district having more than nine constituent districts, the terms of office of all incumbent board of education members shall terminate on the day on which the annual organization meeting of the board is held pursuant to N.J.S.18A:13-12 following certification by the executive county superintendent of the representative districts and the number of members to be elected from each; provided, that if the reapportionment results in any representative district retaining its former boundaries and the same number of board members, that the members elected from such a district shall serve the full term for which they were elected.  All other board members shall be elected in an election to be held on the [third Tuesday in April] date of the annual school election at least 60 days following certification by the executive county superintendent for initial terms of office to be designated in advance by the executive county superintendent so that, as nearly as possible, one-third of the board shall be elected in each future year, to serve for three-year terms, and where a representative district has more than one member, their terms of office shall terminate in different years.

     If any constituent district is a consolidated district, or a district composed of two or more municipalities, and

     a.     The original district is a limited purpose regional district and such constituent district has such population that it is entitled to have apportioned to it a number of members equal to or greater than the number of districts making up such constituent district, or

     b.    The regional district is an all purpose district,

the membership of the regional board of education from such district shall be apportioned, and from time to time reapportioned, and the members from the district shall be elected, as their respective terms expire, in the same manner as though each of the municipalities making up such constituent district were constituent districts of the regional district.

(cf: P.L.1992, c.159, s.9)


     9.    N.J.S.18A:13-10 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:13-10.    The board of education of each regional district shall provide for the holding, in accordance with the provisions of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et al.), of an annual school election for the regional district [on the third Tuesday in April].

     At such election there shall be elected for terms of three years, [beginning on any day of the first or second week following such election,] the members of the regional boards of education to succeed those members of the board whose terms shall expire in that year, except as is in this chapter provided for the election of the first elected members of the board.  The term of a member of a regional board of education elected in April shall begin on any day of the first or second week following the election.  The term of a member of a regional board of education elected in November shall begin on any day of the first week in January.

(cf: P.L.1995, c.278, s.32)


     10.  N.J.S.18A:13-12 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:13-12.  The board shall hold a regular meeting forthwith after its first appointment, and annually thereafter on any day of the first or second week following the annual school election in April, at which it shall organize by the election, from among its members, of a president and vice president, who shall serve until the organization meeting next succeeding the election of their respective successors as members of the board.  In the case of a regional district in which the annual school election is in November, the organization meeting shall be held on any day of the first week in January.  If any board shall fail to organize within [said two weeks] the designated period, the executive county superintendent of the county, or the executive county superintendents of the counties, in which the constituent districts are situate, shall appoint, from among the members of the board, a president and vice president to serve until the organization meeting next succeeding the next election.

(cf: P.L.1987, c.289, s.6)


     11.  N.J.S.18A:13-13 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:13-13.  The board shall appoint a secretary who may or may not be a member of the board, for the term of one year beginning on July 1, or January 15 in the case of a regional district in which the annual school election is in November, following his appointment but he shall continue to serve after the expiration of his term until his successor is appointed and qualified. In a district which does not have a treasurer of school moneys, the secretary shall give bond in such amount and with such surety as the board shall direct.  The board shall be guided in its determination of the amount of coverage necessary by a schedule of minimum limits promulgated by the State Board of Education.

(cf: P.L.2010, c.39, s.6).


     12.  N.J.S.18A:13-14 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:13-14.  The board may appoint a treasurer of school moneys who shall not be a member or employee of the board and it shall fix his salary.  His term of office shall expire annually on June 30 of each year, [but if] or January 15 of each year in the case of a regional district in which the annual school election is in November.  If a municipal officer is appointed treasurer, his term shall cease if he ceases to hold his municipal office and in either case, the treasurer shall continue in office after the expiration of his term until his successor is qualified.  He shall give bond in such amount, and with such surety, as the board shall direct.  The board in its determination of the amount shall be guided by a schedule of minimum limits to be promulgated by the State board.

(cf: P.L.2010, c.39, s.7).


     13.  N.J.S.18A:13-17 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:13-17.  a.  The regional board of education shall, at each annual April school election, submit to the voters of the regional district the amount of money fixed and determined in its budget to be voted upon for the use of the regional schools of the district for the ensuing school year and may submit thereat any other question authorized by this law to be submitted at such an election.  The board may, in submitting to the voters the amount of money to be voted upon for the use of the regional schools of the district, identify the amount of money determined to be the constituent municipality's share.  The board shall follow the procedures established in section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) and N.J.S.18A:22-33.

     b.  In the case of a regional district in which the annual school election is in November, the regional board of education shall  fix and determine the district's budget for the ensuing school year and may submit  at the annual school election any question authorized by law to be submitted at such an election.  The board shall follow the procedures established in section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), N.J.S.18A:22-33, and section 41 of P.L.   , c.    (C.     ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill).

(cf: P.L.2001, c.26, s.1)


     14.  N.J.S.18A:13-19 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:13-19.  If the voters reject any of the items submitted at the annual April school election, within two days thereafter the board of education of the regional district shall certify to the governing body of each municipality, included within the regional district, the item or items so rejected, and such governing bodies, after consultation with the board, and no later than May 19 shall determine the amount or amounts for the ensuing school year and cause the same to be certified by the respective municipal clerks to the board of education of the regional district.  The board and the governing bodies shall follow the procedures established in section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) and N.J.S.18A:22-37.

(cf: P.L.1996, c.138, s.48)


     15.  N.J.S.18A:13-40 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:13-40.  The board of education of a newly created regional district may, prior to taking charge and control of the educational facilities of the regional district, do all other acts and things which may be necessary for the proper organization and functioning of the public schools of the regional district during its first year, including the making of contracts for the employment of necessary personnel and for other proper purposes, the preparation and , if applicable, submission to the voters of the regional district for their approval or disapproval of the budget and the appropriations for the conduct of the public schools of the regional district during its first school year, the authorization of the purchase of real and personal property, and the construction, enlargement and repair of buildings, for school purposes, and the  appropriations of the funds necessary to carry out the same and the authorization of the issuance and sale of bonds in order to provide for the payment therefor in whole or in part and the calling and holding of special elections when necessary for any such purposes and to carry out any or all of said purposes.

(cf: N.J.S.18A:13-40)


     16.  N.J.S.18A:13-46 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:13-46.  The executive county superintendent of the county in which any new constituent district of an enlarged regional district shall be situate shall, not later than 30 days after the election for the enlargement thereof, appoint one member of the enlarged board of education of the regional district from among the qualified citizens of each such new constituent district and the members so  appointed shall serve until the first Monday succeeding the first annual April school election of the enlarged regional district and their successors shall be elected at said election.  In the case of a regional district in which the annual school election is in November, the members so appointed shall serve until the first week in January next succeeding the first annual November school election of the enlarged regional district and their successors shall be elected at that election.  If by reason of the enlargement of the district it becomes necessary to reapportion the membership of the enlarged board of education the executive county superintendent or superintendents of the county or counties in which the constituent local districts of the enlarged district are situate shall reapportion the membership of the enlarged board of education in accordance with the provisions of sections 18A:13-8 and 18A:13-36, and at the same time shall designate the number of members to be elected from each constituent school district at the succeeding annual school election to be held therein upon the expiration of the terms of office of the members of the regional board then in office, in such manner that the representation of the constituent districts shall be established in accordance with such reapportionment at the earliest possible time but the members then in office shall continue in office for the terms for which they were elected or appointed notwithstanding such reapportionment.

(cf: N.J.S.18A:13-46)


     17.  N.J.S.18A:17-5 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:17-5.  Each secretary shall be appointed by the board, by a recorded roll call majority vote of its full membership, for a term to expire not later than June 30 , or January 15 in the case of a school district in which the annual school election is in November, of the calendar year next succeeding that in which the board shall have been organized, but he shall continue to serve after the expiration of his term  until his successor is appointed and qualified.  The secretary may be appointed  from among the members of the board and, subject to the provisions of this Title and any other law, the board shall fix his compensation; provided, however, that the secretary shall not receive compensation from the board for any period during which he is an elected or appointed member of the board.

     In case of a vacancy in the office of secretary, the vacancy shall be filled by the board within 60 days after the vacancy occurs and if the board does not make such appointment within such time the executive county superintendent shall appoint a secretary who shall receive the same compensation as his predecessor in office received and shall serve until a secretary is appointed by the board.

(cf: P.L.1968, c.271, s.1)


     18.  N.J.S.18A:22-26 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:22-26. At or after the public hearing but not later than April 8, the board of school estimate of a type II district having a board of school estimate shall fix and determine by a recorded roll call majority vote of its full membership the amount of money necessary to be appropriated for the use of the public schools in the district for the ensuing school year, exclusive of the amount which shall be apportioned to it by the commissioner for the year pursuant to the provisions of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) and shall make a certificate of the amount signed by at least a majority of all members of the board, which shall be delivered to the board of education and a copy thereof, certified under oath to be correct and true by the secretary of the board of school estimate, shall be delivered to the county board of taxation on or before April 15 in each year and a duplicate of the certificate shall be delivered to the board or governing body of each of the municipalities within the territorial limits of the district having the power to make appropriations of money raised by taxation in the municipalities or political subdivisions and to the executive county superintendent of schools and the amount shall be assessed, levied and raised under the procedure and in the manner provided by law for the levying and raising of special school taxes [voted to be raised at an annual or special election of the legal voters] in other type II districts and shall be paid to the board secretary or treasurer of school moneys, as appropriate, of the district for such purposes.

     Within 15 days after receiving the certificate the board of education shall notify the board of school estimate, the governing body of each municipality within the territorial limits of the school district, and the commissioner if it intends to appeal to the commissioner the board of school estimate's determination as to the amount of money requested pursuant to the provisions of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), necessary to be appropriated for the use of the public schools of the district for the ensuing school year.

(cf: P.L.2010, c.39, s.21)


     19.    N.J.S.18A:22-32 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:22-32.  At or after the public hearing on the budget but not later than 18 days prior to the April school election, the board of education of each type II district having no board of school estimate shall fix and determine by a recorded roll call majority vote of its full membership the amount of money to be raised pursuant to section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) and any additional [amounts] funds to be voted upon by the legal voters of the district at the [annual] April or November school election pursuant to paragraph (9) of subsection d. of section 5 of that act, which sum or sums shall be designated in the notice calling the election as required by law.

(cf: P.L.1996, c.138, s.57)


     20.  N.J.S.18A:22-33 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:22-33.  a. The board of education of [each] a type II district not having a board of school estimate shall at [each annual] the April school election, submit to the voters of the district, the amount of money fixed and determined in its budget pursuant to section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), excluding therefrom the sum or sums stated therein to be used for interest and debt redemption charges, in the manner provided by law, to be voted upon for the use of the public schools of the district for the ensuing school year, which amount shall be stated in the notice of the election, and the legal voters of the district shall determine at the April election, by a majority vote of those voting upon the proposition, the sum or sums, not exceeding those stated in the notice of the election, to be raised by special district tax for said purposes, in the district during the ensuing school year and the secretary of the board of education shall certify the amount so determined upon, if any, and the sums so stated for interest and debt redemption charges, to the county board of taxation of the county within two days following the certification of the election results and the amount or amounts so certified shall be included in the taxes assessed, levied and collected in the municipality or municipalities comprising the district for such purposes; except that, in the case of a district which , following the school election and the approval by the voters of the sum to be raised by special district tax for the schools of the district, determines that it has a greater surplus account available for the school year than estimated when the sum to be raised by special district tax was presented to the voters, the secretary of the board of education, with the approval of the commissioner, may between the date of the school election and the delivery of tax bills pursuant to R.S.54:4-64 re-certify to the county board of taxation the sum or sums to be raised by special district tax in the district during the ensuing school year, if the sum is lower than that approved by the voters in the school election, and if the reduction is equivalent to the additional amount available in the surplus account to be applied towards the district's budget.  The amount re-certified shall be included in the taxes assessed, levied and collected in the municipality or municipalities comprising the district.

     b.  In the case of a district in which the annual school election is in November pursuant to subsection a. of section 1 of P.L.   ,              c.   (C.     ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), by May 19 the secretary of the board of education shall certify the amount fixed and determined by the school board pursuant to N.J.S.18A:22-32 other than any additional funds to be voted upon by the legal voters of the district and the sums so stated for interest and debt redemption charges, to the county board of taxation of the county and the amount or amounts so certified shall be included in the taxes assessed, levied and collected in the municipality or municipalities comprising the district for such purposes; except that, in the case of a district which  determines that it has a greater surplus account available for the school year than estimated when the sum to be raised by special district tax was certified to the county board of taxation of the county, the secretary of the board of education, with the approval of the commissioner, may between May 19 and the delivery of tax bills pursuant to R.S.54:4-64 re-certify to the county board of taxation the sum or sums to be raised by special district tax in the district during the ensuing school year, if the sum is lower than that  initially certified to the county board of taxation of the county, and if the reduction is equivalent to the additional amount available in the surplus account to be applied towards the district's budget.  The amount re-certified shall be included in the taxes assessed, levied and collected in the municipality or municipalities comprising the district.

(cf: P.L.1999, c.346)


     21.  N.J.S.18A:22-37 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:22-37. If the voters reject any of the items submitted at the annual April school election, the board of education shall deliver the proposed school budget pursuant to section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) to the governing body of the municipality, or of each of the municipalities included in the district within two days thereafter.  The governing body of the municipality, or of each of the municipalities, included in the district shall, after consultation with the board, and by May 19, determine the amount which, in the judgment of the body or bodies, is necessary to be appropriated for each item appearing in the budget, pursuant to section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) and certify to the county board of taxation the totals of the amount so determined to be necessary for each of the following:

     a.  General fund expenses of schools; or

     b.  Appropriations to capital reserve account.

     Within 15 days after the governing body of the municipality or of each of the municipalities included in the district shall make the certification to the county board of taxation, the board of education shall notify the governing body or bodies if it intends to appeal to the commissioner pursuant to section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) the amount which the body or bodies determined to be necessary to be appropriated for each item appearing in the proposed school budget.

(cf: P.L.1996, c.138, s.59)


     22.  N.J.S.18A:22-38 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:22-38. If the governing body or bodies fail to certify any amount determined to be necessary pursuant to section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) for any item rejected at the annual April school election, or in the event that the governing bodies of the municipalities comprising a school district, shall certify different amounts, then the commissioner shall determine the amount or amounts which in his judgment, are necessary to be appropriated, for each of the items appearing in the budget, submitted to the governing body or bodies, and certify to the county board of taxation the totals of the amount determined to be necessary for the general fund expenses of the schools; and the amount certified shall be included in the taxes to be assessed, levied and collected in the municipality or municipalities for those purposes.

(cf: P.L.2007, c.260, s.54)


     23.  N.J.S.18A:22-41 is amended to read as follows:

     18A:22-41.  In any Type II district [in which the amount, with any interest to be paid thereon, to be raised, levied and collected by taxes for school purposes is determined by the voters of the district] not having a board of school estimate , the board of education shall cause the question, whether or not the amount so estimated shall be so raised, to be submitted to the legal voters of the district at a special school election, to be held on such date as shall be determined upon by the board, and if at said election the question shall be adopted, the secretary shall certify that the amount so determined upon has been authorized to be raised in said manner to the county board of taxation within five days after the date of the holding of such election.

(cf: P.L.1993, c.83, s.14)

     24.  R.S.19:1-1 is amended to read as follows:

     19:1-1.  As used in this Title:

     "Election" means the procedure whereby the electors of this State or any political subdivision thereof elect persons to fill public office or pass on public questions.

     "General election" means the annual election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November and, where applicable, includes annual school elections.

     "Primary election for the general election" means the procedure whereby the members of a political party in this State or any political subdivision thereof nominate candidates to be voted for at general elections, or elect persons to fill party offices.

     "Municipal election" means an election to be held in and for a single municipality only, at regular intervals.

     "Special election" means an election which is not provided for by law to be held at stated intervals.

     "Any election" includes all primary, general, municipal, school and special elections, as defined herein.

     "Municipality" includes any city, town, borough, village, or township.

     "School election" means any annual or special election to be held in and for a local or regional school district established pursuant to chapter 8 or chapter 13 of Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes.

     "Public office" includes any office in the government of this State or any of its political subdivisions filled at elections by the electors of the State or political subdivision.

     "Public question" includes any question, proposition or referendum required by the legislative or governing body of this State or any of its political subdivisions to be submitted by referendum procedure to the voters of the State or political subdivision for decision at elections.

     "Political party" means a party which, at the election held for all of the members of the General Assembly next preceding the holding of any primary election held pursuant to this Title, polled for members of the General Assembly at least 10% of the total vote cast in this State.

     "Party office" means the office of delegate or alternate to the national convention of a political party or member of the State, county or municipal committees of a political party.

     "Masculine" includes the feminine, and the masculine pronoun wherever used in this Title shall be construed to include the feminine.

     "Presidential year" means the year in which electors of President and Vice-President of the United States are voted for at the general election.

     "Election district" means the territory within which or for which there is a polling place or room for all voters in the territory to cast their ballots at any election.

     "District board" means the district board of registry and election in an election district.

     "County board" means the county board of elections in a county.

     "Superintendent" means the superintendent of elections in counties wherein the same shall have been appointed.

     "Commissioner" means the commissioner of registration in counties.

     "File" or "filed" means deposited in the regularly maintained office of the public official wherever said regularly maintained office is designated by statute, ordinance or resolution.

(cf: P.L.2011, c.134, s.1)


     25.  R.S.19:12-7 is amended to read as follows:

     19:12-7. a. The county board in each county shall cause to be published in a newspaper or newspapers which, singly or in combination, are of general circulation throughout the county, a notice containing the information specified in subsection b. hereof, except for such of the contents as may be omitted pursuant to subsection c. or d. hereof.  Such notice shall be published once during the 30 days next preceding the day fixed for the closing of the registration books for the primary election, once during the calendar week next preceding the week in which the primary election for the general election is held, once during the 30 days next preceding the day fixed for the closing of the registration books for the general election, and once during the calendar week next preceding the week in which the general election is held.

     b.    Such notice shall set forth:

     (1)   For the primary election for the general election:

     (a)   That a primary election for making nominations for the general election, for the selection of members of the county committees of each political party, and in each presidential year for the selection of delegates and alternates to national conventions of political parties, will be held on the day and between the hours and at the places provided for by or pursuant to this Title.

     (b)   The place or places at which and hours during which a person may register, the procedure for the transfer of registration, and the date on which the books are closed for registration or transfer of registration.

     (c)   The several State, county, municipal and party offices or positions to be filled, or for which nominations are to be made, at such primary election.

     (d)   The existence of registration and voting aids, including: (i) the availability of registration and voting instructions at places of registration as provided under R.S.19:31-6; and (ii), if available, the accessibility of voter information to the deaf by means of a telecommunications device.

     (e)   The availability of assistance to a person unable to vote due to blindness, disability or inability to read or write.

     (f)    In the case of the notice published during the calendar week next preceding the week in which the primary election is held, that a voter who, prior to the election, shall have moved within the same county without (i) filing, on or before the 21st day preceding the election, a notice of change of residence with the commissioner of registration of the county or the municipal clerk of the municipality in which the voter resides on the day of the election, (ii) returning the confirmation notice sent to the voter by the commissioner of registration of the county, if such a notice has been sent to the voter, or (iii) otherwise notifying the commissioner of registration of the voter's change of address within the county shall be permitted to correct the voter's registration and to vote in the primary election by provisional ballot at the polling place of the district in which the voter resides on the day of the election.  The notice shall further provide that the voter may contact the county commissioner of registration or municipal clerk to determine the proper polling place location for the voter.

     (2)   For the general election:

     (a)   That a general election will be held on the day and between the hours and at the places provided for by or pursuant to this Title and, where applicable, shall include school elections.

     (b)   The place or places at which and hours during which a person may register, the procedure for transfer of registration, and the date on which the books are closed for registration or transfer of registration.

     (c)   The several State, county and municipal offices, and where applicable, school board offices to be filled, notice of any school district propositions to be submitted to the people and, except as provided in R.S.19:14-33 of this Title as to publication of notice of any Statewide proposition directed by the Legislature to be submitted to the people, the State, county and municipal public questions to be voted upon at such general election.

     (d)   The existence of registration and voting aids, including: (i) the availability of registration and voting instructions at places of registration as provided under R.S.19:31-6; and (ii) the accessibility of voter information to the deaf by means of a telecommunications device.

     (e)   The availability of assistance to a person unable to vote due to blindness, disability or inability to read or write.

     (f)    In the case of the notice published during the calendar week next preceding the week in which the general election is held, that a voter who, prior to the election, shall have moved within the same county without (i) filing, on or before the 21st day preceding the election, a notice of change of residence with the commissioner of registration of the county or the municipal clerk of the municipality in which the voter resides on the day of the election, (ii) returning the confirmation notice sent to the voter by the commissioner of registration of the county, if such a notice has been sent to the voter, or (iii) otherwise notifying the commissioner of registration of the voter's change of address within the county shall be permitted to correct the voter's registration and to vote in the general election by provisional ballot at the polling place of the district in which the voter resides on the day of the election.  The notice shall further provide that the voter may contact the county commissioner of registration or municipal clerk to determine the proper polling place location for the voter.

     (3)   For a school election:

     (a)   The day, time and place thereof,

     (b)   The offices, if any, to be filled at the election,

     (c)   The substance of any public question to be submitted to the voters thereat,

     (d)   That a voter who, prior to the election, shall have moved within the same county without (i) filing, on or before the 21st day preceding the election, a notice of change of residence with the commissioner of registration of the county or the municipal clerk of the municipality in which the voter resides on the day of the election, (ii) returning the confirmation notice sent to the voter by the commissioner of registration of the county, if such a notice has been sent to the voter, or (iii) otherwise notifying the commissioner of registration of the voter's change of address within the county shall be permitted to correct the voter's registration and to vote in the school election by provisional ballot at the polling place of the district in which the voter resides on the day of the election,

     (e)   That if the voter has any questions as to where to vote on the day of the election, the voter may contact the county commissioner of registration or municipal clerk to determine the proper polling place location for the voter; and

     (f)    Such other information as may be required by law.

     c.     If such publication is made in more than one newspaper, it shall not be necessary to duplicate in the notice published in each such newspaper all the information required under this section, so long as:

     (1)   The municipal officers or party positions to be filled, or nominations made, or municipal public questions to be voted upon by the voters of any municipality, shall be set forth in at least one newspaper having general circulation in such municipality;

     (2)   All offices to be filled, or nominations made therefor, or public questions to be voted upon, by the voters of the entire State or of the entire county shall be set forth in a newspaper or newspapers which, singly or in combination, have general circulation throughout the county;

     (3)   Information relating to nominations and elections in each Legislative District comprised in whole or part in the county, shall be published in at least a newspaper or newspapers which singly or in combination, have general circulation in every municipality of the county which is comprised in such legislative district.

     d.    Such part or parts of the original notices as published which pertain to day of registration or primary election which has occurred shall be eliminated from such notice in succeeding insertions.

     e.     (Deleted by amendment, P.L.1999, c.232.)

     f.     The cost of publishing the notices required by this section shall be paid by the respective counties, unless otherwise provided for by law.

     g.     Notices required to be published or posted pursuant to this section shall set forth a general description of the contents of the voter information notice provided for in section 1 of P.L.2005, c.149 (C.19:12-7.1), how the notice may be viewed or obtained prior to the day of an election, and that the notice will be posted in each polling place on the day of an election.

(cf: P.L.2011, c.134, s.19)


     26.  R.S.19:14-4 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-4.  In the center of the ballot immediately below the perforated line shall be printed in bold-faced type the words "Official general election ballot."  Below these words and extending across the ballot shall appear the words:  "Name of (municipality), ...................... ward, .................... school district (if applicable), ...................... election district, ...................... date of election, .................. John Doe, county clerk."  The blank spaces shall be filled in with the name of the proper municipality, the ward and district numbers and the date of the election.  For school elections the name of the school district and of the municipality or municipalities comprising the district shall also be indicated thereon.  The name of the county clerk shall be a facsimile of his signature.  Below the last stated words extending across the ballot and at the extreme left shall be printed the words "Instructions to the voter," and immediately to the right there shall be a bracket embracing the following instructions numbered consecutively:

     (1)   The only kind of a mark to be made on this ballot in voting shall be a cross x, plus + or check  .

     (2)   To mark a cross x , plus +, check   or when writing a name on this ballot use only ink or pencil.

     (3)   To vote for any candidates whose names are printed in any column, mark a cross x , plus + or check   in the square at the left of the names of such candidates not in excess of the number to be elected to the office.

     (4)   To vote for any person whose name is not printed on this ballot, write or paste the name of such person under the proper title of office in the column designated personal choice and mark a cross x , plus + or check   in the square to the left of the name so written or pasted.

     (5)   To vote upon any public question printed on this ballot if in favor thereof, mark a cross x , plus + or check   in the square at the left of the word "Yes," and if opposed thereto, mark a cross x , plus + or check in the square at the left of the word "No."

     (6)   Do not mark this ballot in any other manner than above provided for and make no erasures.  Should this ballot be wrongly marked, defaced, torn or any erasure made thereon or otherwise rendered unfit for use return it and obtain another.  In presidential years, the following instructions shall be printed upon the general election ballot:

     (7)   To vote for all the electors of any party, mark a cross x , plus + or check in ink or pencil in the square at the left of the surnames of the candidates for president and vice-president for whom you desire to vote.

     Below the above-stated instructions and information and, except when compliance with [section 19:14-15 of this Title] R.S.19:14-13 as to Statewide propositions otherwise requires, three inches below the perforated line and parallel to it, there shall be printed a six-point diagram rule extending across the ballot to within not less than a half inch to the right and left edges of the paper.

(cf: P.L.1995, c.278, s.17)


     27.  R.S.19:14-8 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-8.  In the columns of each of the political parties which made nominations at the next preceding primary election to the general election and in the personal choice column, within the space between the two-point hair line rules, there shall be printed the title of each office to be filled at such election, except as hereinafter provided.

     Such titles of office shall be arranged in the following order: electors of President and Vice-President of the United States; member of the United States Senate; Governor; member of the House of Representatives; member of the State Senate; members of the General Assembly; county executive, in counties that have adopted the county executive plan of the "Optional County Charter Law," P.L.1972, c.154 (C.40:41A-1 et seq.); sheriff; county clerk; surrogate; register of deeds and mortgages; county supervisor; members of the board of chosen freeholders; coroners; mayor and members of municipal governing bodies, and any other titles of office.  Candidates for members of a school board shall be listed in a section of the ballot that is clearly separate from the section featuring other candidates.  Above each of such titles of office, except the one at the top, shall be printed a two-point diagram rule in place of the two-point hair line rule.  Below the titles of such offices shall be printed the names of the candidates for the offices.

     The arrangement of the names of candidates for any office for which more than one are to be elected shall be determined in the manner hereinafter provided, as in the case of candidates nominated by petition.

     When no nomination for an office has been made the words "No Nomination Made" in type large enough to fill the entire space or spaces below the title of office shall be printed upon the ballot.

     Immediately to the left of the name of each candidate, at the extreme left of each column, including the personal choice column, shall be printed a square, one-quarter of an inch in size, formed by two-point diagram rules.  In the personal choice column no names of candidates shall be printed.

     To the right of the title of each office in the party columns and the personal choice column shall be printed the words "Vote for," inserting in words the number of persons to be elected to such office.

(cf: P.L.2011, c.134, s.21)


     28.  R.S.19:14-10 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-10. In the column or columns designated as nominations by petition, within the space between the two-point hair line rules, there shall be printed the title of each office for which nominations by petition have been made.

     Such titles of office shall be arranged in the following order:  electors of President and Vice-President of the United States; member of the United States Senate; Governor and Lieutenant Governor; member of the House of Representatives; member of the State Senate; members of the General Assembly; county executive, in counties that have adopted the county executive plan of the "Optional County Charter Law," P.L.1972, c.154 (C.40:41A-1 et seq.); sheriff; county clerk; surrogate; register of deeds and mortgages; county supervisor; members of the board of chosen freeholders; coroners; mayor and members of municipal governing bodies; members of the school board, when appropriate, and any other titles of office.

     Above each of the titles of office, except the one on the top, shall be printed a two-point diagram rule in place of the two-point hair line rule. Below the titles of each of the offices shall be printed the names of each of the candidates for each of such offices followed by the designation or designations mentioned in the petitions filed.

     Immediately to the left of the name of each candidate, at the extreme left of the column, shall be printed a square, one-quarter of an inch in size formed by two-point diagram rules.

     The names of candidates for any office for which more than one are to be elected shall be arranged in groups as presented in the several certificates of nominations or petitions, which groups shall be separated from other groups and candidates by two two-point hair line rules.

     To the right of the title of each office shall be printed the words "Vote for " inserting in words the number of candidates to be elected to such office.

(cf: P.L.2009, c.66, s.3)

     29.  R.S.19:14-16 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-16.  The words to be printed on the perforated coupon shall be printed in twelve-point bold-faced capital letters and the figures in eighteen and twenty-two-point bold-faced type.  At the head of the ballot the words "Official General Election Ballot" shall be printed in at least thirty-point bold-faced capital letters.  The name of municipality, ward, school district, election district, and date, as appropriate, shall be printed in twelve-point bold-faced capital letters.  The  words  "Instructions to the voter"  shall be printed in twelve-point bold-faced  capitals and small letters, while the instructions embraced within the brackets  shall be printed in eight-point bold-faced capital and small letters.  The  column designations shall be printed in eighteen-point bold-faced capital letters and the accompanying instructions shall be printed in eight-point  capitals and small letters. The titles of office and accompanying instructions  shall be printed in ten-point bold-faced capital and small letters.  When there  is no nomination made at the primary for an office, the title shall be printed  in the space where such title should appear, and the words  "No Nomination Made" in type large enough to fill the entire space or spaces shall be printed therein.  The names of all candidates shall be printed in ten-point capital letters.  The designations following the candidates' names in the nomination by petition column or columns shall be printed in ten-point capitals and small letters, except that where they overrun the space within the column the designations may be abbreviated, and all spaces between the two-point hair line rules not occupied by the titles of office and names of candidates shall be printed in with scroll or filling to guide the voter against wrongly marking  the ballot. On the foot of the ballot the words "Public Questions to be Voted Upon" shall be printed in eighteen-point bold-faced capital letters.  The accompanying instructions shall be printed in eight-point capital and small letters.  The public questions to be voted upon shall be printed in ten-point capital and small letters, and the words "Yes" and "No"  shall be printed in twelve-point bold-faced capital letters.

(cf: R.S.19:14-16)


     30.  R.S.19:14-22 is amended to read as follows:

     19:14-22.  The official general election sample ballots shall be as nearly as possible facsimiles of the official general election ballot to be voted at such election and shall have printed thereon, after the words which indicate the number of the election district for which such sample ballots are printed, the name of the school district, when appropriate, the street address or location of the polling place in the election district, the hours between which the polls shall be open, and shall be printed on paper different in color from the official general election ballot, and have the following words printed in large type at the top: "This ballot cannot be voted.  It is a sample copy of the official general election ballot used on election day."

(cf: P.L.1959, c.139, s.1)


     31.  R.S.19:15-2 is amended to read as follows:

     19:15-2.  The district boards shall open the polls for such election at 6:00 A.M. and close them at 8:00 P.M., and shall keep them open during the whole day of election between these hours; except that for a school election held at a time other than at the time of the general election the polls shall be open between the hours of 5:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. and during any additional time which the school board may designate between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M.

     The board may allow one member thereof at a time to be absent from the polling place and room for a period not exceeding one hour between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M. or for such shorter time as it shall see fit.

     At no time from the opening of the polls to the completion of the canvass shall there be less than a majority of the board present in the polling room or place, except that during a school election held at a time other than at the time of the general election there shall always be at least one member of each district election board present or if more than two district board members are designated to serve at the polling place, at least two members present.

(cf:  P.L.2001, c.245, s.3)


     32.  R.S.19:45-6 is amended to read as follows:

     19:45-6.  The compensation of each member of the district boards for all services performed by them under the provisions of this Title shall be as follows:

     In all counties, for all services rendered including the counting of the votes, and in counties wherein voting machines are used, the tabulation of the votes registered on the voting machines, and the delivery of the returns, registry binders, ballot boxes and keys for the voting machines to the proper election officials, $200 each time the primary election, the general election or any special election is held under this Title; provided, however, that:

     a.     (1) The member of the board charged with the duty of obtaining and signing for the signature copy registers shall receive an additional $12.50 per election, such remuneration being limited to only one board member per election, or $6.25 to each of two board members if they share such responsibility for the signature copy registers, and (2) the member of the board charged with the duty of returning the signature copy registers shall receive an additional $12.50 per election, such remuneration being limited to only one board member per election, or $6.25 to each of two board members if they share such responsibility for the signature copy registers;

     b.    In the case of any member of the board who is required under R.S.19:50-1 to attend in a given year a training program for district board members, but who fails to attend such a training program in that year, that compensation shall be $50.00 for each of those elections;

     c.     In counties wherein voting machines are used no compensation shall be paid for any services rendered at any special election held at the same time as any primary or general election.  Such compensation shall be in lieu of all other fees and payments; and

     d.    Compensation for district board members serving at a school election held at a time other than the time of the general election shall be paid by the board of education of the school district conducting the election at an hourly rate of $5.77, except that the board of education may compensate such district board members at a pro-rated hourly rate consistent with the daily rate up to a maximum of $14.29.  The provisions of subsections a., b., and c. of this section shall also apply to district board members serving at a school election held at a time other than at the time of the general election, except that in the case of subsection b., the compensation shall be at an hourly rate of $3.85.

     Compensation due each member shall be paid within 30 days but not within 20 days after each election; provided, however, that no compensation shall be paid to any member of any such district board who may have been removed from office or application for the removal of whom is pending under the provisions of R.S.19:6-4.

(cf: P.L.2011, c.134, s.45)


     33.  Section 1 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1) is amended to read as follows:

     1. a. [An] Except as otherwise provided in this section, an annual school election shall be held in [each] a type II district on the third Tuesday in April. However, in any school year, the Commissioner of Education shall make any adjustments to the school budget and election calendar which may be necessary to change the annual school election date or any other school budget and election calendar date if that date coincides with a period of religious observance that limits significantly the usual activities of the followers of a particular religion or that would result in significant religious consequences for such followers.  The commissioner shall inform local school boards, county clerks and boards of elections of these adjustments no later than the first working day in January of the year in which the adjustments are to occur.

     As used in this subsection "a period of religious observance" means any day or portion thereof on which a religious observance imposes a substantial burden on an individual's ability to vote.

     An annual school election shall be held simultaneously with the general election on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in school districts in which the annual school election has been moved to that date pursuant to subsection a. of section 1 of P.L.   , c.    (C.    ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill).  The annual school election in November shall be for the purpose of submitting a proposal to the voters for the approval of additional funds pursuant to paragraph (9) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), for the purpose of electing members of the board of education, and for any other purpose authorized by law.

     b.    All school elections shall be by ballot and, except as otherwise provided by P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et al.), shall be conducted in the manner provided for general elections pursuant to Title 19 of the Revised Statutes.  No grouping of candidates or party designation shall appear on any ballot to be used in a school election.

(cf: P.L.2008, c.129, s.1)


     34.  Section 3 of P.L.1995, c. 278 (C.19:60-3) is amended to read as follows:

     3.  a.  Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S.19:6-1, for school elections held at times other than at the time of the general election the county board of the county in which the election district is located shall designate two members of the district board of election to perform all the duties of the district board for that election, except that where electronic voting systems are in use in any election district in which there are more than 900 registered voters, the county board shall designate four members of the district board to perform all the duties of the district board for that election. Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S.19:6-10, the county board shall appoint one of the persons so designated to serve as judge and the other or another, as the case may be, of those persons so designated to serve as inspector for school elections.

     b.    Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection a. or any other law to the contrary:

     (1)  Upon the request of a board of education or the clerk of a municipality in the county or upon its own initiative, the county board may designate the polling place and voting equipment of one election district to serve as the polling place and voting equipment for the voters of one or more other election districts for school elections held at times other than at the time of the general election. Such a designation shall be based on the casting of no more than 500 ballots during each of the two preceding annual April school elections by the voters of the election districts for which that polling place is designated.  If, at two consecutive annual April school elections thereafter, the number of ballots cast by the voters in those election districts is more than 500, the county board shall effect an appropriate revision of the election districts using that polling place.  If a request is from a municipal clerk, the request shall apply only to the election districts in that municipality.

     (2)  If one polling place is designated for two or more election districts, the county board shall designate at least two members from among the members of the district boards of election of those election districts to perform all the duties of the district board for the school election held at times other than at the time of the general election.  The county board shall also appoint one of the persons so designated to serve as judge and another of those persons to serve as inspector for school elections.

(cf: P.L.1996, c.3, s.1)


     35.  Section 4 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-4) is amended to read as follows:

     4.  The secretary of each board of education shall, not later than 10 o'clock a.m. of the 18th day preceding the annual April school election or a special school election, make and certify and forward to the clerk of the county in which the school district is located a statement designating the public question to be voted upon by the voters of the district which may be required pursuant to the provisions of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et al.) or Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes.

     The secretary of each board of education of a school district in which the annual school election has been moved to November pursuant to subsection a. of section 1 of P.L.   , c.    (C.    ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), not later than 10 o'clock a.m. of the 60th day preceding the November school election, shall make and certify and forward to the clerk of the county in which the school district is located a statement designating any public question to be voted upon by the voters of the district which may be required pursuant to the provisions of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et al.) or Title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes.

(cf: P.L.2011, c.37, s.27)


     36.  Section 7 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-7) is amended to read as follows:

     7.    Each candidate to be voted upon at a school election shall be nominated directly by petition, and the procedures for such nomination shall, to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et al.), conform to the procedure for nominating candidates by direct petition under chapter 13 of Title 19 of the Revised Statutes. Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S.19:13-5, however, a petition of nomination for such office shall be signed by at least 10 persons, one of whom may be the candidate, and filed with the secretary of the board of education on or before four p.m. of the 50th day preceding the date of the April school election and the 64th day preceding the date of the November school election, as applicable.  The signatures need not all appear upon a single petition and any number of petitions may be filed on behalf of any candidate but no petition shall contain the endorsement of more than one candidate.

     Any candidate may withdraw as a candidate in a school election by filing a notice in writing, signed by the candidate, of such withdrawal with the secretary of the board of education before the 44th day before the date of the April election or the 54th day before the date of the November election, as applicable, and thereupon the name of that candidate shall be withdrawn by the secretary of the board of education and shall not be printed on the ballot.

     A vacancy created by a declination of nomination or withdrawal by, or death of, a nominee, or in any other manner, shall be ineligible to be filled under the provisions of R.S.19:13-19 or otherwise.

     Whenever written objection to a petition of nomination hereunder shall have been made and timely filed with the secretary of the board of education, the board of education shall file its determination of the objection on or before the 44th day preceding the April school election or the 61st day preceding the November school election, as applicable.  The last day upon which a candidate may file with the Superior Court a verified complaint setting forth any invasion or threatened invasion of the candidate's rights under the candidate's petition of nomination shall be the 46th day before the April election or the 52nd day before the November election, as applicable.  The last day upon which a candidate whose petition of nomination or any affidavit thereto is defective may amend such petition or affidavit shall be the 44th day before the April election or the 54th day before the November election, as applicable.

(cf: P.L.2000, c.22, s.1)


     37.  Section 9 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-9) is amended to read as follows:

     9.    The ballot for a school election shall be a single or blanket form of ballot, upon which shall be printed in bold-faced type the words "OFFICIAL SCHOOL ELECTION BALLOT" or "OFFICIAL SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION BALLOT," as appropriate.

     Any public question which is to be submitted to the voters at a school election shall be printed in a separate space below or to the right of, as the county clerk shall determine, the listing of candidates in the election.

     In the columns in which are listed the titles of the offices to be filled at a school election and the names of candidates for those offices, the title of and the names of candidates for the office of member of the regional board of education shall appear above the title of and the names of candidates for the office of member of the local board of education.  With respect to either office, in the event that one or more persons are to be elected to membership thereon for a full term and one or more persons are to be elected to membership thereon to fill an unexpired term, the ballots shall designate which of the candidates to be voted for is to be elected for a full term and which for an unexpired term.  In all cases in which one or more persons are to be elected for an unexpired term, the ballots shall indicate the duration of that unexpired term.

     All public questions to be voted upon at a school election by the voters of more than one municipality shall be placed first before any question to be voted upon at that election by the voters of a single municipality.  When the public question to be voted upon by the voters of a regional school district is the amount of money to be raised for the use of the regional schools of the district, the amount of money determined to be the constituent municipality's share thereof may be identified on the ballot pursuant to N.J.S.18A:13-17.

     Every county clerk shall have ready for the printer a copy of the contents of official ballots required by law to be printed for use at a school election, as follows:  in the case of the annual April school election, not later than the 17th day preceding that election; [and] in the case of any special school election, not later than two business days following receipt by the clerk of official notice of the complete content of the ballot to be voted upon at that election; and in the case of the annual November school election, in accordance with the provisions of R.S.19:14-1.

     The ballots for a school election to be held simultaneously with the general election shall be in accordance with the provisions of chapter 14 of Title 19 of the Revised Statutes.

     At a school election held simultaneously with the general election, the names of the candidates for the office of member of the board of education shall appear on the ballot separately from the names of candidates for other offices.  Any proposals for additional funds pursuant to paragraph (9) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) shall appear on the ballot in close proximity to the names of the candidates for the office of member of the board of education.

(cf: P.L.2001, c.26, s.2)


     38.  Section 11 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-11) is amended to read as follows:

     11.  The district board of election shall, for any school election held at a time other than the time of the general election, utilize a poll list instead of the signature copy register.  The poll list shall be arranged in a column or columns appropriately headed so as to indicate the election, the date thereof, and the school district and election district in which the same is used, in such a manner that each voter voting in the polling place at the election may sign the voter's name and state the voter's address therein and the number of the voter's official ballot may be indicated opposite the signature.  The district board shall compare the signature in the poll lists with that in the signature copy registers before accepting the ballot.

     If one polling place is designated for two or more election districts pursuant to subsection b. of section 3 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-3), the provisions of this section shall apply to the members of the district boards of election designated to serve as the election officers at the polling place for those election districts.  The signature copy registers for those election districts shall be provided to those election officers.

(cf: P.L.1996, c.3, s.2)


     39.  Section 12 of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-12) is amended to read as follows:

     12.  All costs, charges and expenses, including the compensation of the members of the district boards and the compensation and expenses of the county board of elections, the county superintendent of elections, the clerk of the county, and the municipal clerks for any school election held at a time other than the time of the general election shall be paid by the board of education of the school district.  All costs, charges and expenses submitted to the board of education for payment shall be itemized and shall include the separate identification of costs to prepare, print and distribute sample ballots.  Amounts expended by a county or a municipality in the conduct of school elections for which the board of education shall make payment shall be considered mandated expenditures exempt from the limitations on the county tax levy and from the limitations on final municipal appropriations imposed pursuant to P.L.1976, c.68 (C.40A:4-45.1 et seq.), and any costs to the board of education which exceed the amount of the costs to that board for the annual school election immediately preceding the enactment of P.L.1995, c.278 (C.19:60-1 et seq.) shall not be included for the purpose of calculating a school district's [maximum permissible net budget pursuant to section 85 of  P.L.1990, c.52 (C.18A:7D-28)] tax levy growth limitation pursuant to P.L.2007, c.62 (C.18A:7F-37 et al.).

(cf: P.L.1996, c.3, s.3)


     40.  R.S.54:4-45 is amended to read as follows:

     54:4-45.  The clerk or other proper officer of each type II school district [in which the annual appropriations for school purposes to be raised by taxation, are voted by the inhabitants of the school district,] having no board of school estimate shall, on or before May 19 in each year, transmit to the county board of taxation a certified statement of the amount of moneys appropriated for school purposes, which shall include interest to be paid, principal payments of indebtedness, and sinking fund requirements for the
school year for which such appropriations are made, to be raised by taxation in the school district.

(cf: P.L.1995, c.94, s.3)


     41.  (New section)  A board of education of a school district in which the annual school election has been moved to November pursuant to subsection a. of section 1 of P.L.   , c.   (C.    ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) and which has determined to submit a proposal or proposals for additional funds to the voters at the annual school election pursuant to paragraph (9) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), shall adopt and submit to the commissioner for approval pursuant to subsection c. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), a temporary budget for the school year pending the approval or disapproval of the proposal or proposals for additional funds by the voters.  The temporary budget shall be calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5) or P.L.2007, c.62 (C.18A:7F-37 et al.), as appropriate.


     42.  (New section)  In the case of a school district in which the annual school election has been moved to November pursuant to subsection a. of section 1 of P.L.   , c.   (C.    ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), if the voters authorize the proposal or proposals for additional funds pursuant to paragraph (9) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), the district shall submit the resulting final budget to the commissioner within 15 days of the action of the voters.  If the voters fail to authorize the proposal or proposals for additional funds, the temporary budget shall be the final budget for the district for that school year.


     43.  (New section)  In the case of a school district in which the annual school election has been moved to November pursuant to subsection a. of section 1 of P.L.   , c.   (C.    ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), if the voters approve a proposal or proposals for additional funds pursuant to paragraph (9) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5), the secretary of the board of education shall re-certify to the county board of taxation the sum or sums to be raised by special district tax for the school year.  The amount re-certified shall be included in the taxes assessed, levied and collected in the municipality or municipalities comprising the district.


     44.  (New section) The Commissioner of Community Affairs, in consultation with the Commissioner of Education, shall promulgate rules pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.) for the procedure for the delivery of estimated tax bills and the recertification of the school district tax levy pursuant to section 43 of P.L.   , c.   (C.     ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) for districts in which the annual school election is in November and that determine to submit proposal or proposals for additional funds pursuant to paragraph (9) of subsection d. of section 5 of P.L.1996, c.138 (C.18A:7F-5).


     45.  (New section)  In the case of a school district in which the annual school election has been moved to November pursuant to subsection a. of section 1 of P.L.   , c.   (C.    ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), an elected member of a board of education, or a member of  a board of education appointed to serve the unexpired term of an elected member, or an appointed member of a board of education other than a member in a district in a city of the first class, who is holding office on the effective date of P.L.   , c.   (C.    ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) shall continue in office until the day in January next following the year in which his term was originally set to expire when his successor takes office.


     46.  This act shall take effect on January 1 next following enactment.





     This bill establishes procedures for moving the date of a Type II school district's annual school election to the day of the general election in November.  Under the first procedure, the question would be presented to the voters for their approval upon the adoption of a resolution by the board of education of the district or the governing body of the municipality comprising the district, or whenever a petition signed by not less than 15% of the legally qualified voters who voted in the district at the last preceding general election held for the election of members of the General Assembly is filed with the board of education.  Under a second procedure, the date of the annual school election may be moved to November without voter approval, upon the adoption of a resolution by the board of education or the governing body of the municipality.  If the district's annual school election is moved to November, then the district's board members will be elected in November and take office at the beginning of January; and any proposal for additional funds above the school district's tax levy cap would also be presented to the voters at that time.  A district that has moved its annual school election to November would not require voter approval for its base budget, which is a budget with a proposed tax levy that does not exceed its tax levy cap.  If the date of the annual school election is moved to November, then a district may not move the school election to the third Tuesday in April until at least four annual school elections have been held in November.

     In the case of local school districts which are constituent districts of a limited purpose regional school district, each of those local school districts must approve moving the annual school election to November in order for any of those districts to move the date of the election.  In the event that each of the constituent districts approve moving the election to November, then the date of the annual school election of the limited purpose regional school district will also be moved to November.

     A school district that moves its annual school election to November will continue to be required to submit is budget to the Commissioner of Education for approval.  If, however, a district determines when it is preparing its budget to seek voter approval for additional funds over its tax levy growth limitation, that district will submit a temporary budget to the commissioner.  The temporary budget may not exceed the district's tax levy growth limitation calculated pursuant to P.L.2007, c.62 (C.18A:7F-37 et al.).

     If the voters approve the proposal for additional spending, the board of education will submit the resulting final budget to the commissioner and the tax levy for the school year will be recertified to reflect the additional amount.  The bill directs the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs, in consultation with the Commissioner of Education, to establish procedures for the delivery of estimated tax bills for districts adopting a temporary budget and any necessary subsequent recertification of the school tax levy.  If the voters disapprove the proposal for additional funds, the district's temporary budget will be its final budget for that school year.

     This bill does not alter the process for the approval of budgets for school districts which conduct their annual school election on the third Tuesday in April.  The bill also does not alter budget approval in Type I school districts.  In Type I districts the board of education submits the district budget to a board of school estimate for approval.  If the board of school estimate reduces the district's proposed budget, the district may appeal the reduction to the Commissioner of Education.  These districts will also continue to submit proposals for additional funds over their tax levy cap to the board of school estimate for approval.