ASSEMBLY, No. 3298







Sponsored by:

Assemblywoman  AMY H. HANDLIN

District 13 (Middlesex and Monmouth)






     Establishes certain restrictions on aerial advertising above sports and entertainment facilities.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning aerial advertising and supplementing Title 6 of the Revised Statutes. 


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    a.  For the purposes of this act:

     "Aerial advertising" means advertising that incorporates the use of an aircraft to tow or display a banner, poster, writing, picture, painting, model, display, emblem, notice, illustration, insignia, symbol or any other form of advertising sign;

     "Sports and entertainment facility" means any privately or publicly owned or operated facility capable of seating more than 6,000 people and is used primarily for sports contests, entertainment, or both, such as a theater, stadium, museum, arena, automobile racetrack, or other place where performances, concerts, exhibits, games or contests are held.

     b.    Except during the period beginning one hour prior to the scheduled commencement of an event being held at the sports and entertainment facility, and until one hour following the actual completion a scheduled event held at the sports and entertainment facility, it shall be unlawful to operate or navigate any aircraft over or within the general vicinity of a sports and entertainment facility for the purpose of engaging in aerial advertising.

     c.     The commissioner shall establish guidelines necessary to implement this act, including, but not limited to, guidelines governing the method by which persons engaged in aerial advertising are to be notified of time periods during which aerial advertising is permissible as provided under subsection b. of this section. 

     d.    Any person who violates subsection b. of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 per violation.  All penalties assessed under this section shall be payable to the State Treasurer and may be recovered in a summary proceeding pursuant to "The Penalty Enforcement Law of 1999," P.L.1999, c.274 (C.2A:58-10 et seq.)


     2.    This act shall take effect on the first day of the seventh month after enactment, but the Commissioner of Transportation may take such anticipatory actions in advance of that date as may be necessary for the implementation of this act.





     This bill restricts the time period during which aircrafts can engage in aerial advertising over sports and entertainment facilities that have a seating capacity of over 6,000 people.  The bill is intended to reduce the amount of noise created by light aircraft hours before and after an event, which can be disruptive to the communities surrounding a large sports and entertainment facility.  

     Specifically, the bill limits aerial advertising to one hour prior to an event, during the event, and until one hour following the event.  Any person who violates the provisions of the bill would be subject to a fine of $1,000 per violation.