ASSEMBLY, No. 2962







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  PATRICK J. DIEGNAN, JR.

District 18 (Middlesex)






     Removes certain requirements for professional engineers to take examination to operate water supply and wastewater treatment systems.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning water supply and wastewater treatment system operators and amending P.L.1983, c.230.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    Section 4 of P.L.1983, c.230 (C.58:11-67) is amended to read as follows:

     a.     The department shall conduct examinations for licenses to operate systems to be held at least twice annually, by the persons and at the times and places it may appoint.  The department shall determine the subject matter to be included in the examinations and the manner in which the examinations shall be conducted.  Every applicant who has been admitted to an examination, and who has successfully passed the examination shall receive the license of the  classification for which the examination was held. 

     b.    The commissioner shall establish a board of examiners composed of licensed operators, and employees of the department, and any additional advisory bodies deemed necessary, to assist the department in administering the licensing program established pursuant to this act.  The board of examiners shall annually review the programs and regulations adopted pursuant to this act and make recommendations to the department for their improvement.

     c.     The commissioner shall adopt, and may amend, or repeal rules and regulations establishing the board of examiners, and other advisory bodies, their composition and duties, and the qualifications for issuance of licenses, examination methods and procedures, and all other matters including fees necessary to implement and administer an adequate licensing program.

     d.    A professional engineer who is duly licensed to practice professional engineering in this State pursuant to P.L.1938 c.342 (C.45:8-27 et seq.), and provided that he has a college degree in an engineering program or curriculum of four years or more, shall be admitted to any examination offered pursuant to this section, notwithstanding the professional engineer does not have operating or direct responsible charge experience or has not completed additional courses.

(cf:  P.L.1983, c.230, s.4)


     2.    This act shall take effect immediately.




     This bill amends the "Water Supply and Wastewater Operators' Licensing Act" to permit professional engineers to take the water supply and wastewater treatment systems operator licensing examination without meeting additional experience or course requirements.  The bill specifically provides that a licensed professional engineer who has a college degree in an engineering program or curriculum of four years or more shall be admitted to any examination offered pursuant to the "Water Supply and Wastewater Operators Licensing Act," notwithstanding the professional engineer does not have operating or direct responsible charge experience or has not completed additional courses.

     Current regulations place certain requirements on individuals seeking admittance to the examination for licensure to operate a water supply and wastewater treatment system based on the individual's level of education.  The requirements include certain coursework and operating or direct responsible charge experience.  This bill would remove these requirements for professional engineers to be admitted to the examination.