[Second Reprint]



ASSEMBLY, No. 2503





Sponsored by:


District 37 (Bergen)


District 4 (Camden and Gloucester)

Assemblywoman  CLEOPATRA G. TUCKER

District 28 (Essex)

Assemblywoman  ANGELA V. MCKNIGHT

District 31 (Hudson)

Assemblyman  RAJ MUKHERJI

District 33 (Hudson)


District 35 (Bergen and Passaic)


District 11 (Monmouth)


District 3 (Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem)

Assemblywoman  JOANN DOWNEY

District 11 (Monmouth)


Co-Sponsored by:

Assemblymen Schaer, Holley, Eustace, Howarth, Assemblywoman N.Munoz, Assemblyman McKeon, Assemblywomen Schepisi, Pintor Marin, Senators T.Kean, Weinberg, Pou, Holzapfel, Bateman, A.R.Bucco, Diegnan, Addiego, Gordon, Ruiz, Assemblymen Coughlin, O'Scanlon, Rooney, Houghtaling, Benson, Assemblywomen Pinkin, Jasey and Assemblyman Chiaravalloti



     Provides protections for individuals with developmental disabilities; upgrades crimes committed against such individuals; and improves transparency and accountability in investigations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of such individuals; designated as "Stephen Komninos' Law."



     As amended on July 31, 2017 by the General Assembly pursuant to the Governor's recommendations.

An Act concerning individuals with developmental disabilities, designated as Stephen Komninos' Law, supplementing 1[Title] 2[Titles 2C and1] Title2 30 of the Revised Statutes, and amending 1[P.L.2003, c.191 and P.L.2010, c.5] various parts of the statutory law1.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     2[11. (New section)  Endangering Welfare of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities.

     a.     A caregiver or other person who has a legal duty to care for an individual with a developmental disability, or who has assumed responsibility for the care of a individual with a developmental disability, and who subjects the individual with a developmental disability to abuse, neglect, or exploitation, is guilty of a crime of the second degree.  Any other person who engages in conduct or who causes harm as described in this section to an individual with a developmental disability is guilty of a crime of the third degree.

     b.    As used in this section:

     "Abuse," "caregiver," "exploitation," and "neglect" each mean the same as those terms are defined by section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74).

     "Developmental disability" means the same as that term is defined by section 3 of P.L.1977, c.82 (C.30:6D-3).1]2


     2[12.] 1.2   (New section)  As used in sections 2[2] 12 through 2[7] 62 of P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill):

     "Abuse" means the same as that term is defined by section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74).

     "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Human Services.

     "Community-based residential program" or "residential program" means a group home or supervised apartment, which is licensed and regulated by the department.

     "Day program" means a program that is certified to provide day habilitation services or sheltered workshops for individuals with developmental disabilities.

     "Department" means the Department of Human Services.

     "Department employee" means a direct employee of the Department of Human Services, or an employee of a department-funded case management agency.

     "Developmental disability" means the same as that term is defined by section 3 of P.L.1977, c.82 (C.30:6D-3).

     "Direct care staff member" means a person 18 years of age or older who is employed by a program, facility, or living arrangement identified in subsection a. of section 2[6] 52 of P.L.   , c.    (C.       ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), and who may come into direct contact with individuals with developmental disabilities during the course of such employment.

     "Exploitation" means the same as that term is defined by section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74).

     "Group home" means a living arrangement that is operated in a residence or residences leased or owned by a licensee; which provides the opportunity for individuals with developmental disabilities to live together in a home, sharing in chores and the overall management of the residence; and in which staff provides supervision, training, or assistance in a variety of forms and intensity as required to assist the individuals 2as they move toward independence2.

     "Licensee" means an individual, partnership, or corporation that is licensed by the department, and is responsible for providing services associated with the operation of a community-based residential program.

     "Major physical injury" means an injury that requires treatment that can only be performed at a general hospital or special hospital licensed pursuant to P.L.1971, c.136 (C.26:2H-1 et seq.), and which may additionally include admission to the hospital for further treatment or observation.

     "Minor physical injury" means an injury that does not constitute a major physical injury or a moderate physical injury, and which can be treated with basic first aid, and without the assistance of a health care professional.

     "Moderate physical injury" means an injury that does not constitute a major injury, but which requires treatment, beyond basic first aid, that can only be performed by a health care professional.

     "Neglect" means the same as that term is defined by section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74).

     "Program" means any program that is licensed or funded by the department for the purpose of providing services to individuals with developmental disabilities.  "Program" includes, but is not limited to, a day program or a community-based residential program.

     "Supervised apartment" means an apartment that is occupied by individuals with developmental disabilities; is leased or owned by a licensee; and in which staff provides supervision, guidance, and training, as needed, to assist individual occupants in the activities of daily living, in accordance with each individual's needs and targeted future goals.1

     1[1.] 2[3.1] 2.2     (New section)  1a.1  The 1[Commissioner of Human Services] commissioner1, or the commissioner's designee, shall designate employees of the Department of Human Services, 2[who are not employees of a State developmental center 1,1 but]2 1who1 may be case managers employed by the department or an agency under contract with the department, 1[as applicable,] to annually1 conduct 1[six unannounced] not less than two1 site visits 1[annually] of every community-based residential program 2[and every day program]2 , in order1 to 1[randomly check] evaluate1 whether the individuals with developmental disabilities who are receiving services from 1[a] each such1 program 1[as defined in section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74)]1 2[, facility, or living arrangement licensed or funded by the department, other than a community care residence which is subject to visits pursuant to section 7 of P.L.2012, c.69 (C.30:6D-5.13),]2 are at risk of, or are being subjected to, abuse, neglect, or exploitation by a caregiver, and report the 1[same] results of each site visit1 pursuant to section 3 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-75).

     1b.   (1) In the case of a community-based residential program that is a group home, not less than two annual site visits that are conducted for each such group home shall be unannounced site visits conducted by a department employee who is assigned to a resident of the group home.

     (2)   In the case of a community-based residential program that is a supervised apartment, not less than two annual site visits that are conducted for each such supervised apartment shall be unannounced site visits of the apartment, which shall be conducted by a department employee who is unaffiliated and unfamiliar with the assigned case. 

     2[(3)  In the case of a day program, not less than one annual site visit that is conducted for each day habilitation service provider and each sheltered workshop provider shall be an unannounced site visit conducted by a department employee who is assigned to a participant in the day program; and not less than one annual site visits shall be an unannounced site visit conducted by a department employee who is unaffiliated and unfamiliar with the assigned case.]2

     c.     Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to authorize a staff member or agent of a community-based residential program 2[, or a staff member or agent of a day program,]2 to perform the site visits required by this section.1


     1[2.] 2[4.1] 3.2     (New section) a. 1[The Commissioner of Human Services, or the commissioner's designee, shall designate staff to notify the guardian or authorized family member, as defined in section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74), of an individual with a developmental disability receiving services from a program as defined in section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74), facility, community care residence, or living arrangement licensed or funded by the department of any physical injury to the individual with a developmental disability, as soon as possible, but no later than 60 minutes after the occurrence of the injury.

     b.]1 A provider or licensee 1[, as applicable,]1 of a 2community-based residential program or day2 program 1[as defined in section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74)]1 2[, facility, community care residence, or living arrangement licensed or funded by the department 1,1]2 shall 1[notify the guardian or authorized family member of] provide notification, in accordance with the provisions of subsection b. of this section, of any major physical injury, moderate physical injury, or minor physical injury, as prescribed by department regulation, that is suffered by1 an individual with a developmental disability 1who is1 receiving services from the provider or licensee 1[of any physical injury to the individual with a developmental disability] .

     b.    Except as otherwise provided by subsection c. of this section, the notification required under this section shall be provided:

     (1)1 as soon as possible, but no later than 2[60 minutes] two hours2 after the occurrence of the injury 2, except that if there is an extraordinary circumstance that prevents such notification, the provider or licensee shall provide notification as soon as possible, but no later than eight hours after the occurrence of the injury and shall provide a written, detailed explanation of the extraordinary circumstance causing the delay to the commissioner and to the guardian of the injured individual with a developmental disability or, if there is no guardian of the individual, to a family member who requests such notification, within 14 days of the incident2 1[.

     c.     Notifications pursuant to this section shall be in person] ;

     (2)   to the guardian of the injured individual with a developmental disability, or, if there is no guardian of the individual, to a family member who requests such notification 2unless the individual has expressly prohibited the family member from receiving such notification2 ; and

     (3)   through in-person means1 2[,]2 or by telephone 2[, and 1also through email or1 other electronic means]2 1[shall be used to follow up the telephoned]  .  Electronic means may be used to engage in follow-up communications after the initial1 notification.  

     1c.   Notwithstanding the provisions of this section to the contrary, notification pursuant to this section shall not be required if the guardian or family member expresses, in a written document filed with the caretaker, that they do not want to receive notification of injury pursuant to this section.1

     1[3.] 2[5.1] 4.2     (New section)  Within 48 hours 1[of] after1 receipt of a report of an incident involving 1[abuse or neglect, as those terms are defined in section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74), or physical injury in a program as defined in section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74), facility, community care residence, or living arrangement licensed or funded by the Department of Human Service for an individual with a developmental disability, the Commissioner of Human Services] moderate physical injury, major physical injury, or abuse, neglect, or exploitation in a State developmental center 2[,] or2 community-based residential program, 2[or day program,]2 the commissioner1 shall send an employee of the department, who is not an employee of a State developmental center 1,1 but 1who1 may be a case manager employed 1either1 by the department 1,1 or 1by1 an agency under contract with the department, 1[as applicable,]1 to the location of the reported incident 1, in order1 to verify the level of severity of the incident.  1In investigating the incident, the department shall comply with the provisions of section 4 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-76).1


     1[4.] 2[6.1] 5.2  (New section)  a. 1[As a condition of] (1)  A person applying for1 employment as a direct care staff member 1[, as defined in subsection g. of this section,]1 at a program 1[as defined in section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74)]1 , facility 1, or living arrangement licensed or funded by the department,1 other than a developmental center 1[which] that1 is 1already1 subject to 1[drug testing pursuant to] the provisions of1 section 1 of P.L.2009, c.220 (C.30:4-3.27), 1[or living arrangement licensed or funded by the Department of Human Services, an applicant for such employment]1 shall consent to and undergo drug testing for controlled dangerous substances 1[.  The drug testing shall be at the expense of the applicant] as a condition of such employment1.

     1(2)1  If a person applying for employment pursuant to this subsection, on or after the effective date of P.L.    , c.    (C.       ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), tests positive for the unlawful use of any controlled dangerous substance, or refuses to submit to drug testing 1as required by this subsection1, the person shall be removed from consideration for employment.

     b.    1[A person who is] (1) Direct care staff members1 employed 1[as a direct care staff member pursuant to] at a program, facility, or living arrangement identified in subsection a. of1 this section 1,1 shall be subject 1, during the course of employment,1 to 1random1 drug testing for controlled dangerous substances 1[which shall occur randomly and at] , as provided by this subsection.

     (2)   At1 least once a year 1, the employing program, facility, or living arrangement shall require one or more of the direct care staff members employed thereby to undergo random drug testing for controlled dangerous substances.  The person who is responsible for the overall operation of the program, facility, or living arrangement shall have the discretion to determine the total number of direct care staff members who will be required to undergo random drug testing, each year, pursuant to this subsection1.

     c.     1[A person who is employed as] In addition to the annual performance of random drug testing, as provided by subsection b. of this section, a program, facility, or living arrangement identified in subsection a. of this section may additionally require1 a direct care staff member 1[may be required] employed thereby1 to undergo drug testing for controlled dangerous substances 1, at any time,1 if the direct care staff member's immediate supervisor has reasonable suspicion to believe that the staff member is illegally using a controlled dangerous substance, based on the staff member's visible impairment or professional misconduct which relates adversely to patient care or safety.  The supervisor shall report this information to his immediate supervisor in a form and manner specified by the commissioner, and 1,1 if the 1[supervisor] latter1 concurs that there is reasonable suspicion to believe that a direct care staff member is illegally using a controlled dangerous substance, that supervisor shall notify the person 1who is1 responsible for the overall operation of the 1[agency under contract with the department to provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities] program, facility, or living arrangement1, and request 1written1 approval 1[in writing for ordering] therefrom to order1 the direct care staff member to undergo drug testing 1[.  The drug] pursuant to this subsection.  Drug1 testing 1under this subsection1 shall not be ordered without the written approval of the person 1who is1 responsible for the overall operation of the 1[agency] program, facility, or living arrangement1.

     d.    1[A] If a1 direct care staff member 1[who] is subjected to a drug test under subsection b. or c. of this section, and1 tests positive for the unlawful use of any controlled dangerous substance 1, the direct care staff member1 may be referred for treatment services or terminated from employment.  A direct care staff member who refuses to submit to drug testing 1, as required by subsection b. or c. of this section,1 shall be terminated from employment.

     e.     1[The] Any1 drug testing 1[required] performed1 pursuant to 1[subsections b. and c. of]1 this section shall be 1done1 at the expense of 1[the agency under contract with]1 the department.

     f.     1[The agency under contract with the department] Any program, facility, or living arrangement identified in subsection a. of this section, which employs a direct care staff member,1 shall notify 1[all direct care] the1 staff 1[members] member1 of the provisions of this section.

     1[g.  As used in this section, "direct care staff member" means a person 18 years of age or older who is employed by a public or private agency under contract with the department to provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities receiving services from the department and includes those employed persons who may come into direct contact with individuals with developmental disabilities.]1


     2[17.] 6.(New section) a. Each State developmental center shall biannually schedule a meeting with parents and guardians of individuals with developmental disabilities residing in the developmental center, in order to provide an opportunity for parents and guardians to share experiences about the individuals.

     b.    The provider of a community-based residential program shall request contact information from each parent or guardian of an individual with a developmental disability who is residing in the residential program, and shall advise the parent or guardian that, if the parent or guardian agrees, the provider will exchange contact information with other parents and guardians of individuals with developmental disabilities residing in the residential program, in order to provide an opportunity for parents and guardians to share experiences about the individuals.

     c.     The provider of a day program shall request contact information from each parent or guardian of an individual with a developmental disability who is participating in the day program, and shall advise the parent or guardian that, if the parent or guardian agrees, the provider will exchange contact information with other parents and guardians of individuals with developmental disabilities who are participating in the same program, in order to provide an opportunity for parents and guardians to share experiences about the individuals.1


     1[5.] 2[8.1] 7.2  Section 4 of P.L.2003, c.191 (C.30:6D-5.4) is amended to read as follows:

     4.    a.  1[A] Any1 member of the staff at a facility for persons with developmental disabilities or 1[a facility]1 for persons with traumatic brain injury 1[or a] , and any1 member of the staff at a public or private agency 1,1 who violates the provisions of section 3 of [this act] P.L.2003, c.191 (C.30:6D-5.3) shall be liable to a civil penalty of $5,000 for the first offense, $10,000 for the second offense, and $25,000 for the third and each subsequent offense, to be sued for and collected in a summary proceeding by the commissioner pursuant to the "Penalty Enforcement Law of 1999," P.L.1999, c.274 (C.2A:58-10 et seq.).

     b.    A penalty collected pursuant to this section shall be dedicated to providing funding for training caregivers, as defined in section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74), and for 1site1 visits conducted pursuant to P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill).

(cf:  P.L.2003, c.191, s.4)


     1[6.] 2[9.1] 8.2  Section 2 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-74) is amended to read as follows:

     2.    As used in [this act] P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-73 et seq.):

     "Abuse" means wrongfully inflicting or allowing to be inflicted physical abuse, sexual abuse, or verbal or psychological abuse or mistreatment by a caregiver upon an individual with a developmental disability.

     2["Authorized family member" means a relative of 1[the] an1 individual with a developmental disability 1who is1 authorized by the individual's guardian, or by the individual if the individual is his own guardian, to receive information pursuant to P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-73 et seq.).]2

     "Caregiver" means a person who receives State funding, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to provide services or supports, or both, to an individual with a developmental disability; except that "caregiver" shall not include an immediate family member of a person with a developmental disability.

     "Central registry" means the Central Registry of Offenders Against Individuals with Developmental Disabilities established pursuant to [this act] P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-73 et seq.).

     "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Human Services.

     "Department" means the Department of Human Services.

     "Developmental disability" means 1[developmental disability] the same1 as 1that term is1 defined 1[in] by1 section 3 of P.L.1977, c.82 (C.30:6D-3).

     "Exploitation" means the act or process of a caregiver using an individual with a developmental disability or his resources for another person's profit or advantage.

     "Intimate parts" means the following body parts of a person: sexual organs, genital area, anal area, inner thigh, groin, buttock, or breast.

     "Lewdness" means the exposing of the genitals for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of a caregiver or an individual with a developmental disability, or any flagrantly lewd and offensive act which the caregiver knows or reasonably expects is likely to be observed by an individual with a developmental disability.

     "Neglect" shall consist of any of the following acts by a caregiver on an individual with a developmental disability: willfully failing to provide proper and sufficient food, clothing, maintenance, medical care, or a clean and proper home; or 1[failure] failing1 to do or permit to be done any act necessary for the well-being of an individual with a developmental disability.

     "Physical abuse" means a physical act directed at an individual with a developmental disability by a caregiver of a type that causes one or more of the following:  pain, injury, anguish, or suffering. Such acts include, but are not limited to, the individual with a developmental disability being kicked, pinched, bitten, punched, slapped, hit, pushed, dragged, or struck with a thrown or held object.

     "Program" means any program 1that is1 licensed or funded by the department 1[that provides] for the purpose of providing1 services to individuals with developmental disabilities 1[and] .  "Program"1 includes 1, but is not limited to,1 a day program 1or a community-based residential program, as those terms are defined by section 2[2] 12 of P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill)1.

     "Sexual abuse" means an act or attempted act of lewdness, sexual contact, or sexual penetration between a caregiver and an individual with a developmental disability.  Any form of sexual contact or activity between a caregiver and an individual with a developmental disability, absent marriage, domestic partnership, or civil union, is sexual abuse, regardless of whether the individual with a developmental disability gives consent or the caregiver is on or off duty.

     "Sexual contact" means an intentional touching by a caregiver or individual with a developmental disability, either directly or through clothing, of the intimate parts of the individual with a developmental disability or the caregiver for the purpose of sexually arousing or sexually gratifying the caregiver.  Sexual contact of the caregiver with himself must be in view of the individual with a developmental disability whom the caregiver knows to be present.

     "Sexual penetration" means vaginal intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, or anal intercourse between a caregiver and an individual with a developmental disability or insertion of the hand, finger, or object into the anus or vagina, either by the caregiver or upon the caregiver's instruction.

     "Verbal or psychological abuse or mistreatment" means any verbal or non-verbal act or omission by a caregiver that inflicts one or more of the following:  emotional harm; mental distress; or invocation of fear, humiliation, intimidation, or degradation to an individual with a developmental disability.  Examples include, but are not limited to: bullying; ignoring need; verbal assault; use of racial or ethnic slurs; or intimidating gestures, such as shaking a fist at an individual with a developmental disability.

(cf:  P.L.2010, c.5, s.2)

     1[7.] 2[10.1] 9.2  Section 3 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-75) is amended to read as follows:

     3.    a.  (1)  A case manager or case manager's supervisor in the department, a person employed or volunteering in a program, facility, community care residence, or living arrangement licensed or funded by the department, a person conducting 1[an unannounced] a1 site visit pursuant to section 1[1] 2[31] 22  of P.L.     , c.    (C.       ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill), or a person providing community-based services with indirect State funding to a person with a developmental disability, as applicable, having reasonable cause to believe that an individual with a developmental disability has been subjected to abuse, neglect, or exploitation by a caregiver 1,1 shall report the same immediately to the department by telephone or otherwise 1[, and the department shall notify, as] .

     (2)  2[As1 soon as possible 1,1 but no later than 60 minutes after the occurrence of the abuse, neglect, or exploitation, the 1department shall provide notice of the incident to the1 guardian or authorized family member of the individual with a developmental disability who was the subject of the abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

     1[(2)  Such] (3)]2  A1 report 1made pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection1 , where possible, shall contain 1:  (a)1 the name and address of the individual with a developmental disability 1[and] , as well as the name and address of1 the caregiver responsible for the care, custody, or control of the individual with a developmental disability, and the guardian, or other person having custody and control of the individual 1;1 and 1[,] (b)1 if known, the condition of the individual with a developmental disability, the nature and possible extent of the individual's injuries, maltreatment, abuse, neglect 1,1 or exploitation, including any evidence of previous injuries, maltreatment, abuse, neglect, or exploitation, and any other information that the person believes may be helpful with respect to the injuries, maltreatment, abuse, neglect, or exploitation of the individual with a developmental disability and the identity of the alleged offender.

     b.    Within the department, the commissioner shall:

     (1)   maintain a unit to receive and prioritize 1[such]1 reports [,] 1that are filed pursuant to this section1 ;

     (2)   provide for verification of the unit's prioritization of the reports by sending an employee or case manager to the appropriate location within 48 hours to verify the level of severity of the report, 1[pursuant to] as provided by1 section 1[3] 2[51] 42 of P.L.     , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill);

     (3)   initiate appropriate responses through timely and appropriate investigative activities [,];

     (4)   alert appropriate staff [,]; and

     (5)   ensure that findings are reported in a uniform and timely manner.

     c.     (1)  A person employed or volunteering in a program, facility, community care residence, or living arrangement licensed or funded by the department, or a person providing community-based services with indirect State funding to a person with a developmental disability, as applicable, who fails to report an act of abuse, neglect, or exploitation against an individual with a developmental disability while having reasonable cause to believe that such an act has been committed, is a disorderly person.

     (2)   A case manager or case manager's supervisor in the department who fails to report an act of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual with a developmental disability while having reasonable cause to believe that such an act has been committed, shall be guilty of a [disorderly person's offense] crime of the fourth degree, unless the abuse, neglect, or exploitation results in the death of an individual with a developmental disability, in which case the case manager or case manager's supervisor shall be guilty of a crime of the [fourth] third degree.

     d.    In addition to any penalty imposed pursuant to this section, a person convicted under this section shall be subject to a penalty in the amount of $350 for each day that the abuse, neglect, or exploitation was not reported, payable to the Treasurer of the State of New Jersey, which shall be used by the department to fund the provision of food and care to individuals with developmental disabilities residing in community care residences.

     e.     A case manager or case manager's supervisor 1,1 or a caregiver suspected of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual with a developmental disability 1,1 who is charged with failure to report an act of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual with a developmental disability while having reasonable cause to believe that such an act has been committed, shall be temporarily reassigned to duties that do not involve contact with individuals with developmental disabilities or other vulnerable populations 1,1 and shall be terminated from employment if convicted.

     In the case of a case manager or case manager's supervisor 1,1 or 1of1 a caregiver suspected of abuse, neglect, or exploitation who is employed by the department, the case manager [or], supervisor, or caregiver shall retain any available right of review by the Civil Service Commission.

(cf:  P.L.2012, c.69, s.9)


     1[8.] 2[11.1] 10.2  Section 4 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-76) is amended to read as follows:

     4.    a.  Upon receipt of a report pursuant to section 3 of [this act] P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-75), the department shall designate an entity, as established by the commissioner, that shall immediately take such action as shall be necessary to ensure the safety of the individual with a developmental disability and to that end may request appropriate assistance from local and State law enforcement officials or contact Adult Protective Services to provide assistance in accordance with the provisions of P.L.1993, c.249 (C.52:27D-406 et seq.).  The guardian of the individual with a developmental disability 1[also]1 shall 1also1 be authorized to request appropriate assistance from local and State law enforcement officials.  2[Assistance from local and State law enforcement officials pursuant to this subsection shall be provided by such an official who has undergone education or training in working with individuals with developmental disabilities.]2

     b.    1(1)1  The commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to provide for an investigation of a reported incident and subsequent substantiation or non-substantiation of an allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual with a developmental disability by a caregiver, [by] which shall include:

     1[(1)] (a)1  maintaining [a Special Response Unit] an Office of Investigations to investigate serious unusual incidents, as defined by applicable rules and regulations, in facilities or [community] programs licensed, contracted, or regulated by the department and to investigate incidents that occur in State developmental centers; 1[and

     (2)] (b)1 providing 1[an opportunity for a] the1 guardian 2[or authorized family member]2 1of the individual with prior notice of the commencement of an investigation under this section, and providing an opportunity for the guardian 2[or authorized family member]2, as appropriate,1 to submit information to facilitate an investigation, 2[1to1 represent the individual, 1[and] to1 be informed of the progress of the investigation]2 1[which shall include a requirement that the department provide a] 2[, to be present while the individual is being interviewed, and to terminate the interview at any time, unless it would impede the investigation] except that if there is no guardian, a family member of the individual may submit information, unless the individual has expressly prohibited the family member from doing so2 ; and

     (c)  providing 2[the1 guardian or authorized family member 1of the individual1 with a written progress report 1[of] that shows1 the status of 1[an] the1 investigation, 1[including] and includes1 any medical records or reports about the individual, within seven calendar days of the incident 1,1 and weekly thereafter.

     1(2)  Before commencing an investigation in response to a report of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation, the department shall first notify the guardian or authorized family member of the alleged victim, either in person or by telephone, that an investigation will be undertaken pursuant to this section.  The department shall also notify the guardian or authorized family member before any investigative interview of the alleged victim is commenced.  The guardian or authorized family member, upon request, shall be permitted to attend or observe the investigative interview of the person the guardian or family member represents, unless the attendance or observation would impede the investigation.  If the guardian or authorized family member expressly requests, at any time, that the department terminate an interview that has been commenced under this section, the department, and its Office of Investigations, shall immediately comply with the request, unless it] that a guardian of an individual with a developmental disability, upon request, may be permitted to attend the investigative interview of the individual the guardian represents and to terminate the interview of the individual the guardian represents, unless the attendance or termination2 would impede the investigation. 

     2[(3)1] (2)2 During its investigation of an allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual with a developmental disability by a caregiver, the [Special Response Unit] Office of Investigations shall make a good faith effort to notify the caregiver of the possibility of the caregiver's inclusion on the registry, and give the caregiver an opportunity to respond to the department concerning the allegation.  1[A guardian of an individual with a developmental disability, upon request, may be permitted to attend or observe the investigation, unless the attendance or observation would impede the investigation.]1

     c.     The [Special Response Unit] Office of Investigations, the department, or other investigating entity shall forward to the commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, a substantiated incident of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual with a developmental disability for inclusion of an offending caregiver on the central registry.  The [Special Response Unit] Office of Investigations, the department, or other investigating entity shall also forward to the commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, all unsubstantiated incidents of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual with a developmental disability.  As soon as possible, and no later than 1[14] 2[seven1] 142 days after receipt of the incident of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, the commissioner or the commissioner's designee shall review the incident.  The offending caregiver of a substantiated incident shall be included on the central registry as expeditiously as possible.  The [Special Response Unit] Office of Investigations shall retain a record of all unsubstantiated incidents.

     d.    Upon the initiation of an investigation, the department shall: (1) ensure that any communication concerning the alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of an individual with a developmental disability between a caregiver, case manager of the caregiver, the case manager's supervisor, or a person at the appropriate Regional Office of the Division of Developmental Disabilities is identified, safeguarded from loss or destruction, and maintained in a secure location; and (2) contact the Office of the Attorney General, which shall determine whether to participate in the investigation.

     e.     1[The]1 [Special Response Unit] 1(1)  No later than 2[14] 302 days after an investigation under this section is concluded, the1 Office of Investigations shall issue a written report of the investigation that includes the conclusions of the unit, the rationale for the 1[conclusion] conclusions1, and a detailed summary of any communication secured pursuant to subsection d. of this section.  The report shall also include an assessment of the role of any case manager of a caregiver or the case manager's supervisor, if applicable, in the allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, and a recommendation about whether any civil or criminal action should be brought against the case manager or supervisor.  The report shall be made part of the record for review in any civil or criminal proceeding that may ensue.

     1(2)1 A written summary of the [conclusions of the] investigation, 1[including any medical records or reports about the individual with a developmental disability] as provided for in paragraph (3) of this subsection1 , shall be provided to the guardian 2[or authorized family member]2 of the individual with a developmental disability who is the subject of the alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation 1; however, the actual records and reports of an investigation shall also be provided to a guardian or 2[authorized family member] other person who is responsible for the welfare of the individual with a developmental disability2 if the information is needed in connection with the provision of care, treatment, assessment, evaluation, or supervision to the individual; and the provision of information is in the best interests of the individual with a developmental disability, as determined by the Division of Developmental Disabilities 2[, or by the individual's guardian or authorized family member]2.

     (3)   The written summary of an investigation of an alleged incident of abuse, neglect, or exploitation shall include, but need not be limited to:

     (a)   the name of the individual with a developmental disability who is the subject of the alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation;

     (b)   the date of the incident, or the date the incident was reported if the incident date is unknown;

     (c)   whether the incident is an allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation;

     (d)   the incident number;

     (e)   a summary of the allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation;

     (f)   a finding that the incident is substantiated or unsubstantiated;

     (g)   the rationale for the finding and, if the incident is substantiated, a description of the action or inaction that precipitated the finding;

     (h)   if known at the time of issuing the summary, whether or not criminal charges against the alleged offending caregiver are pending; and

     (i)    whether remedial action was taken1.

     2(4)  If there is no guardian of the individual with a developmental disability who is the subject of the alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation, the written summary described in paragraph (3) of this subsection shall be provided to a family member of the individual who requests such summary, unless the individual has expressly prohibited the family member from receiving such summary.2

     f.     A licensed provider in another state shall be permitted access to the central registry.

(cf:  P.L.2012, c.69, s.10)


     1[9.] 2[12.1] 11.2  Section 5 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-77) is amended to read as follows:

     5.    a.  There is established a Central Registry of Offenders Against Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in the department.

     b.    The commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations that define the procedures and standards for inclusion of an offending caregiver on the central registry, and for notification of such inclusion to the caregiver and to the guardian 2[or authorized family member]2 of the individual with a developmental disability who was the subject of the abuse, neglect, or exploitation that led to the caregiver's inclusion on the central registry.  The commissioner or the commissioner's designee shall designate staff to notify the guardian 2[or authorized family member]2 of the individual of any action taken by the department to remediate a condition that may have contributed to the occurrence of the abuse, neglect, or exploitation of the individual. 2If the individual with a developmental disability has no guardian, notification pursuant to this subsection shall be given to a family member who requests such notification, unless the individual has expressly prohibited the family member from receiving such notification.2

     (1)   For inclusion on the central registry in the case of a substantiated incident of abuse, the caregiver shall have acted with intent, recklessness, or careless disregard to cause or potentially cause injury to an individual with a developmental disability.

     (2)   For inclusion on the central registry in the case of a substantiated incident of neglect, the caregiver shall have acted with gross negligence, recklessness, or in a pattern of behavior that causes or potentially causes harm to an individual with a developmental disability.

     (3)   In the case of a substantiated incident of exploitation, the commissioner shall establish a dollar amount for inclusion on the central registry.

     c.     The commissioner also shall adopt rules and regulations:

     (1)   necessary to provide for an appeals process, through the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), of the commissioner's determination to include an alleged offending caregiver's name on the central registry. The commissioner's determination shall be a final agency decision subject to review by the Appellate Division of the Superior Court;

     (2)   concerning the dissemination of information in the central registry;

     (3)   that will prohibit persons included on the central registry from employment in facilities or programs of the Division of Developmental Disabilities in the department and those facilities or programs licensed, contracted, or regulated by the department, or from providing community-based services with indirect State funding to 1[persons] individuals1 with developmental disabilities; and

     (4)   necessary to provide for the removal of a person's name from the central registry.  A person may apply for removal of his name to the commissioner after a period of five years of being placed on the central registry.  The person shall affirmatively demonstrate to the commissioner clear and convincing evidence of rehabilitation, using the provisions of P.L.1968, c.282 (C.2A:168A-1 et seq.) as a guide.

     d.    The commissioner may adopt rules and regulations that will allow bona fide employers serving vulnerable populations to inquire of the department if potential or current employees are included on the central registry, consistent with federal and State privacy and confidentiality laws.

     e.     No information received in the central registry shall be considered as a public or government record within the meaning of P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) or P.L.2001, c.404 (C.47:1A-5 et al.).

(cf:  P.L.2010, c.5, s.5)


     1[10.] 2[13.1] 12.2  Section 6 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-78) is amended to read as follows:

     6.    1a.1  All records of a report made pursuant to [this act] section 3 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-75), all information obtained by the department in investigating such reports, and all reports of findings forwarded to the central registry pursuant to [this act] P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-73 et seq.) shall be kept confidential and may be disclosed only 1:

     (1)1 insofar as information is shared with a guardian in connection with a guardian's attendance 1at 2[,1 or observation of 1,1]2 an investigative interview pursuant to subsection b. of section 4 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-76) 1;1 or

     1(2)1  under circumstances expressly authorized by 1paragraph (2) of subsection e. of section 4 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-76), or by1 rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner.

     1b.1  The department shall only disclose information that is relevant to the purpose for which the information is required 1[or, pursuant to subsection b. of section 4 of P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-76), is shared in connection with a guardian's attendance or observation of an investigative interview or in connection with a progress report]1; except that the department shall not disclose information which would likely endanger the life, safety, or physical or emotional well-being of an individual with a developmental disability or the life or safety of any other person, or which may compromise the integrity of a department investigation, civil or criminal investigation, or judicial proceeding.  If the department denies access to specific information on this basis, the requesting entity may seek disclosure through the Superior Court.  Nothing in [this act] P.L.2010, c.5 (C.30:6D-73 et seq.) shall be construed to permit the disclosure of any information deemed confidential by federal or State law.

(cf:  P.L.2010, c.5, s.6)


     213.  The Department of Human Services shall post a copy of P.L.    , c.    (C.        ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) on its website.2


     1[11.] 14.1  The Commissioner of Human Services, pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), shall adopt rules and regulations necessary to effectuate the purposes of this act.


     1[12.] 15.1  This act shall take effect on the first day of the seventh month next following the date of enactment, but the Commissioner of Human Services may take such anticipatory administrative action in advance thereof as shall be necessary for the implementation of this act.