ASSEMBLY, No. 2423







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  GORDON M. JOHNSON

District 37 (Bergen)






     Revises newspaper advertising rates.



     As introduced.


An Act concerning advertising rates for legal notices and amending R.S.35:2-1.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    R.S.35:2-1 is amended to read as follows:

     35:2-1.  The price to be paid for publishing all official advertising as defined in R.S.35:1-1 in newspapers shall be as follows:

     [In] a.  With respect to official advertising of a governmental entity in newspapers published in the State of New Jersey having a bona fide net paid circulation of up to 2,500 copies, the rate shall be [$0.25] $0.15 per line for each insertion;  in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 2,500 copies nor more than 5,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.31] $0.19 per line for each insertion;  and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 5,000 copies and not more than 10,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.34] $0.20 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 10,000 copies and not more than 30,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.35] $0.21 per line per insertion;  and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 30,000 and not more than 45,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.36] $0.22 per line per insertion;  and in the case of any  newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 45,000 copies and not more than 60,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.38] $0.23 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 60,000 copies and not more than 75,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.44] $0.26 per line per insertion;  and in the case of any newspaper  having bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 75,000 copies and of  more than 100,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.60] $0.36 per line per insertion;  and  in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not  less than 100,000 copies, and not more than 125,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.66] $0.40 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona  fide net paid circulation of not less than 125,000 copies, and not more than  150,000, the rate shall be [$0.72] $0.43 per line per insertion;  and in the case of  any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 150,000 copies and not more than 200,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.82] $0.49 per line per  insertion;  and in the case of newspapers having a bona fide net paid  circulation of not less than 200,000 copies and not more than 300,000 copies, the rate shall be [$0.91] $0.55 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation in excess of 300,000 copies the rate shall be [$1.00] $0.60 per line per insertion; but before any newspaper can charge the foregoing rates, the publisher or business manager of such newspaper  must file with the properly authorized officer of every municipality, county or  governing body, placing official advertising in such newspaper, an affidavit  setting forth the average net paid circulation of such newspaper for the 12-month period ending September 30 next preceding and the rate to be charged for official advertising, which in no case shall be in excess of, or below, the rates provided in the foregoing schedule.

     Lines shall be calculated upon the basis of the space that a 6 point line, 8 picas wide would occupy.

     The advertising rates set forth in this section shall be adjusted by the State Treasurer every 2 years by the percentage change in the All Items Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.

     b.    With respect to official advertising of a non-governmental entity in newspapers published in the State of New Jersey having a bona fide net paid circulation of up to 2,500 copies, the rate shall be $0.35 per line for each insertion; in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 2,500 copies nor more than 5,000 copies, the rate shall be $0.43 per line for each insertion;  and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 5,000 copies and not more than 10,000 copies, the rate shall be $0.48 per line per insertion;  and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 10,000 copies and not more than 30,000 copies, the rate shall be $0.49 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 30,000 and not more than 45,000 copies, the rate shall be $0.50 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 45,000 copies and not more than 60,000 copies, the rate shall be $0.53 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 60,000 copies and not more than 75,000 copies, the rate shall be $0.62 per line per insertion;  and in the case of any newspaper having bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 75,000 copies and of  more than 100,000 copies, the rate shall be $0.84 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 100,000 copies, and not more than 125,000 copies, the rate shall be $0.92 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 125,000 copies, and not more than 150,000, the rate shall be $1.01 per line per insertion;  and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 150,000 copies and not more than 200,000 copies, the rate shall be $1.15 per line per insertion; and in the case of newspapers having a bona fide net paid circulation of not less than 200,000 copies and not more than 300,000 copies, the rate shall be $1.27 per line per insertion; and in the case of any newspaper having a bona fide net paid circulation in excess of 300,000 copies the rate shall be $1.40 per line per insertion; but before any newspaper can charge the foregoing rates, the publisher or business manager of such newspaper must file with the properly authorized officer of every municipality, county or governing body, placing official advertising in such newspaper, an affidavit setting forth the average net paid circulation of such newspaper for the 12-month period ending September 30 next preceding and the rate to be charged for official advertising, which in no case shall be in excess of, or below, the rates provided in the foregoing schedule.

     Lines shall be calculated upon the basis of the space that a 6 point line, 8 picas wide would occupy.

     The advertising rates set forth in this section shall be adjusted by the State Treasurer every 2 years by the percentage change in the All Items Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.

(cf:  P.L.1983, c.117, s.1)


     2.    This act shall take effect on the first day of the first month next following enactment.





     This bill would revise the statutory rates for advertising in newspapers published in the state of New Jersey.  This bill would revise current law, which sets rates for all advertisers, whether governmental or non-governmental in nature, by the size of the circulation audience of the newspaper.

     This bill would set separate rate structures, still based on the size of the circulation audience of the newspaper, for governmental entities and non-governmental entities.  The rates for governmental advertisers would be 40% less than the current statutory rates; the rates for non-governmental advertisers would be 40% more than the current statutory rates.  The bill requires that these rates would be adjusted every two years by the State Treasurer by the percentage change in the All Items Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.