§§1-3 -

C.52:16A-110 to


§4 - Note


P.L.2011, CHAPTER 73, approved May 26, 2011

Assembly, No. 2173 (First Reprint)



An Act requiring 1[the Department of]1 State 1departments and agencies1 to 1[establish and maintain a website to]1 provide 1[a clearinghouse of]1 information for nonprofit organizations and supplementing Title 52 of the Revised Statutes.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.    a. The Department of State 1[, in consultation with the Office of Information Technology,]1 shall 1[establish and]1 maintain 1[a] in a single accessible location on its designated home1 website 1[to serve as an]1 information 1[clearinghouse]1 for nonprofit organizations 1[interested in obtaining information]1 regarding various resources available to assist them in their daily operations.  The information featured 1[on the website]1 shall be updated 1at least1 monthly and include, but not be limited to, information regarding: (1) available funding sources offered by 1[various departments and State agencies; (2)] the Department of State; (2) relevant eligibility criteria applicable to such funding; (3)1 incorporation 1[; (3)] and, to the extent applicable,1 board development; (4) volunteer opportunities 1available with or through the Department of State; (5) links to the website pages of the various departments and State agencies that contain the information that such entities must maintain in accordance with this section1; and 1[(5)] (6)1 any other information the Secretary of State 1[and the Chief Technology Officer of the Office of Information Technology deem] deems1 necessary.  The website shall be accessible from the 1Department of1 State's designated home webpage.

     b.    1[The website shall contain links to all of the departments and agencies in the State that provide information and resources to nonprofit organizations.  This information shall be categorized by topic, and each sub-topic shall feature corresponding hyperlinks for the departments and agencies that provide those services.] Each State department or agency that provides resources to nonprofit organizations shall maintain in a single accessible location on its designated home website information regarding various resources available from or through that department or agency to assist those nonprofit organizations in their daily operations.  The information featured shall be updated at least monthly and include, but not be limited to, information regarding: (1) available funding sources offered by the department or agency; (2) relevant eligibility criteria applicable to such funding; (3) volunteer opportunities available with or through the department or agency; and (4) any other information the Secretary of State deems necessary.  The website shall be accessible from the designated home website of each such department or agency.1


     2.    The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Chief Technology Officer, shall 1[: identify information needed for the new website; create a standard template for collecting required information; and establish a timeline for data to be submitted by the departments to the Secretary of State.] establish a standard format and icon for each department and agency to use to display the required information for nonprofit organizations.1


     3.    All Executive Branch departments and State agencies are directed to cooperate fully with the Office of the Secretary of State to implement the provisions of this act.


     4.    This act shall take effect on the 1[90th] 180th1 day after the date of enactment.





     Requires Department of State to establish and maintain a website to provide a clearinghouse of information for nonprofits.