ASSEMBLY, No. 1712







Sponsored by:

Assemblyman  JERRY GREEN

District 22 (Middlesex, Somerset and Union)


District 15 (Hunterdon and Mercer)






     Permits eviction for good cause of tenants who are creating nuisance; requires court to notify landlord when restraining order has been issued barring tenant from residential rental property.



     Introduced Pending Technical Review by Legislative Counsel


An Act concerning possession of rental premises, supplementing chapter 18 of Title 2A of the New Jersey Statutes and amending P.L.1974, c.49.


     Be It Enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:


     1.  (New section) For all residential lessees and tenants, whenever a landlord of rental premises has received notification by law enforcement officials on more than two occasions within a 120 day period that a rental premises owned by the landlord has been utilized in violating N.J.S.2C:33-12, then the landlord may be charged with maintaining a nuisance pursuant to N.J.S.2C:33-12.


     2.  Section 2 of P.L.1974, c.49 (2A:18-61.1) is amended to read as follows:

     2.  No lessee or tenant or the assigns, under-tenants or legal representatives of such lessee or tenant may be removed by the Superior Court from any house, building, mobile home or land in a mobile home park or tenement leased for residential purposes, other than (1) owner-occupied premises with not more than two rental units or a hotel, motel or other guest house or part thereof rented to a transient guest or seasonal tenant; (2) a dwelling unit which is held in trust on behalf of a member of the immediate family of the person or persons establishing the trust, provided that the member of the immediate family on whose behalf the trust is established permanently occupies the unit; and (3) a dwelling unit which is permanently occupied by a member of the immediate family of the owner of that unit, provided, however, that exception (2) or (3) shall apply only in cases in which the member of the immediate family has a developmental disability, except upon establishment of one of the following grounds as good cause:

     a.  The person fails to pay rent due and owing under the lease whether the same be oral or written; provided that, for the purposes of this section, any portion of rent unpaid by a tenant to a landlord but utilized by the tenant to continue utility service to the rental premises after receiving notice from an electric, gas, water or sewer public utility that such service was in danger of discontinuance based on nonpayment by the landlord, shall not be deemed to be unpaid rent.

     b.  The person has continued to be, after written notice to cease, so disorderly as to destroy the peace and quiet of the occupants or other tenants living in said house or neighborhood.

     c.  The person has willfully or by reason of gross negligence caused or allowed destruction, damage or injury to the premises.

     d.  The person has continued, after written notice to cease, to substantially violate or breach any of the landlord's rules and regulations governing said premises, provided such rules and regulations are reasonable and have been accepted in writing by the tenant or made a part of the lease at the beginning of the lease term.

     e.  (1) The person has continued, after written notice to cease, to substantially violate or breach any of the covenants or agreements contained in the lease for the premises where a right of reentry is reserved to the landlord in the lease for a violation of such covenant or agreement, provided that such covenant or agreement is reasonable and was contained in the lease at the beginning of the lease term.

     (2) In public housing under the control of a public housing authority or redevelopment agency, the person has substantially violated or breached any of the covenants or agreements contained in the lease for the premises pertaining to illegal uses of controlled dangerous substances, or other illegal activities, whether or not a right of reentry is reserved to the landlord in the lease for a violation of such covenant or agreement, provided that such covenant or agreement conforms to federal guidelines regarding such lease provisions and was contained in the lease at the beginning of the lease term.

     f.  The person has failed to pay rent after a valid notice to quit and notice of increase of said rent, provided the increase in rent is not unconscionable and complies with any and all other laws or municipal ordinances governing rent increases.

     g.  The landlord or owner (1) seeks to permanently board up or demolish the premises because he has been cited by local or State housing inspectors for substantial violations affecting the health and safety of tenants and it is economically unfeasible for the owner to eliminate the violations; (2) seeks to comply with local or State housing inspectors who have cited him for substantial violations affecting the health and safety of tenants and it is unfeasible to so comply without removing the tenant; simultaneously with service of notice of eviction pursuant to this clause, the landlord shall notify the Department of Community Affairs of the intention to institute proceedings and shall provide the department with such other information as it may require pursuant to rules and regulations.  The department shall inform all parties and the court of its view with respect to the feasibility of compliance without removal of the tenant and may in its discretion appear and present evidence; (3) seeks to correct an illegal occupancy because he has been cited by local or State housing inspectors or zoning officers and it is unfeasible to correct such illegal occupancy without removing the tenant; or (4) is a governmental agency which seeks to permanently retire the premises from the rental market pursuant to a redevelopment or land clearance plan in a blighted area. In those cases where the tenant is being removed for any reason specified in this subsection, no warrant for possession shall be issued until P.L.1967, c.79 (C.52:31B-1 et seq.) and P.L.1971, c.362 (C.20:4-1 et seq.) have been complied with.

     h.  The owner seeks to retire permanently the residential building or the mobile home park from residential use or use as a mobile home park, provided this subsection shall not apply to circumstances covered under subsection g. of this section.

     i.  The landlord or owner proposes, at the termination of a lease, reasonable changes of substance in the terms and conditions of the lease, including specifically any change in the term thereof, which the tenant, after written notice, refuses to accept; provided that in cases where a tenant has received a notice of termination pursuant to subsection g. of section 3 of P.L.1974, c.49 (C.2A:18-61.2), or has a protected tenancy status pursuant to section 9 of the "Senior Citizens and Disabled Protected Tenancy Act," P.L.1981, c.226 (C.2A:18-61.30), or pursuant to the "Tenant Protection Act of 1992," P.L.1991, c.509 (C.2A:18-61.40 et al.), the landlord or owner shall have the burden of proving that any change in the terms and conditions of the lease, rental or regulations both is reasonable and does not substantially reduce the rights and privileges to which the tenant was entitled prior to the conversion.

     j.  The person, after written notice to cease, has habitually and without legal justification failed to pay rent which is due and owing.

     k.  The landlord or owner of the building or mobile home park is converting from the rental market to a condominium, cooperative or fee simple ownership of two or more dwelling units or park sites, except as hereinafter provided in subsection l. of this section. Where the tenant is being removed pursuant to this subsection, no warrant for possession shall be issued until this act has been complied with.  No action for possession shall be brought pursuant to this subsection against a senior citizen tenant or disabled tenant with protected tenancy status pursuant to the "Senior Citizens and Disabled Protected Tenancy Act," P.L.1981, c.226 (C.2A:18-61.22 et al.), or against a qualified tenant under the "Tenant Protection Act of 1992," P.L.1991, c.509 (C.2A:18-61.40 et al.), as long as the agency has not terminated the protected tenancy status or the protected tenancy period has not expired.

     l.  (1) The owner of a building or mobile home park, which is constructed as or being converted to a condominium, cooperative or fee simple ownership, seeks to evict a tenant or sublessee whose initial tenancy began after the master deed, agreement establishing the cooperative or subdivision plat was recorded, because the owner has contracted to sell the unit to a buyer who seeks to personally occupy it and the contract for sale calls for the unit to be vacant at the time of closing.  However, no action shall be brought against a tenant under paragraph (1) of this subsection unless the tenant was given a statement in accordance with section 6 of P.L.1975, c.311 (C.2A:18-61.9);

     (2) The owner of three or less condominium or cooperative units seeks to evict a tenant whose initial tenancy began by rental from an owner of three or less units after the master deed or agreement establishing the cooperative was recorded, because the owner seeks to personally occupy the unit, or has contracted to sell the unit to a buyer who seeks to personally occupy it and the contract for sale calls for the unit to be vacant at the time of closing;

     (3) The owner of a building of three residential units or less seeks to personally occupy a unit, or has contracted to sell the residential unit to a buyer who wishes to personally occupy it and the contract for sale calls for the unit to be vacant at the time of closing.

     m.  The landlord or owner conditioned the tenancy upon and in consideration for the tenant's employment by the landlord or owner as superintendent, janitor or in some other capacity and such employment is being terminated.

     n.  The person has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to, or if a juvenile, has been adjudicated delinquent on the basis of an act which if committed by an adult would constitute an offense under the "Comprehensive Drug Reform Act of 1987," N.J.S.2C:35-1 et al. involving the use, possession, manufacture, dispensing or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance, controlled dangerous substance analog or drug paraphernalia within the meaning of that act within or upon the leased premises or the building or complex of buildings and land appurtenant thereto, or the mobile home park, in which those premises are located, and has not in connection with his sentence for that offense either (1) successfully completed or (2) been admitted to and continued upon probation while completing, a drug rehabilitation program pursuant to N.J.S.2C:35-14; or, being the tenant or lessee of such leased premises, knowingly harbors or harbored therein a person who has been so convicted or has so pleaded, or otherwise permits or permitted such a person to occupy those premises for residential purposes, whether continuously or intermittently, except that this subsection shall not apply to a person harboring or permitting a juvenile to occupy the premises if the juvenile has been adjudicated delinquent upon the basis of an act which if committed by an adult would constitute the offense of use or possession under the said act. No action for removal may be brought pursuant to this subsection more than two years after the date of the adjudication or conviction or more than two years after the person's release from incarceration whichever is the later.

     o.  The person has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to, or if a juvenile, has been adjudicated delinquent on the basis of an act which if committed by an adult would constitute an offense under N.J.S.2C:12-1 or N.J.S.2C:12-3 involving assault, or terroristic threats against the landlord, a member of the landlord's family or an employee of the landlord; or, being the tenant or lessee of such leased premises, knowingly harbors or harbored therein a person who has been so convicted or has so pleaded, or otherwise permits or permitted such a person to occupy those premises for residential purposes, whether continuously or intermittently. No action for removal may be brought pursuant to this subsection more than two years after the adjudication or conviction or more than two years after the person's release from incarceration whichever is the later.

     p.  The person has been found, by a preponderance of the evidence, liable in a civil action for removal commenced under this act for an offense under N.J.S.2C:20-1 et al. involving theft of property located on the leased premises from the landlord, the leased premises or other tenants residing in the leased premises, or N.J.S.2C:12-1 or N.J.S.2C:12-3 involving assault or terroristic threats against the landlord, a member of the landlord's family or an employee of the landlord, or under the "Comprehensive Drug Reform Act of 1987," N.J.S.2C:35-1 et al., involving the use, possession, manufacture, dispensing or distribution of a controlled dangerous substance, controlled dangerous substance analog or drug paraphernalia within the meaning of that act within or upon the leased premises or the building or complex of buildings and land appurtenant thereto, or the mobile home park, in which those premises are located, and has not in connection with his sentence for that offense either (1) successfully completed or (2) been admitted to and continued upon probation while completing a drug rehabilitation program pursuant to N.J.S.2C:35-14; or, being the tenant or lessee of such leased premises, knowingly harbors or harbored therein a person who committed such an offense, or otherwise permits or permitted such a person to occupy those premises for residential purposes, whether continuously or intermittently, except that this subsection shall not apply to a person who harbors or permits a juvenile to occupy the premises if the juvenile has been adjudicated delinquent upon the basis of an act which if committed by an adult would constitute the offense of use or possession under the said "Comprehensive Drug Reform Act of 1987."

     q.  The person has been convicted of or pleaded guilty to, or if a juvenile, has been adjudicated delinquent on the basis of an act which if committed by an adult would constitute an offense under N.J.S.2C:20-1 et al. involving theft of property from the landlord, the leased premises or other tenants residing in the same building or complex; or, being the tenant or lessee of such leased premises, knowingly harbors therein a person who has been so convicted or has so pleaded, or otherwise permits such a person to occupy those premises for residential purposes, whether continuously or intermittently.

     r.  After written notice to cease, the removal of the tenant from the rental premises is necessary to abate certain illegal activity as specified in section 1 of P.L.    , c.     (C.      )(now before the Legislature as this bill) which is occurring on or in the rental premises.

     For purposes of this section, (1) "developmental disability" means any disability which is defined as such pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1977, c.82 (C.30:6D-3); (2) "member of the immediate family" means a person's spouse, parent, child or sibling, or a spouse, parent, child or sibling of any of them; and (3) "permanently" occupies or occupied means that the occupant maintains no other domicile at which the occupant votes, pays rent or property taxes or at which rent or property taxes are paid on the occupant's behalf.

(cf:  P.L.2000, c.113, s.3)


     3.  Section 3 of P.L.1974, c.49 (C.2A:18-61.2) is amended to read as follows:

     3.  No judgment of possession shall be entered for any premises covered by section 2 of this act, except in the nonpayment of rent under subsection a. or f. of section 2, unless the landlord has made written demand and given written notice for delivery of possession of the premises.  The following notice shall be required:

     a.  For an action alleging disorderly conduct under subsection b. of section 2, or injury to the premises under subsection c. of section 2, or any grounds under subsection m., n., o. [or] , p. or r. of section 2, three days' notice prior to the institution of the action for possession;

     b.  For an action alleging continued violation of rules and regulations under subsection d. of section 2, or substantial breach of covenant under subsection e. of section 2, or habitual failure to pay rent, one month's notice prior to the institution of the action for possession;

     c.  For an action alleging any grounds under subsection g. of section 2, three months' notice prior to the institution of the action;

     d.  For an action alleging permanent retirement under subsection h. of section 2, 18 months' notice prior to the institution of the action and, provided that, where there is a lease in effect, no action may be instituted until the lease expires;

     e.  For an action alleging refusal of acceptance of reasonable lease changes under subsection i. of section 2, one month's notice prior to institution of action;

     f.  For an action alleging any grounds under subsection l. of section 2, two months' notice prior to the institution of the action and, provided that where there is a written lease in effect no action shall be instituted until the lease expires;

     g.  For an action alleging any grounds under subsection k. of section 2, three years' notice prior to the institution of action, and provided that where there is a written lease in effect, no action shall be instituted until the lease expires;

     h.  In public housing under the control of a public housing authority or redevelopment agency, for an action alleging substantial breach of contract under paragraph (2) of subsection e. of section 2, the period of notice required prior to the institution of an action for possession shall be in accordance with federal regulations pertaining to public housing leases.

     The notice in each of the foregoing instances shall specify in detail the cause of the termination of the tenancy and shall be served either personally upon the tenant or lessee or such person in possession by giving him a copy thereof, or by leaving a copy thereof at his usual place of abode with some member of his family above the age of 14 years, or by certified mail; if the certified letter is not claimed, notice shall be sent by regular mail.

(cf:  P.L.1997, c.228, s.2)


     4.  Section 4 of P.L.1999, c.334 (2C:35-5.7) is amended to read as follows:

     4.  a.  When a person is charged with a criminal offense and the person is released from custody before trial on bail or personal recognizance, or is released to the custody of a parent, guardian, custodian or public or private agency, the court, as a condition of release and except as provided in subsection c. of this section, shall issue an order prohibiting the person from entering any place defined by subsection b. of section 3 of P.L.1999, c.334 (C.2C:35-5.6).

     b.  When a person is convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for any criminal offense, the court, in addition to any other disposition authorized by law and except as provided in subsection c. of this section, shall issue an order prohibiting the person from entering any place defined by subsection b. of section 3 of P.L.1999, c.334 (C.2C:35-5.6).

     c.  The court may forego issuing a restraining order only if the defendant establishes by clear and convincing evidence that:

     (1) the defendant lawfully resides at or has legitimate business on or near the place, or otherwise legitimately needs to enter the place. In such an event, the court shall not issue an order pursuant to this section unless the court is clearly convinced that the need to bar the person from the place in order to protect the public safety and the rights, safety and health of the residents and persons working in the place outweighs the person's interest in returning to the place.  If the balance of the interests of the person and the public so warrants, the court may issue an order imposing conditions upon the person's entry at, upon or near the place; or

     (2) the issuance of an order would cause undue hardship to innocent persons and would constitute a serious injustice which overrides the need to protect the rights, safety and health of persons residing in or having business in the place.

     d.  A restraining order issued pursuant to subsection a. or b. of this section shall describe the place from which the person has been barred and any conditions upon the person's entry into the place, with sufficient specificity to enable the person to guide his conduct accordingly and to enable a law enforcement officer to enforce the order.  When appropriate, the court may append to the order a map depicting the place.  The person shall be given a copy of the restraining order and any appended map and shall acknowledge in writing the receipt thereof.

     e.  The court shall provide notice of the restraining order to the local law enforcement agency where the arrest occurred and to the county prosecutor.  In addition, when the order prohibits a person charged with a criminal offense from entering at, upon or near any building, business premises, school or other public, private or commercial premises, the court [may] shall cause notice of the restraining order to be transmitted to the owner of such property and to the owner's agent, or, in the case of a school or any government-owned property, to the appropriate administrator, and to any tenant association representing the residents of the affected area.  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1 of P.L.1982, c.79 (C.2A:4A-60), the local law enforcement agency may post a copy of any orders issued pursuant to this section upon one or more of the principal entrances of the place or in any other conspicuous location.  Such posting shall be for the purpose of informing the public, and the failure to post a copy of the order shall in no way excuse any violation of the order.

     f.  When a juvenile has been adjudicated delinquent for an act which, if committed by an adult, would be a criminal offense, in addition to an order required by subsection b. of this section or any other disposition authorized by law, the court may order the juvenile and any parent, guardian or any family member over whom the court has jurisdiction to take such actions or obey such restraints as may be necessary to facilitate the rehabilitation of the juvenile or to protect public safety or to safeguard or enforce the rights of residents of the place.  The court may commit the juvenile to the care of the Department of Human Services under the responsibility of the Division of Youth and Family Services until such time as the juvenile reaches the age of 18 or until the order of removal and restraint expires, whichever first occurs, or to such alternative residential placement as is practicable.

     g.  An order issued pursuant to subsection a. of this section shall remain in effect until the case has been adjudicated or dismissed, or for not less than two years, whichever is less.  An order issued pursuant to subsection b. of this section shall remain in effect for such period of time as shall be fixed by the court but not longer than the maximum term of imprisonment or incarceration allowed by law for the underlying offense or offenses.  When the court issues a restraining order pursuant to subsection b. of this section and the person is also sentenced to any form of probationary supervision or participation in the Intensive Supervision Program, the court shall make continuing compliance with the order an express condition of probation or the Intensive Supervision Program.  When the person has been sentenced to a term of incarceration, continuing compliance with the terms and conditions of the order shall be made an express condition of the person's release from confinement or incarceration on parole.

     h.  The court shall immediately notify the appropriate law enforcement agency in writing whenever an application is made to stay or modify an order issued pursuant to this act.  If the court does not issue a restraining order, the sentence imposed by the court for a criminal offense as defined in subsection b. of this section shall not become final for ten days in order to permit the appeal of the court's findings by the prosecution.

     i.  Nothing in this section shall be construed in any way to limit the authority of the court to take such other actions or to issue such orders as may be necessary to protect the public safety or to safeguard or enforce the rights of others with respect to the place.

     j.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the court may permit the person to return to the place to obtain personal belongings and effects and, by court order, may restrict the time and duration and provide for police supervision of such a visit.

(cf:  P.L.1999, c.334, s.4)


     5.  This act shall take effect on the first day of the fourth month next following enactment.





     This bill would aid in abating nuisances in rental property in the State.  The bill permits a landlord to be charged with maintaining a nuisance if police observe illegal activity as defined pursuant to N.J.S.2C:33-12 in or about rental premises on at least three separate occasions within a 30-day period.  N.J.S.2C:33-12 lists activities such as illegal drug trade, prostitution, and keeping of obscene materials as some activities which can lead to a charge of maintaining a nuisance.

     The landlord is provided an additional good cause to evict under the bill, if after notice to cease the illegal activity, the eviction of the tenant is necessary to abate a nuisance.  The bill also provides for a notice period of at least three days prior to instituting eviction proceedings.

     The bill also amends the "Drug Offender Restraining Order Act of 1999," P.L.1999, c.334 (C.2C:35-5.4 et seq.), to require a judge issuing a restraining order prohibiting an individual charged with a drug-related crime from entering certain premises to notify the landlord of those premises concerning the restraining order.

     The bill provides a separate good cause to permit eviction to abate a nuisance, and to require the court to notify a landlord whenever a restraining order has been issued barring a tenant from rental premises.