03/12/2015 0700s

6May2015… 1501h





AN ACT relative to appropriations for nursing homes.

SPONSORS: Sen. Forrester, Dist 2; Sen. Avard, Dist 12; Sen. Birdsell, Dist 19; Sen. Boutin, Dist 16; Sen. Bradley, Dist 3; Sen. Carson, Dist 14; Sen. Cataldo, Dist 6; Sen. Daniels, Dist 11; Sen. Little, Dist 8; Sen. Morse, Dist 22; Sen. Prescott, Dist 23; Sen. Reagan, Dist 17; Sen. Sanborn, Dist 9; Sen. Stiles, Dist 24; Rep. Chandler, Carr 1; Rep. Jasper, Hills 37; Rep. Kurk, Hills 2; Rep. Ladd, Graf 4; Rep. Vadney, Belk 2



This bill clarifies the use of the appropriations made in 2013, 143 (HB 1-A) relative to nursing homes.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

03/12/2015 0700s

6May2015… 1501h




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Fifteen

AN ACT relative to appropriations for nursing homes.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 Health and Human Services; Nursing Home Appropriations. Amend 2013, 143:1, accounting unit 05-95-48-481510-5942 by replacing the organizational notes immediately following such accounting unit with the following:


*The appropriation contained in classes 504, 505, 506, and 529 may only be transferred between and among said classes. The appropriations shall not lapse or be used for any other purpose. The appropriations shall not be considered for budget reductions required pursuant to sections 10 and 14 of this act or any other budget reduction, including executive orders required of the department of health and human services. Any balance remaining at the end of each fiscal year shall be paid proportionately to providers as a lump sum distribution of surplus funds based on Medicaid payments made to each provider during the fiscal year.

2 Health and Human Services; Nursing Home Appropriations. Pursuant to the organization note contained in 2013, 143:1, accounting unit 05-95-48-481510-5942, as amended in section 1 of this act, for any balance in class 504 nursing home payments that remained at the end of fiscal year 2014, the department of health and human services shall pay the entire amount immediately upon passage of this act in a lump sum distribution of surplus funds paid proportionately to providers based on Medicaid payments made to each provider during the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2014. Upon payment of the distribution of surplus funds made pursuant to this act, the department shall report the total amount of surplus, by source of funds, the total amount paid, and the date payment was made to the fiscal committee of the general court.

3 Health and Human Services; Choices for Independence Appropriations. Notwithstanding the organization note contained in 2013, 143:1, accounting unit 05-95-48-481510-5942, as amended in section 1 of this act, from any balance that remained in classes 505, mid-level care expenses, 506 home support waiver services, and 529, home health care waiver services, at the end of fiscal year 2014, the department of health and human services shall make a supplemental, one-time payment to current providers equal to 2 percent of the Medicaid payments made to each provider during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. The department shall make such payment immediately upon finalization of fiscal year 2015 billings. After such payment is made, any remaining general fund balance in classes 505, 506, and 529 shall lapse to the general fund.

4 Health and Human Services; Choices for Independence Appropriations. Notwithstanding the organization note contained in 2013, 143:1, accounting unit 05-95-48-481510-5942, as amended in section 1 of this act, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2015, any general fund balance remaining in classes 505, mid-level care expenses, 506, home support waiver services, and 529, home health care waiver services, at the end of fiscal year 2015, shall lapse to the general fund.

5 Effective Date. This act shall take effect upon its passage.



Revised 02/27/15


AN ACT relative to appropriations for nursing homes.


The Office of Legislative Budget Assistant states this bill, as introduced, will have no fiscal impact on state, county, or local revenues or expenditures.

The Office of Legislative Budget Assistant is awaiting information from the Department of Health and Human Services and the New Hampshire Association of Counties relative to the potential fiscal impact of this bill. The Department and the Association were contacted on 2/06/15 to provide the information.


The Office of Legislative Budget Assistant states this bill does not require the state, a city or town, or a county to appropriate or expend any additional funds. The Office states this bill clarifies existing footnote language concerning long term care appropriations included in the FY 2014-15 operating budget (Chapter 143, Laws of 2013).