02/15/2018   0487s







AN ACT relative to notice to school districts of out-of-home placements.


SPONSORS: Sen. Reagan, Dist 17; Sen. Ward, Dist 8; Sen. Giuda, Dist 2; Sen. Watters, Dist 4; Sen. Kahn, Dist 10; Rep. Ladd, Graf. 4; Rep. M. Moffett, Merr. 9; Rep. Cordelli, Carr. 4


COMMITTEE: Education






This bill requires the department of health and human services to notify the child's school district of an out-of-home placement recommended or initiated by the department in a juvenile court proceeding.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

02/15/2018   0487s 18-2928





In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Eighteen


AN ACT relative to notice to school districts of out-of-home placements.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  Child Protection Act; Notice to School District of Out-of-Home Placement; Development of Transition Plan.  Amend RSA 169-C:20-a to read as follows:

169-C:20-a  Notice to School District of Out-of-Home Placement; Development of Transition Plan [Required].  

I.  If the department of health and human services recommends or initiates an out-of-home placement or a change in placement [that will result in a change of school assignment], whether within or out of the district, the department shall notify the school district as soon as possible of the change in placement and shall work with the school district to determine how, consistent with the best interest of the child, to assure the child's educational stability [to allow the school district to participate in the facilitation of a successful transition of the child from one school to the next].

II.  When necessary to transition the child to a different school or school district, the department and school district shall develop a transition plan for the child.  The objective of the plan shall be to minimize the number of placements for the child and to facilitate any change in placement or school assignment with the least [emotional and mental impact to the child] disruption to the child's education.  To the extent appropriate, the child may be involved in the formation of the plan.

2  New Section; Delinquent Children; Notice to School District of Out-of-Home Placement; Development of Transition Plan.  Amend RSA 169-B by inserting after section 22 the following new section:  

169-B:22-a  Notice to School District of Out-of-Home Placement; Development of Transition Plan.

I.  If the department of health and human services recommends or initiates an out-of-home placement or a change in placement, whether within or out of the district, the department shall notify the school district as soon as possible of the change in placement and shall work with the school district to determine how, consistent with the best interest of the child, to assure the child's educational stability.

II.  When necessary to transition the child to a different school or school district, the department and school district shall develop a transition plan for the child.  The objective of the plan shall be to minimize the number of placements for the child and to facilitate any change in placement or school assignment with the least disruption to the child's education.  To the extent appropriate, the child may be involved in the formation of the plan.

3  New Section; Children in Need of Services; Notice to School District of Out-of-Home Placement; Development of Transition Plan.  Amend RSA 169-D by inserting after section 18-a the following new section:

169-D:18-b  Notice to School District of Out-of-Home Placement; Development of Transition Plan.

I.  If the department of health and human services recommends or initiates an out-of-home placement or a change in placement, whether within or out of the district, the department shall notify the school district as soon as possible of the change in placement and shall work with the school district to determine how, consistent with the best interest of the child, to assure the child's educational stability.

II.  When necessary to transition the child to a different school or school district, the department and school district shall develop a transition plan for the child.  The objective of the plan shall be to minimize the number of placements for the child and to facilitate any change in placement or school assignment with the least disruption to the child's education.  To the extent appropriate, the child may be involved in the formation of the plan.

4  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.