02/06/2014 0414s





AN ACT relative to the regulation of electricians by the electricians’ board.

SPONSORS: Sen. D'Allesandro, Dist 20

COMMITTEE: Executive Departments and Administration


This bill clarifies apprenticeship requirements for licensure, requires a fee for inspections, and updates the reference to the National Electrical Code.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.



02/06/2014 0414s


In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Fourteen

AN ACT relative to the regulation of electricians by the electricians’ board.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 Fees; Inspections. Amend RSA 319-C:6-b to read as follows:

319-C:6-b Fees. The board shall establish application fees for examination of applicants, fees for inspections done pursuant to RSA 319-C:5, fees for licensure, for renewal, and for late renewal of licenses to practice under this chapter, and for transcribing and transferring records and other services. The fee for examination shall not include fees charged by and paid to an examination entity approved by the board. The fees established by the board shall be sufficient to produce estimated revenues equal to 125 percent of the direct operating expenses of the board for the previous fiscal year. Fees collected shall be deposited in the general fund as unrestricted revenue.

2 Licensing Requirements; Apprentice Service. Amend RSA 319-C:7, II(a) to read as follows:

(a) [Between 2 and 4 years’] Completion of 8,000 hours of service as an apprentice electrician. The board may give credit toward such service for the satisfactory completion of a course of instruction in the field at a school recognized by the board; and

3 Violations; Homeowner’s Exception. Amend RSA 319-C:15 to read as follows:

319-C:15 Violations; Penalty; Homeowner’s Exception.

I. A person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, if a natural person, or a felony if any another person, who:

(a) Makes electrical installations without being licensed under this chapter, except as provided in paragraph II;

(b) Being in the electrical business, employs an unlicensed person, other than an apprentice, to make electrical installations, unless the person or installation is exempted under this chapter;

(c) Wrongfully or fraudulently procures a license under this chapter;

(d) Violates any provision of this chapter or rule adopted by the board; or

(e) Wrongfully or fraudulently represents himself or herself as a person licensed under this chapter.

II. Nothing in this chapter shall prevent a homeowner from making electrical installations in or about a single family residence owned and occupied by him or her or to be occupied by him or her as his or her bona fide personal abode.

4 Definition; New Hampshire Building Code; NEC. Amend RSA 155-A:1, IV to read as follows:

IV. “New Hampshire building code” or “state building code” means the adoption by reference of the International Building Code 2009, the International Existing Building Code 2009, the International Plumbing Code 2009, the International Mechanical Code 2009, the International Energy Conservation Code 2009, and the International Residential Code 2009, as published by the International Code Council, and the National [Electric] Electrical Code [2011] 2014, as amended by the state building code review board and ratified by the legislature in accordance with RSA 155-A:10. The provisions of any other national code or model code referred to within a code listed in this definition shall not be included in the state building code unless specifically included in the codes listed in this definition.

5 Effective Date.

I. Section 4 of this act shall take effect January 1, 2015.

II. The remainder of this act shall take effect upon its passage.





AN ACT relative to the regulation of electricians by the electricians’ board.


The Joint Board of Licensure and Certification states this bill, as introduced, will increase state general fund revenue by an indeterminable amount in FY 2015 and each year thereafter. There will be no impact on county and local revenue, or state, county, and local expenditures.


The Joint Board of Licensure and Certification states this bill requires the Electrician’s Board to establish a fee for inspections conducted pursuant to RSA 319:C-5. In addition, the bill allows the Electricians’ Board to regulate electrical installations by individuals regardless of whether they are compensated for the installation, clarifies apprenticeship requirements for licensure, and updates references to the National Electrical Code. The Joint Board states that although the revenue impact of the proposed inspection fee is indeterminable, it expects to receive approximately 40 inspection requests per year. Since the bill does not establish the amount of the per-inspection fee, that amount will need to be determined by the Electricians’ Board and enshrined in administrative rule. The Joint Board emphasizes that it cannot predict the fee amount that the Electricians’ Board will choose, but states that the Manufactured Housing Installation Standards Board currently charges $250 per inspection. Should the Electricians’ Board opt to levy the same fee, fee revenue would be approximately $10,000 per year, which would be deposited into the general fund pursuant to RSA 319-C:6-b. The Joint Board states that existing inspection staff will perform the inspections, so there will be no impact on state expenditures.