27Apr2011… 1478h





AN ACT relative to the division of weights and measures and fees for licensing weighing devices and the definition of service technician.

SPONSORS: Sen. Carson, Dist 14; Sen. Bradley, Dist 3; Sen. Barnes, Jr., Dist 17; Rep. B. Patten, Carr 4

COMMITTEE: Executive Departments and Administration


This bill:

I. Eliminates the rulemaking authority of the commissioner of the department of agriculture, markets and food to set fees for licensing weighing devices.

II. Allows service technicians to issue state seals.

III. Sets a fee schedule for licensing weighing devices.

IV. Requires the commissioner of the department of agriculture, markets and food to make an annual report to the house and senate regarding consumer complaints, inspections, and audits.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

27Apr2011… 1478h




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Eleven

AN ACT relative to the division of weights and measures and fees for licensing weighing devices and the definition of service technician.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 New Section; Fees for Licensing Commercial Devices. Amend RSA 438 by inserting after section 10 the following new section:

438:10-a Fees for Licensing Commercial Devices. The following annual device license fees shall be charged for the following categories:

I. Scales 100 pounds or less, $18 each;

II. Scales over 100 pounds to 2,000 pounds, $27 each;

III. Scales over 2,000 pounds to 5,000 pounds, $54 each;

IV. Non-vehicle scales over 5,000 pounds, $90 each;

V. Vehicle scales, $180 each;

VI. Lift truck/fork lifts, on board weighing systems/scales, $90 each;

VII. On board weighing systems/scales, refuse or recyclable materials collection trucks, $90 each;

VIII. Analytical balances, $36 each;

IX. Retail motor fuel dispensers, except liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas dispensers, $18 per meter;

X. Liquefied petroleum gas retail motor fuel dispensers, $54 per meter;

XI. Natural gas retail motor fuel dispensers, $54 per meter;

XII. Liquid vehicle tank meters, except liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas meters, $54 per meter;

XIII. Liquid bulk storage meters, $90 per meter;

XIV. Liquefied gas meters, $90 per meter;

XV. Taxi meters, $27 per meter; and

XVI. Linear and cordage measures, $18 per meter.

2 Service Technicians. Amend RSA 438:1, XIII to read as follows:

XIII. “Registered service technician” means an individual who holds a valid certificate of registration from the department of agriculture, markets, and food who, for hire, installs, services, repairs, reconditions, tests, seals, or calibrates a commercial weighing or measuring device.

3 New Paragraph; Commissioner of Agriculture, Markets and Food; Annual Report. Amend RSA 438:7 by inserting after paragraph VIII the following new paragraph:

IX. The commissioner shall make an annual report on October 1 of each year to the house and senate committees on executive departments and administration and to the house and senate clerks including the number of consumer complaints, the number of inspections, and the number of audits during the prior fiscal year for meters, scales, and other devices.

3 Service Technicians. Amend RSA 438:14-a to read as follows:

438:14-a Registered Service Technician. A registered service technician who installs, services, repairs, reconditions, tests, or calibrates a commercial weighing or measuring device shall [mark] seal said device in a manner approved by the commissioner. This [mark] seal shall authorize the device owner to use a licensed device unless rejected pursuant to RSA 438:14.

4 Repeal. RSA 438:8, I(h)(1)-(2) relative to the authority of the commissioner of the department of agriculture markets and food to set fees for the testing and licensing of weighing devices, is repealed.

5 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2011.



Amended 04/28/11


AN ACT relative to the division of weights and measures and fees for licensing weighing devices and the definition of service technician.


The Department of Agriculture states this bill, as amended by the House (Amendment #2011-1478h), will decrease state general fund revenue by $181,080 in FY 2012 and each year thereafter, and will have an indeterminable fiscal impact on state general fund, county, and local expenditures in FY 2012 and each year thereafter. There is no fiscal impact on county and local revenue.


The Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food states this bill establishes fees for licensing of commercial weighing devices in statute, removes the Department’s authority to establish fees for commercial weighing devices, and allows registered service technicians to seal commercial weighing devices. The Department states the change in fees will decrease state general fund revenue by $181,080 in FY 2012 and each year thereafter. The Department states this bill will have an indeterminable fiscal impact on state general fund expenditures. The Department assumes there will be an increased workload associated with monitoring and inspecting devices certified by licensed service technicians to ensure they are in compliance with the Department’s rules. However, the Department is not able to determine the impact of this workload on state expenditures. In addition, the decrease in revenue may result in an indeterminable decrease in the Department’s expenditures. The Department also states there will be an indeterminable fiscal impact on county and local expenditures. To the extent the county or municipality uses the Department to inspect commercial weighing devices they may have a decrease in expenditures. If a county or municipality uses a registered service technician they may have an increase or decrease in expenditure depending on the fees charged by the registered service technician.