


AN ACT increasing the rate of the road toll, increasing the vehicle registration fee, and establishing the New Hampshire state and municipal road and bridge account.

SPONSORS: Rep. Campbell, Hills 33; Rep. Bouchard, Merr 18; Rep. McConkey, Carr 3; Rep. Barry, Hills 21; Rep. Tatro, Ches 15; Rep. Lovejoy, Rock 36; Rep. A. Schmidt, Sull 1; Sen. Watters, Dist 4; Sen. Pierce, Dist 5

COMMITTEE: Public Works and Highways


This bill:

I. Establishes the New Hampshire state and municipal road and bridge account.

II. Increases the road toll over a 3-year period.

III. Increases the vehicle registration fee for certain classes of vehicles.

IV. Provides for adjustment in payments by the department of transportation to municipalities for highway construction and reconstruction aid when such payments are based on estimated revenue.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Thirteen

AN ACT increasing the rate of the road toll, increasing the vehicle registration fee, and establishing the New Hampshire state and municipal road and bridge account.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 New Subparagraph; Application of Receipts. Amend RSA 6:12, I(b) by inserting after subparagraph (310) the following new subparagraph:

(311) Moneys deposited in the New Hampshire state and municipal road and bridge account established under RSA 260:32-a.

2 Levy of Tolls and Exemptions. Amend the introductory paragraph of RSA 260:32 to read as follows:

260:32 Levy of Tolls and Exemptions. There is hereby imposed a road toll of $.18 per gallon upon the sale of each gallon of motor fuel sold by distributors thereof. The road toll on gasoline shall increase to $.22 per gallon beginning July 1, 2013; to $.26 per gallon beginning July 1, 2014; and to $.30 per gallon beginning July 1, 2015. The road toll on special fuel (diesel) shall increase to $.20 per gallon on July 1, 2013; to $.22 per gallon on July 1, 2014; to $.24 per gallon on July 1, 2015; to $.26 per gallon on July 1, 2016; to $.28 per gallon on July 1, 2017; and to $.30 per gallon on July 1, 2018. The road toll shall be collected by the distributor from the purchaser and remitted to the state in the manner hereinafter set forth. All amounts collected in excess of $.18 per gallon shall be deposited on a monthly basis into the New Hampshire state and municipal road and bridge account established in RSA 260:32-a. Provided, that the road toll shall not apply to:

3 New Section; Account Established. Amend RSA 260 by inserting after section 32 the following new section:

260:32-a Account Established. There is hereby established a separate account in the highway fund called the New Hampshire state and municipal road and bridge account. The account is to be used exclusively for the construction, reconstruction, and maintenance of state and municipal roads and bridges to improve safe travel for motorists, create jobs, and promote commerce, tourism, and economic growth in the state. The account shall consist of the funds attributable to all road toll revenue collected in excess of $.18 per gallon and all increases over 2012 rates in vehicle registration fees under RSA 261:141, III(g) and (h). The amount deposited into the New Hampshire road and bridge account is hereby exclusively and continually appropriated to the department of transportation and shall be nonlapsing.

4 Department of Safety; Motor Vehicle Registration Fees Increased. Amend RSA 261:141, III(g) and (h) to read as follows:

(g)(1) For all motor vehicles other than those in RSA 261:141, I:

Beginning Beginning Beginning

July 1, 2013 July 1, 2014 July 1, 2015

0-3000 lbs. $31.20 [($2.60 per month)] $36.20 $41.20 $46.20

3001-5000 lbs. $43.20 [($3.60 per month)] $48.20 $53.20 $58.20

5001[-8000] lbs. and above $55.20 [($4.60 per month)] $62.70 $70.20 $77.70

[8001-73,280 $.96 per hundred lbs. gross weight]

(2) All registration fees under subparagraph (1) shall be prorated accordingly on a monthly basis in the case of registrations issued for more or less than a 12-month period.

[(h) Truck-tractors to be used in conjunction with a semi-trailer, gross weight shall include the weight of such tractors, the weight of the heaviest semi-trailer to be used therewith, and the weight of the maximum load to be carried thereby: up to 73,280 pounds $.96 per 100 pounds gross weight, over 73,280 pounds--$1.44 shall be charged for each 100 pounds gross weight or portion thereof in excess of 73,280 pounds.]

5 Block Grant Aid; Apportionment. Amend RSA 235:23, I to read as follows:

I. Apportionment A. In each fiscal year, the commissioner shall allocate an amount not less than 12 percent of the estimated total road toll revenue and motor vehicle fees to be collected [in the preceding] during the fiscal year to a local highway aid fund. This fund shall be distributed to each city, town, and unincorporated place on a formula in which 1/2 of the amount is based on the proportion which the mileage of regularly maintained class IV and class V highways in each municipality, as of January 1 of the previous year, bears to the total of such mileage in the state; and 1/2 of the amount is based on the proportion which the office of energy and planning population estimate of each municipality bears to the latest estimate of the total population of the state as of July 1 of the year of the estimate. Since the payment is based upon estimated revenues to be received during the fiscal year, the following year's payment shall be adjusted for any overpayment or underpayment during the prior year based upon the actual audited total road toll revenues and motor vehicle fees collected. The aid to be distributed under this paragraph shall be in addition to all other state and federal aid specifically authorized by statute.

6 New Section; State Bridge Aid. Amend RSA 234 by inserting after section 4 the following new section:

234:4-a State Bridge Aid. Beginning in fiscal year 2016, the state allocation under this chapter to municipalities for state bridge aid shall be no less than $13,600,000 per year.

7 Effective Date. This act shall take effect July 1, 2013.





AN ACT increasing the rate of the road toll, increasing the vehicle registration fee, and establishing the New Hampshire state and municipal road and bridge account.


Due to time constraints, the Office of Legislative Budget Assistant is unable to provide a fiscal note for this bill, as introduced, at this time. When completed, the fiscal note will be forwarded to the House Clerk's Office.