




AN ACT relative to the pre-engineering technology curriculum.


SPONSORS: Rep. Major, Rock. 14; Rep. Ladd, Graf. 4; Rep. Gile, Merr. 27; Rep. DeSimone, Rock. 14; Rep. Murotake, Hills. 32; Rep. T. Wolf, Hills. 7


COMMITTEE: Education






This bill amends the references to the pre-engineering technology curriculum and advisory council, and requires the development and implementation of a pre-engineering and technology curriculum for public school students in kindergarten through grade 12.  


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.






In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Seventeen


AN ACT relative to the pre-engineering technology curriculum.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  Pre-Engineering Technology Curriculum; Subdivision Heading Amended.  Amend the subdivision heading preceding RSA 188-E:14 to read as follows:

Pre-Engineering and Technology Curriculum and

Pre-Engineering and Technology Advisory Council

2  Pre-Engineering and Technology Curriculum and Pre-Engineering and Technology Advisory Council; References Amended.  Amend RSA 188-E:14 and RSA 188-E:15 to read as follows:

188-E:14  Pre-Engineering and Technology Curriculum

I.  The department of education shall facilitate the development and implementation of a pre-engineering and technology curriculum in the public schools for students in [grades 6 through 12] kindergarten through grade 12 who are interested in careers in engineering or allied engineering fields, and shall encourage school districts to implement age-appropriate instruction and projects involving science, technology, engineering, and mathematics [for students in kindergarten through grade 5].

II.  The state board of education shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to course content, curricular requirements, and general procedures for implementing the pre-engineering and technology curriculum.  At a minimum, the curriculum shall include the following [courses] concepts:

(a)  Introduction to engineering design.

(b)  Principles of engineering.

(c)  Engineering design and development.

III.  In developing and implementing a pre-engineering and technology curriculum, the efforts of the department of education shall complement existing public and private actions, and shall include the pursuit of innovative public-private partnerships with businesses, nongovernmental organizations, academic institutions, and other appropriate groups.  Such partnerships shall at a minimum consist of a 50/50 match of public and private funds.  Teachers teaching in the pre-engineering and technology curriculum, shall be certified to teach the course work as required in this curriculum.

IV.  The department of education, in coordination with the regional vocational education centers, shall include in its biennial capital budget request, funding for the planning, construction, and renovation of equipment necessary for the operation of pre-engineering and technology curriculum in the public schools for students in [grades 6 through 12] kindergarten through grade 12.

V.  Public schools which implement the pre-engineering and technology curriculum shall be responsible for maintaining the program with funding requests made through the budgetary cycle.

VI.  The department of education shall develop a procedure for evaluating existing pre-engineering programs funded under this section and shall submit a report on the status of such programs to the speaker of the house of representatives and the president of the senate annually on December 1.

188-E:15  Pre-Engineering and Technology Advisory Council.  There is established a pre-engineering and technology advisory council to advise the department of education in the implementation, evaluation, and expansion of the pre-engineering and technology curriculum, to assist the department of education in pursuing public and private funds in order to ensure statewide access to pre-engineering and technology curriculum coursework for public school students in kindergarten through grade 12.

3  Pre-Engineering and Technology Curriculum and Pre-Engineering and Technology Advisory Council; Reference Amended.  Amend RSA 188-E:16, I(f) to read as follows:

(f)  Three superintendents from school administrative units in which at least one school offers a pre-engineering and technology curriculum to its students, appointed by the governor and council.

4  Pre-Engineering and Technology Curriculum and Advisory Council; Reference Amended.  Amend RSA 188-E:17 to read as follows:

188-E:17  Duties.  The advisory council shall advise the department of education in the following areas relative to the implementation of the pre-engineering and technology curriculum:

I.  Curriculum expansion and revision.

II.  Curriculum eligibility requirements.

III.  Curriculum quality.

IV.  Fund raising from private and other sources.

V.  Allocation of funds necessary for the curriculum.

VI.  Evaluation of performance of pre-engineering and technology program sites.

5  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.