22Mar2023... 0602h







AN ACT relative to certain assault offenses, bail eligibility for commission of certain assault offenses, and making a false report to a law enforcement officer.


SPONSORS: Rep. Roy, Rock. 31


COMMITTEE: Criminal Justice and Public Safety






This bill establishes a separate criminal penalty and bail conditions for assaults involving a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services worker.  The bill also establishes a criminal penalty for making a false report to a law enforcement officer.


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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

22Mar2023... 0602h 23-0635





In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Three


AN ACT relative to certain assault offenses, bail eligibility for commission of certain assault offenses, and making a false report to a law enforcement officer.


Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:


1  New Subparagraph; First Degree Assault; Assault of a Firefighter, EMS, or Law Enforcement Officer.  Amend RSA 631:1, I by inserting after subparagraph (d) the following new subparagraph:

(e)(1)  Knowingly or recklessly causes serious bodily injury to a police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services worker during the performance of such officer's official duty; or commits such an act against a police officer whether the officer is on duty or not, where it can be established that the intent was to harm the officer because of his or her present or previous employment as a law enforcement officer.

(2)  A law enforcement officer who has probable cause to believe that a person has violated this subparagraph may immediately arrest such person, without a warrant, and shall cause such person to be brought before a judge, either in person or otherwise, for a determination of bail.

2  New Subparagraph; Second Degree Assault; Assault of a Firefighter, EMS, or Law Enforcement Officer.  Amend RSA 631:2, I by inserting after subparagraph (f) the following new subparagraph:

(g)(1)  Purposely, knowingly, or recklessly causes bodily injury or unprivileged physical contact to a police officer, firefighter or emergency medical services worker during the performance of such officer's official duty.

(2)  A law enforcement officer who has probable cause to believe that a person has violated this subparagraph may immediately arrest such person, without a warrant, and shall cause such person to be brought before a judge, either in person or otherwise, for a determination of bail.

3  New Subparagraph; Simple Assault; Assault of a Firefighter, EMS, or Law Enforcement Officer.  Amend RSA 631:2-a, I by inserting after subparagraph (c) the following new subparagraph:

(d)(1)  After being warned to do so, and where physically possible, refuses to back away from and remain at a distance from a police officer as directed by the officer in the performance of their duty, where a reasonable officer would be in fear of their safety or the safety of a member of the public.

(2)  A law enforcement officer who has probable cause to believe that a person has violated this subparagraph may immediately arrest such person, without a warrant, and shall cause such person to be brought before a judge, either in person or otherwise, for a determination of bail.  If the court finds probable cause to believe such person has violated this subparagraph, the person shall be considered to be dangerous and may, after a full evidentiary hearing, be held without bail at the discretion of the court.  

4  False Reports to Law Enforcement.  Amend RSA 641:4 to read as follows:

641:4  False Reports to Law Enforcement.  

I.  A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if he or she:

[I.] (a)  Knowingly gives or causes to be given false information to any law enforcement officer with the purpose of inducing such officer to believe that another has committed an offense; or

[II.] (b)  Knowingly gives or causes to be given information to any law enforcement officer concerning the commission of an offense, or the danger from an explosive or other dangerous substance, knowing that the offense or danger did not occur or exist or knowing that he or she has no information relating to the offense or danger.

II.  A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if he or she knowingly reports to a law enforcement officer or agency, by word or action, false or baseless information regarding an allegation of criminal misconduct by a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services worker in the performance of such officer's duty.

III.  A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if he or she knowingly reports to a law enforcement officer or agency, by word or action, false or baseless information regarding an allegation of misconduct by a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services worker in the performance of such officer's duty.

5  Effective Date.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2024.









AN ACT relative to certain assault offenses, bail eligibility for commission of certain assault offenses, and making a false report to a law enforcement officer.


FISCAL IMPACT:      [ X ] State              [ X ] County               [    ] Local              [    ] None




Estimated Increase / (Decrease)


FY 2023

FY 2024

FY 2025

FY 2026













Indeterminable Increase

Indeterminable Increase

Indeterminable Increase

Funding Source:

  [ X ] General            [    ] Education            [    ] Highway           [    ] Other


















Indeterminable Increase

Indeterminable Increase

Indeterminable Increase







This bill establishes a separate criminal penalty and bail conditions for assaults involving a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services worker.  The bill also establishes a criminal penalty for making a false report to a law enforcement officer. This bill contains penalties that may have an impact on the New Hampshire judicial and correctional systems. There is no method to determine how many charges would be brought as a result of the changes contained in this bill to determine the fiscal impact on expenditures.  However, the entities impacted have provided the potential costs associated with these penalties below.

Judicial Branch

FY 2023

FY 2024               through 12/31/23

FY 2024

(Starting 1/1/24 with repeal

of Felonies First)

Violation and Misdemeanor Level Offense




Complex Felony Case




Routine Criminal Case








Judicial Council

FY 2023

FY 2024

Public Defender Program

Has contract with State to provide services.

Has contract with State to provide services.

Contract Attorney - Felony


$105 administrative fee

$200 incarceration fee

(If applicable)


$105 administrative fee

$200 incarceration fee

(If applicable)

Contract Attorney – Misdemeanor


$70 administrative fee

$100 incarceration fee

(If applicable)


$70 administrative fee

$100 incarceration fee

(If applicable)

Assigned Counsel - Felony.       Travel time to court does not count toward the cap.

$90/Hour up to $5,500

$90/Hour up to $5,500

Assigned Counsel- Misdemeanor. Travel time to court does not count toward the cap.

$90/Hour up to $2,000

$90/Hour up to $2,000

Assigned Counsel - Supreme Court Appeal

$125/Hour up to $10,000

$125/Hour up to $10,000

It should be noted that a person needs to be found indigent and have the potential of being incarcerated to be eligible for indigent defense services. Historically, approximately 85% of the indigent defense caseload has been handled by the public defender program, with the remaining cases going to contract attorneys (14%) or assigned counsel (1%). Beginning in March of 2021, the public defender program has had to close intake of new cases due to excessive caseloads. Due to these closures, the contract and assigned counsel program have had to absorb significantly more cases. The system is experiencing significant delays in appointing counsel and the costs of representation have increased due to travel time and multiple appointments.

Department of Corrections

FY 2023

FY 2024

FY 2022 Average Cost of Incarcerating an Individual



FY 2022 Annual Marginal Cost of a General Population Inmate



FY 2022 Average Cost of Supervising an Individual on Parole/Probation



The Department notes any increase in the incarcerated population will have a direct impact on overtime costs given the Department’s history of challenges associated with recruitment. In addition, the NH State Prison for Men has a degrading infrastructure which will only be exacerbated if an increase in the incarcerated population were to occur.

NH Association of Counties

FY 2023

FY 2024

County Prosecution Costs



Estimated Average Daily Cost of Incarcerating an Individual

$105 to $125

$105 to $125


Many offenses are prosecuted by local and county prosecutors. When the Department of Justice has investigative and prosecutorial responsibility or is involved in an appeal, the Department may be able to absorb the cost within its existing budget. However, if the Department needs to prosecute significantly more cases or handle more appeals, then costs will increase by an indeterminable amount.  



Judicial Branch, Departments of Corrections and Justice, Judicial Council, and New Hampshire Association of Counties