1Feb2012… 0376h

28Mar2012… 1324h

04/25/12 1764s

30May2012… 2385EBA





AN ACT transferring the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center to a private nonprofit corporation and making supplemental appropriations.

SPONSORS: Rep. Vaillancourt, Hills 15

COMMITTEE: Executive Departments and Administration


This bill transfers the operations of the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center from the state to a private nonprofit corporation and includes a supplemental appropriation to the discovery center for this purpose.

The bill also makes a supplemental appropriation to the judicial council for payment of counsel for indigent parents in neglect and abuse cases.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.

1Feb2012… 0376h

28Mar2012… 1324h

04/25/12 1764s

30May2012… 2385EBA




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twelve

AN ACT transferring the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center to a private nonprofit corporation and making supplemental appropriations.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 Transfer of McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center to Private Operator. Pursuant to 2011, 224:88, II and as further provided in sections 2-8 of this act, all of the functions, positions, powers, duties, responsibilities, and funding of the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center shall be transferred from the commission established in RSA 12-L:3 to a private operator on January 1, 2013. The transfer provided in this section shall include all of the books, papers, and records of the discovery center, except for the equipment, software, buildings, and grounds of the discovery center which shall be transferred to the department of administrative services as provided in section 5 of this act.

2 New Paragraph; McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center; Definition of Private Operator. Amend RSA 12-L:1 by inserting after paragraph IV the following new paragraph:

V. “Private operator” means the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center corporation established in RSA 12-L:13 and the corporation’s board established in RSA 12-L:14 which is responsible for the management and operation of the discovery center beginning January 1, 2013.

3 New Subparagraph; Duties of the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Commission; Coordination with Private Operator. Amend RSA 12-L:7, I by inserting after subparagraph (f) the following new subparagraph:

(g) Coordinate with the private operator to achieve an orderly transition from operation of the discovery center as a state agency to operation of the discovery center by the private operator.

4 Status of Employees Pending Transition; Discovery Center Transition Fund Established; Transfer of Property and Funds. Amend RSA 12-L:8-11 to read as follows:

12-L:8 Director; Staff.

I. The commission shall employ a discovery center director and such staff as may be necessary to perform the duties assigned by the commission. The director shall be nominated by the commission and confirmed by the governor and council, and shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. The director shall be an unclassified employee whose salary shall be established under RSA 94:1-a. All other employees under this section shall be classified employees.

II. All employees of the discovery center shall remain state employees through midnight on December 31, 2012, allowing for any resignations, terminations, retirements, and new hires between the effective date of this paragraph and December 31, 2012. The state shall assume all applicable state post-retirement and payout costs for these employees. All state employees laid off from the discovery center on or before January 1, 2013 shall be eligible for inclusion in the state reduction-in-force list.

12-L:9 Gifts; Grants; Donations. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the commission is authorized to institute promotional programs to solicit and receive gifts, grants, or donations, of any kind, made for the development or operation of the discovery center. The commission may accept gifts, grants, and donations of money and property, other than real property, for use in institutional programs without the approval of the governor and council. All monetary grants, gifts, or donations intended for operations through December 31, 2012 shall be deposited in the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center fund. [Authority of the commission granted by this paragraph may be delegated to Touch the Future as the commission deems appropriate. Such delegation shall be reviewed from time to time and the commission shall have the authority to revoke or limit any such delegation.] All monetary grants, gifts, or donations for operations or endowments for use on or after January 1, 2013 shall be deposited in the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center transition fund established in RSA 12-L:10, II.

12-L:10 McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Fund and Transition Fund.

I. There is hereby established in the office of the state treasurer a fund to be known as the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center fund which shall be kept separate and distinct from all other funds. All fees received by the commission pursuant to RSA 12-L:7 and all monetary gifts, grants, and donations pursuant to RSA 12-L:9 intended for operations through December 31, 2012 shall be deposited in such fund. The fund is established to pay for the operational expenses of the discovery center and the commission incurred through December 31, 2012. The moneys in this fund shall be nonlapsing and shall be continually appropriated to the commission.

II. [Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the commission from establishing an endowment fund.] There is hereby established in the office of the state treasurer a fund to be known as the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center transition fund which shall be kept separate and distinct from all other funds. All monetary gifts, grants, and donations pursuant to RSA 12-L:9 intended for operations on or after January 1, 2013 shall be deposited in such fund and shall be used to assist the private operator in funding its operations on or after January 1, 2013.

12-L:11 Transfer of Funds. The commission may transfer funds between and among line items within the discovery center budget regardless of funding source or funding mix, except that such authority shall not apply to the use of donor designated funds or to the discovery center transition fund. On December 31, 2012, all property and assets of the discovery center, including the planetarium located in Concord, and the buildings and grounds related thereto, shall be transferred to the department of administrative services. Also on December 31, 2012, all funds in the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center transition fund shall be transferred to the private operator.

5 New Sections; Corporation Established; Board; Transfer of Discovery Center Grounds and Equipment. Amend RSA 12-L by inserting after section 12 the following new sections:

12-L:13 Corporation Established. There is hereby created a body politic and corporate which shall have a distinct legal existence separate from the state and shall not constitute a department of state government, to be known as the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center corporation to carry out the provisions of this chapter. The corporation shall be a private nonprofit corporation and shall have all of the powers necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter, including but not limited to, the power to receive and accept grants, loans, or advances of funds from any public or private agency and to receive and accept from any source, contributions of money, property, labor, or any other thing of value, to be held, used, and applied for the purposes of this chapter.

12-L:14 McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Board.

I. The powers of the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center corporation shall be vested in the members of a board consisting of not less than 9 members. One member shall be appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives and one member shall be appointed by the senate president. The number of, the means of selection for, the length of terms, and the initial selection of the remaining board members shall be determined by the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center commission, established in RSA 12-L:3, working in conjunction with any nonprofit organizations supporting the center, and shall be submitted to the fiscal committee of the general court for approval before September 1, 2012.

II. The McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center commission shall submit a business plan for the operation of the discovery center to the fiscal committee of the general court for approval by November 1, 2012.

III. The board is empowered to manage and operate the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center beginning January 1, 2013.

12-L:15 Discovery Center Equipment, Software, Buildings, and Grounds.

I. Ownership of the discovery center equipment, software, buildings, and grounds shall be retained by the state.

II. The state shall retain responsibility for all debt service incurred by the discovery center prior to January 1, 2013.

III. The state shall assume buildings and grounds routine maintenance and repair costs up to an amount appropriated by the general court, which shall not exceed $70,000 annually.

IV. The state shall enter into a 10-year, renewable lease with the private operator to occupy and operate the discovery center buildings and grounds and utilize the equipment and software beginning on January 1, 2013, at a charge of $1 per year. Either party may terminate this lease with 90 days notice if the other party fails to make a good faith effort to meet all of its obligations under RSA 12-L.

12-L:16 Discovery Center Exhibits, Equipment, Software Licenses, and Supplies.

I. The commission shall compile a comprehensive inventory of all equipment, including exhibits and software owned by the discovery center, on June 30, 2012, which shall be updated through December 31, 2012.

II. The annual lease to the private operator shall include the use of all exhibits and equipment owned by the discovery center on December 31, 2012. The state shall allow the private operator, at its own expense, to make any upgrades to the equipment, software, and exhibits the private operator deems necessary.

III. All equipment and exhibits on loan to the discovery center on June 30, 2012, shall be identified and updated in a timely manner through December 31, 2012.

IV. The discovery center director shall work with the private operator to contact the loaners and arrange for transfer of the loans to the private operator, for those loans that the private operator wishes to continue.

V. The state shall transfer at no cost all supplies belonging to the discovery center on December 31, 2012, to the private operator.

12-L:17 Discovery Center Visitor, Donor, Program Records and Archives. All publicly available donor, visitor, and program records and archival materials owned by the discovery center on December 31, 2012, shall continue to be available to the public and to the private operator.

12-L:18 State Funds.

I. All funds appropriated to the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center in 2011, 224:88 shall be transferred to the private operator on December 31, 2012.

II. All funds in the discovery center transition fund established in RSA 12-L:10, II shall be transferred to the private operator on December 31, 2012.

III. The private operator may apply for state grants for which it is eligible and shall receive due consideration in the state’s selection of grant recipients.

6 Supplemental Appropriation to McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center. In order to facilitate the transition of the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center to a private operator, the following sums are hereby appropriated to the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013. Funds appropriated pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other funds appropriated to the discovery center for this or any other purpose. Said appropriation shall be a charge against the funds as specified in the individual appropriation.




610010 McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center


010 Personal Services-Perm. Classi 54,757

019 Holiday Pay 3,210

020 Current Expenses 55,684

022 Rents-Leases Other Than State 1,448

024 Maint. Other Than Build.- Grnds 2,941

026 Organizational Dues 900

030 Equipment New/Replacement 9,000

040 Indirect Costs 14,258

042 Additional Fringe Benefits 2,574

046 Consultants 2,000

047 Own Forces Maint.-Build.-Grnds 764

048 Contractual Maint.-Build-Grnds 26,258

050 Personal Service-Temp/Appointe 87,962

060 Benefits 39,567

065 Board Expenses 100

070 In-State Travel Reimbursement 1,950

080 Out-Of State Travel 1,703

TOTAL 303,373



009 Agency Income 303,373





610010 McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center


010 Personal Services-Perm. Classi 157,327

011 Personal Services-Unclassified 46,289

018 Overtime 204

023 Heat- Electricity - Water 60,908

048 Contractual Maint.-Build-Grnds 11,600

060 Benefits 109,412

TOTAL 385,740



General Fund 385,740





610010 McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center


010 Personal Services-Perm. Classi 19,417

019 Holiday Pay 417

020 Current Expenses 12

040 Indirect Costs 2,466

042 Additional Fringe Benefits 913

050 Personal Service-Temp/Appointe 3,524

060 Benefits 14,439

106 Goods For Resale 11,273

TOTAL 52,461



009 Agency Income 52,461





610010 McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center

3481 DONATIONS FY 2013

020 Current Expenses 2

024 Maint. Other Than Build.- Grnds 2

030 Equipment New/Replacement 2

041 Audit Fund Set Aside 2

043 Debt Service 77,952

046 Consultants 2

066 Employee Training 2

070 In-State Travel Reimbursement 2

080 Out-Of State Travel 2

TOTAL 77,968



005 Private Local Funds 77,960










7 Appropriation Reduction. In the event that estimated revenue in revenue class 005-private local funds, and 009-agency income contained in section 6 of this act is less than budgeted, the total appropriation shall be reduced by the amount of the shortfall in either actual or projected budgeted revenue. The agency head shall notify the bureau of accounting services forthwith, in writing, as to precisely which line item appropriation and in what specific amounts reductions are to be made in order to fully compensate for the total revenue deficits.

8 Repeal. The following are repealed:

I. RSA 12-L:3-6, relative to the discovery center commission.

II. RSA 12-L:8, relative to discovery center staff.

III. RSA 12-L:9 and 11, relative to discovery center funds.

IV. RSA 6:12, I(b)(172), relative to discovery center funds.

V. RSA 12-L:10, relative to discovery center funds.

9 Supplemental Appropriation; Judicial Council; Counsel for Indigent Parents in Abuse and Neglect Cases. In addition to any other sums appropriated to the judicial council, the sum of $250,000 is hereby appropriated to the judicial council for the biennium ending June 30, 2013, for the purpose of covering costs associated with payment of counsel for indigent parents in abuse and neglect cases filed in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 and pending in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. The governor is hereby authorized to draw a warrant for said sum out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

10 Effective Date.

I. Paragraphs I, IV, and V of section 8 of this act shall take effect March 31, 2013.

II. Paragraphs II and III of section 8 of this act shall take effect January 1, 2013.

III. The remainder of this act shall take effect upon its passage.



Amended 04/11/12


AN ACT transferring the McAuliffe-Shepard discovery center to a private nonprofit corporation and making supplemental appropriations.


The Judicial Council states this bill, as amended by the House (Amendment #2012-1324h), will increase state general fund expenditures by $250,000 in FY 2012. The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center and Department of Administrative Services state this bill, as amended by the House (Amendment #2012-1324h), will have an indeterminable impact on state expenditures in FY 2013 and each year thereafter. There is no fiscal impact on state, county, or local revenue, or county or local expenditures.

This bill appropriates $250,000 from the state general fund to the Judicial Council in FY 2012 for the purposes of this act. This bill also appropriates $385,740 from the state general fund, $433,794 from other funds, and $8 from federal funds to the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in FY 2013 for the purposes of this act.


The Judicial Council states bill appropriates $250,000 of state general funds in FY 2012 to cover costs associated with payment of counsel for indigent parents in abuse and neglect cases filed in FY 2011 and pending in FY 2012.

The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center and Department of Administrative Services state this bill also transfers all functions, positions, powers, duties, responsibilities, and funding of the Center, including all books, papers, and records, from the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Commission to a private operator, which would be the non-profit corporation also established in this bill. In determining this bill’s impact, both entities assume, under the arrangement currently in place, state general fund support for the Center would have continued annually, with an increase in state funding required, beginning in FY 2013, to a rate based on the $763,037 of state general funds appropriated to the Center in FY 2012, increased at an inflation rate of 2.5% per year. Both entities assume this bill’s transfer of the Center to a private operator will result in a decrease in state general fund expenditures by those projected amounts, with savings in FY 2013 adjusted for this bill’s supplemental appropriation ($377,297 = $763,037 - $385,740 supplemental appropriation).

FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016

Projected Savings ($377,297) ($782,113) ($801,666) ($821,707)

Both entities state the transfer will be effective December 31, 2012, so this bill makes supplemental appropriations for the first half of FY 2013 to aid in accomplishing this transition. The funds are appropriated to four accounting units within the Discovery Center’s budget, totaling the following amount in FY 2013:

Federal Funds $8

General Funds $385,740

Other Funds $433,794

Total Funds $819,542

Both entities state these funds will support the Center’s operations during the first half of FY 2013 before the transfer takes place, and would be in addition to the $227,000 of state general funds already appropriated to the Center in FY 2013 in Chapter 244:88, Laws of 2011.

The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center and Department of Administrative Services state despite the transfer to a private operator, this bill would require the state to continue to own the software and equipment used by the Center and the buildings and grounds upon which the Center is located, and be responsible for certain routine maintenance and repair costs. These maintenance and repair costs, beginning January 1, 2013, would include the salary and benefits for a maintenance supervisor position (LG 21), as well as the costs for supplies, materials, and services associated with routine buildings and grounds maintenance and repair. After the transfer to the private operator, both entities assume the state would cover the costs associated with HVAC, building elevators, parking lot repairs, landscaping, pyramid and window washing, fire suppression, fire and building alarm monitoring and testing, water backflow testing, and snow plowing. Both entities assume the private operator would be responsible for all janitorial costs and supplies, utilities, exhibit and program-related equipment repairs and upgrades.

Both entities state this bill would also require the state to lease the software, equipment, buildings, and grounds to the private operator for a ten year period for $1 a year and to continue to be responsible for debt service on debt incurred by the Discovery Center before January 1, 2013. Both entities assume this bill would also require the state to be responsible in FY 2013 for paying off the leave balances of the Discovery Center’s employees who would cease being state employees after the transfer to the private operator. Their estimates of these state general fund costs are as follows:

FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016

Maintenance Supervisor $36,812 $74,816 $76,673 $76,723

Buildings/Grounds $57,810 $94,892 $97,265 $99,697

Debt Service $339,847 $422,343 $412,158 $401,816

Leave Payout to Employees $131,046 $0 $0 $0

Total Projected Costs $565,515 $592,051 $586,096 $578,236

The Discovery Center also states state expenditures may increase due to unemployment claims for any Center employees terminated as a result of the transfer, although it cannot estimate an amount.

When combining the projected state general fund costs with the Discovery Center’s assumed state general fund savings, the net impact to the state is as follows:

FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016

Projected Savings ($377,297) ($782,113) ($801,666) ($821,707)

Projected Costs $565,515 $592,051 $586,096 $578,236

Net Cost / (Savings) $188,218 ($190,062) ($215,570) ($243,471)