


AN ACT relative to the definition of slot machines and the duties of game operators and game operator employers.

SPONSORS: Rep. D. Sullivan, Hills 42

COMMITTEE: Executive Departments and Administration


This bill exempts certain electronic table aids from the definition of slot machine.

This bill also requires licensed game operators or game operator employers to keep certain records.

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Explanation: Matter added to current law appears in bold italics.

Matter removed from current law appears [in brackets and struckthrough.]

Matter which is either (a) all new or (b) repealed and reenacted appears in regular type.




In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Fourteen

AN ACT relative to the definition of slot machines and the duties of game operators and game operator employers.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 Definition of Games of Chance. Amend RSA 287-D:1, II to read as follows:

II. “Games of chance” means any game involving gambling as defined by RSA 647:2, II, or any lottery prohibited by RSA 647:1, but shall not include any game involving the use of a slot machine or any other device in the nature of a slot machine, 50/50 raffles as defined in RSA 287-A:1, III, or ice-out contests as defined in RSA 287-D:1, IV. “Slot machine” shall not include an electronic table that aids in the dealing and administration of approved card games of chance; provided that the electronic table game does not operate using a random number generator or similar system.

2 New Paragraph; Duties of Game Operators or Game Operator Employers During Operation of Games. Amend RSA 287-D:2-b by inserting after paragraph XV the following new paragraph:

XVI.(a) A game operator or game operator employer conducting games of chance where chips have monetary value on behalf of a charity shall maintain the following minimum records:

(1) A list of each unique card player each day and the total amount of wagers by that player on that day.

(2) A record available to any player on a day of game play showing how long that player has been playing that day and a list of all monetary transactions by that player on that day in order to assist a player in management of time spent in card play.

(3) A record or system available to a player to view the previous hand played in any card game, even after a new hand is dealt.

(4) An electronic record for each player using a driver’s license or other form of state issued identification as confirmation of that player’s identity and demonstration that the individual player is of permitted age for gaming in the state of New Hampshire.

(b) The records created shall be auditable, protect against unauthorized and underage players, reasonably protect against cheating and player collusion, and provide complete accounting of all funds collected and how they are disbursed. The records required may include a detailed record of all transactions or players actions as established by rule of the racing and charitable gaming commission.

(c) Electronic devices and software used to aid in the dealing and administration of card games and maintenance of the records required under this paragraph shall be private, secure, free from tampering, comply with all appropriate state laws and administrative rules, shall not use a random number generator or other similar operating system, be Gaming Laboratories International certified and shall be licensed in at least one state that has its own internal gaming and or licensing division. Manufacturers or distributors of such devices shall comply with RSA 287-D:3.

3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect 60 days after its passage.





AN ACT relative to the definition of slot machines and the duties of game operators and game operator employers.


The Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission states this bill, as introduced, will have an indeterminable fiscal impact on state revenue and expenditures in FY 2014 and each year thereafter. There is no impact on county and local revenue and expenditures.


The Racing and Charitable Gaming Commission states this bill exempts certain electronic table aids from the definition of slot machines and requires licensed game operators or game operator employers to keep certain records. The Commission states that the electronic table games are the same as regular table games but with a video component added. The Commission has no information to determine if the addition of electronic table games will attract additional game players. As a result of not knowing if additional game players will be attracted, the Commission is not able to determine the additional, if any, impact on state expenditures and revenue. The Commission states in FY 2013 charitable gaming generated $4,674,168 for charities, and $1,533,325 in state revenue. The Commission also states the record keeping requirements of this bill will have no fiscal impact on the state but may cost more for game operators to comply.