S                                                                                                                                                     1




Short Title:        Salary Increase for School Employees.



Senators Parmon and Robinson (Primary Sponsors).

Referred to:

Appropriations/Base Budget.

April 4, 2013


AN ACT to provide salary increases for public school employees.

The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:


teacher salary schedules

SECTION 1.(a)  It is the intent of the General Assembly to move teacher salaries to the national average by the 2019‑2020 school year.

SECTION 1.(b)  The following monthly salary schedules shall apply for the 2013‑2014 fiscal year to certified personnel of local school administrative units who are classified as teachers. The schedules contain 37 steps, with each step corresponding to one year of teaching experience. Employees paid according to this salary schedule and receiving NBPTS certification or obtaining a master's degree shall not be prohibited from receiving the appropriate increase in salary. Provided, however, teachers employed during the 2012‑2013 school year who did not work the required number of months to acquire an additional year of experience shall not receive a decrease in salary as otherwise would be required by the salary schedule below.

2013‑2014 Monthly Salary Schedule

"A" Teachers

         Years of Experience                       "A" Teachers                      NBPTS Certification

                      0‑2                                        $3,172                                       N/A

                      3‑5                                        $3,172                                     $3,553

                      6                                           $3,216                                     $3,602

                      7                                           $3,262                                     $3,653

                      8                                           $3,402                                     $3,810

                      9                                           $3,548                                     $3,974

                    10                                           $3,687                                     $4,129

                    11                                           $3,822                                     $4,281

                    12                                           $3,930                                     $4,402

                    13                                           $3,981                                     $4,459

                    14                                           $4,031                                     $4,515

                    15                                           $4,084                                     $4,574

                    16                                           $4,135                                     $4,631

                    17                                           $4,188                                     $4,691

                    18                                           $4,242                                     $4,751

                    19                                           $4,296                                     $4,812

                    20                                           $4,353                                     $4,875

                    21                                           $4,410                                     $4,939

                    22                                           $4,467                                     $5,003

                    23                                           $4,529                                     $5,072

                    24                                           $4,590                                     $5,141

                    25                                           $4,650                                     $5,208

                    26                                           $4,714                                     $5,280

                    27                                           $4,778                                     $5,351

                    28                                           $4,847                                     $5,429

                    29                                           $4,914                                     $5,504

                    30                                           $4,981                                     $5,579

                    31                                           $5,050                                     $5,656

                    32                                           $5,121                                     $5,736

                    33                                           $5,195                                     $5,818

                    34                                           $5,269                                     $5,901

                    35                                           $5,371                                     $6,016

                    36+                                         $5,478                                     $6,135

2013‑2014 Monthly Salary Schedule

"M" Teachers

         Years of Experience                      "M" Teachers                      NBPTS Certification

                      0‑2                                        $3,489                                       N/A

                      3‑5                                        $3,489                                     $3,908

                      6                                           $3,538                                     $3,963

                      7                                           $3,588                                     $4,019

                      8                                           $3,742                                     $4,191

                      9                                           $3,903                                     $4,371

                    10                                           $4,056                                     $4,543

                    11                                           $4,204                                     $4,708

                    12                                           $4,323                                     $4,842

                    13                                           $4,379                                     $4,904

                    14                                           $4,434                                     $4,966

                    15                                           $4,492                                     $5,031

                    16                                           $4,549                                     $5,095

                    17                                           $4,607                                     $5,160

                    18                                           $4,666                                     $5,226

                    19                                           $4,726                                     $5,293

                    20                                           $4,788                                     $5,363

                    21                                           $4,851                                     $5,433

                    22                                           $4,914                                     $5,504

                    23                                           $4,982                                     $5,580

                    24                                           $5,049                                     $5,655

                    25                                           $5,115                                     $5,729

                    26                                           $5,185                                     $5,807

                    27                                           $5,256                                     $5,887

                    28                                           $5,332                                     $5,972

                    29                                           $5,405                                     $6,054

                    30                                           $5,479                                     $6,136

                    31                                           $5,555                                     $6,222

                    32                                           $5,633                                     $6,309

                    33                                           $5,715                                     $6,401

                    34                                           $5,796                                     $6,492

                    35                                           $5,908                                     $6,617

                    36+                                         $6,026                                     $6,749

SECTION 1.(c)  The following monthly salary schedules shall apply for the 2014‑2015 fiscal year to certified personnel of local school administrative units who are classified as teachers. The schedules contain 38 steps, with each step corresponding to one year of teaching experience. Employees paid according to this salary schedule and receiving NBPTS certification or obtaining a master's degree shall not be prohibited from receiving the appropriate increase in salary. Provided, however, teachers employed during the 2013‑2014 school year who did not work the required number of months to acquire an additional year of experience shall not receive a decrease in salary as otherwise would be required by the salary schedule below.

2014‑2015 Monthly Salary Schedule

"A" Teachers

         Years of Experience                       "A" Teachers                      NBPTS Certification

                      0‑2                                        $3,267                                       N/A

                      3‑6                                        $3,267                                     $3,659

                      7                                           $3,312                                     $3,709

                      8                                           $3,360                                     $3,763

                      9                                           $3,504                                     $3,924

                    10                                           $3,654                                     $4,092

                    11                                           $3,798                                     $4,254

                    12                                           $3,937                                     $4,409

                    13                                           $4,048                                     $4,534

                    14                                           $4,100                                     $4,592

                    15                                           $4,152                                     $4,650

                    16                                           $4,207                                     $4,712

                    17                                           $4,259                                     $4,770

                    18                                           $4,314                                     $4,832

                    19                                           $4,369                                     $4,893

                    20                                           $4,425                                     $4,956

                    21                                           $4,484                                     $5,022

                    22                                           $4,542                                     $5,087

                    23                                           $4,601                                     $5,153

                    24                                           $4,665                                     $5,225

                    25                                           $4,728                                     $5,295

                    26                                           $4,790                                     $5,365

                    27                                           $4,855                                     $5,438

                    28                                           $4,921                                     $5,512

                    29                                           $4,992                                     $5,591

                    30                                           $5,061                                     $5,668

                    31                                           $5,130                                     $5,746

                    32                                           $5,202                                     $5,826

                    33                                           $5,275                                     $5,908

                    34                                           $5,351                                     $5,993

                    35                                           $5,427                                     $6,078

                    36                                           $5,532                                     $6,196

                    37+                                         $5,642                                     $6,319

2014‑2015 Monthly Salary Schedule

"M" Teachers

         Years of Experience                      "M" Teachers                      NBPTS Certification

                      0‑2                                        $3,594                                       N/A

                      3‑6                                        $3,594                                     $4,025

                      7                                           $3,643                                     $4,080

                      8                                           $3,696                                     $4,140

                      9                                           $3,854                                     $4,316

                    10                                           $4,019                                     $4,501

                    11                                           $4,178                                     $4,679

                    12                                           $4,331                                     $4,851

                    13                                           $4,453                                     $4,987

                    14                                           $4,510                                     $5,051

                    15                                           $4,567                                     $5,115

                    16                                           $4,628                                     $5,183

                    17                                           $4,685                                     $5,247

                    18                                           $4,745                                     $5,314

                    19                                           $4,806                                     $5,383

                    20                                           $4,868                                     $5,452

                    21                                           $4,932                                     $5,524

                    22                                           $4,996                                     $5,596

                    23                                           $5,061                                     $5,668

                    24                                           $5,132                                     $5,748

                    25                                           $5,201                                     $5,825

                    26                                           $5,269                                     $5,901

                    27                                           $5,341                                     $5,982

                    28                                           $5,413                                     $6,063

                    29                                           $5,491                                     $6,150

                    30                                           $5,567                                     $6,235

                    31                                           $5,643                                     $6,320

                    32                                           $5,722                                     $6,409

                    33                                           $5,803                                     $6,499

                    34                                           $5,886                                     $6,592

                    35                                           $5,970                                     $6,686

                    36                                           $6,085                                     $6,815

                    37+                                         $6,206                                     $6,951

SECTION 1.(d)  Annual longevity payments for teachers shall be at the rate of one and one‑half percent (1.5%) of base salary for 10 to 14 years of State service, two and twenty‑five hundredths percent (2.25%) of base salary for 15 to 19 years of State service, three and twenty‑five hundredths percent (3.25%) of base salary for 20 to 24 years of State service, and four and one‑half percent (4.5%) of base salary for 25 or more years of State service. The longevity payment shall be paid in a lump sum once a year.

SECTION 1.(e)  Teachers employed by local school administrative units with certification based on academic preparation at the six‑year degree level shall receive a salary supplement of one hundred twenty‑six dollars ($126.00) per month in addition to the compensation provided for certified personnel of local school administrative units who are classified as "M" teachers. Teachers employed by local school administrative units with certification based on academic preparation at the doctoral degree level shall receive a salary supplement of two hundred fifty‑three dollars ($253.00) per month in addition to the compensation provided for certified personnel of local school administrative units who are classified as "M" teachers.

SECTION 1.(f)  The first step of the salary schedule for school psychologists shall be equivalent to step 10, corresponding to 10 years of experience for the 2013‑2014 fiscal year and step 11 for the 2014‑2015 fiscal year, on the salary schedule established in this section for certified personnel employed by local school administrative units who are classified as "M" teachers. Certified psychologists shall be placed on the salary schedule at an appropriate step based on their years of experience. Certified psychologists shall receive longevity payments based on years of State service in the same manner as teachers.

Certified psychologists with certification based on academic preparation at the six‑year degree level shall receive a salary supplement of one hundred twenty‑six dollars ($126.00) per month in addition to the compensation provided for certified psychologists. Certified psychologists with certification based on academic preparation at the doctoral degree level shall receive a salary supplement of two hundred fifty‑three dollars ($253.00) per month in addition to the compensation provided for certified psychologists.

SECTION 1.(g)  Speech pathologists who are certified as speech pathologists at the master's degree level and audiologists who are certified as audiologists at the master's degree level and who are employed by local school administrative units as speech and language specialists and audiologists shall be paid on the school psychologist salary schedule.

Speech pathologists and audiologists with certification based on academic preparation at the six‑year degree level shall receive a salary supplement of one hundred twenty‑six dollars ($126.00) per month in addition to the compensation provided for speech pathologists and audiologists. Speech pathologists and audiologists with certification based on academic preparation at the doctoral degree level shall receive a salary supplement of two hundred fifty‑three dollars ($253.00) per month in addition to the compensation provided for speech pathologists and audiologists.

SECTION 1.(h)  Certified school nurses who are employed by local school administrative units as nurses shall be paid on the "M" salary schedule.

SECTION 1.(i)  As used in this section, the term "teacher" shall also include instructional support personnel.



SECTION 2.(aThe following base salary schedule for school‑based administrators shall apply only to principals and assistant principals. This base salary schedule shall apply for the 2013‑2014 fiscal year, commencing July 1, 2013. Provided, however, school‑based administrators (i) employed during the 2012‑2013 school year who did not work the required number of months to acquire an additional year of experience and (ii) employed during the 2013‑2014 school year in the same classification shall not receive a decrease in salary as otherwise would be required by the salary schedule below.

2013‑2014 Principal and Assistant Principal Salary Schedules


Years of Exp         Assistant               Prin I                Prin II             Prin III            Prin IV

                             Principal               (0‑10)              (11‑21)          (22‑32)           (33‑43)

          0‑9                $3,943                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        10                   $4,096                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        11                   $4,247                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        12                   $4,367                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        13                   $4,424                $4,424                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        14                   $4,478                $4,478                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        15                   $4,538                $4,538             $4,595                     ‑                      ‑

        16                   $4,595                $4,595             $4,654                     ‑                      ‑

        17                   $4,654                $4,654             $4,712            $4,773                      ‑

        18                   $4,712                $4,712             $4,773            $4,836            $4,900

        19                   $4,773                $4,773             $4,836            $4,900            $4,964

        20                   $4,836                $4,836             $4,900            $4,964            $5,032

        21                   $4,900                $4,900             $4,964            $5,032            $5,100

        22                   $4,964                $4,964             $5,032            $5,100            $5,168

        23                   $5,032                $5,032             $5,100            $5,168            $5,238

        24                   $5,100                $5,100             $5,168            $5,238            $5,309

        25                   $5,168                $5,168             $5,238            $5,309            $5,386

        26                   $5,238                $5,238             $5,309            $5,386            $5,459

        27                   $5,309                $5,309             $5,386            $5,459            $5,534

        28                   $5,386                $5,386             $5,459            $5,534            $5,610

        29                   $5,459                $5,459             $5,534            $5,610            $5,690

        30                   $5,534                $5,534             $5,610            $5,690            $5,771

        31                   $5,610                $5,610             $5,690            $5,771            $5,855

        32                   $5,690                $5,690             $5,771            $5,855            $5,968

        33                   $5,771                $5,771             $5,855            $5,968            $6,086

        34                   $5,855                $5,855             $5,968            $6,086            $6,208

        35                   $5,968                $5,968             $6,086            $6,208            $6,332

        36                   $6,086                $6,086             $6,208            $6,332            $6,459

        37                             ‑                $6,027             $6,332            $6,459            $6,588

        38                             ‑                          ‑             $6,459            $6,588            $6,720

        39                             ‑                          ‑             $6,588            $6,720            $6,854

        40                             ‑                          ‑                       ‑            $6,854            $6,991

        41                             ‑                          ‑                       ‑            $6,991            $7,131

        42                             ‑                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑            $7,273

2013‑2014 Principal and Assistant Principal Salary Schedules


Years of Exp         Prin V                   Prin VI             Prin VII          Prin VIII

                             (44‑54)                (55‑65)            (66‑100)        (101+)

          0‑19              $5,032                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑

        20                   $5,100                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑

        21                   $5,168                $5,238                       ‑                     ‑

        22                   $5,238                $5,309             $5,459                     ‑

        23                   $5,309                $5,386             $5,534            $5,610

        24                   $5,386                $5,459             $5,610            $5,690

        25                   $5,459                $5,534             $5,690            $5,771

        26                   $5,534                $5,610             $5,771            $5,855

        27                   $5,610                $5,690             $5,855            $5,968

        28                   $5,690                $5,771             $5,968            $6,086

        29                   $5,771                $5,855             $6,086            $6,208

        30                   $5,855                $5,968             $6,208            $6,332

        31                   $5,968                $6,086             $6,332            $6,459

        32                   $6,086                $6,208             $6,459            $6,588

        33                   $6,208                $6,332             $6,588            $6,720

        34                   $6,332                $6,459             $6,720            $6,854

        35                   $6,459                $6,588             $6,854            $6,991

        36                   $6,588                $6,720             $6,991            $7,131

        37                   $6,720                $6,854             $7,131            $7,273

        38                   $6,854                $6,991             $7,273            $7,418

        39                   $6,991                $7,131             $7,418            $7,566

        40                   $7,131                $7,273             $7,566            $7,718

        41                   $7,273                $7,418             $7,718            $7,872

        42                   $7,418                $7,566             $7,872            $8,030

        43                   $7,566                $7,718             $8,030            $8,191

        44                             ‑                $7,872             $8,191            $8,354

        45                             ‑                $8,030             $8,354            $8,521

        46+                          ‑                          ‑             $8,521            $8,691

SECTION 2.(b)  The following base salary schedule for school‑based administrators shall apply only to principals and assistant principals. This base salary schedule shall apply for the 2014‑2015 fiscal year, commencing July 1, 2014. Provided, however, school‑based administrators (i) employed during the 2013‑2014 school year who did not work the required number of months to acquire an additional year of experience and (ii) employed during the 2014‑2015 school year in the same classification shall not receive a decrease in salary as otherwise would be required by the salary schedule below.

2014‑2015 Principal and Assistant Principal Salary Schedules


Years of Exp         Assistant               Prin I                Prin II             Prin III            Prin IV

                             Principal               (0‑10)              (11‑21)          (22‑32)           (33‑43)

          0‑10              $4,061                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        11                   $4,219                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        12                   $4,374                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        13                   $4,498                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        14                   $4,557                $4,557                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        15                   $4,612                $4,612                       ‑                     ‑                      ‑

        16                   $4,674                $4,674             $4,733                     ‑                      ‑

        17                   $4,733                $4,733             $4,794                     ‑                      ‑

        18                   $4,794                $4,794             $4,853            $4,916                      ‑

        19                   $4,853                $4,853             $4,916            $4,981            $5,047

        20                   $4,916                $4,916             $4,981            $5,047            $5,113

        21                   $4,981                $4,981             $5,047            $5,113            $5,183

        22                   $5,047                $5,047             $5,113            $5,183            $5,253

        23                   $5,113                $5,113             $5,183            $5,253            $5,323

        24                   $5,183                $5,183             $5,253            $5,323            $5,395

        25                   $5,253                $5,253             $5,323            $5,395            $5,468

        26                   $5,323                $5,323             $5,395            $5,468            $5,548

        27                   $5,395                $5,395             $5,468            $5,548            $5,623

        28                   $5,468                $5,468             $5,548            $5,623            $5,700

        29                   $5,548                $5,548             $5,623            $5,700            $5,778

        30                   $5,623                $5,623             $5,700            $5,778            $5,861

        31                   $5,700                $5,700             $5,778            $5,861            $5,944

        32                   $5,778                $5,778             $5,861            $5,944            $6,031

        33                   $5,861                $5,861             $5,944            $6,031            $6,147

        34                   $5,944                $5,944             $6,031            $6,147            $6,269

        35                   $6,031                $6,031             $6,147            $6,269            $6,394

        36                   $6,147                $6,147             $6,269            $6,394            $6,522

        37                   $6,269                $6,269             $6,394            $6,522            $6,653

        38                             ‑                $6,027             $6,522            $6,653            $6,786

        39                             ‑                          ‑             $6,653            $6,786            $6,922

        40                             ‑                          ‑             $6,786            $6,922            $7,060

        41                             ‑                          ‑                       ‑            $7,060            $7,201

        42                             ‑                          ‑                       ‑            $7,201            $7,345

        43                             ‑                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑            $7,491

2014‑2015 Principal and Assistant Principal Salary Schedules


Years of Exp         Prin V                   Prin VI             Prin VII          Prin VIII

                             (44‑54)                (55‑65)            (66‑100)        (101+)

          0‑20              $5,183                          ‑                       ‑                     ‑

        21                   $5,253                         ‑                       ‑                     ‑

        22                   $5,323                $5,395                       ‑                     ‑

        23                   $5,395                $5,468             $5,623                     ‑

        24                   $5,468                $5,548             $5,700            $5,778

        25                   $5,548                $5,623             $5,778            $5,861

        26                   $5,623                $5,700             $5,861            $5,944

        27                   $5,700                $5,778             $5,944            $6,031

        28                   $5,778                $5,861             $6,031            $6,147

        29                   $5,861                $5,944             $6,147            $6,269

        30                   $5,944                $6,031             $6,269            $6,394

        31                   $6,031                $6,147             $6,394            $6,522

        32                   $6,147                $6,269             $6,522            $6,653

        33                   $6,269                $6,394             $6,653            $6,786

        34                   $6,394                $6,522             $6,786            $6,922

        35                   $6,522                $6,653             $6,922            $7,060

        36                   $6,653                $6,786             $7,060            $7,201

        37                   $6,786                $6,922             $7,201            $7,345

        38                   $6,922                $7,060             $7,345            $7,491

        39                   $7,060                $7,201             $7,491            $7,641

        40                   $7,201                $7,345             $7,641            $7,793

        41                   $7,345                $7,491             $7,793            $7,950

        42                   $7,491                $7,641             $7,950            $8,108

        43                   $7,641                $7,793             $8,108            $8,271

        44                   $7,793                $7,950             $8,271            $8,437

        45                             ‑                $8,108             $8,437            $8,605

        46                             ‑                $8,271             $8,605            $8,777

        47+                          ‑                          ‑             $8,777            $8,952

SECTION 2.(c)  The appropriate classification for placement of principals and assistant principals on the salary schedule, except for principals in alternative schools and in cooperative innovative high schools, shall be determined in accordance with the following schedule:

Number of Teachers

Classification                                              Supervised

Assistant Principal

Principal I                                             Fewer than 11 Teachers

Principal II                                            11‑21 Teachers

Principal III                                          22‑32 Teachers

Principal IV                                          33‑43 Teachers

Principal V                                           44‑54 Teachers

Principal VI                                          55‑65 Teachers

Principal VII                                         66‑100 Teachers

Principal VIII                                        More than 100 Teachers

The number of teachers supervised includes teachers and assistant principals paid from State funds only; it does not include teachers or assistant principals paid from non‑State funds or the principal or teacher assistants.

The beginning classification for principals in alternative schools and in cooperative innovative high school programs shall be the Principal III level. Principals in alternative schools who supervise 33 or more teachers shall be classified according to the number of teachers supervised.

SECTION 2.(d)  A principal shall be placed on the step on the salary schedule that reflects total number of years of experience as a certificated employee of a local school administrative unit and an additional step for every three years of experience as a principal. Provided, however, a principal who acquires an additional step for the 2013‑2014 or 2014‑2015 fiscal years shall not receive a corresponding increase in salary during the 2013‑2015 fiscal biennium. A principal or assistant principal shall also continue to receive any additional State‑funded percentage increases earned for the 1997‑1998, 1998‑1999, and 1999‑2000 school years for improvement in student performance or maintaining a safe and orderly school.

SECTION 2.(e)  Principals and assistant principals with certification based on academic preparation at the six‑year degree level shall be paid a salary supplement of one hundred twenty‑six dollars ($126.00) per month and at the doctoral degree level shall be paid a salary supplement of two hundred fifty‑three dollars ($253.00) per month.

SECTION 2.(f)  Longevity pay for principals and assistant principals shall be as provided for State employees under the State Personnel Act.

SECTION 2.(g)  If a principal is reassigned to a higher job classification because the principal is transferred to a school within a local school administrative unit with a larger number of State‑allotted teachers, the principal shall be placed on the salary schedule as if the principal had served the principal's entire career as a principal at the higher job classification.

If a principal is reassigned to a lower job classification because the principal is transferred to a school within a local school administrative unit with a smaller number of State‑allotted teachers, the principal shall be placed on the salary schedule as if the principal had served the principal's entire career as a principal at the lower job classification.

This subsection applies to all transfers on or after the effective date of this section, except transfers in school systems that have been created, or will be created, by merging two or more school systems. Transfers in these merged systems are exempt from the provisions of this subsection for one calendar year following the date of the merger.

SECTION 2.(h)  Participants in an approved full‑time master's in school administration program shall receive up to a 10‑month stipend at the beginning salary of an assistant principal during the internship period of the master's program. For the 2006‑2007 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years, the stipend shall not exceed the difference between the beginning salary of an assistant principal plus the cost of tuition, fees, and books and any fellowship funds received by the intern as a full‑time student, including awards of the Principal Fellows Program. The Principal Fellows Program or the school of education where the intern participates in a full‑time master's in school administration program shall supply the Department of Public Instruction with certification of eligible full‑time interns.

SECTION 2.(i)  During the 2013‑2015 fiscal biennium, the placement on the salary schedule of an administrator with a one‑year provisional assistant principal's certificate shall be at the entry‑level salary for an assistant principal or the appropriate step on the teacher salary schedule, whichever is higher.


central office salaries

SECTION 3.(a)  The monthly salary ranges that follow apply to assistant superintendents, associate superintendents, directors/coordinators, supervisors, and finance officers for the 2013‑2014 fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2013.

School Administrator I                           $3,449             $6,469

School Administrator II                          $3,657             $6,862

School Administrator III                        $3,882             $7,280

School Administrator IV                        $4,038             $7,569

School Administrator V                         $4,200             $7,876

School Administrator VI                        $4,456             $8,352

School Administrator VII                       $4,635             $8,689

The local board of education shall determine the appropriate category and placement for each assistant superintendent, associate superintendent, director/coordinator, supervisor, or finance officer within the salary ranges and within funds appropriated by the General Assembly for central office administrators and superintendents. The category in which an employee is placed shall be included in the contract of any employee.

SECTION 3.(b)  The monthly salary ranges that follow apply to assistant superintendents, associate superintendents, directors/coordinators, supervisors, and finance officers for the 2014‑2015 fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2014.

School Administrator I                           $3,552             $6,663

School Administrator II                          $3,767             $7,068

School Administrator III                        $3,998             $7,498

School Administrator IV                        $4,159             $7,796

School Administrator V                         $4,326             $8,112

School Administrator VI                        $4,590             $8,603

School Administrator VII                       $4,774             $8,950

The local board of education shall determine the appropriate category and placement for each assistant superintendent, associate superintendent, director/coordinator, supervisor, or finance officer within the salary ranges and within funds appropriated by the General Assembly for central office administrators and superintendents. The category in which an employee is placed shall be included in the contract of any employee.

SECTION 3.(c)  The monthly salary ranges that follow apply to superintendents employed by local school administrative units for the 2013‑2014 fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2013.

Superintendent I                                    $4,920             $9,217

Superintendent II                                   $5,223             $9,775

Superintendent III                                  $5,541           $10,369

Superintendent IV                                  $5,881           $10,999

Superintendent V                                   $6,242           $11,670

The local board of education shall determine the appropriate category and placement for the superintendent based on the average daily membership of the local school administrative unit and within funds appropriated by the General Assembly for central office administrators and superintendents.

SECTION 3.(d)  The monthly salary ranges that follow apply to superintendents employed by local school administrative units for the 2014‑2015 fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2014.

Superintendent I                                    $5,068             $9,494

Superintendent II                                   $5,380           $10,068

Superintendent III                                  $5,707           $10,680

Superintendent IV                                  $6,057           $11,329

Superintendent V                                   $6,429           $12,020

The local board of education shall determine the appropriate category and placement for the superintendent based on the average daily membership of the local school administrative unit and within funds appropriated by the General Assembly for central office administrators and superintendents.

SECTION 3.(e)  Longevity pay for superintendents, assistant superintendents, associate superintendents, directors/coordinators, supervisors, and finance officers shall be as provided for State employees under the State Personnel Act.

SECTION 3.(f)  Superintendents, assistant superintendents, associate superintendents, directors/coordinators, supervisors, and finance officers with certification based on academic preparation at the six‑year degree level shall receive a salary supplement of one hundred twenty‑six dollars ($126.00) per month in addition to the compensation provided pursuant to this section. Superintendents, assistant superintendents, associate superintendents, directors/coordinators, supervisors, and finance officers with certification based on academic preparation at the doctoral degree level shall receive a salary supplement of two hundred fifty‑three dollars ($253.00) per month in addition to the compensation provided for under this section.

SECTION 3.(g)  The State Board of Education shall not permit local school administrative units to transfer State funds from other funding categories for salaries for public school central office administrators.

SECTION 3.(h)  The salaries of all permanent full‑time personnel paid from the Central Office Allotment shall be increased by three percent (3.0%), commencing July 1, 2013, and by an additional three percent (3.0%), commencing July 1, 2014. The State Board of Education shall allocate these funds to local school administrative units. The local boards of education shall establish guidelines for providing salary increases to these personnel.



SECTION 4.(a)  The annual salary increase for permanent, full‑time noncertified employees of local school administrative units whose salaries are supported from the State's General Fund shall be three percent (3.0%), commencing July 1, 2013, and by an additional three percent (3.0%), commencing July 1, 2014.

SECTION 4.(b)  Local boards of education shall increase the rates of pay for such employees who were employed for all or part of fiscal year 2012‑2013 and who continue their employment for fiscal year 2013‑2014 by providing an annual salary increase for employees of three percent (3.0%).

Local boards of education shall increase the rates of pay for such employees who were employed for all or part of fiscal year 2013‑2014 and who continue their employment for fiscal year 2014‑2015 by providing an annual salary increase for employees of three percent (3.0%).

For part‑time employees, the pay increase shall be pro rata based on the number of hours worked.

SECTION 4.(c)  The State Board of Education may adopt salary ranges for noncertified personnel to support increases of three percent (3.0%) for the 2013‑2014 fiscal year and an additional three percent (3.0%) for the 2014‑2015 fiscal year.



SECTION 5.  Funds in the Reserve for Compensation Increases shall be used to increase annual salaries by three percent (3.0%) for the 2013‑2014 fiscal year and by an additional three percent (3.0%) for the 2014‑2015 fiscal year for employees of schools operated by the Department of Public Instruction, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Public Safety, who are paid on the Teacher Salary Schedule or the School‑Based Administrator Salary Schedule.



SECTION 6.  There is appropriated from the General Fund to the Reserve for Compensation Increases the sum of two hundred fourteen million seven hundred ninety‑three thousand three hundred thirty‑one dollars ($214,793,331) for the 2013‑2014 fiscal year and the sum of four hundred thirty‑six million thirty thousand four hundred sixty‑one dollars ($436,030,461) for the 2014‑2015 fiscal year to implement the provisions of this act.



SECTION 7.  This act becomes effective July 1, 2013.