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Short Title:        Reestablish NC Progress Board.



Senator Hartsell (Primary Sponsor).

Referred to:

Rules and Operations of the Senate.

March 12, 2013


AN ACT to REESTABLISH the north carolina progress board.

The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:

SECTION 1.  Chapter 116 of the General Statutes is amended by adding a new Article to read:

"Article 35.

"North Carolina Progress Board.

"§ 116‑290.  North Carolina Progress Board.

(a)        The North Carolina Progress Board is established. The Board shall be located administratively in the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina and is located at North Carolina State University but shall exercise all its prescribed statutory powers independently of the Board of Governors.

(b)        The North Carolina Progress Board shall consist of 14 members as follows:

(1)        The Governor, ex officio;

(2)        Seven persons appointed by the Governor, none of whom shall be State employees or officers;

(3)        Three persons appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and

(4)        Three persons appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.

(c)        The Governor shall be chair of the North Carolina Progress Board. The Governor shall appoint a vice‑chair from among the membership of the North Carolina Progress Board to serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The North Carolina Progress Board may elect such other officers as it sees fit.

(d)        The North Carolina Progress Board shall meet at least twice annually on the call of the chair or as additionally provided by the North Carolina Progress Board. A quorum is eight members of the Board. Members may not send designees to Board meetings, nor may they vote by proxy.

(e)        Initial appointments shall be for terms to begin July 1, 2013. Of the Governor's appointments, four shall be for two‑year terms and three shall be for four‑year terms. Of the appointments made by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, one shall be for a two‑year term and two shall be for a four‑year term. As terms expire, successors shall be appointed for four‑year terms.

(f)         No member may be appointed to more than two consecutive terms. A member of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House vacates membership on the North Carolina Progress Board when that person is no longer a member of the House of Representatives, except that if that person is in office at the expiration of the term of office in the House of Representatives but has not been elected to the next term, that person shall continue to serve until the convening of the regular session. A member of the Senate appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate vacates membership on the North Carolina Progress Board when that person is no longer a member of the Senate, except that if that person is in office at the expiration of the term of office in the Senate but has not been elected to the next term, that person shall continue to serve until the convening of the regular session.

"§ 116‑291.  Responsibilities.

(a)        The General Assembly notes that the Commission for a Competitive North Carolina developed goals in the following categories:

(1)        Healthy Children and Families;

(2)        Quality Education for All;

(3)        A High Performance Workforce;

(4)        A Prosperous Economy;

(5)        A Sustainable Environment;

(6)        Technology and Infrastructure Development;

(7)        Safe and Vibrant Communities; and

(8)        Active Citizenship/Accountable Government.

The Commission for a Competitive North Carolina adopted a report which established major goals and ways to measure progress toward these goals.

(b)        The General Assembly finds that the North Carolina Progress Board developed a report that focused on four of the Commission's recommended topics and issued 16 major targets for 2010. The objectives of the targets are to drive the State toward (i) a more expansive vision of education and environmental protection, (ii) strengthening families, and (iii) bringing more people into the economic mainstream.

(c)        The General Assembly finds that:

(1)        The North Carolina economy of the future can provide unparalleled opportunity while maintaining North Carolina's traditional values, if the State pursues the future with clarity of purpose and perseverance;

(2)        The North Carolina economy is in the midst of a massive transition created by technological changes, global competition, and new production practices; and

(3)        In order to maintain employment opportunities, increase income levels, reduce poverty, and generate the public revenues necessary to provide public services, North Carolina must increasingly rely on an economy which adds value to its natural and human resources and provides a diverse mix of products.

(d)        The North Carolina Progress Board shall:

(1)        Encourage the discussion and understanding of critical global and national social and economic trends that will affect North Carolina in the coming decades;

(2)        Examine the report of the Commission for a Competitive North Carolina and the 1997 report of the North Carolina Progress Board to the General Assembly;

(3)        Track the eight issue areas set out in subsection (a) of this section and the objectives set out in subsection (b) of this section and other issues identified by the Progress Board. The Progress Board may, upon vote of the Board, add to those issues identified by its predecessor Commission and Board;

(4)        Hold public hearings and other methods of public participation, including educational and outreach programs, to secure the views of citizens on priority goals for North Carolina and to disseminate findings and recommendations to policymakers;

(5)        Formulate and submit to North Carolinians a report every five years, beginning 2014, that updates the 20‑ to 30‑year vision for North Carolina and that describes and explains a vision for North Carolina's progress over the next 20 to 30 years;

(6)        Submit a report to the General Assembly prior to its convening the regular session every odd‑numbered year, which reports on social and economic trends and issues specific targets and milestones to accomplish its mission;

(7)        Recommend how the targets and milestones can be applied to increase the accountability of government to the people of this State;

(8)        Report periodically to the people of North Carolina on progress toward meeting goals, targets, and milestones;

(9)        Undertake new and ongoing policy research and benchmarking studies; and

(10)      Publish and distribute periodic reports on policies, performance improvement, and best practices for meeting the long‑term goals for the State.

(e)        The North Carolina Progress Board may apply for and accept gifts or grants.

(f)         The 2013 General Assembly and 2015 General Assembly shall further define the mission of the North Carolina Progress Board in continuing its work.

(g)        The General Assembly, after adopting the initial set of goals and measures as proposed or amended, may alter the goals and measures.

"§ 116‑292.  Staff.

(a)        The Chancellor of North Carolina State University shall appoint an Executive Director who shall serve at the pleasure of the Chancellor. The Executive Director shall report to the North Carolina Progress Board and the Chancellor. The Executive Director shall hire or contract with support staff, who shall work at the pleasure of the Executive Director.

(b)        The Office of State Budget and Management and other Executive Branch agencies shall also provide support, information, reports, and other assistance to the North Carolina Progress Board as requested."

SECTION 2.  This act becomes effective July 1, 2013.