A JOINT RESOLUTION honoring the life and memory of arthur w. williamson, former member of the general assembly.


Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson was born on November 6, 1911, in Cerro Gordo, North Carolina, to Marshall E. Williamson and Annie Belle Green Williamson; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson attended Cerro Gordo High School and Wake Forest College; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson was a farmer and fertilizer dealer in Columbus County; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson served as a member of the Columbus County Board of Health from 1944 to 1947 and the Columbus County Board of Welfare from 1940 to 1950, and served as chair of the Columbus County Board of Education from 1953 to 1954; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson donated land to many organizations in the Cerro Gordo area, including the Cerro Gordo Fire Department, Legionnaires Building, Cerro Gordo Baptist Church, Cerro Gordo Methodist Church and the Church's parsonage, and the Southeastern Community College, which received a generous donation of over 100 acres; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson served as District Supervisor of the United States Census, 7th Congressional District in 1950; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson served with honor and distinction in the General Assembly, serving as a Senator in 1955, 1959, and 1973, and as a Representative in 1961, 1963, 1965, and 1969; and

Whereas, during his tenure in the General Assembly, Arthur W. Williamson played a vital role in the development of North Carolina's Community College System; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson served on the North Carolina Board of Transportation from 1977 to 1981; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson was admired and respected by those who knew him, as well as those whom he served; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson died on July 31, 1999; and

Whereas, Arthur W. Williamson is survived by his wife, Catherine Price Williamson; a son, A. W. "Buddy" Williamson Jr.; four daughters, Betty W. Welch, Margaret W. Godwin, Jean Arthur Hammond, and Sarah W. Purvis; two stepsons, Tom Rothrock and Ken Rothrock; two stepdaughters, Catherine R. Nichols and Carey Redmond; 19 grandchildren, 22 great‑grandchildren, and 10 great‑great‑grandchildren; Now, therefore,


Be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring:


SECTION 1.  The General Assembly honors the life and memory of Arthur W. Williamson and expresses the appreciation of this State and its citizens for the service he rendered.

SECTION 2.  The General Assembly expresses its sympathy to the family of Arthur W. Williamson for the loss of a beloved family member.

SECTION 3.  The Secretary of State shall send a certified copy of this resolution to the family of Arthur W. Williamson.

SECTION 4.  This resolution is effective upon ratification.

In the General Assembly read three times and ratified this the 17th day of June, 2010.






                                                                         Walter H. Dalton

                                                                         President of the Senate






                                                                        William L. Wainwright

                                                                        Speaker Pro Tempore of the House of Representatives