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HOUSE DRH90081-MH-173  (03/11)




Short Title:        Mobility Fund Modifications.



Representative Hamilton.

Referred to:




AN ACT to revise the formula for evaluation of projects for funding from the Mobility fund to include drawbridge delay in calculations of Travel time savings.

The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:

SECTION 1.  Section 28.7(b) of S.L. 2010‑31 reads as rewritten:

"SECTION 28.7.(b)  The Department of Transportation shall develop selection criteria under G.S. 136‑188, as enacted by this act, and shall report to the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee on its development of the selection criteria. A preliminary report on the selection criteria for projects is due to the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee by October 1, 2010. A final report is due to the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee by December 15, 2010. When developing the project criteria and selection process, the Department shall give preferential consideration to projects qualified to receive State grants from the Congestion Relief and Intermodal Transportation 21st Century Fund under Article 19 of Chapter 136 of the General Statutes. When developing the project criteria and selection process, the Department shall involve the public and other stakeholders, including, but not limited to, the North Carolina Association of Municipal Planning Organizations, the North Carolina Association of Rural Planning Organizations, the North Carolina League of Municipalities, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, the North Carolina Metropolitan Mayors Coalition, and the North Carolina Council of Regional Governments. The North Carolina Department of Transportation shall include lift‑span or drawbridge delay associated with the raising, raised, and lowering positions of these bridge structures in the travel time savings calculations for projects considered by the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the potential use of Mobility Funds."

SECTION 2.  This act is effective when it becomes law.