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HOUSE RESOLUTION DRHR80204-LG-106  (03/26)






Representative Dockham.

Referred to:



A HOUSE RESOLUTION honoring those who established the Davidson County Industrial Education Center and Davidson County Community College.

Whereas, Davidson County Community College (DCCC) first opened its doors in August of 1963 as the Davidson County Industrial Education Center with 125 students; and

Whereas, Lexington's Felix Gee and Thomasville's Doak Finch worked tirelessly to garner the support needed to open the new Center; and

Whereas, the Lexington and Thomasville Chambers of Commerce, the city and county governments, the local school boards, and other local leaders and supporters came together as champions for education; and

Whereas, North Carolina then provided for the creation of community colleges by State law, and the Davidson County Industrial Education Center received its charter as Davidson County Community College in 1965; and

Whereas, DCCC built its programs over the decades, evolving from an institution providing vocational education and technical programs into an institution of higher learning offering transfer curricula for students continuing with their educations, state‑of‑the‑art advanced manufacturing labs ensuring success for students in a new economy, top‑of‑the‑line allied health education meeting our region's health care needs, and a myriad of other programs preparing students for enhanced career and educational opportunities within a changing global environment; and

Whereas, DCCC expanded its operations in Davie County throughout the 1980s and officially opened its Davie Campus in 1994 with the support of Davie citizens, city and county governments, and State leaders; and

Whereas, the DCCC Foundation, created in 1968, has provided a source of program support, scholarship assistance, and the ability to pursue new initiatives for the future; and

Whereas, DCCC has been skillfully led by William T. Sinclair, head of the Industrial Education Center (1963‑1965), and the College's three presidents, Grady E. Love (1965‑1982), J. Bryan Brooks (1982‑2002), and Mary E. Rittling (2003‑present); and

Whereas, DCCC now serves over 16,000 students a year at two campuses and three satellite centers; and

Whereas, DCCC has welcomed the return of athletics to campus with winning women's volleyball and men's basketball teams that contribute to a vibrant campus life that also teems with student clubs and other opportunities for active engagement outside the classroom; and

Whereas, DCCC is a leader locally, regionally, across the State, and nationwide and is proud to participate in such prestigious national initiatives as Achieving the Dream and Completion by Design and is also proud to have a global vision enhanced by international students, Fulbright Scholars, and opportunities for global travel; and

Whereas, from its humble beginnings 50 years ago to today, Davidson County Community College continues to have a singular purpose: student success; Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:

SECTION 1.  The House of Representatives honors the leadership and foresight of those in Davidson and Davie Counties who established the Davidson County Industrial Education Center and Davidson County Community College and expresses appreciation to those locally, regionally, statewide, and at the national level who show a continuing commitment to making DCCC a center for student success.

SECTION 2.  The House of Representatives joins with the citizens of Davidson and Davie Counties in celebrating the August 2013 anniversary of the first day of classes and in celebrating DCCC's entire 50th Anniversary year.

SECTION 3.  The Principal Clerk shall transmit a copy of this resolution to the President of Davidson County Community College.

SECTION 4.  This resolution is effective upon adoption.