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HOUSE RESOLUTION DRHR80194-LG-118  (03/27)






Representative Szoka.

Referred to:



A HOUSE RESOLUTION honoring the founders of the town of linden while observing the town's one HUNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY.

Whereas, the Town of Linden, located in Cumberland County, was named for a grove of linden trees in the area; and

Whereas, the Town was settled around 1800 and was once known as Little River Academy; and

Whereas, the Town was incorporated by the General Assembly on March 8, 1913; and

Whereas, the Town's first officers were Mayor D.L. McBryde and Commissioners Alexander McArtan, Theophilus Byrd, W.G. Dean, R.D. Collier, and R.R. Bell; and

Whereas, the Town has continued to prosper through the continued dedication, insight, and planning of its concerned leaders and citizens; and

Whereas, the 130 citizens of the Town of Linden are very proud of their heritage and look forward to their future; and

Whereas, the 100th anniversary of the Town is worthy of celebration and should be enjoyed and supported by all North Carolinians; Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the House of Representatives:

SECTION 1.  The House of Representatives wishes to honor the founders of the Town of Linden and congratulates the Town on its centennial anniversary.

SECTION 2.  The Principal Clerk shall transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Mayor of the Town of Linden.

SECTION 3.  This resolution is effective upon adoption.